HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 39*St. Peter's Parish Council • finds social evenings success Theregular monthly meeting of St. Peter's Parish Council Advisory Board was held in the church hall on Monday night, November 29 with the Chairman John Buchanan presidi4. On behalf of -the-. Board .„ members the Chairman welcomed Sister Colleen Marie to the Board. The 'minutes of the last ,meeting were read' by Mrs. Stimson. John Buchanan reported on the meeting of the II.London Diocesan Connell which he had attended on November 13. At this meeting Mrs. Mary Connelly of Bornholm was elected representative our area. . Mrs. Murphy, Chairman of 14 the Spiritual , Committee, reported we have lost our organist for the ,Junior Choir. Miss Mary Stimson, who has done such an admirable job has resigned. A motion was rnade that the Sebretary send her a letter of thanks for a job well 44 done. Eileen O'Brien 'reporting for the • Social Committee has - suggested: that after -Christmas we have a parish party "with cards and refreshments at a•very nominal charge. It was agreed this would be a good idea -and it- ,iiublished in the Parish Maletin. A motion was made that the Secretary write a letter to Mrs. Mary Connelly requesting that a bask constitution for all parish --'counelts-Ititough the diocese be placed on the agenda at the next meeting of the DiocesanCouncil. Council. The matter of a railing along the sidewalk at the North Street entrance to the church, which had been disciissed, at the October meeting, was still pending, It was requested that Father Moynahan should mention it, from, the pulpit ,and ask if the people are interested. If so they should contact Pete McCauley, and if there was sufficient response in favour, This would be -done. Since Itiloyra Evans, had moved out of town the position of Treasurer was still unfilled, Mrs. iViacLaren agreed to take over this post. The meeting for • the next Advisory Board meeting was set for 8:00 p.m. on Monday, January 24th. z 0 MINUTES WIflI niE BIBLE BY CORNELIUS R. STAM BEREAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60633 "REST" In Heti. 1:3 we readfhow the taumq.... eternal redemption Lord Jesus Christ, "when He had us," by Himself purged our Sins, SAT This is -why Paul, by divine in• DOWN on the right hand of .the spiratipn, nQW insists that salva• Majesty On High." The ' tenth tion is'"by;grace," that "it is the chapter of the same book tells us gift 'of God," received "by faith" c why He sat•down': , and "not of works, lest any man "Ev priest STANDETH, daily shotild boast. - is hoped ' to arrange this ministering and offering', often • God has much for ' His people . sometime. in Jartuaff:--4', .finies the same sacrifices, which . to dn., ,I5iit-beiore we can dcr.a.dy-- .' Pat Osborne reporting for the can never take away sins: But thing .for 'Him we must learn to Sdcial ommittee reported that - this man [Christ] after He had trust Him for • our salvation, to C offered one sacrifice for sins for rest in the finished work of Christ. th t Monday night social' evenings- ever,. FzAT DOWN, at the right God is satisfied with Christos pay/ . . he d at St. Mary's School have hand of God . . . FOR BY .ONE ment for sin and together the ii. been very well,' attended so far and' it. was hoped this. would grow - in: popularity' throughout the - winter' months. Ile also reported that • we now have a large cub --,,pack - about 30 in number, and M. Redrnan,who. s "is _doing a fine job' with this .. would 'appreciate„more volunteer helpers' :on a regular , basis. :'.A, cheque for.$100.00 was donated towards Cub expenses. • . Regardkng the old convent building,,. John Buchanan --iit reported we are still heating it and will continue to do so for at least a couple of weeks yet.'We have ...nothing 'definite as yet from the • • School Board. An evaluation. was to' be made • but none has . been recei)Wd to -date. Returns for the Parish ' * Campaign Fund were not yet completed but it was hoped that Aar hit) a week all returns would be , in and results would ' be for OFFERING HE'HATH 'PERFECTED Father and the Son are depicted .