HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 16Si.GNM STAR, ' HURSD'3AY. DEF2s1BER, 9,1911 Gone Nears BR'bWN I E S PICK ONE ' On Nloacember Utin we had a .- very trnportairii Enrolment meeting when 14 Takeenlea 4044 at our—Toadstool and became real , Brownies. •The • following • „ girls • made their.. tffr+fkilr' ans3:+..,�ret their Brownie Pins: Kathy Alcock. Diane B regman. Heather Campion, Karen Drerman, Monica Fox, 'Judith Callow, ,Karon J.eacock, Lon Jewell, Tracy Jewell, • Sherry Katyk. Susan M.a 'Donald. Anita Shrter. Suzanne Smith. and Kv Strickland. I d. 4te'e were;walsu happy to have Lynne erhran grid Ann Smith Wails up the' Golden ' Road tU receive their Golden Bars. We had a •rousing Grand Howl for both they new Brownies, and for Lynne and Ann. Several Interest Badgers w ere•• also presented. The following girls received shear 'Athlete Badges Kathy Algot*. Diane- 1pircegman. Monica. Fox. Lori Jewell. Tracy Jewell, and Suzanne Smith Kelly» Schweitzer Was given her Houne-keeper , and Cook • badges The rest of our time was taken up with a real happy sing sr,ng during which we sang the Brownie Smile Song ' and surprised our watching mother, by pulling a big red paper smile out'" Ut r,br pc;ckets. Our t lg quiet. Taps and a Good Night. $*Rr113,itlti't`Et 'A t`'CK'"9''Yi O' ba%y craft -type of ,,meeting and we fairly flew thrrsugh .the openiflg ceremonies i That doesn't mean that our opening was h u riled and stop py - it lust means that not one single ititrul wasted any time "tooting around- , We, set aside our Fairy t.iiold".1 ><c ' go WV. ark! QUI mil's. Christer (,acrd Turn.` made a few • important artnount.•en nLS and handed out the supplies Our Packies 'Guides wile., are wonderful helpers') were kept '+ery bas\ rn kid store ever-y.4r had plenty of each itern needed fc.,r our miniature Cliniarnas trees One surprise :tem on this iist was finely groulaid up egg thefts" The Brownies did trieir tittleteees so well that they';e been promis-d..,a much ;,r'( kie r craft for ne•p-t week �4N ha.e new Sixer and. saaeonders now tco •Leprectooats will be tai; e n care -of bt •E)iLabetr. NI( Milian and net Seconder Gail Pinkney Fairies Sixer i5 Linda Best -- Seeontier is Angela Wray ;' Trat.y Nelson w lit lead her Pres wit:n tne help• ref St-condec'Sorea LePaine_and the E;\e', will be looaid aftar,b\ tw Kath _ ,'fixer Kath, MacDonald and Seconder Katr )' SheardoZ. BROWNIES PACK THREE by Tracy Macf,wan areae a ,,nom ryry»��+lwn�.y ?"eYF#i�erit da) Thea mothers came to the Pack The TWeefIlS to be enrolled e Sandra ` i `inns. •in •Do. ' '. atone Larder. 'Car -lie Cra'a'Ford" F,veryone came pre ii'ed'€or a iMcaria Gleason and Jenny Dunn. • NIpNA CLEMENTS Suggests 11171ELADY' 'LITTLE P1X1E" 'LITTLE PRINCESS' ,Children's Bath and MaNa cI.eMerRs Beauty Gift Sets IEC ``-PHARMACY Larry Rieck,, t3}={Nl-B. A.rthie Barber PHM.B. 1 •. 4J•hM•/M. n W^.V HOME OF TASTY BAKING SINCE' 1$77 'Christmas Shoolbreads. '8 Small Cookies AVAILABLE 0NTtL CHRISTMAS EVE * ()Ici English Christmas pudding * Bread crumbs prepared for dressing. * Mince and pumpkin pies and mince tarts. * Wide va city homemade bread * Parker lil'use. plain. 4nd seeded ceta.is,t.i.e,s.:.