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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-02, Page 12
til 0.Y Glalx><t SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. DECEMI3EB 2, 1971 Day care centre... •w„ ._ d from Page 1. that the parents using the lite Ontario facilities would have to pay for works 'gni t' the services. Government would beallocating tee per child Would be set out a sun) of $l0 million • for ©n a sliding scale, it i building new municipally undertood, with the cost per itt . to craw this special' • ° 1pttiltling tt progratat to your individually according to• the ; a ttention, and to ask that your combined incurnes of the child's Council consider constructing a parents. The dad care centre should be' as .•close to sell' -supporting as possible, it.was learned. It is further undetood that in cases where parents would not be able to Akiv the full amount for child are, the Ontario government would subsidize ',„i), r-r.tl I ,c r\lct. ru..harents, nose •ao o•+ twt r by •-percen_,t. f�,+rt i, toa t `v r, �'singlt, parents anon with the municipality paying the remaining 20 percent. E-1`t3wevei it should be pointed out that parents would be required to • fit; �• ;I. " rtleted "on pay as large a portion as possible I•. 1 • li:rt, nursery the cost of care 1'or their hetww.en Ma•:,,,:.31., • Tit• eligible for a Illi ;;rct.tlt ,,1 100 t% day nursery in' ur community 'this winter. • "I)a\ care Is an trnportant part o.6': today's social services. Wt,ile stim,lattng the mental and etr•tcat,joniel t h of children, da•, care Also provides an , I hc financial r,r:'c, I. ft, rt, ,truig tt, ;itis special ,is t„ turtnt '`OLR to these projects 14. to 2, the subsidy children., Mrs. Ilaydon reparked that contra( to populAr belief, day care centres are not for use only . by (working mothers. Parents may wish to send their children for ' ,the social aspects of the school, .pt'thaps, or for a variety ,per cent.of other reasons and this is ' ctrl' subject t,, prior ,entirely permissable providing - IsI h� the Minister "of the child is enrolled on some inci Eaitlilt Services. � • kind of a regular basis. Half-day attendance would be acceptable, r : •,' a >��-.---; t is .t ".. . assistance cbn pr jects (1+gibie under• ' this t,r,,;:r.cr, iiould be received .ari r;"It isn't just a 'babysit.ting , tri, the Day N.uxseries ... se.rvice, warned Mrs. Haydon. Department, of Social '"i4other cannot decide quickly ;ii f ,tl.!,!'' Services not later • to get her hair'done--and--take_heX. !ran -D, 1 , nther :11, • 1971 and • child over to the day care centre • ,tie as much detail as for two of.rthree hours. There Es„Y rt,+ ;Iaital cost, ca,pacity must be some regularity to the. a:.ii child�s attendance.,' capital graft a:a't'i;;:• ! -• include the cost of She •indicated, that. if a itiirtti action of a new rn"u,nicipal day care centre was ' t%t.l ctl;•.r addition to an established in Goderich, the ' °('onst•i•u .tion ..resent Tink'ertown operation « c Tied at 1.00 per could possibly be- incorporated rat` tt:, ,r k performed up to within the' new system. Council r; t• cl't \e dat.'e. This also also had 'some questions ,•,tuilrment, • if the concerning whether or not the l,!;i•lihrl„ .;as reached the stage. nurs6ry school for retarded e q u i pin ea n t "c a n • pre-schoolers presently operating • np}•o,prrat`eIv he ordered. in Victoria Street Church''might 1l,t t renovations to existing , also be 'ineluded• in a day care buil ltngs to make.t.hem.,suitablecentre, t �1 i ezy•. tas..nat t,.r day .care centred, are of a. 'Iyt immrdiat.ely •answered. tatl',r intensive• nature, the I'l'l y , +; l •0 'also • pay ' 100'•per "There are really _two caq�i ..li all appro\Pd renovations - questions to which 'we. are "'coin Noveinber 1. 1971'to May .}coking for answers now, said ---`31. 1972 • This • is meant to' Mrs. Haydon. ' Is_there enough t••r;: ; )uragc, the creat ion of r�ew need in Goderich for a day care irrtra,ediatt'I!'• centre and can we afford it? ":1s 'itis--;•..pt'ciai \yinter That's the inrormatioh we're . rt't program is of such, a trying to get 'frim .the people of :'tc�,rt;,tF nature: 1 anticipate That • Goderich." • t a, willlook at its cfe „ , t t els .and see. the extent to The Rotary Club of Goderich welcomed District Governor.Oliver Gaffney (left) Stratford, to its -regular Tuesday nreeting.this week --•Seen with- infarct •••revor—Gri randy.