HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 21t Robertson Round -up wibp oil on it did not rust, but 40 the other did. . . Mrs. Irlynter's Grade 2 class is looking forward to Christmas. We have decorated our room and we. are singing Christmas songs such, as, '-.- "A Carol For Christm; ”. We are doing Christm ' art and we have also written)1etters to Santa Claus. The. Grade 5 pupils are busy doing winter scenes :with paint. They have also done Christmas wreaths. We , are learning the song, "Jacob's Ladder". They toL, is thinn I.- have done clesigping with pastels.,, • , - ,. , ---,.. - went visiting for a cup.of claffee after the, parade - his reindeer waited outside: He • said, "Ho Ho." to Shannon and she was pleased'. "Santa sure is kind!!" • 'Mrs. Norman's class has tried an experiment with steel wool, and gut oil -Oh one pleCe-aif-no oil on the other. Then she dipped. them in salty Water and lent them for a week. The one Chatter from Colborne School KINDERGARTEN: The girls and boys have been learning about the Christmas Story and are also preparing, xlCor the Christmas Concert for December 21. , FLOAT: .33Lt_mi-ete-px.1:, crT'qlieT•Sr-ext7rting- Monday night Mr. Harman chose Christmas Parade in Goderich the volleyball team. They are: last Saturday. Our float 'won .John Bogie, Leonard Kolkman, third prize whiCh-makes-nsrvery Billy Durst, Mark Kernighan, happy• • • Watson Huff, Kevin Cunningham, 'Bryan Durst, Larry GRADE NINE: On Monday Allen, , Rick Baechler; Fred night the Grade 8 students and Schoen -latter, Jim Clements", their parents travelled to the Bruce Brindley.. High School to learn about 'the Girl's Volleyball Team: On new Credit System,.::Questions Tuesday night- Mrs. Sygrove such as: What subjects'should I 46 chose the volleyball team. They take? Whiririll High School be are: , Wanda Duncan, Nancy like?, Will 1 ever get_ to High Garland, CathY1911-61Thee, Wendy School? were common on Fisher, Judy Taylor: Donnkr' Monday and Tuesday, , Rutledge, Beverly Rutledge, Joanne Schoemaker, 'Susan Feagan, Darlene. Crawford, Cindy Miller, Karen Bisset, June Bowman. OM.BLAKE ' Congratulations • to Mr. Arthur Elliott who was85 years of age on December 2, 1971. • # 1.'• • . to honor hirn. Those present, were Mr. and 'Mrs. Oscar Cuthill from Winthrop, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott and children, Donald and Helen. A • contribution' of $437.01 * from the Dungannon area was sent to the C.N.1.13. in Lonclon. Mrs. Graham IVRNee, convener for this area, was pleased, to give this report toqis. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNee and Eddie or:Ajax visited last • weekend with their parents here and in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowden and baby, Troy, have moved from 41 „ gr".47101• • to. we wondered about Santa's beard so we felt it and found out that it is furry, spft, comfortable, cozy, warm, 'and cuddly. It mustmake a good cover to keep him warm when he's asleepl! We think that Santa Must be on-a'some-M-Omm and daddies because he looks thin this year. ' Someone noticed that Santa THANK. YOU R.C.L. Branch 109 wishes to thank the citizens of the community for their generous supPOrt of° the Poppy Campaign. The $1,319 ,contributed this year to the campaign is held in the Branch Poppy Trust Fund and provides emergency aid for needy veteransad their dependants and blursaries which are awarded each year in deserving and need' cases to veterans' children whd are continuing their education above the secondary level. The Poppy Committee, Brandi 109 R.C.L. • the 2nd concession of Ashfield in .to Goderich recently. - A number from here attended the bazaar and tea at the Ontario al Goderich I I • . 1 1 appreciated their crafts. A great deal of time and talent would be required to produce and. present Trigon 3 one -act plays - at Goderich District , Collegiate Institute, T ursddy, Friday and Saturday e enings. 'qn Sunday, December 12, at United ,t hurch the- regular S.S. wJII be t 10:00 a.m., followed by a j nt service of S.S. 'with 'church erv' 0 a.m. 