- 'FOREVE.R-THEM THAT ARE as seated in. heaven because the SANCTIFIED "(Heb. 10:11,14). work is done. And now God would There wertl,&e.v.e.r..91 articles of have us simply trust Him, enter - furniture , in the Old ,Testament ing into ,His rest: ' 'tabernacle, but no chair. The "T1-176-Te"Maineth therefore a priest could not sit down, for the REST unto the people of God, work of redemption was not yet FOR HE THAT HAS" ENTERED finished. His daily sacrifices ,onry'INTO HIS [GOD'S" REST,, HE emphasized the fat that --it' is, ALSO HATH CEASED -FROM. HIS nbt pOSsible that the .blood -,of OWN WORKS; AS GO.D DID FROM butts and of goats should -take ,HIS" (Heb, 4:9,10). ."Unto 'him away sins" (Heb. 10:4). that worke,th not, but believeth on Bu4 this, man [Christ Jesus] sat Him', that justifieth the ungodly, down,' because by His death on. his faith is counted for righteous Calv,ary—hy that ,one offering—, ness" (Rom. 4:5). He paid for all our sins and "ob- 1 • re - TOWN TALK ,Win two free passes to file Park Theatre on The Square to see -the movie of your choice. lust telephone the Signal -Star office' anytime MONDAY with news of your _weekend activities. If you are the 15th*person to telephone, you will automatically receiiie" ' twQ free theatre and receive the social .news of the community .as an, added bonus. Let's hear from you\ MTS, Ian Walsh and daughter - &venal from Ireland visited with her sister, Mrs. George Gregg in Goderich recently. The ladies. hadn't seen each other in 21 years. Also visiting from Chicago was their brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Cris Ray, Fort Meyers, Florida, are visiting -with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘flugh Glen and Donald until after New Year's Day', Miss Janice Glen returned to. Banff, Alberta, per plane, Sunday after holidaying for two weeks- with her parents ',-• brother, sister and brother-in-law, ' Winners at St. Peter's bazaar were: homemade' quilt, Mrs. Irma Brewer, Kitchener*, money • tree, Mts. Clarence • Pollock; &low cases-, Mrs, R. Buchanan; and box of candy, Miss Cathy • Wisser. Persons who are enrolled__ in -the business Taw night course at (-DCI are finding it extremely interesting and helpful, according to some reports. Loyal persons W116 havelectureci ihe group so far have been Hill W,ark, Crown _ Attorney William Cochraiie and Judge 'R. S. Hetherington, GQDERICN $IGNAW'T1 TRIM Goderich and area December 2. after, a -lengthy Funeral service - 9:'CLAYTON PROCTERRyyas id - illness at Huroriview, Where she conducted, tinder the direction had been a resent for -some time. She was 887."' of Rev, RObert Raynaont, on December 7 from 'Stiles Funeral • Born to William and Mary Home at 2:00 p.m., followed -by Jane Jennings inGoderich interment in the Maitland TQwrIShip on SePtertiber 23, Cemetery, for R. Clayton 1885, she was a resident "or Procter, who died, following a Goderich Township and. — number of months of ill health,' Goderich • until moving to Alexandra.Marine and Oeneral Huronview, Decemb - Johnstoni4-9olin Novembernli3 5, at•the lige of 80. • William A resident of 212 Widder ' 12, 1942 at Goderich and was "Street in GOderich, he was the predeceased by her huSband on son of Charles Procter and the `March 7, 1951. -She is survived former Margaret Ellen • Hopper. by several cousins, :--Abut49 He was born to that couple on children mother relatives. Dick Eisler, local animal control -officer; reminds all parents of small children to warn their youngsters not to pet or maul- strange ur stray animals: The dltnger of rabies is eVer-increasing in Huron County,. reports Eisler, and all animals not known to the jamily should be avoided. „ • Thi Kinetio bazaar to he held this Saturday afternoon in McGee's Showroom will feature miniature ('and houses made by a veru busy lady." Dot Scott • of Nile. ,Dot is nut onlythe lady of, the • house, in, the .'county's Children's Aid Society receiving home for foster children, She iS very rushed at this season of the year helpin'g to pack Christmas , parcels for needy familieS on the 'CAS list. I. D. (*CONNELL On Wednesday evening, Decernber,, 1, J. A. T. Pirie installed the elected officers -of the Maitland Lodge Number 33 A. F. and A. M. for the year 1972. Master for the year will be I. ID, McConnell. Other officers are R. M. Mugford H. E. Rawson, L. Draper, G. 'Lodge, ,W. W. Ross, C. J. Worsell, J. A. Scaman, J. Remington, J. Eadie, G. H. Bacon, R. A. Henderson, W. E. Dockstadej and M. C. McGill. -Staff photo • August 8, 1891 at Belgrave, Ontario and later moved top. Ottawa. He attended. school at Belgrave, Wingham High School and Stratford Normal School. - :Mr. -Procter worked as a public school teacher and principal, as well- as supervising, principal, before retiring in 1959, He was married March 29, 1916 in Ottawa to Olive Goodell and is still survived by his wife. Before Moving to Goderich, the couple lived in Belgrave 1922 and then at -Fort Frances until coming to Goderich in '1959. . _ From 19.40 until 1944 he served with, the A 4, Artillery Training Corps at the Officers' Training Centre in Brandon,:' Manitoba. Mr. Procter was a member of North Street United Church. • Ina0inon to his Wife, Mr. Traffic noise' has been bothering peorile for a long time. One of the earliest •4terrio: control this l'Orrn of pollution was recorded in the "Times of London." September. 