HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-02, Page 2141. • nyc IP I f• 1 , From the Minister's study_ Out -selling 011 others BY REV. W. H. McWhinnie Minister, Mount Calvary Ba 'fist Church .1• Is God dead? .4- Anitateresting told of • the great reformer, •Martin Luther; The persecution he had to endure was a fiery trial indeed, and his life was frequently in danger; Things had gone very badly agaihst hinr,, and - he ecame very discoUraged:- " • One day he set forth in a very despondent mood to pay a round of visits, which took him fax froth -home, and isolated hclm from newssof his loved ..ones„ SEVERAL WEEKS went by - and the timie came to return home. When he apprdached his home he saw with amazement and apprehension that the blinds were drawn,and that the 'door knocker was draped with crepe, Fear seized his heart. What terrible thing had happened in his absence? • • - He entered - his home, but no . . sign of Iife inet his eyes. The tramp or „whis7 feet sounded strangely hollow - in -the • apparently empty' . house. He shouted, but no answer was forthcoming. • AS FIE STOOL) on the, threshold„of his bedroorn. door, saw Ins -wife, -clad in deep tt, At any rate, it was no.* t his wifewho had died nor had -any other member of his family. Hei "iSiced her to tell him the worst and _put him out. ofhiSsus-pense; She did so. No calamity had overtaken • the, family, but Luthr's wife had nOticed with sorroW her huband's utter despondency • and lack of lourage when he set out on hi journey, bad had taken this - striking way to emphasize the iMpression made upon hcr. • The effect ,was electri, and • taking fresh courage, Luther went on with his great work. , I God was not, dead.. THERE' IS disputing, there is much in the world today, to make us feel despondent. - What is the cause of the, 4.) terribla unrest and" fear to be found in many hearts? Is it not that , the at `maority of men and women live as if God were dead, as if He never existed, as if some unknown and mysterious power had set, this earth in being and then left it to its own fate? -M i 1 lions are marching, moment, by moment, toward eternity with never a thought as to where they are going, or of, their responsibilty tov?iard Gd. DEATH draws nearer with every heart heat, but_they give no thought to the facCthat they possess on immortal soul, or tipat there is a hell and a heaven. What is sadly needed today is a revival of religion. We need prophets of God, men with burning and arresting. zeal to tell the people that God is not dead, but' that God lives. Some today are more concerned about an ecumenicity that leaves out the message of salvation from sin through the blood or Christ; ahant, theology..„, that denies the authority,, of the Bible, and 'brirtgs 0elple into doubt and unbelief. WE NEED' to return to the faith Of our fathers, the old-time religion, the word al God which teaches redemption' through Jesus Christ:. - If you are discouraged and despondent because of the world's condition and in doubt because of attacks on the Word Of God, I remind you that God is alive. , • There are many ministers of all denminations, teachers in universities and eolleges, and men and women around you, who believe that God is alive and ean upon the message of the Bible, which has met. their every need. • Induorio I • Farm • Factory Plain or safety toe. Choice of seven sole matercals. Ross SHOE SHOP 40 142 The Square poderich, Ont. lit l' Perhaps you ask, "How can I cnne to dad?" Listen to the words of our SaviourAwho said, 'No man cameth nto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) TO COME is to trust in Him , • in.. about five:yrs. Gospel is in demand According ' to the , Rev. Kenneth G. McMillan, wherever ad's Scriptures are going Gforth, thiirgs are tppening. Speaking of the tremendOus demand for Scripture all over the' world, and in- referenc* o' the. thirty million copies .of "Good News for -Modern Man" that have been sold, D!'