HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-02, Page 300
Rebekali Lodge
,Vehman towoman ,k4
COntinued from -Page 2B
little 1 can do about it. i CAC in
Goderich is the answer but it
*MI take 'work to get it rolling:
Any volunteers?
* * *
We'ye -bad a hugeletter (and I
.really %mean huge) from --the
students at Victoria Public'
Schooi iii Mrs. Telford's Grade 3
and 4 class. It is about 34 feet
high and a couple Of feet wide.
The Students from Victoria.,
wrote a bang-up column for us
,Jast week— even had astory of a
• fire. in it - ancr We're indebted
to them or it.
Besides that, I'm told they
visited' the Signal -Star office on
Friday i;vhile I was avhy to
Huron County Council and did a
tour Of *the building. They e‘en.
took pictures of the action:
How's that for enthusiasm?
* *
Georgia Strait was in town
Last Friday7n-rght and if you hal,e
a teenager in your home you are
probably aware that this is a
rock group. They appeared at
the arena and froin the, reports'
'I've heard so far, they were a
howling success.
The interesting part of that
venture Was the fat thafla local
group comprised of guitarists
Andy Markson and''' Dave Gibbs
and . drummer Jim Schram,
warmed up for the ,group. I'm
also told they played for a while
after Georgia Strait had ended
their "g'
Our .reporter -photographer at
the Signal -Star. Inn Shaw and '
prorpoted,theevent an it w
through them that the loCal boys
got their1 chance to perform
before a fairinirge crowd. We
think this kind of c,o-operatiOn
deserves a bit of support from
the aldstetsg this
• wmrpunity„,,„and it rna.Y.eKeP
give a hint of how the, younger
' generation , is thinking' these
At The Five Points
Licensed Mechanic
Repairs to all Makes
You see, the local ,trio of
boys had planned a show for
Knox 'Presbyterian Church hall
lalt, Friday evening. They had
posters all around town
promoting the elent.
When Shaw and Blanchard
got the word fradteorgia Strait
that the only night they could
collie to Godersieh would .be
Friday, November 26. there was
immediate concern for the
opDosirtg..event. It seemed fairly
obvious that' the Georgia 'Strait
would -attract a better crowd
4hin .the local group and it
seemed quite unfair to "cut
on the local boys' efforts.
The solution? To combine
the• two everits, of course, and It
Was heatly done• by Blanchard
and Shaw Int co-operation with
the three local young men. And
the result was vsuccess for
everybody! •
Who sas our ..outh doesn't
stack up well against, age- and
' Christmas alwdys bring the
Salvation ArTfl wagon onto the
Squire and this year will be no
exception, - (4.xlerich Town
Council woe, its permission last
, Friday evening for the Salvation
Army to canvass in the area of
the Square again this. Yuletide.
Thanks to that wagon ia.nd of
course, some of the ,local
merchants) there is an unusually
fine selection of Chnstimis music
,filling the air for shoppers .1, f,ore
one, love to hear it on a crisp
winter's this
• ''""--Ifitat".7.17:111:i.
aril 0,,
Will remember shut-ins
The. regular - i'neeting of
Goderich Rebekah f..,odge No. 89 ,
was held in the Lodge i•oom,
MeKa) Hall, on Tuesday ,
November 16, with tiv,ble Grand
Mrs„ Vera Larder presidin,g. ,
MemPers present, nuitibered, 50.
annual Chnstrri,s Part .) to be
Plans were 4tnade for the
held lollowing th.e next regular
Meeting, on DecOiber 7. It ‘vas
decided to have a gift exchange,
name enclosed. to the salue of
.The December social
cornrriittee, convened bs Mrs
Anna 'Blundell will be in charge.
Members were reminded to bring
their .,doriations for "
Christmas Lemembrance and
shut-in baskets to the meeting.
A decision was made. to
participate in the Ladies Legion
Auxiliary "Snowflake Ba4ar"
on December 9 and all menibers
were requested to bring their.
talents of sewing, knitting!
baking, ,or crafts to ensure the
succes.s of this endeavour.
Ruth-Haydon and. to Mrs. Ethel
Green w ho is moving to Sarnia
in the near future, b) Mts. Edith
Craig. Regret was expressed at
the leaving. of these. two active
and salued members:
Following the mee, mg a social
hour. bingo and delicious
lunch, conse by Mrs:
Mangrie Young, wa.s.enioyed.
On, behalf uf the Lodge _Ocal teacher
members, a gift Wa5 presented
Mrs. ' Euni.ce Parke, who has
mosed to Listosvel, by 'Mrs.
inOsbridge News new president
By NARA.. VAN OSCH .At a meeting of the
A far ess ell party V, as held last
:stonday esening in the Parish
Hall in honor of •Mr. and Mrs,
Leo Courtnej, who recently'
, moved, to God'erich.
At least i00 friends and
neighbours enk)y ed ari ,evening
of playin-g car&s'aisci
Leo' alie 'Marcella -were called
to the front ai,c1 an address was
read bYZ Marvin Scott. The
Courtneys were presented witha
large pot- of mums and an
envelope of money by Lloyd
Robb and John Howard on
behalf of their friends and
PERS 1411.T:...E
.„ongratu• ations to •'M
remindS me 'of Goderich%; one
and'only Lill\ Blanchard and the fIrrma.11 Flif.1""2
..wonderfulwork she does in th 11ploymtitt
church mi,..siOn, fie/ds of tfie
world', Why not put Lilly .on
. your Christmas list so that y 00 -
can help her,. get The Word out
, not only •at, -Chris as: but-- all
year lone. Her address is 107'
Victoria Street South. .You
wcn't be sorry, I know it.