'lupiIs— each class will participate in the program d White Gifts and/or envelope gi will be' received. • Twenty-six young people enjoyed an eveningof games and xecreation at Brookside school on Thursday. Those in charge were Rev. C. McClenaghan, m Mrs. Gerrie Glenn, and Rick Orr. On January 6, 1972, the Y.P.U. will meet again- gt,Brookside. Jeffery Austin is able to' return to school • this week following a three-week bout with pneumonia, having spent two weeks in hospital in Goderich. Mrs. ,Gerrie Glenn and Mrs. Rick Park plan to attend , a luncheon • in Clinton, Wed., 'Dec. 8th, for Avon • Beauty Counsellors. John • Stanbury returned home from London on Saturday having had the 1.61/2" rod removed from his right leg which had been broken some 3 years ago. In a week he hopes to be able to return to work. .7- MRS.COOK - GRADES 3 AND 4 We are busy now making 'Christmas decorations. It was fun learning how to put lights on 4114144.4,.. , a: paper Christrfias tree. Our windows are also adorned with stained glass. MISS PERDUE Some of the children answered the question below about Christmas. WHAT DO VOL) LIKE OR DISLIKE ABOUT CHRISTMAS? KIM SEARL.$: "I really like giving presents. It makes other people feel nice, so, do I." SHERRY KOtYK: "I would but I never ciir." DENOMME: "I •like buying presents -Tor others, so they look happy." BRENDA BOLTON: "I like the story about Baby Jesus being born." • TRAPEY LO,UNDSBURY: • "Daddy' takes movie pictures of at Christmas. That's fun." LITTLE: "I like eating dinner. We have duck, usually. I eat a lot.'1 GRAHAM gUCHARD: "It Wouldn't be nice if no one liked you and 'didn't buy' yOw.. • presents, or if you were too poor." GAIL PINKNEY: "I like to see people jump Up and down when . xna*._js.resentsi-lilni:- . • sister does:- , LINDA BEST: "I don't like it when our cat climbs our tree and breaks bulbs.. That's bad." LESLIE McKAY "I like singing etr's icroOPEN EVERY KITE 'TIL 9 P.M., MONDAY, DEC. 13th EXCEPT SATURDAY 'TIL CHRISTMAS uktmE, wEAFt • -The Square . , . ;..„.40DERICH SIONALATAR, 11,101ISDAY PreCgMi)Eit 1) Moores class. and. MIs. 1'42 classes puroirplays; Play was entitled Sono Dances of the . World, - Moore's play. was ;shed The Case of the Frustrated "Corpse., Taking _part -in Mr. MOPrea. play was Dianna -Oak Margaret Rgpdy Carroll, an!J Robert Shier. Also, Mrs. Brown'g - folksinging group and the GIee. Club sang, Pat Denonune read the Bible and find MacKay was. the chairman. - Ate--Sewinr:Dof-tte-thlrtFlfor-the-=---, school 'are sincerely thanked for ° their help. The remainder of the shirts will be sewn after the new year so further as.sistance-Will be - needed then. — Christmas carols -at -school They school and explained the courses JANIC KILLER: "I like eating, at Christmas." RICKY ALCOCK: "1 likre-people coming. , to our house to celebrate," • KENT SCHOUtz: hope -we have a white Christmas. A green Christmas dbgsn't look right." SHERRY BRACILEY; "1 like decorating Na tree' at making the decorations." • H IG sciip!.5L: By Mark Jones On. Friday, Dec. 3, Mr. Seaman and Mr. Dick came to 44410142•01111P wrhaic-he-9w:i can choose from for qd STUDElit TEACHERS There Wele studept .teachers in Mr. Bogie's and Mrs, Norman's classes on the last full „week 'of November. CHRISTMAS FLOAT In the senior wing of the school, the 'PStudent's Council with the help of a few other stents *ere working lin a ilgat._ :ra-r4ideLlififgattitraaiAhi' rinior wing entred'a snake. OR ASSEMBLY By Margaret Wilkin On Thursday, Dec. 2, Mr. • MAUDE BROADFOOT : MAUDE BROADFOOT Suggests Hartnell of -. •.` fO'''":=WirwKrz, Larry Rieck, PHM•ii• England FINE FRAGRANCES . • from or-Niffl:,977g Archie fiajtper, PHM.B.6 1.75,_ • • 4 • J A lasting gift that will tie remembered. ,Three 'series in all colors and sizes to , choose, Flite 747, "Grand Prix and ,FIlte 88. • .0141.At „ Gowns That' Set The Season kwhirl Our new fabulous silhouettes can cast a spell on thoses pecipl holiday ' evenings. Sparkle in one of,, our festive gowns. 1.••••••••• .1' Y. • ••••Eam,=::smmt;:mt(M4r!tamzrstsv4st-qs * Crimplene Pants *,Pant Tops *" Pant Suits * Buckskin Jackets Tops in Fashion and • quality , a, prices you will like. gSCHAEFER'Sg 6 • EA Always a Christmas favorite. Select from our .large selection. Slips, Panties, Gowns. Short and Long Housecoats of nylon, vocama and qu ilted. Snuggle - down -.end Flanelette Gclns and Pyjamas,. , •FABRIC, • CENTRE " Visit ou Ground FITSor Fabric Centre for a Practical Gift. Give a dress length of Crimp- lene, Bedspread, Caldwell Towels, Wabasso Sheets, Bath Sets. 2 FLOORS Loaded With Gift Su -stions • rlikriT405414Cia,' • Ai • •