HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-23, Page 5' , . The Goderich Lions Club welcomed six new menifirri`recently additional newcomers Bob Raymoni and Don Kenwell look on. • 40 - into she club. Herb Murphy, this years Lion President, places a -. Other' new member§ (not present for the photo'graph) were Jim Lions pin on the lapel of Fred Durst, a new member, S ...1:1.0.y.teir,!,Stu,ailbAiti,„,-,antl-DicIsAtriat'l-----qta . •7_-•._.--.---•,---.----,-„:..--.'----:..-..-..----.....-.-...'-----:---'•,-.•z,F.,T '....-:.„„,-'''., ' --- • -: - 1 . -:---------7-,..- 7, - .-----=.=—_,.-----: , . . -----t-t---Ir.---4.-"ir-44ff, - - ---ItAlr• • •Itir.,10P-•*-.0"-•••10.--',10r•••10:• .11107-10:1107;ligit ,V;r1:101; itE: jig: jefr: -.41r, Air. ../06• JO'. •,104.• 04 „ , A • • , • • GODER1CH SIGNAleSTAFSiTHIMSDAY;DECEMBER 24,197f Three games in • BY KEITH WILLIAMS 4, QnIy three games were played in the Central Huron Hockey League this week as, a game he Juveniles were suRposed.,to have t ' $#0.4 'aPti6tt. :i1,) 1, ViAtP•01.1.0 due to the fact that team members . were involved in examination a GDCI. the opening.game of action ori'Tuesday night in Clinton', Hayfield downed Holm'esville 74. In the 'Elia period Pete Postill opened. the scoring for Holmesville with an assist going to HillHogartivat 3:50. Bayfield came back rather strongly hOwever as Joe Livermore combined with Gord Fisher for two goals the first at 11:12 and the second at 11:42 and then Frank Hagan sunk one more for the Bayfield team with Wayne Doak getting the assist, Don Freeman scored at 1:36 from Wayne Doak to give Hayfield another marker but Art McDougall • scored- for Holmesville in . 'that second Period as ,well with assists on that effort going to Ron, Miller and Jim Hayter. The third period opened with George Gould combined with Joe Livermore' and Gord Fisher scoring for Bayfield at 1:09. Then .••• . unassaa-for Ho esvrile--' ontk- • to have Don Critwford • and Frank Haan come ack with two more Bayfield thrkers at AINSLIE'S •Ple,POIP ORDER YOUR FRESH gr. kk. • -13 IA EXTRA LEAN CHICKEN 'Ng WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF 'TURKEYS 41 -- Ba ck Ito 4:36 with Frank Hagan • and .Wayne Doak assisting and at 5:09 with Wayne Doak'and Lion schedule The Signal -Star will be . returning to its normal Freeman assisting. Ron Miller wrapped it up at 14:07 scoring for Holmesville from Harvey . 'scheduleCarter. for next week's • edition which . will be. published December 30. 4Advertising_and news copy deadlines will, besthe same as 'usual, but because of the short working week next • week, your co-operation with regard to sending in your ads - and news items early will be ▪ sincerely appreciated. and a happy New Year go out to all of you.from the staff at lk the Signal -Star. ' A very merry Christmas 1/4k. • • • • • Senior citizen CHICKEN )1, Christmas tt party held- , *GEES 1, The annual Christmas party for Goderich Senior Citizens was AND w held Wednesday evening, .,N December 15 with Rev. Leonard is Warr as master of ceremonies. tk1 A varied program. consisting of readings by Mrs. A. Straughn and Mrs. McKee, violin solo by kk. Mr. Bert McDonald accompanied' L. by Mrs. McKee on the piano, I b.69 A.seleetions on the violin by Mr. Bert Finlay, Mr. McDonald and t$r Mrs. McKee with Mrs. Finlay; at • the piano, Rev. and Mrs. Warr • rendering several vocal selections 4 and Ctristmas carols with • everyone joining • in, was • enjoyed. is It - MEATY - FRESH SPARE RIBS. REPEAT SPECIAL - BUTT OR SHOULDER PORK C1-10PS- iiiitiCHEESE MADEF1ESH DAILY SAUSAGES .• lb. •'M An *exchange of gifts and a •k!r- lovely lurch eoncluded• a. very Ib. 4 ' Several members are confined • to hospital. The next meeting is to be ipit 414 held January 5. New- me alway-S- I b. 5y $1..k.1 Lochalsh 11). • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. This if3/4. reporter says thanks to all 'who , called during the year with news items, and so, promoting the ' fflr I.L. column in this paper. " Sympathy of the'communitY I.4 is extended to Mrs. Emile MacLennan in the passing of her ic brother Howard of Port Huron on Thursday in hospital there. 