HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 12GODERICH SIONAL-STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, Christmas tree lights are being removed Goderich town police, this week have been kept hopping by a rash of thefts. There hasn't been a great deal of financial loss involved but it seems that stealing qhristmas lights. is the ..„ • latest fad. The police report numerous ' calls reporting stolen lights and even the town is suffering heavy losses.- Public) Utilities Commission manager Dave Royton contacted , the Signal -Star on , Tuesday. and reported that in about two days no less than 80 lights, had, been stolen from decorations at the - S,quare.. "This means about $30.0Tof the taxpayers' money," Mr. Rolston pointed out, "but there is even a greater danger. Small children may put their fingers in the empty sockets and that could have serious results." • One lady reports that at Parade sapessful about 6:00 p.m. she erected ,decorations and by 8:00 p.m. the bulbs had been stolen. By 9:00 p.m, they had been all stolen. The OhristinAs. tree 4_ MacKay Hall was stripped of its light bulbs recently as well. CHRISTMASCARDS - The „Christmas Card is not alike the majority of other Christmas custom, re.cently new invention. One of the firstcards was sent in 1846 an described as "an elaborate affair, showing two allegorical designs of' clothing the naked and feeding the hungry, together with a family group Of three generations, quaffing wine." Christmas Cards did not become popular; until 1862, and these cards were relatively simple in destgn. wZiee4&f4C-r,4,14M-.)144',440-4046- SAY Merry Christmas With -- PPLI • N aketcrarocictetoccrocretwerarcistama •SERVICE. --- MINION 111111110WAIIE • 4,, . imtavailDiazza▪ uttaziorzaert from A:SUBSIDIARY OF • SERVICE' ELECTRIC (Goderich) LTD. 30 VCCTOFfIA ST' NIORTH • 524-8581 I .11.11"aal""*"421111"42(1$01M. grAK-Ag The Largest Santa Claus parade ever, wound its way through the streets of Goderich on Saturday as St. Nick made his annual Nisi( to this community in advance, of Christmas Eve, A record was' this year when a total of 41 entries took, part. Among these entries were 29 floats, six bands and, numerous other entries from individuals, organizations and «companies.. Under the sponsorship of the recreation board and the Goderich Kinsmen Club the procession • formed up 4ilong Elgin Avenue betWeen Waterloo - and South Streets and moved south to the Square. After nearly a complete circle the parade cut off on West Street and then down Waterloo Street and back to the Square for another -circuit and then went Sheaffer Continued from, Page ,1 4 council last week that he was afraid of losing the Sheaffer Pen Company's plant. On Sunday a mass picket called for by the Goderich Labor Council was stagpd at the .7,.-.--..,Slieaffer ,Union' officials had been calling for crowd of 500 or better but the ,crowd oatsi d e the plant on1),J. grew to slightly better ,thon...., 100, • motorcade of about 300 cars did get organized and tour Goderich in support of the striking Sheaffer employees. Placards reading "Slave wages. ,paid by Sheaffer'Ren Company", "Bill Gardner.is no Gardner but thinks Money Grows on Trees," (referring to Sheaffer manager Bill- Gardner) and ,.."$hare the •Wealth" were ' evident through the crowd outside Sheaffer and along the motorcade. With no management officials on their way to or from work no one crossed the picket lines and the event proved to be a 'quiet,. uneventful demonstration. '. No strikers made an effort to , go near the . plant , .but management was taking.' no chances ,and-- uniformed special security guards were evident pacing back and forth inside the glassed in reception area of the plant. . The .strike site is now marked ▪ by an oversized drummer, a left over from Saturday's Santa Claus Parade, with a sign reading, "Drumming up.Support for Local 2315." Picketing continues around ... the clock , With support—from other funiOns in . Goderich and the possibility of a quick soltition seems remote. ever in Goderich back down -West Street before it disbanded. This year there were six bands in the event,,,sxactly twice as many as Iast,year. They were the Goderich Town Band,lhe Clinton -Pipe -Bard, the Seaforth Ladies Band, the HanoVer High School Ranch., The Forest City Fife arid Drum Band from London _ and the ZuriCh Centennial Band. Entries iri We 1971 parade were competing for prize money totalling $400 spread around over five categories, • Prize winnerOfere,, in the school division, ViCtOriag first; Holmesville, second; and Colborne Central, third. In the youth group category theGirl Guides of • file second group - took first, the Youth Bowling Council took, second and. the