HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-09, Page 114 • 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE i4. SERVICES AVAILABLE 'GRAHAM ELECTRIC Coimpl.ete Electrical Service Residential Commercial - Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone' 524=8670 Goderich, Ontario. t 0 HAVE ''"Isfour rugs • and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior . Maintenance,. phone 524-8892, Goderich. 49x 22. TCS GIVE AWAY' THREE-MONTR'OLD kitten, grey in color, house broken.. Phone 524-8682 after 6 p.m. - eow 27tf FOR all your sewing needs call Bonnie at 524-8831. - 49,50 FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's 'V, • 162 tMary t treet, phone 524-9089a • ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St: W., Goderich, Ont Phone, 524-7771. °--,40tf 5e -wing 'Machine PROBLEMS? - Servicing All Maes New & Used Sales Alex Reed 197, Bayfield Rd.,. Goderic-h 544-8465 EXPERIENCED. DECORATOR . Interior And Exterior PAINTING ,r AND WALLPAPERIN FREE ESTIMATES Call 524-6667 ,W..P,ED-ERSEN 101 Victoria St. - BRECKLES Lawn & .Garden Equipment Authorized Simplicity Sales & Service . •* 'Garden Tractors * Snowmobiles * Snow Blowers >* I;ower Mowers Service To All Makes & Models 'R. R. 2,,Goderich .. (4th Concession., Beside ' ;Mustang -Drive -In) GODERICH 1 Taxi Stand At Bluewater Service Station 80 Victoria -St. 524-6594 24 Hour Service • • Bill Swan, Prop. SANDBLASTING JACK HAMMER WORK BREAK UP CONCRETE BA.CKHOEING SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS Phone 529-7403 for estimates amismisamosimmaii CALL FR A N K TUTI For all your flooring needs. Buy you; rpet anywhere. 20 yea installation" experience. Free measurements. 524-6804 Goderich RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car: Well worth the l' reasonable investment. See us •at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC 9,. A. BIRTHS, lk)ERR: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, .on December 1, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kerr, RR 6, Goderich, a son. ' BULLDOZING CHARLES IlflUINSMA RR 2, Goderich 524-9804 SIGNS IA.. Si. I..* ar.,O. H....iw wF fel* •Mile' , • WILLMORE: , At Stratford General Hospital, Stratford, on November 30, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willmore (nee Patricia Cutt), a son, Keith John._ C. BRIEFS WHEELCHAIRS - WALKERS The Humanitarian Service C.P. & T. Committee of the "Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges --have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524.7217.'-- eow., • 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS D. IN MEMORIAM IN TRE ESTATE' OF JOHN GEORGE GLENN, LATE OF HODGES: In loving memory of THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN a dear husband, father and THE COUNTY OF HURON, grandfather, Mervin Hodges, All persons claiming against ''who passed away two years ago, the above Estat=e are required to December 6, 1969. forward full partieulana,;,,,9f4,,. ,,,'would• not w sh,-..tor.-,sorrow, .=E'1aiirrtc5 itre' .urriiersign-mto`n-'or i-}e-yriot ld not wish for tears, ' before, the ' 15th day of.,.... But just to be rem, ered, December, 1971, after which By us throughout t'' '' years. date: .the ., assets will, be - Sadly missed by wife Myrtl '^ distribyteth • • son' Harvey and Wilily, - 4O 4 DONNELLY &. MURPHY, - 18 The.Square, PITBL-ADO: In memory of a Goderich, Ontario. dear wife and" mother, • Claire Solicitors for the -Estate. Bernice . Pitblado, -a, December introduced ,. passed • + , 47 48 away three ears antroduced directly. _ to the 15, 1968. • watercourse and may cause We seem to see in the soft .dirri Serious . water „quality• . light, . , degradation. While ' such A face'we love the best, -- degradation --mayappear less SNOWM Recalling her -as the sun's last significant _in larger er _lass... and ...OBILE,RS may use my rayl;, rivers, pollutants contai d in 200 -acre farm, three miles north _Go down in,the, far off west. snow dumps ok Goderich a'n Highway 21, do •edntribute to $2.00 per snowmobile after 1:30 We miss her more, as time goes : - the long-term _deterioration of P.M. For information phone 'on, water. quality. We •can never close our hearts; Chloride levels -in_ the Lower_. And the lamp of our love 'still burns. Great Lakes have shown a Her heart the truest in all the world, Her love the best to recall; None on earth could take her, ,..... ,,place, She is still the dearest of all. Lovingly remembered by husband Les, daughters, son and families. - 40 rs E. CARD OF THANKS GOOD: I would like to .thank nurses and staff on second west, friends and relatives who visited me while a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Also Goderich taxi and drivers and a special thanks to Dr. Cauchi. RegpSyood-_-': 49 • 4 . P Disposing snow oto lakes, AA u.estion ed Wil. .