HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-23, Page 4•Y
4 901)&11;1%1 S ONAL•STAR, THURSDAY, DEC 4 ER'23,X971
• 1'J
Along time ago -in a land far away there lived a little angel. Although he was a very good little angel (are'agels ever
anything else?) he was a very untidy chap. -He found it practically impossible to.keep his halo straight and the hem of his
4., •rr
robe from getting all dusty;
Pe&e on earth?
New Yolk Times : Gunmen in
Belfast today shot and killed a Protestant
senator then wrecked his country-mansion-
---with a bomb. His mutilated ' body was
found buf.i,ed under tons of rubble.
"United Press International": Indian
military 'spokesmen said they expect that
since the outer crust of East Pakistani .
defenses have been crushe.d,...that their
forward troop movements toward • Dacca
will become more rapid. Both Pakistani
and Indian - forces reported heavy
casualties in the fighting and newsmen say
civilian casualties were even heavier,
"Christian Science Monitor": Special
prosecutor John Hayward told Portage --
County Cci ninon " Pleas Court Judge,
Edwin- Jpnes that ,he lacked evidence t� *
proceed in the case of 14 persons charged
after four students were killed and nine
'other persons injured in connection with
the incident at Kent State University 14
months ago. Judge Jones was expected to
comply with the request.
"Associated Press": Police today
engaged in a bloody gun battle aboard a
jetline in San Jose that three amen were
attempting to hijack to Cuba, • One
hijacker was killed and several people'
injured, - a number of them when they
jumped 'to the runway 'as the plane burst
into flames. •
"Reuters News Agency": The General
-Assembly of the United Nations called'for
the resumption of Middle East peace talks
through mediator Gunnar Jarring and for
an Israeli commitment to withdraw from
occupied Egyptian territory. ignoring " a
warning by Israeli :Foreign Minister Abba •
Eban that it was creating a war
atmosphere the assembly approved the
"Chicago' Tribune": Four American
soldiers died today in fighting when their
patrol ,was ambushed northeast of.Saigon
by communist forces.' American forces
claim they inflicted heavy casualties on
the Viet Congas well.
"Luke, Chapter Two, Verse 14": Glory
to God in the.,highest, and on earth -peace,
good will, toward men. 1..
Out of the mouths of babes
This week and last week, ,the
Signal -Star included poems, stories, leters
and pictures prepared by the Goderich
and are school children for .these issues.
We w to take this opportunity to thank
them for their interest; and to praise them
for the excel' ent thoughts and ideas -they
expressed for -the consideration of ourA,
There were many articles presented to
us Which weren't published. It 'wouiid have
been impossible to print them all. For
that reason we attempted to .-include a
sample of each different thought brought
forward by our youthful journalists. . ,
`If you read the various contributions
carefully, you will have noted that Vie
over-riding 'content of a great many of''the
writings concerned the fact that Chr;st is
still the centre of Christmas, That's an
•encouraging sign for Christians
everywhere and they can rest assured that
as long -as children express sentiments
wsuch as, those, this old-world will be quite
alright afterall. ..
•It is au- r' hope that the message the
children bring 'this Christmas will not be
cast aside lightly by anxious adults wh'5
often put the highest values on the
strangest things. Even the strongest man
can become putty in the hands of a
golden -haired' 'child; because hildren have
unique and appealing approach .to the
unvarnished truth. :
Maybe that's why it is said that "out of
the mouths of babes ofttimes come gems".
Maybe we're seeing graphic proof of how
"the little children shall lead them".
ESTABLISHED Ito ooerfcij - .'� 124th YEAR
1 a
—0-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron,
Published at Ggderich , Ontario every Thursday' morning by
lignal=Star Publishing' Limited
TELEPHONE 524.8331 ante lode S19 �-
ROBERT G. SHR1ER —' president and publisher
IR I.EY J. KELLER — editorial staff'
Subscri tion Rates $8.00 a Y
,�,.. p ea --e•
.":t:'-61151,4.1‘7".$9.50 (in advance)
idpertfsing manager Second class mail registration dumber -- 0716
Btworse than anything else, the little.an el' just could not keep his wins clean Every morning before he left the;
house his mother would wash his wings with dew drops and polish them with starlight and every day before' he had even
reached the Heavenly Choirmaster's big music hall, the little angers. wings were all soiled and just plain dirty.
One morning the little angel arrived for choir practice,and took his place at the left of the golden harp. As usual, the,
Heavenly Choirmaster was right on time. He strode toward the raisedplatform, climbed on it
up ,picked up his golden
' baton and raised his long arms to signal the beginning of the first chorus.
-Just then the -Heavenly Choirmaster's, eyes fell on the little angel. The little angel squirmed uncomfortably, knowing
his tarnished wings would not pass the careful inspection of the Heavenly' Choirmaster who demanded that all his angels
;be shining. and in gleaming array;
.._....- . y „special event. We are invite__:.
. "Little angel," callv•
led out the Heavenly Choirmaster; "we are preparingffor a ver invited
-perform very soon now -at the birth �of a King. Because we don't know -the exact'hour this wondrous.othing will take
place, I expect all my chorus to be ready at a moment's notice. It is clear, little -angel, that you ,are never ready to greet a
King. I'm afraid, you must leave this choir until you are big enough to keep your halo straight, your hem. out of the dust
and your wings clean. .�'Y�. .�
D EA'R E D ITC) R - ith that, the Heavenly Choirmaster ushered the little angel to the door, pushed him outside and shut the huge door
with a'resounding bang.
