HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-02, Page 27• ,
agistmas Yule Log,
of chocolate cake
makes mouths water
This ,Log Cake looks and
tastes - like, Christmas and. it is
aiways an nteresting
conversation piece at any, party.
r/2 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sifted cocoa
'A cup sugar
% tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
4 eggs
V2 cup sugar •
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Pre -heat oven to 400 degrees
F. Line bottomof 10 'x 15.inch
pan with waxed paper„ Grease
and flour, lightly. Measure and
sift first ..'five ingredients; set
aside. Beat eggs in deep bowl
Until light and lemon coloured
about , 2 minutes` Add 1/2 cup
sugar slowly; continue heating.
Add vanilla; beat until thick.
Fold sifted dry ingredients into
$egg mixture, one half at a -time.
Spread evenly in pan. - Bake
12-13 minutes. Loosen edge of
cake; invert on tea towel
sprinkled with icing sugar.
Remove -waxed paper; trim off
edge of eake.,Roll cake up in tea
towel; work quickly. Cool on
rack then -unroll. Spre-ad with,
White BUttertrea.m. Re -roll then -
.spread with Chocolate tream.
1:traw, 'a fork along the surface to
give the „effect df bark. Dust
lightly with sifted icing sugar to
represent snow. Garnish with
sprigs of holly. . Yield:
Cream 1/2 cup batter *or
. margarine; add 1/2 cup icing sugar
blending well. Add 31/2 cups icing
sugar and 1/2 tsp. vanilla; mix to
blend. Add 3-4tbsp. milk; mix
until soft and smooth. Divide in
half, Use White Butter Cream for
inside filling of Log Cake. To
remainder add 11/2 tbsp. sifted
cocoa; mix until smodth. Ue for
outside icing on cake.
-Hera is sweet -eating magic_ in
minutes. Hungry guests are
always ready to devour
chocolate tid-bits and these
crisps fill the bill. 0.
9 slices white bread
2/3 ..up sweetened condensed
milk (1/2 can)
1/3 cup sieved cocoa
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Shredded coconut
— Cut bread. ½ inch thick; trim
Off crusts. Cut each slice into 4
squares.' Pre -heat broiler, Mix
together condensed milk,' cocoa
and: cinnamon; blend well.
Spread both sides of bread
lightly with the chocolate,
-mixture... Real gently iri. finely
shredde& ecied-rrtrt7---Airrangeon-
greased cookie sheet. Place 8
' inches from broiler. Broil 1
minute then turn over to tpast
' other side. Watch carefully while
under broiler. Yield: •'36 squares.
Glamor Treatment For Leftovers
In the straggle to balance the food budget clever use (f leftovers
is a big help. A delicious gelled Cupboard Special Main Kish lade
'with Knox gelatine-inake„,%—theandsL...ilf_le 115 els1,(,pi•(ed. ham.
chicken,, or thrifty canned meat. Budget recipes with anagmative,
flair.are'inclu'iled in a free booklet entitled "AuntY-Inflation Says:
You l'att Save on Food." Many practical food budget.tips are also
presented.' FOr your copy write to: Aunty -Inflation, Box K-1,
Johnstown, N. Y. 12095. ' „
Cupboard Special Main Dish . • .
* 1 envelope unflavorea gelatine meat or 2 cups diced
1 cup cold water, divided ' • cooked ham or chicken
1 can condensed cream of • ' 3/4 cup chopped celery •
' celery soup . . 2. tablespoons diced pimiento .
1 tablespoon lemon juice , , 2 'teaspoons instant minced
., . • •v, ..
-114 teaspoon pepper •,, ' ,. onion
1 can (12 ounces) luncheon , Salad greens . .
Sprinkle gelatine over 1,';2 cup cold water in saucepan. Place over
low heat; stir constantly until gelatine.diRsolves, hout 3 minutes
Remove from heat; blend in condensed Soup..StiOn,remqining ',a
cup water, lemon juice and pepper.. Chill until mixture mounds
slightly when dropped from spoon. Fold in meat, celery', pimiento
and onion. Turn into 4 -cup mold; chill until firm. Unmold on
serving plate and garnishwith salad greens. 'YIF,LII4..serVings.
) •
5orne.people say it's the all new
aero ---dynamic design ! Some say
it's the new. Salsbu'ry automatic .
drives! Others claim it's the gas
tank cap with gauge. Others still
maintain it's th,e longer chassis on
the Mark II wide -track.
There's soenething.special about
Boa Ski all right and that's the
people who build it. We put more
irito Boa Ski so you get more
out of it.
Gord!" Sports
. 211 Bayfield Road
Goderich, Ontario
519— 524-9061
Bayfierd —
As the holiday, season approaches, we are all looking for hew: appetizing and tempting party ideas.
Instead of the usual cheese and crackers, offer your guests these c,lelicioUs dips made from
.imported Holland Edam cheese and, presented in their red wax shells, they add an extra splash of
color. -The, extra- preparation will be tn./II worth thprafse j/ot.Tare sure to receive for your special
cheese tray.
A new wriy to dip -
As the 4 holiday season
approaches, we are all looking
for new, appetizing and
tempting party ideas.
Instead of the usual cheese'
and crackers, offer your guests
_these delicious dips made .from
imported Holland Edam cheese
and, presented in their red wax
shells, they add an extra splash
ofcolon' The 'extra preparation
.will be well worth the praise you
are sure to receive' for—STOTir
special cheese tray.
Additionally, an Edam cheese
ball makes an ideal gift to take .
along to Christmas or New Years
parties at which you are the
guest. Simply wrap the!bowr in
plastic wrap, and festive paper if
you wish.
1 (1 Ib, 1-4 oz.) • imported
Holland Edam cheese ,
Cut imported Holland Edam
in half. Scoop cheese from each
half leaving' inch to 1/2 inch
shell (Edam is easy to work with
when it is at room temperature).
Shred the edam cheese removed
from each half of the shell with
a fine vegetable shredder.
Blend or 'crearn shredded
Edam from 'one half of Shell
: -
1/2 cup sauterne
2 tablespoons soft unsalted
2 cup slivered almonds (toasted)
Spoon filling back into the
'bowl' made from one half of
the imported Edam ball.
Blend or, cream shredded
Edam from the second half of
-the imported,Edam.bail With:
1/2 clip claret •
2 tablespoons soft--
- unsalted
cu -chopped' pecans
pinch of nutmeg
Spoon'the dip into bowl, made
from second halt of Edam ball.
To serve, place party 'bowls'
on serving trays with assorted
crackers oc.erisp vegetables. If
you 'prefTrsofter dips add small
amounts of milk or cream.
' Makes, enough for about. 40
servings.' ; '
Dips may be Wrapped and
stored in refrigerator for as,loing
as two -weeks -but, are best rved
at' room temperature. Remove
Wise men through the ages have pointed
out that the sure route to security and
wealth is to put aside moneyfor
tomorrow before you spend for today.
Yourfuture must be the first call on
your purse.
The unchanging habit Of regular savings
deposits at your friendly Victoria -and
Grey Trust where you get high interest 4
-rates ;lid no charge for a reasonable
number of cheques is your assured
route to financial independence,.
• ••••
Start saving today at Victoriaand Grey.
The senior Trust Company
devoted entirely to serving •
the people of Ontario.
• 900 to 5:00 ,Mondtiy,lo Thuriday
6:00 to 6:00 Friday
•. •••• ' • 0'•• t" -
Lealand Hill, Manager 574.7381
Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich
• ' ••, ,,- • • •
, • w• ; 1 " '"'"
• • •*;' ,
• .
6 "' . •
' • • al •
• 'r
'••• ,I,• .„t ; •
GODgRICfl S1gNAL-$,T4rt, THURSDAY, DECglOgnt 1,971411
pples • and interttatimenv
o together in Holidays (it)
' For .holiday entertaining
Viat's easy, on the hostess, try
ipples fox appetizers. Not whole
apples fpr munching, but fresh,
attractive hors d'oeuvres as
festive -as the season-, - '
apples in lemon juice. Spear on
cocktail picks and stick in largf0
red apples for guests to dunk in
a creamy dip of whipped cream
cheese flecked with red pimento
and green pepper. Add grated
onion and horseradish for extra
An hors., ,d',oeuvre tray- tiaat.
calls for encores blends the
slices and herring .tidbits soaked
in wine, sauce, Make rows of
overlapping apple slices, herring,
and crisp salted crackers. This
----Know your
spoilage signals
A "springer is a can that
bulges or swells at one or both
ends. Pressure inside the—can,
usually from ' hydrogen gas,
- forces the ends out• Pressure '
continues to build untiT;th.e can
eventually explodes.