14 The annual ' Christmas N program and fun daY-was held j&- on Wednesday_ afternoon at 44, 414 North Ashfield School. Children,: teachers, parents and friends had • an enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rot, • Macintosh, Pamela and John left ..by plane frbm. Matto!), on Thursday for a holiday in Florida. Allan Culbert isn't as wellas his many friend* -would like to see . him. He ,is at present hospitalrt Byronf Miss Florence MacLennan lost control of her car on IlvVy. 86 on Tuesday afterndon and received a bad shaking up. • Many home i along the highway are decorated for along in the eyening.hours there seems to be 1a wish expre'ssed that all hav a Happy Holiday Season. • • „. A magical 'season full of dreams come true ... that's what Christmas is. We wish you much joy. AINSLIE'S Home P.P. • essed Select Meat • i o . 14411*0 4era Olgs JO* Ve: JO JO .10: .70 igri 0:- ':04.0. IV: JP; 17. . . ' v , o r • ,..4, • In the first game of the Sunday night double header in Goderich SiftoSalt, and DRMCO( ' -battled to a 5:5-aeadlock. Jim McIver scored the only goal in .the first frame sinking • N • • the marker for Sifto from Ken Daer at 2:04, DRMCO came on *strong in the' second period as " they scored at the 17 second mark when' Ken -Meriam sunk ---ne from George Schiarn, John tirOtige Ifatolci teddy and Ed: Jones scored unassisted at 8:26. Sifto managed to reorganize late in - the period however and scored twice. _Derwyn Carter sunk one at 1i3:12 unassisted and Tom Crawford scored another from Ken Daer at 13:35. -In the final p,14,tiod Sifto and • -DRMCO split thescoring as Tom Crawford and Ken pier each scored with Derwyn Carter getting the assist op poth. goals the markers coming at the :38, and 56 second mark of that frame.- At 10:22 Ken Meriam scored unassisted and them Jphn Hodge tied it up for DRACO from Harold LeddY at 14:20. The second game ofthe evening also ended in a 55 tie, ...this time between Holmesville and Building Cent. In the first - and second periods it looked as though Building Centre had it all wrapped up as they scored a total of five markers by the end of the second 20 minute time slot. In the first period it was Bud -BOys at 4:35, and Rick and\ then Sowerby combined with Huck Iylillion and John Phillips ' at ' fox number three. ,inthe second period Building Centre kept" up thp attack as Earl Routley scored two more the first at 3:12 with the help of John Plii1lips. and the second unassisted at 8:38. •,In the final 20 minutes of the gams , however Holmesville rallied anit managed ,t,o come back and even. the_count-'Paul. Draper.. S'cored &Om Brian Triegner at 1:10; Draper_from Fkarvey \ Carter at 1:.54, Letters to the\Editor Dear Editor, . For the/past few weeks 1 have _read the debate between those people who support hunting arid those who condemrl it. Since I am a hunter and have a stake in the matter' I read their letters with considerable interest. Both sides of the story have been plainLy_stated__However 1 feel that this situation is getting * slightly out of hand. • In order to satisfy E. D: Fingland's request I will attempt . to elear up a few misconteptidns abdut the sport. First let us 'separate the troublemakers from the true sportsmen. There are depraved individuals in every large collection of people whether it be hunters, drivers or. the world as a whOle. Thankfully the bad elements are by far in' the minority. However, these people are the ones whom the hunting critics have chosen as images of all my fellow hunters. I doubt not, that men with guns kill' pets and young animals and leave othett‘ wounded because they are too lazy to pursue them. I fully agree that " these things, are contemptible. What. I balk at, hOwever, are, people who infer that these men are the • epitome of all hunters„ This is just not a ,trt.te representation of every hunter. So why do I hunt? Certainly not to make animals suffer. I go to treat lengths to make we -that I hit the animal in a .vital area