Goderich Highland • Dancers werelnird. • 1ndivii1ualas9etition saw the Dam, sisters withtheirtwO_ "pOnieS selected first;Marie Cummings with her big brown horse • second and Sherry Bourdeau on her brown ponY Industrial float winners were I.A.M. local 1863 of DRMCO with their big-Igrummer boy first, Mrs, H. BIA's and Humpty Dumpty second and 'the Goderich °Psychiatric Hospital, Group_thixd. Service club entries, saw the Pint' Lake campers Smokey the • Bear float Wiri,-first prize, the Salrford »roup place • second and St. George's Church come in third.. Of course, Santa Claus would have been the winner, in all divisions had the voting been left . to the children. • • NAMES FOR CHRISTMAS — AROUND THE VVORLD ITALY: "The' feast ' of the Nativity." Nativita , - FRANCE: "The feast of good news.," Noel • GERMANY: "The holy or consecrated- night." Weltinacht DENMARK' "The wheel, with reference to the ltirningliof the seasoris." Yule -0 ENGLAND: "The Mass of Christ." ChriStmaS - • Town Council Briefs At their regular meeting on Thursday evenjng Goderich Town Council dealt' with a number of items. The problem of a number of false alarms going off Thursday of lase week was brought up. It was—reported tat such alarms over the past e* weeks have arisen ',from repair work taking place on alarm systems that have" been found faulty. Thursday's Alarms were the, result of work on ,the alarm system connecting the fire hall to the Bell Telephone building, Similar false alarms earlier in the week" were said to be the result of Work on the system connected _with the local hospital. • Council agreed .holtlever that if such work was going to take place those responsible should. contact the fire department before hand so as to avoid confusion. One councillor • pointed out that "the boy might just cry wolf once too often.' -* • • • Council members agreed to arrange a Meeting with -Th Maitland Valley Conservation . Authority to discuss the setting aside of a greenbelt area in, • Goderich. A letter is: to be sent to the authority suggesting that land be purchased on shares between that group, and the town and that a meeting 1?e called to dismiss the proposal. t. At their next meeting town council ,44s ,\194, hear a report concerning what size 'and type, be ' it cash or property, of performance bond should be \demanded by the.municipality on work at the new subdivision. • • • We Anticip(tted The Recently Announced increase OVER, 50 cARSit-TRUCICS STOCK , AT REAL SAVI GS!! • 7,222stbaftmet. ck, .CONVERTIBLE .SEDANS .TwoltFour Door HARDTOPS PICKUPS. ,6STATION WAGON., Ready For Inirpediaie WM. •fr;4.4,f4,•:. 1, • 54 Delivery • . . k, We anticipated the recently announced price increase and had ordered heavily -,,,,,t,,„, cf,9,S,9,40eitssaivocaiotemtieratarrroilemyoumtonipfexenhoior.,otmewlaarvatleaV%0,1*(:** . ,, savings. ' , . • , y - ,.. Pontiac Buick GOIAltICH • 5Z4-8381 VP • ommialot SIRLOIN T-BONE , '4‘10•.PORTERAOUSE. FULL CUT ROUND 90, BONELESS ••:#4—Farrr.r.••, -.11111111.111111, Py• ••••• • • • • --1"-.411111411Cri dp, ,Trast.. .•\\ ,, , a. • • • • • !FOOD STORE p BRANDED .4 - "PRIME RIB ROAST BONELESS ROAST ib.1.1 1 BONELESS , 10.1:09 STEWING BEEF ib.894 TIP ROAST ib.1.09 11 ?it FRESH — 12; d SAUSAGE: 113. 3Y BOLOGNA BY PIECE E lb. 334 ib. 69 it COLEMAN'S EPICURE BACON XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS U'cz'Pr''• 'ft.5*P'Cit'll'i'*9-;CF'716rr"413t/t;Ir."0:11ciratn FRUIT BASKETS ti SUNSHINE FRESII PRODUCE- • . GOURMET BASKETS 'tic': 80' 176s - TA FOOD oF0 u) :AT FANCY • APPLE BOXES FANCY •BOARDS TR AY S SUNKIST NEW NAVEL CHEESE and CHOCOIATES ORANGES 594MANDARIN .,„ PRODUCT OF U.S.A.— Large Heads 24 CHIQUITA D 459 - HEA •LETTUCE R . BANAN AS lib (:?294 158 doz.•JUST ARRIVED — JAPANESE QUARTERS of BEEF MAXWELLHOUSE ROASTED 1COFFEE no.. FOOD FEATURE'S Ir• . „: 1.4 HEINZ — oi. 'McCAIN'S — 2 lb. Bag FRENCH FRIES 21 KETCHUP 35' „ ,1 BERRY BOX ASST • STAFFORD — 19 oz. FROZENPEAS • . ▪ JAMS .9.1'4:c:51 CHERRYFILLER '• ° 104 STOKELY'S — 14 oz. 744rItr:40r.:0=0.:0:04"r: HONEYPOD PEAS 5994 ORANGES 2$r 24ar• 210r 1 lb. Bag 85' • ,,CLOVERLEAF —77% oz. P!NK SALMON .,. 49' VAL LEY FARM —2 lb. Bag OF $ STOKELY'S — 12 oz. KERNEL 'CORN • HEINZ SPAGHETTI t2i8n oz. DELMONTE — 14 oz. PEACHES .• DELMONTE — 14 oz. F 31 •^ FRUIT CO-CKTML R BIGHT'S — 48 oz. Tin APPLE 'JUICE' 3P1 BRIGHT'S PURE 48 oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE 31$1 DELMONTE CONCENTRATE — 48 oz. DELMONTE CONCENTRATE — 48 oz. SALAbA ORANGE JUICE289GR-APEFRUIT JUICE 2P1 TEA AAGS 894, PEANUT BUTTER tsy s CP Y IVEL LIQUID 1:1.G• 24394 SQUIRREL — 2 lb. Jar Aiiik 4 TKAEDANA —B100's • " 91 VICTORIA -STREET" ERIC 0 -PEN WHIM TILL 10 P.M. • 44. A • 0 , '• r , • • • • 4 • • * a ti• 40 4 a • 10 *ry