��� • - The Honourable George. Kerr, Minister 'of the Environment anct cabinet minister responsible for the Ontario Water Resources Commission, said today that direct disposal of snow on Takes and rivers should be eliminated wherever possible. He suggested that suitable land disposal sites with -facilities for trapping the suspended solids, oil and debris from the snow be provided. An analysis of ' a snow disposal site, recently' conducted by the OWRC indicated that snow ' scraped from4roads rrra�" -contain high concentrations of ,,, suspended , solids, organic ,, The Goderich Art Club held its annual'dinner last Wednesday materials, phosphorus, chlorides evening •at the. Lakeview .Restaurant, Pictured here is the new -and lead Introducedo through7-- •wexec ttive'for" T972 -r eluding (back row, left fo- right) 'Paul automobile exhaust. • Visible:,Carroll, vice-president; Annie Finnigan, corresponding secretary; pollutants such as soil, trash, • soot and soil were read,i!},. evident' • , Following the spring thaw, pollutants contained in snow deposited -on ice surfaces •r'e• BY-LORNA-VF CENT The • annual--. pre- ristynas dinner of the Goderich A ' Club ,was held December- 1 at the Lakeview Restaurant.. 3.4 membersand guests filled the_. room to capacity amid festive decoration& of red, green,- and gold ornaments. Everyone enjoyed the gourmetturkey' dinner„ with special Yuletide 16. ' PUBLIC NOTICE 524,6462o -7\u 1 T. 'BUSINESS NOTICE MEDICAL Ma'ssage, Thermo -Therapy and Ultra -Violet,' 118 Anglesea Street, phones, house 524-7617; office, 524-6281. W. C. Breckow, Reg. M. 15. PERSONAL E. CARDS, OF THANKS threefold increase since the turn of this century, Industrial and, to a smaller extent, municipal waste inputs have been largely responsible • for • this rise. However, the increasing use,..of salt as a deicing agent has raised much speculation as to the effect of chlorides from thi, source on water quality, •MACK: As of. November 29, Last spring the Ontario Water 1971, I. shall not honor I'ny KLOEZE: - I -would like to thank :Resources . Commission debts not contracted' by me everyone who remembered me conducted a study of the effects ,,.personally,. --7- Bryce J. 'Mack, in many ways before and after of chlorides, from deicing salects: Goderich, 4f3,4rJ 50�c : m_y__op:eration L urP,?ppr_c cnated • all the mail I received while I watercourses adjacent to major `was a patient in then-- Sick urban areas and ultimately' Lake The Blessings of the Christmas Children's Hospital, 'Toronto. Ontario. The findings of ,this Season and Best Wishes for the Also sincere thanks from Dail, study showed that a significant corning year to one and all. No- Mom; • Harold and John. - portion of the total chloride donChration.rrras: Madeline and Tone cards, charitable Darrell Kloeze, - 49 input fo Lake Ontario tti'as donation.-- ' Wisser, - 49x ALLEN: The kindness of Dr. C. Best Wishes to,•ail our friends for F. Doorly, the Staff at the ,Holiday Season. In lieu of Huronview, and, the Stiles cards, we are making a donation Funeral Home, was deeply to Canadian Diabetic : appreciated y the 'family -of -the Association, celebrating the'50th late Mrs. Bessie Allen.. They anniversary of discovery of acnowledge with sincere thanks insulin This year:-'Franklin"an& the floral tributes,,the donations �4lrna-llgitchell: - 49x to charity, the tokens of sympathy at the time of her As we are not able to send passing,, . and the comforting Christmas cards this year, we message by Rev. G. L.JRoyal. -'- take this means of wishing our 49 friends and neighbors all the Blessings of the Christmas Season 'ands the coming ,year. - ELLIOTT: '1 wish - to. th�rnk each Albert and Leah Taylor. --49 and everyone who were so kind ' , to me while I was a patient in To all our friends and neighbors Alexandra Marine and General we wish a Merry Christmas