and to dispatch wounded anie immediately. I suppose I hunt because it incorporates hiking, woodcraft, stalking, shooting and the thrill of the chase into one sport. I realize, that I could do much the same thing by -substituting a camera for a firearm. Sometimes I do hunt with a camem.. Conversely, every Tuesday night •Sees me shooting pktols at paper targets. I:figure it NiT balances out. " In conclusion I urge hunters to cease writing letters to the editor since it is obviously a futile gesture. Let us leave Dr. Watts and the others to_their intellectual narrow-mindedness. ,We do not have to further justify o'br actions, .to people who obviously want to believe only their lide of th)estory. Glenn McMichael. • Editor, Killing ,is, and always has been part of nature. The predatory animal which kills to flhI its stomach has a vital role to play within its own food web, and in the control of natural populations. Primitive man was' one of nature's precialbfs, he had to kill in order tb stirvive, rarely in self fiefAnausuattY• 4v45 -4/41'0,7r food and other -needs. He was part of .. nature and he worshippe&nature. Civilized than today is in an , I , , entirely diffe,rent position. His numbers are such that' wild warm-blooded. animals cannot • -.I. provide even a fraction of .one . percent of his needs. Such edible game that may be. taken legally,. -exceeds-many times theeost per pound of a comparable „domestiCally., raised animal, too often -4e true costofsuch wild game is not recognized - travel to hunting area, man hours expended, investments in equipment, licence, , accornmodit,lon•etc. etc. . .‘ . , • If civilized man is worthy oft ,his. higher • intellect ansi'' sensibilities, he will ISill .only because it is necessary, such acts should be performed with regret, distaste, . and the 'Minimum suffering to the animal slaughtered, „ The individual who kills a fellow warm-blooded animal for the pleasure of it, is. sick, and in his sickness he betrays his' own civilization arid. better judgement. An attempt , to justify such, conduct is no more than an - affront • to .the intelligence of others.' Donald S. McKee. Hayter from Mel Horner -at 4:15, Ron 'Miller from, Art McDougall .at 10:21 and then Miller again this time from Hayterand Mel Horner at 17:52. League standings still show 6Jibrnts oil a season record. or seven wins, one toss and - two ties followed by Hayfield, with five wins, two losses and three tie, games for 13 points. In third place is Building Centre' with .11 points and a ' season- record of four, four and three. DRMCO and the Juveniles are tied for 'fourth with eight points , 'Q • each. DRMCO has a record qt.., three; seven and WO and the Juveniles have a record -of IOW; four and zero. H4Thrte$Ville IS itl-, - \t, the e cllar with six -points and.:p i!, repadof. t .944Y,M.141041E.'wf4w,4 '01kAli,.1.41•:--;garleS:';?, ilW4g.., played '‘ CO the Lipcoming schedule 'for the wee ./lAritti no ' gction scheduled for Boxing. Day. On Wednesday in Clinton, Holrnesville will face off against Sifto Salt with game time set for 9:15 p.m. The same night in Goderich at 8:30 p.m. Butilding Centre is scheduled to play Hayfield. " • We thank you for your confined good will. ." Bub'Swartman and Barry SOrngeour 'PICKETTli CAMPBELL SQUARE ' LIMITED • .c•ipErticH 44;r::etr Ar :4r 2g* :4117,10- 2or mor 20r ' 'HR! ,t• STORE HOURS t44 g$1. OPEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 — 9 a.m. to 9 p.th. , • Vt. kik WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22-9 a.m. to 9 p.m. kit THURSDAYDECEMBER 23-9 a.m. to 9 p.m, ,A if4 FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 24 — 9 a.m. lb 6 p.m. kit t!, CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY and SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 • - • 4 OPEN% , BOXING'IDAY, DECEMBER 27 —9 •to 6 p.m. 523-4595 :41r. :40r la :AT lor :aor 2or lor zar 2tor :zor 21r. 141 gfi• 1c1111i11 ONTARIO-- 0.4 OUR THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED GOOD WILL, .THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF •