HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-02, Page 2841, GODERICH SIGNAL,STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2,1971 t. deii" so' ys Ann .tin 14 Homemaking is career TO DAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN Totnntocrelegriun Syndicate 'bear Ann Landers: 1 swore give her young ones a fighting the next tirn'e it happened I chance by waiting unfit they are -the- "vou. Well, today's the day., For, work force. Of course that must the umpteenth t.ime, working take a' full•time job outside the _mother whose child goes to "home for pressing financial school with our son called and reasons. . asked ' me to do her several * * * favours because, as she puts it, ' "I am working now, and you have more time," .So she's working 'now. Big deal. . What does she -think I'M doing? ..Mothers who • want careers and try to palm off their responsibIlities :give me a royal pain in the esophagu.s.They like to create the impression that what THEY, are doing is terribly important and because I stay home and take care of my kids, I am some kind' of slob. ',don't Dear Ann Landers: 1 am 17. Pete is 19. We plan to be married in tWo years. (If he's still alive.) The problem is his car-. He races on the street (against the law) and on the drag strip. Ifhe gets caught again he will lose his driver's license. T4:, money h& spendson that: buckt of boltkis sickening -.-$20 here. $50 there: He - has blown. more :want to, •ger into -the- WOmeiiii iranirnissi9ils than 1•can .count Lib thing. but I'm sick of and has. totaled two, eels ali-eady.' hearing the 'hOrnernaker and He's lucky t be alive. mother downgraded,' as if she were a mental defective. I' wish would say something in Vou • Pete's.idea'of a date i for me to. defense of. the - sit the garage while _ _ d'ound with lthe engine -trying t� make it gofaster or fixing something that Went wrong. Afte, • his last wreck he promised me he was through with racing. His pro,mise lasted three weeks. Should 1. lay down the' law, ,•bide My time, forget about marriage.,ortwhat?17-4Hope Fading , Dear HOpe: Get smart, You're going with Pete and he's going with his Car. These types are uspily incurable. If you Want- stable. rewarding life,. give him. a Methodist handshake and tell him to buzz off. Then there. are the evenings he spends on the Junk heap. wants to sta' home and take • , care of her family -Content in New Jersey Dear C. in. N.J.: The woman who warits to stay home and take ism, of her family doesn't NEED defending.. It's- • as -bon'ourable-and exalted a career as the female executivecs' arid the rewards are every bit as great, if not greater. The woman who wants both a career and children', should, in my opinion, . 4 4 P Do. -it -yourself. It's easy with Sunworthy ready -pasted wallcoverings '11111111111114111/1Vir SUNWORTHY EVRPAITER14 'NAP 7HE Sif, Start today . foryour supplies see, HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE The Square GODERICH' * * * Dear Ann Landers: I 'could ha*ve kissed . you when I read your comments to the young girl who was considering marrying the fellow .w,hO slaughtered the King's English. Believe hie, it can get to you pretty fast.. • Our son-in-law. says "me and Sue" and .',:_gop.ms" for gums, and "pitcher" for picture. The other night he called , up and mumbfed, "Jeet yet?" I asked, "What did you say?" He • repeated- "JEET? Wh'uttsamatter; you deef?" Honestly, Ann, it rroge me sick. to think that - our • college-educatetl , daughter -Will have to listen to that- kind of talk the rest of her life. Strangely enough she'adores the clod and chose•him over a fellow who graduated from Oxford and sounded 'like' Sir Winston Churchill. A few words of sympathy from you would help. -ear Muffed I 4 Dear Ear: Love is not only blind, it's also deef-I mean deaf. Obviously your daughter is as a happy as a clam so' wh..4. are you complaining about? 5,1Vand her husband toriimunicate, and that's where it's at -if you'll • forgive m -el for ending a sentence with a preposition. • * The buck starts here: 71% to 85% of yourdollats buyt invest- ment units, the remainder buys life insurance. Get into a growth situation with WAR in giarantees: Manulife Investor, a variableinsureince plan.' alIyour nearest Manufacturers Life Representative. W. E. Williams ....- Representative GODERICH Tel: 524.7102 • :11114111WACTIIRER he ne()(Is lore - .forlorn 40 re: . 1,8 ariet•-tr‘. uti\e41 arUl parent,- faces an in'-cettre. ti.4.4% litI1 4 arol four. ...41 14110411,lIN ,-hp i -.-pared from fori•1i47.1 i 1 114' I. }WU:Alt-1' i- tinild (of- -.trait:l(r- and thi• 1)1144144;zrz4ph4.4.'.. 'racy 's4,,a- an unfamiliar Th huh. L;iri hu14.-..-zi‘44» .4941: 11141104i. 1 114.r and (lark *.•,111ez'inte into tlu:' care 441 \91t. ChM - Nit! ;••••4.0b•i‘ a- zi; haltered,. chilli. Ji(4 ...Ali' *".114' )140,S h4111-14' 1011 .411 '1•111(104.•••••1 hot lt4.r ni•Ns parept. 'sill nrcil 144;„:.'i\f• licr time 14) Irii-.1•1114'ni.. 4,11j.4‘.. (It hr.r 4.11i1(1)-4-1) :44141 144\ r.'-.4.14)44441. .• .414. trot- z4)-44414141 Ityr 1.44.0•4'‘tti.441114.r 1.a:4er tto ht. JO Id.. Ns In) tio•#•!,1. ° a Ltreat isb•al 141 atttmlion. Thi;- I i;t4 I4• ir I Nr, i t h, ht r nkt 11 pip 1 -I 1104.(1-- to 1)4 1 ht. 1:4114i1 »horl,• 1114. pz;r4.44t,- iindvr- • and 'pain:tit.awl tAnt•(tati,ort- art. not too hiu.h. 144 itignir4. about atiti14tini4.1,a9d. plva N• rift to 'I ii(Irt•-• 4 IiiItl.. U4)\ :>81•tzition K. hlrnt, For general adontiorr infortitatriffl). a-1; our' 1.11i1114en'tt kid , !•ciflif:t% „ CLARA STEWART Suggests - A GIFT OF CLARA STEWART FRAGRANCE AND COSMETICS Larry Rieck, PHM.B. ArchieFiarber', PHM.. Born 30 years too soon - again lily tired ori e) es almost popped out and ran dpwn niy cheeks the other pa), like a couple of p%leled grapes, - when 1 read about the increases in pay to our ° armed foxces. -....Nly God," ',groaned to' my wite„“wL11 you.listen to. ,'• rhis" A buck private is.goirg • ' to get S480 a -month." She ,wasn't impressed. ' But she -perked 'Up her:. ears and turned d.g„,w,n the corners of her frfouth ‘i.ith riN next remark "And .a ' , TOlonel 4.111 be • drawing . SI.960 4 _rnonth.- NI> brother, her br ther-1 -haw, is a.colonel, . , Out came the rie,hejil and she started some, rapid cal- ..ulat,ion- In about half. an hour,, ‘1/41.1-1.1e .1 sat..there shak- mg my head with.aixture of shOCked disbelief and in- ipient nausea, she blurted, "Do N'o-bgrealizethat young pus is 'going to be. making S2.20^a year' - .. 4 1 nodded moroSely;•I had ., done it in my head, give or take a few hundred dollars, .in eight.secon0., : .... .."7.-- Why •-•tr.:,i'.'VOi-v_-.1-.T.ha t"..s`'.-rni---.-:•• . . possible,''' arid her voile ., _Went up an .,octave. Lust took the paper, over and polc sated to the ,oldblaek, nrint, • It Was like 11<.;rse-pill \i. itlioJt hent ij oi Y ater, ior'both of us. \t hile ' I had been srloggi.rig along Inc hunianit. as j, ,C,"c:', h- ' ..,, newspaper editOr. utiles ihitting a high ot So.'200 a -Year, and later as:a teacher, he'had been g.J111,- ,,ifaing. around to all .,orts ...f glarnoro,:, incl e...:hil4 . pla..-eSt ,:. , , • ... -- \ide-de--innp to an Air .....e -Marshal ill,. Furor-.:. • Boar-IT:lilting in German>. (..(i;himander if ta 'fighter. squadron in4-F an, e. Liaison .ofticer in Par S. 1)1:‘,:N•,, Ottawd. Ba'', 'to Ba ,ttk •-t c.) ( a ala to ht....id a '.'lghter , scru-adron , at Val d"Or, guarding uagains.t Ile FskinlOt.'S, then a soft tou,.h at Colorado Springs in the, 'States. YkatLhing.t.):ie. rani, __Igt..tt.on. and skiing v,cek- egIds. . . . --There vas only -One bright spot in my mind as f r'eviewed this ...1r,..4iit. 11e n. -)v. stuck :n Syra...use. 1,k h.-) . v..int t.) he In •••,,, r„,.i..ue •t . BA :-...,y ‘,...(e v. asn:•-t--.1:1-rt- i-,'Ii,:•:d:'..'WK-,--didn't :a,, -.Ai ;Li:. in the air fore? " 1 gage her . surae lofty reply • about. ' being liny own man; and not \-- GODERICH 524-8985 - 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. WINIGHAM 357-1306 ANYTIME 225 PICTON ST., GODERICH home a month to my • t‘%0 %1/4%.•eks, so 1 had J hand-' • mother 4, goi paid 0, co.'. some ID to blot+. 1.11 nevr for the time I gost my SI() hill about t‘,+, enty.minu- tes alter pay parade It 1kas at \tanning Pool in 14ronto, with about 10.000 airmen un nun& .1 he rico duple of veek c, ie shin piAings. But 1 madk.: b.y byrrbw- inii.' That's W staried borro trigand 1 e never Laught up sin,e But it ‘,,asn't soKid, real - Beer was 10./ a dratt 'and a, dollar Went a tong didn't smok.k:. (l!rls didn't e\peQt i -to *take them out forbi'drinks, dinner and the thc,itr. 1 he, tust pec ted U take them `oUt.. Hotel room,. -,:v.ere no problem, On ,,s,:t'.'kend leave. One cif us ‘%ould hek into the. old King Fadie mn Toronto. and take 1 single room. Priee v i 3,(0), Wit 0 10 per cent 1011 tot seri. tLe- Tnen aboutime more •\.kouid sneak up and s1\ of • f-oom, t-hree on the u single • tied„,.rossv.ays. the other on the .floor, ea,h,. 