Ends of cans should be flat or
'curved slightly irrward. A hard
indiPates that
something is wrong. -The food.
may not necessarily be harmful. •
A swell could be caused by
overfilling br, freeling the liqUid
inside. But it can also be cauted
by • food—spoilage bactelia.
Underprocessing, a break in the
seal along the seam, or a dent
allow bacteria to grow or enter.
If you have a swollen cal -17"
don't Open it or taste the
contents. Look for the code
number stamped on the can,
write- it down -with the • brand
name and. the date of purehase-,-
froth refrigeratoj 1/2 hour before
and send it to the manufacturer,„
. With a copy to the Food and
-Either filling makes a tasty Drug Directorate. If F400d and
accompaniment to a slice of Drug ." inspectors cannot be
mi4e„meat Pie or a warm , contacted to Vick up the -can,
mihcemeat, tart. - throw it away.
'xi •
Scandinavian touch has all the
flair of modern Danish clekigre
An apple appetizer is light and
unusual. It's a calorie counter WELCOME
or..---abuilwrivith 'rich would tike to can on you Vvith::--
that -doesn't taste like one- — a
treat—that guests.- aripteetatein-a,- -:-7r--,,.
goodies. The trick for bright "housewarming gift" and
a'343lpiper , lemon-dnigp petusid Pteoelepreverentl:cf°artimont,1°Tnheab
Floutstesysouwriunebwe .4.
brov)-ning, say food specialists at glad to arrange your subscription
the Ontario • Food Council, to the SIGNAL -TAR.
Ontario Department of Call her „at524-9525
Agriculture arid Food. m=izszi=#=--- ::::10=3 --
You'll Get
a Good
• Deal
Just ask your friends. You can rely on
• us for fair estimates, recisOnable costs,
expert Work. After accident _damage- _or• __
just daily, wear and tear, let us-restOre-
your car's like -new loo.
Windshield Replacement at Competitvd
St. David St.; Godericb 524-9449
• Canada worksiwhen Canadians get
involved together So the Federal Govern-
meilt is putting 498 ThiIIion doHars to work
through a series of specifiC programs. to
help,create jobs for Canadians
'You' re'a major fbrce.in making the pro-
gram work We're Counting on youj, either on
your oven initiative or through your corn-
Muntty groups. to come up with ideas 'for. the
0E01 Initiatives Program: For example you
may have a social service project or ran idea
such as -a cultural program. improvements.
tqsubstandard houstng..assistance to the-
Ondicapped, or others.that create employmeptAnd make: your cordmunity a better place,
TheTraining-orVthe-Ltob Program will
expand opportunities for training for 1 -hose
w-1-44.4 are unemployed. or have little work ex-
'. per ience. and will work throucp bLisines
.11-1ci industry _ ,
For those -with some basic, work expe'r,i_
ence the Janada Manpower Training
Program has been extended to help prvide
additiOnal Iearninq
A program oftgax uedit or direct 'pay-
ments 10 employe's encourages them to add
tratnees,to-their staffs through the Training
on -the -Job -Program
The Local Intliattves PrOgrat will help
'municipalities create add4nal,jobs through
worthwhile community projects, Provincial
governments will work with municipalities to
use this program to support and spur
community prolects
-by, Financing additional cap;tai works pro-
jectS throughout Ca -nada We'H be speeding
up the program of the Centra l Mortgage and -
-Housing Corporation to get more homes. 0 -.
student housing, and 'Sewage trrratment
projects under way. •
-Loans will also he rnade to exhrh,tion
_commissions, boards and assocHationeftO get
people working on multHpwpaS,e fair and -
trade buildings
There will he mc°;re jOb OPC)Wit)t L,l'eS
-?›,:r.tancied maintenance and impro“?ment
activities on Federal buildings trarportation
tac,..ilittesforest and park pr act and many
It starts at your Canada Manpo\Ner
Centre- For advice and a§sistance 00 ar,iy of
the pl'ograms you feel apply to YoU or your
community. contact_your Ioc'al Canada
Manpower Centre..They'll he happy to help
Canadians get invoivoci tngether,
I+ Manpower Main -d'oeuvre
and Immigration et Immigration
(Itt 1,1,0
,There 's!a: F..edvtai,p rovincla V;iir,F,M• . i0S,V4,111i.pt44.0X, ,o4re,P
ment Loans, Program designed to crate jobs