11, 1829, says the Ontario Safety League. The newspaper reported that police 'officers seized the horses of a stagecoach because the Lord Mayor , complained of the • disturbance and noigt. • , • -A teenager needs you Call your CAS eracters su rimed by a son and- . a daughter; Grant, at horrie, and Grace, ,Mrs. J. M. Sutherland of Ottawa, ' Theft are ''' also, font' grandchildren and one sister Margaret, 'Mrs. Wesley' Kerr of Brussels. Paijbearers were Don McMillan ,, Doug• Cruickshank, A. C. Brandon, all of Goderich; Charles and George Procter, - both of 'Brussels; and Stewart Kerr ,o I' Guelph. ALMA JOHNSTON Funeral service was mnducted on , Sunday. Docvmbor 5, trot -11'0w McCall Um Funeral Hom1 . for the late Mrs, Alma 13. ,Johnston ( the former Alma Jennings) by Rev.; Leonard Warr. Mrs.- Johnson •died ERNEST DIXON Funeral services were held last Thursday at 2 p.m. from Stiles Funeral Home for the late Ernest Dixon who died in Chesley and District Memorial Hospital- on II6vember 29 at the age of 76. Mr. Dixon was a resident of 202 Cameron Street in Goderich. The son of John Dixon and the former Harriet Lemon, he ,was born at Walter's Falls, Ontario, on May1.1,,1895. He lived at that locale and worked as a farmer until .he served with the infant*/ and the Red Cross as an orderly during the first World War. He was married on July 1919, at Liverpodl, England, to Barbara Salidison. He is survived 'by his'IVife.,The couple lived at $1971 , , kro Evelyn. (Mi. 'sydno0 CihaPp10 - of Pai43Y, MuldOW) Qt. *Meatbrd Barbara (Mrs; Willlan1 MG/ Or Goderich. Also surviving axe two sisters, -Ethel (Mrs. ' Archie Crawford) ofQ Woodstock ..and Hazel,,(Mrs. Ernest Manuely of Loriclin;',a brother; Gordon, ,of - Peterborough; 13 grandchildren and five great graandehildrens. Services were conducted under the direction of Rev. 0. G. Russell and interment, was in Maitland Cemetery, Pallbearers were Fred Dbson, Bill Kirkpatrick„ Roydon Dixon and Deryn Jones. Although traffic is getting thicker all the time in North' Amerisa.,_streets and highways are steadily becoming safer. The Ontario Safety League quotes these figureg• of the U.S, death rate - that is, number of deaths per 100 million miles driven. .1935 - 15.9; 440-11.4; 1945 - 11.3; 1950 - 7.6; 1.955 - 6,4; , 1960 - 5.3; 1965 5.5; 1970 - 4.9. WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS they mOved to GOderie-rrhey And 'Inscriptions were members of St.„ -George's - Stratford Ontario Anglican Church. RaNALD McCALL . In addition, to his wife Dixon is survived by sons, Allan h and Rev. Lewis -Dixon 'of Phone 524-6272 6r 524-7345 ' ambriRaeRpdre.s,eNnotartt.hiv,Goderice of Sudbury, John of Sudbury 21. C Windsor; as well /as daughters. , . • tqtr:-tc-roordiser4s041.6--..:_• . , _ 4, itA . MEMORiALS.-MARKiRS '8/ CEMETERY T. 'PRY.DE. AND SON •,Clinton-Exeter-Seaforth •LETTER1NG Goderich District Representative Frank Mclivtain SUNDAY SERVICES .14,1, 714414 • e ERNE MULLEN Song Evangelist DeVERNE H. MULLEN, of Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, is a radio and recording artist in the religious music field.• • . , „ He was director of music on the Family Altar Hour"- program on Stet HSJ, St. John, „New Brunswick, for eight years. •In 1949 he started work as a song evangelist in evangelical circles. Mr. Mullen, first -place winner in baritone voice in New Brunswick Music Festival, .has been under contract with a Canadian recording company for several years. He was- born in Nova Scotia and completed public school education in St. John, He studied for five years with a private vocal teacher. SATURDAY, DEC. 11 8:00 P.M. • Hurdir Men's ,Chapel, Auburn SUNDAY, 'DEC. 1.2 11A.M. - Victoria Sti °United Church,Godelleh 2P.M. - Westfield Fellowship' Rout., SP.M. -HULON Men's Chapel, Auburn 'EVIL PREVAILS 'WHEN • GOCID MEN- DO NOTHING' ALL WELCOME "THE LEARNINOS" viAtho have appeared OtitqWitiVettiatt corning next lierie:"'Wcitch,riii 4•114rrOxiilt4017,71 Christmas wrappings, • • or out 'Christmas cards