(centre) presidentand Past President St•u Shanks.Rotary photo 004""11ivarri"00,,a rrs • Coilege n locote ' Conestoga ''Cdilegeys Huron building. That won't be until Centre has had another change' January, so the college.-::ls' again without a home. . ,So the, callege,,willr•-open• ton Only last week -'the ce Ar., 's schedule on.:.December...6, but at head, . Ross Milton, announced Central Huron Secondary School. the College hoped to have its in Clinton at 7 -P.m. when Huron branch at its` new home at,, registration will be held in Room the former Canadian Forces Base 117 for two courses -in academic Ciinto_p, Those' plans hit a snag upgrading called basic training however when it. was learned for • skill development. The that due to fire regulations the former public school at the base, • which was to house, the cct.11el e.,. - could not be operated without renovations. And renovations' 440, in the evening white 'can not take place until the part -Cine students will take only college has clear title to the _the classes they need, courses involve completion of requirements for grades seven, eight, nine and 10.. Full-time students will attend classes from a OXFAM .:. anairline? Not exactly . but we help pay • for the famous. Flying Doctor Service -in East Africa where there is only 1 doctor for every 708,000 peopl'e Please help! XFAM , THE INTERNATIONAL pEVELOPMENr PEOPLE " 97 Eglintoh Ave., East Toronto 315, Ontario - • r.• 1^ -+i*t 0 cati take advantage of o `� 1 S S I Ii 9. girls tt:r ,ppoortunity. You have the ;,,/r . ,_irlc•t- I,1 toff Departnfeni's T''' ' 1 "r•.-„Iet.t• assistance in your a..)a ck h o i iA .•. pIaI tlih ;t"•d 1 invite ',,)u to send, inquiries Li ''Miss 11. Stapleford. ,,.,, l7,rt', 1 m ,,I• the Day Nurseries Bretta Pederson, 15, daughter Br in Ai t,,, how ' your of Mr. and Mrs. Willy Pederson,' • ,,,utitt il,,s!i'ty ('alt best take . and Joanne Green, 18, 'daughter lrn,,:,•!i,ldt', othantage.. of this. ' of Mr. and' Mrs, Harold Green, i,i, g : ,, are back home with their ; , t; t i n g w r rith a-. - -par-e nt s,- — ,r i O',.•t,I,,rt;e of the Social and The • girls were found in 1 ;,r, ,I,, �« r';ices department, London by • city police and 4°it qtr, ke, was. _held • in returned ' to their homes t':.,ti,irti r t1« net' dati (last ` Monday. They left ' home 1' , Aas, , . October .29mto attend• a dance at i t .t ,. !r•,, reed at that meeting G DCI and hadn't been seen by •that t•,(hi., care centre would their families since then, reports,, be,- n.•ln,« Miall\ operated and said. . 010 .111 the ec dttin hi en to thy. jSEiUEN -li ;j... Yl” R t�t�K Yi �rjr•�S�i'F< ,. ` I1k111 i ,I WE AR N 444 A, SUBSIDIARY OF SEIIJICE ELECTRIC (Goderich) LTO V4BTQRIA ST. NORTH 124$51 SfUAVN4aAiVNUAVAVAVAVI plws.,the eirS01) TONch that man.. �---- h,�111slIIN►ruun�u111��� FEATURE! --- 1e" WIDE STUARTAOUSE BST BUY! —= "BEST BUY" PHILIPS FEATURE! ALL PURPOSE' ROBIN H DFLOUR 7 -Lb. Bag 79—'c' KRAFT 1AN 16 oz: CRISCO CHEESE 89]. SHORTENING ..R89 M4%WEINSTANT COFFEE 10 'oz. Jar L69 FEATURE! =China Lily 10.Oz. Tin MUSHROdMS STEMS & PIECES 39,:it, WESTON 1 Ib. Box , •_ a SODA CRACKERS. BLAIN DELMONTE PEACHES • ROYAL JELL' ROBIN HOOD 14 oz. Tin CAKE MIXES1 VANDARIN — 19 oz. Tin VI ORANG[S.. 4F9 ZEST r SOAP BATH • ,SIZE •' COLGATE• BEAUTY: 4Bas99( SOAP ,, 4 Bars 2 a FEATURE! 28.Oz. Tin 69c MINCEMEAT MAPLE LEAF, BUYS OF THE WEEK !;I11iF -- 5 Ib. DETERGENT 1 IIX '' QUART SIZE LIQUID 69° MIRACLE WHIP KING 1 0 SIZE e GIANT SIZE POWDER SUNLIGHT 32 oz. JAR FLEECV64 oz fABRIC SOFTENER CHEESE — 16 oz. Jar H I Z 79° BROWN - 5 Ib. Bag SUGAR MI I1/11;i LIQUID WAX At 1 1 1 1 ii1IYAI PAPER TOWELS 27 oz. Rolls 99' 69` 89` 69° 1.19 F 4 O R KM( HTEL S — 2 oz. F SWAN 74 orCATSU26941 . 1894 !PRLIQUID( 111 1 Rill MI11 FRUIT COCKTAIL FEATURE! --'PEA OR VEGETABLE ABITANT SOUPS 3:,$1 tt 28 -Oz. Tins 2F49 — 3-L6. Pkg3 MARGARINEBOBLUE!ONN T 89 c SUN$I*NE FRESN PRODU(E! CANADA NO. 1 P.E.I. • ( POTATOES,}• 25 Ib. Bag CANADA NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS 3. Ib. Bag 394 NAVAL — X80 SIZE 4., ORJNGES3doz, CANADA FANCY MAC "APPLES 3 Ib. Bag 39 rt rnOZEIT row Fawn= r MORTON — 8 oz. POT PIES • SHORTCAKE MCCAIN'S SHOE -STRING FRENCH FRIES 2 Ib. Bag MORTON'S " Beef, Chicken, Turkey FROZEN DINNERS••=h 40$1 79° 554 59° PDMASTE .Mai ALt •tir 0gredtgl,.j yp.tw I.acn.w:.w •RVMr.rw. Viet 9 VICTORIA ET. OPEN N,ITELYTILL'iO P.M. ODERICH c,, Lb ,.. A 4