Dear Sir: j saton a steps of the music hall and brood d
i don't knave how Iong he sat there
A big *lump formed in the little anger's throat. Hot stinging tears filled his eyes and -began to roll down.. his cherub
cheeks. It was plain to see the little angel with the dirty wings was the saddest angel• in all the Heavenly Kingdom. He
just the
Enclosed find my check for
subscription renewal.
I take • this opportunity to
express_ my appreciation of the
interesting articles in .the paper.
E.specially enjoy your
Remember When? I grew up in
Goderich and left about 35 years
._.....� • Yours TriIy
Frank Tufford
'45 Teal RR 5
Hamilton, Ont.
Dear Editor,
The incredible bad taste of,
your • editorial ."Who " will
proclaim Him?" demands an•
immediate response. I can have,
but little sympathy for a.
jotirnalist who is so bereft of
suitable editorial opinion that he
(or she') is left with such a petty
peeve to fill the blankness of a
Your. inaccurate description
of the Santa and reindeer'
portrayed on, St. Mark's Church
lawn, Aubt{rn, is a clear •
indication that you simply have
not •bothered- to do -even the.._
most -basic research on the
subject under attack. NoY did
you trouble yourself ,to speak
with any representative member
of the Congregation or
Community. Your whole
complaint is built upon your
own wildly distorted
imagination. Mrs. Bradnock's
report, if you will. read it again
in a calmer frame of mind,
REJOICES to inform you that
the spiritual descendent of that
blessed Bishop of . Christ's
Church, the Sainted Nicholas is
again being honoured by the
people of Auburn. ,
Your public_ confession that
you have heard "his happy HO,
HC), HO until we think that we
'can stand it no longer", is a most
pitiable display ' of ' perverse
unhappiness. A•wise"r'editdr once When, it was over, the Heavenly Choirmaster set the little angel down on the ground. For the first time, the little angel
wrote: noticed the great light that shone all around.
"Alas, how dreary would be -
the world if there were no Santa –•'
Claus! ...Only faith, fang, At first he thought it must be from the bright star,, but,it was shining down on a stable in Bethlehem.
poetry,' love, romance, can push
as -de that curtain (covering the
unseen world), and view and It was then he realized
picture the supernatural .beauty
and glory beyond. Is it all real?
Ah, Virginia, in all this world
there is nothing else. more real, Why, the little angers -halo was absolutely straight, the hem of his gown was as white -as the snow and his Wings were
more abiding. like two giant silver mirrors they shone -so clean and bright.
"No Santa Claus? Thank �.
e - .
. It was long after the Heavenly Choirmaster
great hall for theday. in fact,' it was growing dark and the streets were deserted.
The little angel was just about to -pick himself up and go home to tell his mother
an angel messenger came flying up the steps of the music hall. ..
and his band of angels had left the
about -his terrible -misfortune when
• "Where's the Heavenly Choirmaster?" the messenger gasped. "And where's the Heavenly choir? The King is born and
it is time for the Heavenly concert! Where is everybody?" '
The little angel couldn't believe his ears.
"Don't just stand there, little angel," shouted the messenger: "Go and find the Heavenly Choirmaster. Tell him he's to
. take the heavenly choir to a hillside just overlooking Bethlehem. The shepherds are waiting there for news of the King's
There' was no time now to think about drooping halos, dusty hems amend dirty wings. There was certainly no time -to sit
around and mope. °
The little angel. gathered up, his angelic self and hurried through the streets of the Heavenly Kingdom shouting, "It is
time.'The King is born. Come to the hillside near Bethlehem to greet Him."
r ,
Up and down the streets of town ran the little angel.''Over and over he cried his message. Then, forgetting he was
banished from -the .chorus, the little angel made his way as quickly as possible to the spot where the choir was gathering.
What a mighty host of angels. Everyone was there ... everyone that is except the
the 'Heavenly choir would never be able to sing praises for the newborn Kin
• King.'
Heavenly Choirmaster. Without hill),
That's when the Kittle angel got his idea. Bravely, the little angel climbed up on -a high, jagged rock. Silence fell over
the choir. Slowly, ever so slowly, the little angel raised his shaking,arms. To his own great amazement he began to move
his arms so as to direct the Heavenly Choir and more surprisingly than that, the Heavenly Choir began to sing.
"Glory to God in. the Highest," they chorused, "and peace on earth, goodwill to all men."
When the Heavenly Choirmaster finally did arrive he rejoiced at the sight of the grand choir and at the sound of its
strangely beautiful music. He went over to where the -tittle angel was standing and raised the tiny director high onto his
shoulders. Then the Heavenly Ghoirmas,ter handed the little angel his golden baton .and the little angel "continued to
direct the entire host of heavenly, angels.
I don't know how' ling the singing went on but 1 do know'itwas the most joyful Music this world has everheard.
,. .
what had happened?
the Tight was beaming forth from where he stood. He looked at himself. And' do you know
' N �
God! he 1es... And as far as I know, the little angel's wings;were never dirty'again.
The people „of ',Auburn built �a1,
that "Santa"Which so.offends'
vel. r._. ". 1' i,'" ,'.a :l'iitY:.h. 1 +4141. it..flaburit„EolatelOe'rset-rc
annually. .It -i a commurity_-
ilioject. A project of joy. ' n „..�
obviously, and happily
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