1.\ e , didn t ne.jed .prithP sleep anysa. V, ages w ent .up ‘vith each inaease-in rank. As -1 t.‘,%hen 1 conimission- L4. I got about SW50a day, This \% v,ealth beyond the dreams avan,:e, in those days, !The AIKtralilirf-, and I: K. oft 1..ers led us hit- terly They were paid about.' *halfthat,• to maIntain the s1ndir1\d. iii01.11,.er and _ • 4, dont 'enA.,y the ct.r\ me- rien their in,rt.ase. They atot-, that thankles, mn pea,:etime, But If I v.ere quite a few years younger. I'd be running, not - walking, to the 'nearest re- Lruitine. st'ation _ But iii, kid broth e: is an- other p-Tatte.r I'm 'smarter than he is, thdugh he'd • never admit it, 1 could al- ways heat him up, He's got his only Li -10d married off to a wealthy Englishr,-Lan. He's going to hale a fat.pension in just a fe,w, years, It's orcry \fair to st.3tvin0- 11t.0 Ofl him that he ittvay have long-term, perhaps pen- planent, guests. when he re-. tire, .4ris‘piJs.c.ut his \i11a.", in Spain. • • The Argyle Syndicate wanting to wallo‘k drocInd fl pea,e-time on the j tas- ayer's money. • I didnit .rnentwan.; that th6 am- tore v,ould,n't have- had me. if ! l\ -.World, War- 1.14--.1444--b.rt-tke.ri out twenty, 111.11illteS after World War 11 ended,.• Then, in the gloomy silence that tolloVed. I started thinktrig-back,,i‘k, nen 1 joined up. 5 t got S1,311 - day. or S40 a 1110111h, sent NEWSPAPERSL 6E7'MT/07. DONE . *1st PEOPU * COMMUlitTIES * ADVERTkIRS •s„ ook V447, )r011 # get for14 A re!axing mght's sleep in a modern cr.;mfortable ;7• s;nerb service to help yo.u.enjoy what youvant ctn you're in the heart of downtown Toronto, so • whenou weir( out the front door you're c!ese to every- .' th;nc.;- thoat'es ,l..erlf.,11,3;nmerit shopping. And you't1 „ find the Lord 8irncoe dig and lounge prices are as • , sensible as :he room rates • t,' You Tget more forless.at; . , Uhiversity & Krig` Streets, Tel 362-1/348. rases 12.50 to 18 4 itonald McDonald CHA'FITE RED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontarid W.B'ELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-76E1 . 4 9 ofizterotth.ast 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARI.0* Available For Large orSniall Parties2 CONCERTS BINGOS • DANCES CONVENTIONS • We Cater, Anx, Time or Place 3anquet Rooms for425 tO 40G Special Attention to yyeddings PHONES 524-9371 or 9264 .4.••• • 442'40.4,,t 11341,3,04.41,23,144, INSURANCE COMPANY When yOu want information about a loan or mortgage, dial the Operator.and ask for Zenith 08000. Wherever you are., Zenith 08000. Cash Store Central. Niagara's newest 'service, f e Our people here wiTI-advise you -on the best way irk ge4104400410744tt. mortgage you Iriffirles OUX- 'ay of bringing you and NiagaTa tOgether, at your •onvenience. zenith08000 4111mmillimmallamiloPlamjalsmak ‘3, •1 * FRIGIDAIRE * „WESTINGHOUSE' • * GIBSON * HOOVE " Sales and Service JEWEW BROTHERS APPLIANCES Ei TV LTD. The Square -'- Goderich t Now a good salary OpAutunity-securirty for you in a business career Goderkh Business College Clerical, Setretarial, Medical -Secretarial Courses 524-8521^ Res. 524-8732 .For FASHION RIGHT, SHOES .44 The Place To Go Is ROSS • SHOES he Square " Goderith 14$ DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron•Fuel, Injection ' Equipment Bayfield Rd., Clinton -482-7971 *CHISHOLM FUELS Distributors For 'PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, :41\td-LI.STIW-e----- * Free Burner ServiFe .t* Furnace. Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels 524-7681 OR 529-7524 1 • For Pleasant Surrounding and , Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN 4. Cards For All Occasions * Gifts Bobks * Stationery Supplies Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St Goderich GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE' * 58383 tambrra at Anglesea 1. 0 •1. c.) ft 6 • at 0- drk 14 0 a