this year iil4ex, the festive season, The'Christmas wrapping paper can he parcelled - up and taken to Ed Stiles' ['tome for delivery to Jitn.RuddOCk, the blind clya•P- in . Colborne , ,'Township who makes Yule ks for sale. The Christmas' cards can • be boxed and taken over to the Children's Aid Society for use as gift tags next Christmas. ' M. and Mrs*, ,Glenn Eckmier, 128 Newgate, have taken up residence in Goderich again 'after being away for 10 years. The couple had 'lived inGoderidh for 16 years while Mr. Eckmier Was with the Huronpounty libraries. The' couple went from Goderich to Scarborough when * Mr. Eckmier worked With the „..., Scarborough Township libraries and Mrs. Eckmier was employed • 'by' --the York University Library. They. Were later invityd to go to Sault Ste. MariVs AlgoMa,, College to organize the. library for that new schoOl. They were there uriciltheir retirement this year. They moved into their new home just last Wednesday.' Visiting with them until Christmas* is . their daughter, Gwenda from Kentucky, THANK YOU For your contribution to Christ. mas Seals in their fight against TB and other respiratory dis- eases. . . and for the ,g,••••••••• =trzistanotetatim, generously gave. family .that prays together . . . stays together ethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assembjies of Canada {CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. PETERREV. Ec G. ST l2 .D0EN, P aist Otr SUNDAY,h' -10:00 a.m. -- SUNDAY- SCHOOL. ' 11:00 am. - WORSHIP, SERVICE. 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 8:00 p.m. - Tuesday, Prayer 'and 3ible Study 8:00 p.m. - Friday, Youth Service. 'YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH' US RESTNOT, 'FROM DUTY, BUT FIND REST MN IT WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH 10:J0 a.m. - Sunday ,School - 11:00 a.m. - Worship 7.00 p.m. 7 Evening Service, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BA`fFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGLISTIC - FUNDAMENTAL REV. RBRUBACHER, Pastor 1-0100 a.m. --- SUNDAY St-HOOL-----.- 11:00 a.m. - "IT. PAYS TO TRUST GQD" 6:30 p.m. - Youth Time. 730 p.m. - Evangelistic Service Special Music 1, Wednesday 8 p.m. - Midweek- Service WELCOM/: TO TIII' FRIENDLY CHURCH • Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON; Director of eFaTie SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th 10:00 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. - DIVINE WORSHIP, Sermon: ADVENT SERMON SERIES: (3) i'PREPARATIONS FOR TOMORROW" ,(Nursery and Junior Congregation) - WHITE GIFT SERVICE - 5:00 p.m. - P.Y.P.S. Supper Meeting. 800 p.m. - Annual yesper Service in the chapel. Tues 14 at 7:j5 p.m. -t.Congregational •P Pr *WV CSIAttriMIMirtaxidemt.....„ Enter to VVorsnip , Depart to Serve 524-2465 200 Gibbons Sc. 'keg. J. Bell Cambria Rd: S.. 524-7464 1 ••• ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 3rd. SUNDAY IN ADVENT', - DECEMBER 12. • - fint r n P n 87807.am.-M7-- Rector's Class at 10 a.m. Morning Prayer at 11 'a.m. Serrnr: "Christian Doctrine: The Word -Made Flesh* Cbngregational Supper and Children's Party at 5 Sunda' School at 11 a.,rn. Organist -Choirmaster: Mr Paul C. Baker, F A.R.C.M. Rector: THE ,REV. G,- G. RUSSELL., BA., B.D,, p.m. FIRST. BAPTIST -CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and'Quebec) • • ' MONTREAL STREET near The:Square.. REV, W. H. McWHINNIE 10:00 am. - Sunday School. 1,1:15 a.m. - Morning Worship. 8:00 p.m. - Wednesday,' Prayer and Bible Study. SPECIAL MC/SIC B THE CHOIR COME AND WORSHIP iN A CHURCH- - Victoria Street United Church. HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP 10:,00 a.m. - Bible Schoolf0? REV All Grades. s. WARR (1:00' a.m, - Worship Service. Sermon: 1?CAROL THEOLOGY" Soloist: DEVERNE MULLEN BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. - Worship Service and Bible School. W -t -L -C -0 -M -E Sunday, Dec. 12 — 7:30 p.m. Special -C-arol Service in in Victoria Street Church. with Jr. and Sr. Benmiller Choirs. NOM Street United Church •• REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT • , SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th WHITE olFT-gLADAY . 10:00 a.m. - All Sunday 'School Children, 3. 16 year olds to be at the church-. - 11:00Arn. - Morning Worship. The congregation and Sunday School will share together in this celebration of the coming of our Lord. a: A Nursery will be, provideii. , Mrs. E.4eitinacwHettter,ingtonp41.-T..CA* Organist and Choir Director •I • ••.