HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 23• • • Gift hunting? GODRUCI-1 SIPNA.1STAR, TuurtsrAY, ogopapv, b Give a good book this year Four' new Canadian books FOR 1 MOTHERS AND "-One Man's Defiant Defense of shows lhat, people don't. ever FATHERS AND DAUGHTERS the Older Generation". it's a change much. A:delightful funny make good Christmas gifts. FOR BOYS: ,HOW TO PLAY AND SONS-. WE GAVE YOU gentle, witty look at the book by: Robert TIMM AIe HOCKEY by Tom Watt. TI1E ELF,CTRIC Generation Gap through the winner 1r this year's ,StRpticp Foreword by pave Keon. This TOOTHBRUSH! 0,l)y 'Robert eyes of a man who remembers Leacockikwaril for HUMOV270 . book .is a must for every boygrowing up in the old days and pages. , who' loves hockey .4- regardless ThOrnas Allen. This book.is 0 A diagrams. , Here , Tom Watt, .- . 4 of his age. It's loaded with action illustrati9ns arid Iactical , Potted right theeso lust . Canadian College Coach of the , Year", has written the.book 'oil ow to play Apr coach),hockey. ining . • • for Christmas- enterta • 176 pages; 95 illustrations. , h.ohday entertaining. At 1/4 cup po'rt wine Cheese is the answer to 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 7 , crock, cover and refrigerate. b tlended. Place in a pot Ory , FOR ADVENTURE Christmas, too. many nuts and Bring to room temperature -to-- -- LOVERS:. --COME A LONG Combine grated cheese and 1 set*. Makes 2 1/2 cups. JOURNEY by Alan Fry. This is cheestl tray with fruitg,- crisp refrigerate 46vernight. Cream Serve in a buffet ' with goodies simply "go to waist". A tablespoon port. Cover and a modern story about an Indian, crackers and rye bread, or make 44 a whiteinan, and 'a long stretch and give ala gift! - - crackers,. and rye breads is a cheese and butter. Gradually add • - 2 • of. river. As. the two men.canoe, welconse Change from the empty -4/4 cup port, creaming until down the Yukon River from Whitehorse to awson City they calories in nibblers and sweet8', b « : hunt moose and grizzlies and Cheese and wine are all-time , .. . shoot rapids - and slowly .the favorites. A wide variety of , two men break down th.e racial • cheese is now made in Ontario, . ti 4 Wtk h: barriers between them and but, Cheddar still tops, the list in a tc your urey _ become friends. A beautiful popularity. Food specialists at 1 , • , a inspiring, ,119,,,yg. I by_ British. 41 iok The Goderich Senior Citizens Club held their annual Christmas Dinner at St. Peter's Church' Hall last _week -Among the -head table guests were, left to right John McDonald, treasurer; Mrs. Ea;I Cooper, secretary; J.. Marvlick; Mrs. A. Miller, press secretary;and William Snyder, vice-president, St. Peter'' • • Catholic Women's League hosted the ev ---Ataff photo ictona Christmas Victoria St. United Church .Women held their annual meeting Monday, December 6 .. commencing with a pot luck • supper followed by a auction of items left' from the .November Fair. Life, Membership pins were presented to Annie Harmer and Vera Larder, pinned on by Freida Young , and Irene Freerifaii— respeetively.,, Ruth Hayden. and Mary Morris made the presentations. Three deceased members were honored in a service in which Dorothy Westlake lighted a candle in memory of 'Emma Westlake, Jean Patterson one in nienr ry 44.r.ea 43linsgp , and 4, Mary Currell, one in 'Memory of the Ontario._ Counoil, • ' , -oe ,Columbian Alan Fry, author of Ontario Department of Chalky White OrdarliPatCheSTorn, biirn packages are , - HOW A PEOPLE piE. 1 MapAgrieulture andFood, uggest on frozen turkey promise a dry, another". cause of freezer burn.' .., , . 