and . . Hospital, also since I have Happy New' Year. We _have returned home. - 'Sincerely, contributed to our favorite'' -'David Elliott. - 49x charity. - Mrs. Reta Scrimgeour .and son Robert Garrick. - 49 19. LOST AND FOUND FOUND -On Saturday, December 4th; lady's Watch. Owner may have same by identifying and paying. for ad. Phone 524-7553. - 49 LOST - Square black "framed glasses, Albert and East Street area. Needed urgently. Phone_,s' 524-6551. - 49 20. MISCELLANEOUS We'do all types of • 'J&WELLERY REPAIR , TAYLOR: I would like to say * Ring Sizing thank you to.all my relatives, * Claw Retipping friends,, and neighbors who * Watch Repair remembered me with cards and *-: Acutron Repair visits while a patient in AN,r,TETT JEWELLERS LTD, h Alexandra Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. J. W. Wallace, Clinton, Seaforth and' Walkerton . nurses and girls in green on first i 12tfn • east for their kindness and 'care . _ _ shown to me. - Tom Taylor. - ,49 SHEARDOWN: The family of the late Mrs. Sam Sheardown wish to • express sincere appreciation • for kindness and sympathy extended'° to them during their recent bereavement, for the floral tributes, donations to the I-feart•Fund and sympathy cards. Special thanks to Dr. A. B. Deathe, Dr. R. G. Lomas, nurses and staff second • floo west, 'Rev`. R. L. Raymont and North Street United Church, Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legi n 109, Senior Citizens, the pall earers, the McCallum Fu er.al Home and to all those who helped in so many ways. Your kindness will always be remembered, - The Sheardown f anlily. -- 49 " VACUUM , ,a2. TO GIVE AWAY CLEANERS .Sales & Service �►►-rr All Makes . VARNA 262.5748 Collec MOTHER, Hound and ten five -week-old puppies to give away. Phone 529-7540. -- 49x WOULD you like. to giyve your child a fluffy kitten for Christmas? We will keep them until Christmas Eve and you ran pick them up tht.n. ',Phone 524-9546. -- 49,50x COWAN: Bill and Vi Cowan would like to thank their family for the lovely surprise party in the Auburn Hall on-thrir.,25th Anniversary, Thanks also to their relatives, neighbors and,. friends for their lovely gift, cards and coming out to make this evening such an ,enjoyable one, Thanks also to the Auburn Women's Institute for the lovely dinner. All was very much appreciated. -- 49x attributable to :deicing salt: ' Locally, use ;of road salt in_ •w'nter resulted in an increase of up to 300 per cent of chlorides in river, basins draining Beryl Harper, president; (front row) Beulah Long, treasurer; Mary How*, _ past .president; and-Loma:Vincent, seq etary. (staff phgto) „' rt Club hIds.dinner trilrrmrngs ,of colourful salads -- and -delicious Christmas pudding. While -members sipped their coffee, the President, Miss Mary - Howell, presided at a short business meeting during which • annual reports were read by the treasurer, Beulah Long and the secretary, Lorna Vincent. A 'gift set of pin and earrings was presented to, Mary Howell by GDCI Newsfront A Peggy Oke'' on behalf of the members. The President who is. vacating the chair after three years Of dedication and °service to the art group spoke briefly on what the club had accoiriplished during the past year, and -that she •was pleased to hand over the reigns of office --to a new, president. May Homer of the ,nominating committee was called • upon to 'introduce. the slate of officers for 1972: Past president, Miss Mary Dowell; President,: Mrs. Beryl Harpers ri'c •.president, Mr. Paul Carroll,' Recording.' secretary'', Mrs. Lorna Vincent, Treasurer, Miss Beulah ' Long and Corresponding secretary, Mrs. 'Annie Finnigan. rams clubplciys to 500 (by Susan Freeman). ' • To an audience • or fi hundred, over the three night -..the 'Drama Club , of GDC' turnout, ,on ' r2 f�ro�rr tt reselrtecl . I ri and cornmen at'terwards we can conclude th the,, performances havebeen success. What factors helped?' The plays were chosen earli by the directors. After a various parts wen responsible for such important Mr. Robinson, with his great effects as the baby . crying at talent in all aspects of drama, ve, birth in '-Coming Through the dirted two of the three plays. S. Rye" and backstage music. He spent hours organizing 1 Trigon and putting hisilans to re • Stage managers Linda work with the help of his wife, is MacDonald of "Black