. McMillan said-: "You don't buy a paperback to decorate the shel?.. You buy it to read.,", Dr. McMillan was speaking on behalf of .the United Bible Societies at a dinrier meeting on November 24 at Victoria St, United Church. The' dinner \'as sponsored by the Gpderich 'Branch under the chairmanship of William McNaughton, Dr. McMillan, a ^miniser of the ' Presbyterian Church in Canada, is a native of Mount Forest. After serving several congregations in Ontario, he was appointed in 1957 to be General Secretary of the ,Canadian Bible Society. -The work of the Society' is to transkate ttad distribute the Scriptbrs.; alt World languges. Dr. McMillan pointed out that in Canada the Bible is distributed in 75 languages. • Pointing out how the Societ is serving the world in the Seventies, he noted that the great .Consumers. of Seripture are the Roman ' Cathollea.. Roman Catholics in Chile are buyingmore New Testaments. than, antheProtestan ts, together: He emphasized the great Change in the Roman Catholic Church in' regard to the Bible, and observed that "too many Protestants are pouting like Elder Brothers". Speaking of the .need for money to provide the Scriptures, he • spoke of poverty in twathirCIS" of the world. "Emotionally", he said, "we have never undelStood poverty." When the per capita income is '$145.00 a year, a person cannot anc, • 44.. 11, REV. K. G. afford to Qay 75, -cents for Bible. a Nevertheless, Dr. McMillan • stressed, Bibles are not, forced on people. They must pay. something. They -are riot given to those who don't want, them. 'McMillan -Snake development in Africa, Indonesia and South America„ stressing , that many native • leaders feel that de'velopment --2-pograms, can faiLif Man himself does not change. He • quoted a native leader in 'Ponga who said, "Alt.of my people are hindered because of their fea•r of ghosts and magic. The onk: thing that • can • hl5ltis the Word of God." During the dinner meeting Leland Hill, treasureii' the Cloderich Branch, presented a cheque for $1450.00 to the Rev. Jack Thompson, ,Western Ontario District Secretary. This represents the arnount'of money McIVIILLAN •-• I tr• • r !L • juIiRICH SINAL -STAR, THURSDAV, DEOE/ViBgA*1971 Goderich arid area obituari • * MRS. FRANK ALL'N Mrs. Frank (Bessie) Allen died at tHuronview November 26 a the age of 88. The daughter the lat Wilson and Smith, ohn alliday) orn December 1 , 82 i Goderich where she esided all her life, She was married June 9 1909 to Frank • • son Allen 41wh diedt) S steniber 8, 1949. Shemoved to luronview ab.put four years ago, She was a member of Knox* .Presbyterian Church. 4urviving are two sons, Jaek of Islington and , Frank of Ridgeway; tour grandchildren and 15 great:grandchilden; 'and one sister, Mrs, Lou (Olive•) .Maskell, Gpderich. ,‘• Funeral service was Sunday November 28 at Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. G, L, Royal officiating. Interment was in Maitland. Cemtery. Pallbearers were Bert Wasell, William and Ebb Rss, William Mugford and Bud and Walter Allen. - collected in the house to house canvass of Goderich last September. Besides Goderich . people, there were representatives present frern Balield„ -Myth and Benmiller. r. McMillan was thanked by the Rev. GarWood G. Russell of St. George's Church. The Rev. - -Robert- RayTnont-- Fresideiit the Ministerial Association, and the Rev. Leonard Warr, Minister of the 'host 01th-(h, also took part ii the program: • • Sells 30 million for the forgiveness . of sii-i'Co accept Him as Saviour and There is no cither way, Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life." You may be perfectly sure as to the welcome you will receive, for He said; "Hiln that cometh to me will in no wise cast out." (John 6, 37) Our Lord died an atoning death on the cross that God ,might righteously offer us salvation here and now, without money and without price;not,of works, but' all of grace and mercy for it is a gift, "THE GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord:" (Romans 6, 23) Will you riot, on bended nee, receive this offer now? Believe' on the Lord Jesus hrist, and thou shalt,* saved" as 16 Th; do so, and you ill .find that God is a LIVING REALITY. (A FRED CROSS - means People Helping People • 40 Pistrib.ution of "Good 'News for Modern Man", the Bible Society's New estament in Today's gnglish Version, reached 30 Million copies on October 20, 1971, slightly Etjore than five' years after it was published . on , September 15, .1966. This was the second milestone reached this year by the TEV/New Testarnet. In May 1971 "Good News for Modern Man" became the all-time best-selling paperback in English publishing,in history, topping 'Baby -and Cild Care"by Dr. Benjamin M. Spock, the previous all-time best -eller inpaperbacks. The ehird edition of this translation, ,hasthe iinprimatur of Archbishop Jahn F. Wheaton of the Archdiocese of .Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. "Good News for Modern Man" is a translation or the' New Testament__ in contemporary English made under • the supervision of the Reverend, Dr. Robert G. Bratcher Research Associate of the American Bible Society.. It is based on a Greek text prepared . by aro international 'commitCee of scholars under the auspices of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 50 national Bible Seicietieswith work in more than 150 countries. • • 'Easy to understand, with a vocabulary Of 3,000 words; the translationwas nat . designed to compete' withthe traditional versions .6f the, New. Testament, but to supplement it. It-Isa translationand not a paraphrase of the New Testament.. Dr. Bratcper is chair,man of' the committee of international scholars who arKepiiring the Old Testament in Today's English V4-sion. Two books already have been published. "Psalms for Modern Man", a 20c Paperback, has had 'sles of two million since December. 1970. ---"Job for Modern •Man", a 5c paperbak, has had a circulation of 400,000 'copis since it 'was published in August 1971. The Old Testament translators work with the most authoritative Hebrew text available, Biblia Hebraica, edited by Rudolf Kittel. The complete Bible in Today's English Version is to be published in 1975, ON-.MacRAE WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER The Square` Only th‘finest diamonds are fine enough for our collection! Whether you spend a moltest- $100 or a magnificent sum you get only the finest -diamonds when you buy at MacRae's. • • WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM • Suriday,-December 5 HEAR * BISHOP E. J. SWALM * WORLD TRAVELLER AUTHOR PLUS * THE SINGING HOLDEN FAMILY Wesley Memorial Church GODERICH — 11 A.M. Huron Mens Chapel AUBURN — 8 P.M: and THE HOLDEN .FAMILY WILL SING AT WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR -2 P.M. Everyone Welcome To These Services • •- DEVERNE A.JULIEN- -COMING NEXT WEEKEND EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO 'NOTHING MRS. JEAN LORENTS6N Mrs. Jean Lorentson, Whitby. died Thursday, November 25' in Whitby after a lengthy illness, She was 76.. • The former Jean Taylor, she is the daughter of Chief John W. and Margaret Taylor and was born' NovembeIr- 9; 1895 : in 'CoIlingwoodS1ie- 'f-egitlecr in" .Goderich and Toronto before ' residings, in Whitby. • She was predeceased by bei, husband ' Bernard •,,Larentson; Surviving are one son John, California; one sister, Mrs. • George (Mrjorie) Brown, Thunder Bay: and one brother, James, Long Beach., Calirornia: for Your INSURANCE see or call MaclEwan & MaciEwan .44 North 5249531 ' < Peter -S. Mac Evan SUNDA - SERVICES.. The family th_at prays together ▪ stays toge!ker • IL Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle. Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. • REV. PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor SUNDAD•E-CEMBER 5th 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL' 1i :00 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE. 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 8:00 p.m. - Tuesday, Prayer and '3ible Study 8:00 pm. - Friday, Young Peopl -st Service ,,YOU ARE IhVITED TO,WORS IP WITH US A PROBLEM HONESTLY STATED IS HALF SOLVED WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH SUNDAY, DEGEMBEFI 5th a.n. - Sunday School 1100 a.m. Worship 7:00 p.m. - Evening Service.. • 4 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BA4(FIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC - FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BR-OBACHER, Pastor 10:00 -Ern. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:60 a.m. - WOrthip Service. 6:30 p.m. - Youth Time. 7:30 p.m. - The Westernaires Trio of Owen Sound will bring the special music. Wdnesday, b p.m. - MidweelZ Service. WE/.001111' TO THE PAIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterial' Church. THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Prais6 , ,SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 - DIVINE WORSHIP, Sermons For Advent: (2) "STRANGE AND WONDERFUL THINGS" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 pm. ,Young 'People's Sciciety. Enter to Worsnip Depart to,Serve Funeral -service was Sunday, November 28 at McGallum Funeral Home with R. G. L. Royal offidiating. fnterrnent was in Maitland Cemetery. MRS. BEATRICE.SREABDOWN Mrs, Beatrice (Flossie) Sheardown• died Wednesday,- Novembe. 