'S ' 249 pages. combining Cheddar and port tough Christmas dinner. Cold, dry air draws moisture' wine in this tested recipeIt • White areas and dark_patches from the meat when the . FOR MEN: .THE CAR keeps well and can be made two are 'greeter bute. Freezer burn wrapping is torn. results when frozen foods lose OWNER'S HANDBOOK by Ray .to three weeks before serving For high quality frozen Stapley. This 'comprehensive, PlavOrs blend and mellow duringmoisture. It means food has not. commonsenge- handbook tells storage. Shcrumblyarp Cheddar has a, been properly handled or stored. Partial thawing and refreezing Ontario Food Councdturkeys, food specialists at the Ontario everything you ever wanted .to is aged longer and will make a is a common cause of freezer Department of Agriculture and , you ilsasy-to-understand tesrrns more texture because it know abouryour car - with a smoother. Tread. burn. Thawing beginswhenever Food advise checking carefully . _ .... ...,taugh.; .av-------ttmRs•mltvx--7rzraA—m=Au—thn,g--.---.4 --i2Y—_----- , . IS ALWAYS THERE appreciate. ': transportation or in overloaded signs -0 - reezer-burt; damaged-- . eyA4appingand ice crystals inside , . RED- CROSS .. sympathy your wi e will .i---,-- en..o Torontos Ray PORT WINE frozen food countersTurkr- WITH YOUR tAELP thousands of copies of this book I../2 pound medium' or sharp retail counters are not kept, at,,,,-Iine ..i.marked .on . the freezer Stapley has already sold many POTTED CHEESE .,stacked. above the load line in the wrapper. „Look for...the,load • .."...,_... _ in the U.S.A. and Canada. 52 Cheddar.; finely grated ' temperatures low enough to counter and donqfbuy.t,inliei/S"” maintain quality. ° stacked above it. P oi-luck inner . rc ?zA ...,..--a 5-;A 1t5'. Itt;,iS" .1tVA 'XMiZ %t"' rCYc:i1.11tA .5:::,1,tA ','*'.,t:'A "stSii ',;="13t5A ..:,15t:Z5a:5,15z:5,A5:zZ .3:15*X 1-0-Pri Yol-t 3tA SA A5A =CA 5m;A p5X 5r.), 5:5/ SM5S A5S /45X 3:gt VSS A71 PA ItA YaM YZ% IcA IZI Y:. WA 3*. X AZ ItgiSZAT . illustrations,'312 pages. ' 1 tablespoon port wine . .., ., . • Peggy McKinnon. A service of worship in the Christmas theme was conducted by the unit known as The King's Daughters. Taking part , Were Jean Patterson, Adelaide Fuller, Ruth Hayden,. Elva Thompson and Edith Argyle. • • The Harmony Circle unit presented a delightful duet "I don't want to play in your yard"_ in which Verna Robertson and Margaret Boa were prettily costumed and sang the number with Mary Ma.rrig. as accompanist. The Friendly Helpers contributed three readings "Santa's Helper" by Beulah _Good, "The ...f.,..om/h Wise -Man" by Annie Smith and "Eating Habits of Another Day" by Audrey Linner. All reports were presented and accepted. • The. Executive.for '72 and '73 is as follows: Past President, Edith Argyle; President; Mary Morris; 1st Vice-president (open); 2nd- Vice-president, Audrey Linner; and Flowers Recreation Secretary, Edith Argyle"; corresponding secretary, - Mary Curren; treasurer, Adelaide The presjdent thanW, the members for their co-operation f, in the past two years which were rd, -busy Ones, A welcOine Wad extended to the new executive and a pleasant, if busy, evening drew to a close. ' 411 Set , For Fuiji • 4:1 .1. . 0-. . , ;:i; ,s *: . , R - :DD -2 SPEAKERS AND YOU HAVE ,, .. - . • .• RECORD PLAYERAM/FM RADIO —$ TRACK CARTRIDGE PLAYER C122 -122A 41 , 6 The '72 Alouettetleautiful Brutes —the handsomest and most reliable snowmobiles ever built. With poWer and steering that' superbly responsive. Disc brakes; Salsbury clutch; contotired throttle and engine kill -switch for added safety: Alouette is the value -buy of the year—loaded with extras at no extra cost. See them today. 214d 4 Sp(tkers - You Have 8 TRACK:CARTRIDGE PLAYER • 8SR AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGER MUSIC POWER OUTPUT 10 WATTS TOTAL • RESPONSE 30 TO 20,00b HZ • , AM -FM -FM" MULTIPLEX RADIO RECEPTION STEREO HEADPHONE JACK • WALNUT FINISH • TINTED PLEXIGLAS DUST COVER 45 RPM SPINDLE SIZE 17-5/8" x 13" X8-3/4" HIGH APPROX. ONTARIO 4, 4.4,:airm 4,', - rxm.1"72,t1Starratimm.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, 77',ri'Cragireattilliiit41MP,.0...rap . ver,tcr ,...4V4Krindtr,etniWk3ikatiii.iiii.174NW7i4.4..4..,,.,,,itt.,,, • 7,,v WrSt'n't,,,-,7',,,M2,,,,tiVIVVElitE, , rta =4, MI Afi Ata VA Mg IVA WA Ara WS MinfAttO $ta Mil PS PZ/1533tg YPA Mi AA MC VS )1t5A 54:gt A%Z At% 5:1513tZAA 1ZZ PIA 3tg Pgi XZ51$41:t4a VS VA Illgt Y401:255 WA At".4 Yt4i AtIOISZtai VO PS PAIttgOtt101$4 te4:1; *.