Speaking of The Word. I hase
aneern'erre- little .gem for -Fun . ;
consider. I attend,ed the Meeting.. •
of. the Bible Society, last Week
and heard the speaker. Dr.
McMillansay that today . .as
never before in the history of
the Bible Spciety. people are
Clamoring for The Word of 'iod.
That's right. More s6-iptures
are being sold now than was ever
imgined.....and the Bible still •
remains the, wbild's best selling ,
book. In fact. it' far tiutsells its
nearest rival.,. .something by Dr.
Spock on child raising.,
world (not Canada or the US I
gathered from his talk) there is
• so •much enthusiasm that Bible'
,quizzes attract as much
„attention as the Grey cup garil'e
does in Canada. '•
God isn't deadmy friends.
He'sart work in our world. You
can be sure of that.,
. an
, Garnis.si who ss ere married at St.
Joseph's Church here on
Saturda , No‘ember 2Q.
Mrs. Carl " Riegling Sr. of
Toronto has been visiting with
her son and family , Mr. and Mrs.
arl Riegling.
Joe Courtney is a patient in
. the .' Toronto East ,General
Hospital' where it is 'expected he
Nk7i1i undergo surger...
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne
- moved 40 LucKriow recentlyfor
the winter months:
Several couples from the'area
attended the dance at Saltford
Halt on Saturday evening. The
dance was successful with
TfoY Scuts ancrrubsin
Ashfield Communituy
Need oung people
--to fill 500 jobs
Young" people ar needed to
fill, 400 job's across Ontario,
These new jobs are being, created
Prdject 500. a fOur-month
winter employ meta Program of
the- ,Ontario Department of
Social and Family Sen -ices.
"Although the response has
been • good in Metropolitan
Toronto. '• Said the Honourable
Thomas L.. Was.. Ontario
Minister of Social and Family
Services. "Iam ve%• concerned
about the small number .of
applications we've received from
other area.sh of Ontario,_ Project
500 is arranging jobs all oVer the
Province. but few people are
applying for them. -
The purpose of Project 500 is
to give unemploye.ung
peofie with a high ,school
ucat-ion, more. jobs •over-
th'e wiiiter. While" at the same
time helping community serVice
agencies to expand or enhance
the services t� , their
Huron -Perth Chapter of the,
Counck for Exceptional
Children held at Seaforth last
week Helen Videan 9f Goderith
' w a's eleted president of the'
• group.
The council is an organization
of individuils who, lend
assistance to teachers and
' educators—in training children
who '.have -difficulties learning.
Others ' elected • • to the p•
'eX.e0Ut INV were Mrs. Melvin
Cranston'. also of Goderich, who
will sere as secretary;: Harmon
.Brodhagen of Mitchell, the new
treasurer, and Mary Duffin of St.
,Marys. Who Will nil the„position
Available in freckled
gold calf or black calf.
in Nile
• . •
Explorers meeting began with •
'the purpose; motto and the
• Explorer hymn. This Is My
• F- h W rld •
er s o
Thejobs \yin be in public and
private agencies in all parts of
,Ontario.,s_uch as, day nurseries,
.homes for the retarded
sheltered 'w.orkshops:_h.omes for
the aged:. family, counselling and
any .other tommunity .agencies
invols-ed inproviding social
, services.
Anyone who is between18
and 25 .ears ofage. has
graduated from high school,
university. nd is unemployed.
should write • to ProJe(t500
immediately for an application:
• Project 500, ..Ontario
.Department of Social and
Family 6th poor.,
Hepburn Building. QUeen'sPar3.
answer your
Dorothy Brindly read the
st.,ript,ure. said a, prayer and read ..
th-e story-Talled the "'Discovery."
. aron. Poliock called the
a‘ttendance with 18 present.
Patty Brindly took, the
collection ,Nyhich amounted to
. Crafts were enjoyed and the
'mee.ting, Was dismissed with a
prayer/ • • '
Port Albert
• Mrs...Mervin:Hodges .held .a
kitchen shower in honor of Mrs.
Mel Irwin „ • (nee - Nancy
Var*rburgh). •
Mrs'. Harvey ,Hodges._
welcomed the guests: A few
games were•_plaSed. Giftswere
brought in and, Anita• -.Hodges
gave the gifts to .Nancy who
thanked everyone.' •
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin will reside
in Goderih. •
ot water will you
ut of this week?
In most households ht water rthes
pretty high on the priorities list.
And. yet a lot of women find
'themselves running -snort of hot
water just when they need it most.
The answer? A properly sized
Natural Gas hot water heaters. It'll
bounce back qualy tirme.after time
to keep pace with all your hot
water requirememi.And cfNatur-al
Gas hot water heater is thorcsughly
dependable, cilmost trouble-free.
And,because it's Natural Gas and
burns clear—you'll know you're
:doing your part to help control
air pollution.
Rent Or buy a Natural Gas
hot water heater. If you run out and
do that, you won't run out of
hot water next week.
Natural Gas. Clean up to the sky.
resideritied hotwater
• n