HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 18►,pt, (QDERICH SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1971 Woman to woman, COntlnued from PAP 2A ,chriSt. dying.. on the tross and praying , for his exeCutioners. 1 do not believe that women have abortipns for the pleasure of doing so. NO, they feel compelled to do so for many req.sons, which are perhaps eagerness? Furthermore, ff her parents do not forgive her, do you think this will solve the Nitf, we are all responsible for this problem. We must help our governors provide a hurt -line solution. We must write our deputy, our governors, telling , k debatable, but surely dramatic.rthem that legvalizing "abortion , • Most assuredly, something is -Ain demand" • will _he tackling wrong somewhere. Certainly, in only the consequences of a. '' Qne mop child? A ' little of any value, can be provided tiresome perhaps so be it,.but a .onl'y by tackling the true causes ' place will. be made for him and of this problem: poverty, things have a way of .working lodging, sexual and family What can we , say about „ If we only provide answers to families of four or five living in the consequences of the 'problem three rooms? Do our governors of abortion, then after the .have a realistic policY, toward the human .. foetus, - why not lodging. Will ., we build invalids; -cripples,-, aged.„.1.he__ qiccorninOclations according to Last dctober, Pierre Laporte the needs of these People, or will was assassinated. The F.L.Q., by we park them all together in one - this gesture told our governors: - building in apartments far too „+YoU are intruders, you keep us.. ., small? from changing Society"! No.. v There is also. the drama of the, after the • human. foetus, • it knows • her parents. will not .. forgive her. What solution does Mother -in-laws, . but 'Will 'it • nerhajas be our ,governOrs'? she have? Do yo,u think -she will undergo an abortion with a light , heart, or .that she will joyfully risk her life? Even if "abortion ,:i, on request" were liossible, 'do -- }./ou think this young girl will look forward . to! it With CWL,votes 1000 to church fund On Wednesday, December 1 St. Peter'i Catholic Women's League held their monthly meeting in the Conference Room at the Goderich president,. - opened- tile. Meeting witli prayer: The members who worked so diligently and contributed so generously to make the recent Christmas Fair such a-sucCess were thanked for their efforts. Mrs: Mary Doody has.. replaced Wks. Moyra Evans as Communications Convener and' has also agreed to be liason C.W.L. Mrs. Roger Turcotte. will • act as liason between the Girl Guides and d.W.L. A dpnation of $1,000 was voted to the St. Peter's Campaign -Fund. Members Will again this. year provide Christmas Ireats to the Nursing Homes and Rev: Jean-Claude Bergeron 245 Notre -Dame Street. VictOriaville, R.Q. Diocesan chaplain for the "Foyefs Notre -Dame" Members of the Clinton Christian Reform -- Church , provided special music for the song service on Sunday evening led by Dick Roorcia. 'The W ingham Women's Institute were hosts for .the December birthday party held i - the auditorium on Wednesday. afternoon. FolloWing. the prograin of Christmas Carols: readings and musical numbers, the, ladies presented gitts•to, the celebrants. Birt, hday cake and refreshments were served ,..' to., .about residents and guests attending the part,y. ' The McQuaid family ' of Seaforth and Junior Girls from .Sorority plans • . the Walton United Church provided the program for Family Night. Mr. and Mrs. ,Wilfred McQuaid on the violin and piano. along with their sons. Norman and Bernard 'on electric guitars played several musical numbers with step -dancing by Anne Marie • — The Junior Girls,.:Trogram ,.directed by• Mrs. DOC-14ng included a one -act play by PAitiTi McDonald, Jane Liemsing, Mary -Searle and Susan ,Murray; piano, 'solos' 'by Susan Murray, Sandra Dennis; (Quintet) Jennifer Kirby, Ruth Thamer, Mary .Watson,, Carolyn McClure, Beth McNichol; and -Several selections by the chorus. Miss Ina. Gray Members of the St. Peter'S Catholic Women's League preSented an evening -of entertainment to patients at the Ontario Hospital here in Goderich last week as they. lead in a sing -song of old Corner warm up inithe hoard room at the hospital before beginning they evening's activities. - staff photo • . Colnmunity Club Chri tmas music iets scene The December heeting N.yas held at the home of Mrs. Barrie . Walter. Nlembers- entered her.. prettily d•ecorated liringroOm to the soft ,strains. of Christmas muSic ,played on the piano • by / preSident,. Mrs, Isabel Sturdy hanked the hostess and assistant hofess, Mrs. Dorothy Whitely oand Mrs. Jean Ginn.. The devotions were- taken by 510..00 for this purpose. It was decided to send plants and cards to list of shut-ins at It was moved that the club donate "510.00 tO the Canadian Bible Society. Mrs: Jane Sind* reported for the nominating Corrimittee. . Her report was as follows: . President (to remain as last yr..)., ,NIrs. • Isobel Sturdy, Vice Mrs. 'Helen Westbrook. She read President Martha del3oer. a poem called' "The World mine," and 'also a piece entitled -One christmas Eve in Ont.- ' The Roll Call was answered 'by 21 ladies. . Among , the correspondence included a letter from Andiew Sung Se Cho, •Chrisian Social. ,requesting assistance\ for- his' the disterous See' retary Mrs. Dorothy Whitely; TreaSurer (to reinain as - • laS-t, yr.) Mrs.' Jean Ginn: Correspondence (with Orphan), • Waine; 'Auditors,. Mrs. Helen Westbrook and Mrs. Joyce Oke. Looking back to the past year,. • tociether. They 'have been able i� floods they had the4 'this spread...a little sunshine to the • help many charitable organitations, have had -a lot of fun at our Club dinner in June,: haye had a. lovely cOmmunity Ocnic in July. Have had a very sUccessful .ba4:lar in October. Many town ladies desery,e a lot of thanks for • coming• out;,.in support of our work. Thank you ladies one and A MerrY' 'Christmas and Happy • New Year -to all „faithful readers. from The Taylors Corner Community Club, is 'expressed by the club. Policy,; T.e wedding stories . . The Goderich Signal -Star tal.es great pleasure in publishing' ehotos and copy for..the wedding page must be in the hands of the women s editor itO later than .11(mdav at .5 pm (..H1 the ,Itiedding stories Which are submitted for publication more than one month following the marriage will be reduced to an The abort' regulations are an efjOrt to iceep all Goderich thanked „the entertainers on summer. Later in the meeting -it siek., ;:lind shut-ins—in aw Sign'al-Star news features crs ctirrInt as possible. was moved the group send community. have been able to e„ behalf of the residents.. • shut-ins, plants will be sent to C.W.L. members who are hospitalized at that time. There will be no Jahuary meeting, however, on February Ontario Hydro will be present to give a presentation on "Living Better Electrically - _Yesterday, goday and Tomorrow" also "A Supermarket in Your Home" re -freezing procedures, snitable foods for freezisig2 storage time. The, meeting closed with a special prayerfor the intentions of the shut-inS and theill. rolluWi the' meeting -the- C.W.L. joined the patients 'of "E" WARD for a medley of Christmas songs -led by Dianne Buchanan and Shirley Smith, Mrs. Mary Lop - Aubin acCompanied on the piano. Refreshrhents were. served to the patients by C.W.L. members. Wed in Port Albert Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Irwin were' married Saturday, November 20. at the home of the bride's parents •at Port ,Albert. The is.the former Nancy Irene,. daughter of Mr„and Mrs. Ken '11 Va,nderburgh.' The groom, Melvin Angairwin, IS the son -of • Mr. and Mrs.7ack Irwin of Goderich. Don Dickson of Port Albert and Janice Vanderburgh • attended the eouple. Rev. Clarence McClenaghan officiated. For Octogenarians The Goderich Signal -Star is pleased tia7,22xtend happiest: bnif;trtohgdeanyargiatrareetintz,_\ to the following' 'neWn Member of the ALEX. McAULAY, 234 Gibbons Street, who will celebrate birthday o -r betzr in the near ftiture•and would like to have his or her, name mentimied ' in 'this column,. please telephone, , 524-8331 giving the name', address, age and hirthday of the celebrant. , ' There' is absolutely no charge for this service ancewe are pleased tc; hear from. all of you. big dance T.-,4r2or:021r2or.;.*21r:or:tor:ix22-o:30.0:0= - • - • • On Novem-ber 30 the annual pledge dinner of Beta.Sigma Phi t& with 14 members presept. A short business meeting JI4 followed the dinner and the various conimittee reports were • The ways. and means, -11i• chai-rman. .,Margarei Craig. V4. repotted a profit of $109.00 on :the draw 'held November 16. times dance which' will be held Plans, were finalized f.1- thtl bard .%i* • A croup tent will be bought 7 for Alexandra "),Iarine and General Hospital and the service .„ committee chairman, Pat •titi Spencec --received the first iv instalment of monies for the purchase of same,- ' 16 The -social ' committee ":4 chairman announced that a progressive' dinner will. be held •. - on December 14. Each girl will - donate a dish to the meal and • iti.• • Christmas gifts will be .. exchanged at the conclusion of the evening. She AO Olved Gift ilf• 10 . 14 ws 1,1 -11,4 ii N.loi tx li& 0 The evening concluded with the pledge ritual at which three . of the five new members were"' pledged. -,and- a short cultural- 1;4* prograin presented by Margaret Craig. .14 MENS 3.49 to 12.99 BOYS 2.98 to 4.99 _INOMENS 2.98 to 9.95 CHILDRENS 2.98 to 4.49 KAUFMAN PACKARD OOMPHilES we have in stock a full range of Kaufmin 'foam treads for every .member of the family. Just a couple of our Packard slippers axe illusyated •here hut we have a full range for the men. OOMPHIES, -are so very comfortable artd you will find a complete stock of them here. Breaking Starting Cords Foohng Spark Plugs Breaking Cables Ullife Can't Start It Sick Of Mixing F uel Serious About Buying Tlw Sve Nip For The Answer )44. STEVE ARGYLE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT .OPEN WEDNESDAYS tN DECEMBER 01204i,mitly,„ DECEIVIBER 16th , 23rd .• EXCEPT SATURDAY KINOSTON "ST/. !Next ter the Club OHIO gol tO4 kak