•,h. u,t't.e.r;;rr cls and split rolls. * Homemade caridy gilt packaged i1 required, * Liglit and dark cake in good supply, * Almond kink tor Fruit ('gees. PLEASE •'ORDER EARLY V.4 CULBERT'S BAKERY M '• 524-7941 • •' ' Goderich a tots of girls enjoying Brownie, Guide movement fA Fairy Queen was tatty B'rotnetl Mie sang uuur ccyttet Buri song Susan Bushell collected the collection After ce.zllec•il.on Brown Owl gave e'acr, group a pttz,zle and tfen we had to act threat out They Were ducks. fish. •.dogs and things )ike that and then We 'Clic; sr nursery rir rat . and a,rted t herri u u t. T trek were -Humpty Dum`pty•', "Marti Man Quite Contrary" and "There 6h as a Crooked Man" and "Little Bo Peep " Then,we'sat in a Fairy' Ring and then we had ;he enrolment .After 'r\ e pia\ ed games -we- rrad a re•Ia\ race and pla`c-d Strut Miss Su:t.ic' Nev, \ae had Pow Wow , the secret s&iueee and •then Tap 'Dien we were disain ed b•. the Birt :da. rice., n t hs GUIDES FIRST GODERICH COMPANY a by Heather Brander ''3 Vie started the night out w It f. our usual openings a half an hour earlier tray usual We started at '6 'Sri p m beta.isew e wanted to start preparing for tele flc�Qt for the 'anta C'lau, parade We had tw U mothers come and help, v. ho w err. Mrs Little and Mrs. Brady At about 7 30 p rn \ flu should nae seen trd, au'ditonum: There were groups tops for their eostuntesjt 'was •;art' a bus) night for all' 1 v\ o presen tat t ofl \s ere made for, two girls w ho weren't there the tither week 'They v. ere Marie Bolton 'and 4rnyself) Heather Brander and badges w e e for our -pi. 4, First 1h sang . -fir aped then dos tt afuntilealanght GUIDES SECOND, pODE R ICH, COMPANY.," by Robin Ormandy Liana 1•reeroan. Peggy s•heardow n and braised tne flag at the beginning tne meeting for our test hard 4`usan More and i herr\ • Mac La.rt-n brought . their `t ox€s for the Sanaa Claus parade and the) v.ere w e11 decorated e went back int'.., i.iur Patrol corners tip do only Guide work. After this \4.e rad some games play e -d by tne- S arr:I-tick Patrol .and the\ were fun, Foll.owirrg tne game we went into Camp Fire and ,,ant some songs Then we v,atoned 'a skit by the Da'ffoctil Patrol , At the 'end cif Camp Fire. the C{.rluur Party !o=,tiered t tae- flag Captain dismiased u and \t-• got read\ for home • GUIDES THIRD GODERiCH COMPANY goc d part of the regiing preparing their props and rehearsing Joan Coulter play's tne, part of "Mrs_. Harry l`p " V erid\ ebb is playing the triple r• .•• othe •• Tit lea Seller•". !►tan.' • aa&d "1)etl•1er1 to make .bows for :he float and by Eleanor McMillan other groups. making streamers. Hast o da. tie members of Tier (', ttY 4r;�wiw4lq ^ F ..� ase, ofsu "its mar play were trying on' pants. bans and "The Runaway Presents" spent a f' Jan Graham is Mr. Hurry Up's -Old Par' and :kne Marie Las aline is het "Bert, Friend " The following girls are the elusive Christmas presents: Ytargaret and f*Caudia Hill. Eleanor Meu'41i.11an, r Barb Pammineer- Tory MacDonald Janet Young, Nancy Fisher, Mary • Jane Erskine, Betsy Bvgeman and Heather Marshall. While the thespians were busy practising, the remainder of the -Company was engaged in doing a Good Turn. Goderich WI collecting used Christm'as' trimmings this • Mrs. t6 ret.-- Porter presided at t:. n-ieeting of the Goderich Brash of. the WI in MacKay H . Thursday . December 2. She u .. ted tne meeting \y-ith a C :^,turas poem• "The Little T �,.• The roll call was answered b\ ra ' inn, a Chnstmas carol. 