Comedy", This year Trigon has'had a at Ca'tlry' Cruickshank or "Coming first - the first student directed a Through the Rye"•. and Mary •'play• Catherine Russell tools on Gregg of "Murder in the the task of presenting "Coming er Cathedral" deserve many thanks Through the Rye", She has been n also. They, •as stage managers, actively involved in drama most e attend all rehearsals, take care of of .her high sc i I years, Next week at this time all GDCI students will be writing the Christmas .exams. Good ruck! chart for Christmas? . audition, Looking for something assig-ned and the actors were to- props for their individual-plays',Catherine deserves a great unusual or different in the way, begin lea>=ning their scripts. Early and prompt backstage, when the r amount of credit for her efforts of a Christmas gift? How` about -nin the in November rehearsals began at plays are produced.,_in Trigon '72, as do all that one of .ake__S.urvey Center's, --Me>=repolitan.Toronto area. moon -hour and after school, but Evidently Trigon does not helped make the three evenings......Great Lakes charts? The Lak Take ,in the month evening depend on acting alone! Much the success they were. Survey • Center, , under the While -Mr. Kerr recognized the rehearsals4w..ere held, While the The Drama Club is now in the National • Ocean • Survey, ' 'blockingtime and effort -on the part of • y, a use of deicing salt as an essential actors were learning' many is spent in the production process of Manning their play component of the -,Department operation in Ontario, he stressed and their scripts what other that every practical effort • be activity Cowards'nI'rigl n`'72 was the part of the directors! held at C1DCI this year. and A t m o s p h e r i c made • to eliminate unnecessary taking place'? , use and loss. In this regard, the Lynda Reinhart, chartmaker for the Great Lakes Ontario Department of well-known costume L-othalsh Area. Its charts cover all of th of these plays; nbt lest of all on for the Drama Festival to be of Commerce's National Oceanic 41: 4 Administration, is *the official Transportation. 'and and wardrobe mistres Communication, over the past taken measurements ar few,years, has enclosed many of busy sewing the el its sand and salt stockpiles ' to costumes, n"Ohe who eliminate salt , loss through leaching: Also, some authorities responsible • for street and roadway maintenance have limited the total amount of salt applied by reducing application• rates, by applying salt selectively on main thoroughfares', intersections and inclines, and by using only''sand On residential streets. Mr. Kerr said that he encourages such action and urged municipalities to put these programs into effect, wherever iossible. our esigner , had d was borate saw "Murder iTi the Cathedral" will ••agree that a great amou t, of time, effort, and. talent wen into their construction. • 'Pat Reinhart was also busy at work making stage 'properties. She designed ' and constructed the buddha, that was broken each night, as part of the act in "Black Comedy." Four of -these little statues had to- be molded from • clay; one, for each performance and another to replace an unfortunate buddha that was dropped -by mistake! As well as this Pat was head of the wardrobe department and in charge of make-up. Beginning 'at dress ,rehearsal Wednesday evening, Pat and -the other girls in the make-up department, with the help of costumes,°patiently transformed high school students into' knights, small children, • priests or --old grandmothers of seventy! In some cases this took as long as an .hour! Anther aspect of -`behind the scenes work' • was -the construction of the scenes! Andy Markson designed the sets with the help of Randy Hills, Geoff Russell - and Mr. Robinson's father - Mr. George - ,Robinson. ' Brian fail and Kim Arbour managed the lights this year. They did an admirable job, sorting out one light from another on the complicated , lighting panel. Very effective lighting was es.peciatl" apparent during the murder scene of Becket in "Murder in the Cathedral." Paul Cummings Was again in charge • of • sound. He was With controls such as covered sand -salt stockpiles, limited use of deicing salt and restricted snow dumping, significant. sources of pollution can he substantially reduced according • to OWRC authorities, • These measures will complement all other programs designed to minimize wastewater discharges and will ultimately result in improvements in water qualitN throughout the province. 