24 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital following ashort illness. She was 90. The former" Beatrice ,Dobbie, die was born July- 18,,,181 in Oldham,Surrey, England, parents Dr. Robert and Marion Dobbie, She came to Canada in ,1886 ..and has resided in Goderich since1914. She was married to Samuel in 9he1ar4d7,own-w ho predeceased her Surviving are her children, Daughter Mrs. Harry (Ada) Fritziey, and sons Murray, Walter and Harold, all of Goeich; Carl Ashton of St. Marys; 15 grandchildren and seven grat,grancichijdren. Rev. Robert Rayment .conducted the funeral service as the McCallum' Puneral Hwile Saturday, November 27. John and Annie McPhee and mOved tAlbt#,,,a about 1905. -He Caroled in the Vermilion -.district until he retired about 15 yearsie, Hp was' predeceased by his wife, the former Ruth Cousin, in 1952. He was also predeceased: .* by one sistet_anclAwe brothers. He is sutvivedone -daughter, Jean RN Pf VenniliOn; one son, George of' ClandOnaidt Alberta; three grandsons; 'one_ 'sister, Mrs., John Jaarsoii Woodstock; and one , half brother, Clifford, .Goderich. There are r,several nieces, nephews and cousins in the Goclerich district as well. LOCKHART JAMES COOK Funeral service for the late 'Lockhart James Cook was held Wednesday, November 24 atthe Stiles Funeral Home. * Pallbearers were Harry Cook, Larry 1,,ittlechild, Leonard CoOk, Ken Cook, Joe Powell and Bob Cook. Flowerbearers were Ricky Baechler, Jackie Cook, _Oliver Cook and Nicky Interment was in Maitland . Cemetery. Pallbearers were WILLIAMS Wayne Sheardown, John - Shardown, Samuel Sh.eardowh LEMETERY: and" Bruce; Sheardown, all' MEMORIALS grandson of the decesed• and Byli-i-AttiSlie arid •Lyriif•pencer," nephews of the deceased. And .Inscriptions Flowerbearer ' was Gordon --1 DAVID McPHEE Oavid McPhee of Vermilion., Sutcliffe. RONALD.MCALLUNI.-. Stratford - On7rio • , ''21 CambriRaeRpdrb.s,eNnotartthiv,Goderich Alberta, died November 19. He e Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 wa91W Heas the son of the late MEMORIALS -MARKERS 1; • AND SON Ctiltb--ExeterSeaforth & CEMETERY LETTERING Goderich District Representative • Frank Mcliw ain 524-9465 200 Gibbons S. Reg. j. Befl 45, Cambria Rd. S. - • Voi • 524-7464 UNITEDHOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Streegt North' SUNDAY,DECEMEE 5th 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11.:00 a.m. - WORSHIPSERVICE, 7:00„p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE.' MEETINGS ON THE'SQOARE AT 300 P,M. Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:30 Pm. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. P. H. LEE . PHONE 524-6887 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 2nd SUNDAY IN ADVENT - DECEMBER 5th • Hol-Tommnion at 8:30 a.m. Rector's Class at 10 a.Yri. Holy Commerrron at 11 a.m. Sermon: "Christian Doctrine: The Condition of Man Sunday School at 11 a.m. Organist-hoirmastr: Mr. Paul C. Baker, , Rector; THFER.CR.E0v...LG.R..AG..MR.,IJEAS.SR.CL.ML; B.A., BD. .44444444/0* FlitST BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Convention ofOntario and Quebec) - • MONTREAL STREET near The Square • - 11:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m: - Sunday School. RV. W. H. McWHINNIE - Morning Worship. •41 8:00 p.m. - YVednesday, Prayer and Bible Study. SPECIAL MUSIC COVE AND WORSHIP IN A CHURCH Victoria Street United .Church HOUSE" OF FRIEN,DSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m. - Bible School' for All Grades, 11:00 a.m. - White Gift Service. Sermon: "THE MEANING OECARISTMAS" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m.- White Gift Syice. • W-ETL-C-0-ME 80LOIST: itdEVERNE MULCINS will sing in Victoria S reet Church, Sunday, Dec. 12 North Street United .Church •n, REV. ROBERT L. RAYM()NT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th 9:45 a.m.. - 9 -year-olds and over. 10:55 a.m., - Babies to 8 -year-olds. 11:00 a.m. - Morninii Worshit SECOND SUNDAY IN AOVENT Sermon: "RECEIVING THE diFf" -14 • W*E.LC,�M.ElT Mrs. Eleanor Hetheringtan„A.T.C.M. Organist apd cfralr Director Phone Church Office and Study - 5247631 ehurch Building 5244951 1111,41, .4•114/11,1441, - r • •