1 n 'e i,retare•treasurers re: ,,.rt \a as Et -ad by. Mrs. E . abeth Sitter as well as oarrea•pondence which included • T'.ani: You" letters from the Lr.un Ladies' Auxiliary and the �..0 .. dr -n•s t- ,iociety . Nlerrbters \are asked to,•.save. used C'hnstrtras-\'rapping paper. o,d Christmas cards, used S'ux rpt. -ey eglasses and . quilt patches, ' ,.Mrs. Emily Wilkin is. ill at home. Chnstinas cards will -be sent to Mrs. Geo. PTOCtOT and Mrs. Lulu Jones at Huronview and Mrs. Park who has moved to List ow el . There were jhree birthdays.. Mrs. L Bannister. „program` convener, introduced Miss Beatrice Canipbeld who told about trips she had enjoyed and showed beautiful slides taken in the Holy Land, 'at the Passion Play. South America. Egypt and ',India. Mrs. Bert Mills thanked • Miss Campbell. Mrs. Allan Schram introduced . Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe who gale a demonstration of Christmas • cookies: �. Mrs. Bert Bert Mills led in singing Christrnas (aroLs. • Mrs. G Archie Wilkins'. year salad plate and ' Christmas cookies and a social hour wa,s enjoyed. rzooerox.,7-.4.- ;. 7: 4. GOOD THINGS HAPPEN , WHEN YOU HELP RED ROSS 7rr•.LPw�r'✓f+_'" ./;:s://+err rr+ f r�,. a The girls were cutting out and making clothes for the Pakistan Relief Fund. This was truly a work meeting but enjoyable nonetheless, JOE'S BP Service .Station and Coffee 'Shop , 411 Huron Rd., •Goaerich 524-6871 tt • SAVE'1O5 ON THIS NEW OLYMPIQUE LTD zoo AND STILL GET 5 BIG EXTRAS $900 VALUE NOW $795 Goderich . a , First Company Guides had a barrel of fun last \ (note the thumb and the blanket); Julie Shanks; Kimmy Brady Wednesday evening'getting ready for the Santa Claus Parade last as Lucy; Ann Sampson; front rove, Nancy Bird; Shiela O'Brien. weekend. Here are some of the girls who worked hard on the . as Snoopy; and Janet Denomy as Pigpen. (Staff Photo) float. Back row, left to right, are Susan Goodwin who was Linus • EMU CREAM SHERRY The lowest priced, best tasting Australian cream sherry in Ontario i$ at your local. liquor store. 0 Try this remarkable wine imported .•from sunny Autralia. Treat yourself and your friends today. • - t ae, equeltnu wines . W ��-,c •v4 r rurti rRuptz.p 919,.i;<ad�4 'air t' n edtum ry Sherry-' 444 13"eittorev. ne ;...'*k ., Imported end bottled by the LC8O • i� d 44 RA ,fli' CRE4&M be/rah:am .Vail Milliard tr. "vsrK1" -ti'.PORT E D 4" This limited offer good between Nov. 2251h, and midnight, D•ec 24th 1971, Suggested retail price does not inciuct.e freight and set-up, • charges • • • w M0 Safety Antenna and Flag 0 Deep Groove Safety-- Grips - p-Customi'Yed.. acing—Stripes r v • 0 Louvres :Specially Calibrated Shocks 0 See this limited edition-macfaine and all the new Ski -Doo models at your participating dealer today. Buy now and , getthese extra -ordinary pre -Christmas savings. • ki—doo'12 has mote going for you. ARGYLE "WA Bombardier Ltd. MARINE & SMALL ' ENGINES 88 Britafinia Rd., GODERICH 524--9201 , 4.4 ,PW PX IVA Vii, 0.0 Ian myo n'glrt Friday.'' nn tbe I like to do things myself. Even to l liking up numbers in the phone book. They're in such neat alphabetical drder, it only takes a second. Then I jot the numbers down in my little "Personal Directory" that Bell gave me. If you haven't already got your pocket -sized Personal Directory — orwould like an extra one — please cell us, .and we'll send you a copy, free. a • 4, 4 Ar