1IIIIIIIIIIIIJ11111IIIIII11111f1111111I11111IIt1t111I111IlIIII IIIItI The modernC�nad an is one who drinks Ger n bear from a Swedish glass while sitting on The Danish' furniture after having come' home •from an Italian movie in his Japanese car powered by British gasoline. Then lie puts on his Scotch snoking jacket, lights a Cuban cigar, takes off his Swiss 'watch. hangs up his Panama hat,•drinks his French wine, and hicks up a hal) oin pert from Taiwan 'to write to his Member of Parliament a letter raising cane about ally Ithe ' money that's leaving-fihe-t,%untry, m. 4 Mrs. Dan flyids is,a -patient in Rod Finlayson of Sarnia St. Joseph"s` hospital having spent the past weekend ~with his ' suffered a broken hip in a fall at parents,. Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon her home. Finlayson. . Ewan Mann •suffered from John McCharles of Petrolia a badly cut finger in an accident spent the past w'eekend with Mr. at his home. • . and Mrs. Oliver McCharles. Rev. K: Rooney was unable • Mr, and Mrs. Robt.• to conduct services , at Ashfield • Macintosh were- hosts to the Presbyterian "church,' due to "sales barn" helpers -to a party illness and taking the` -service in on Friday evening in Lucknow. his . place was Mrs. Patricia Fire completely destroyed Shaver of Hanover.,the large barn on the Cameron -Mr. and Mrs. Waen -Wyfds Cook • farm on Saturday were, in London where they .• afternoon. - visited Mars. Don Wylds in Tom Farrell, moved his hospital, furniture from the former Oliver Wm. Stewart spent a day in Barkwell house to his ri'ew home London during the past week. in Kincardine 'T'ownship on Mrs. Florence MacKenzie Saturday afternoon. recently took part in the T,V. .• Mrs. Ewan MacLean attended show "Act Fast." , Mrs. the Presbyterial " Executive MacKenzie was the spokesman meeting held in Lucknow for from the Nurses Association, -. ' members of the\ W.M.S. Tuesday. Kingsbric_a IV� � ewr5 BY MRS. A.'VAN OSCH.., ,,General W. T. Sherman, 1863-65," at $.75. -- -Mrs. Dill Hogan, Mrs. Dennis of Blyth, while she is a patient in Charts make 'excellent Hogan, and Mrs. Norman Siegrist ' the ' Clinton Public Hospital • "c6nversation pieces•," as many of Lucknow, received word last where she underwent surgery, of them can easily be mounted Tuesday evening of the death of and framed. C1�ihrt 0, which is 30 their brother, Harry Cote of it may be a man's world but--- by 4'2 inches and shows the Dunrea, Manitoba, He was in his according to statistics it's in the 69th year, was married and had woman's name. a family of four. The community extends their sympathy to his sisters and, families. , A ' Christmas Turkey ,.Bingo was held in the Parish Hall on Friday evening. There were ten'' turkeys' 'and three share-t.he-''s,ealths. Mrs. Jack Van Oscl? has been assisting at the home. of her daughter, Mrs. Tony Middigaet e Great - Lakes, as well as the Minnesota=Ontario Border • Lakes, Lake Winnebago'and the lower Fox River, Lake Champlain, the New York Canal System, and - part of the St. • `Lawrence River. 'Though charts are generally thought, of in connection with boaters and commercial shipping, many others enjoy pouring over them just for tit fun of it. The boater can spend • some happy hours during 'the long, cold winter months planning and, dreaming of- a warm summer' cruise to some distant shore; the , nota -boater • finds the chart a good source of geographical know/ledge of the- • waters and their shores. Lake' Survey Center even offers three black and white prints of charts' of intere t to the history ' buff --an early (1796). chart of the Detroit River, $1.00; one of the Upper Mississippi River (1843) at $:65; and an'"1165 map which shows the "Marches of the Union Army under Major Support Your Child re.�'s� Aid _ _ • r ret entire Great Lakes system, is particularly well -liked for this,. purpose. And what's more, none • of Lake Survey',s charts are' pried over' $2.00 (standard ch'arts; including Chart 0, are only $t,00). For, a free catalog showing the charts av ilable, together 1A ��harts'may J pzt las 3 ? r J '� • : w rite to: Lake Suftvey c Center-NOANA, 630 Federal $oil ing and tJ': "S. Ctitirthod ; Detrojt, Michigan 48224, '