HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-29, Page 1VOL. P EXE T., 1,1.Lw ®NrrA: RIo, `. jTURSDAY, JUNE 29 1893, ,•.oaam.saowma r+� @� ( �y ��}� Bank,. M ®(� fi e i.+w,p', gfrY s, ida7J 6.& `id P (Chartered byl?ad'liamPnt,1856:) Paid up Capital:......... $2,000,000 Rest Fund ...... , , ... , .. 1,100,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSI AN THOMAS, Esq,, GENenRAL MANAGER Money v desert : nod Farmer's on Mono, o,511 :.l ono ar aro endorsers at 7 °o o nt per annum. m p Exeter Bratleh. Open every lawful day from JO a, mite 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 aim. to 1 P. no y e general banking business transacted CURRENT RACES allowed for man- ey on Deposit Reoei•pts. Savings Bank at 3 per pent, per N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '86, Sub Manager •• -•-^ ^-^•^°"""" ""°'"' THE ' v ` y� � � iL 3 Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Otiice,••' MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, BytheSANDERS' PUBLISIrIi�TGCOi1iPANI e TERMS OFSUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if pain in Advance. ;a.an annumif paid. .H,d•aerticixa,g RRe,te on .A.gplice.- No paper discontinued until all arrsarages paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount; made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every clasbriptioil of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Clxeques,monoyord- ers:Sac. for advertising, subscriptions,etc. to y e meas $suable to Sanders SSL Dyer• Teas - Church Directory. Ta5VIi MEuoBiAL Cuurcli.--Rev. F. H Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. mp.-several and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 3. p.. m. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of each month at Morning Service, and in months of five Sun- tike tilos{li�vrlolp Baptism onService of lth 2nsu Sunday of eaoh month at morning service. METHODIST cstunc II--Sanies-st., Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 w. m, and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET—Rev. W MCDe11agh, Pxs- tor: Sun clay Services, 1.0.30 a• m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.80 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Ci1IJP.CH.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p, m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a, m I �@/���/}*Egr �7' " ' Ai y • aa••.. take �q%`J ./ Cold Cold 11 y 71----' A neS4,'..plank sidewalk has been teed 111 frok>t Of 1.1 Fitton's jewellery store, The elect' Juke of a 1Cnno';i' taken J without sugar es'ery morning for a week is stated be good medical author-Wdtl its* to be unequalled at this season o£ the year, when the system is more Or ass clogged by ri.ers ford: It is g edthe tt better than a tril)south or a whole 1 hogshead bitters, o shd act of bt Answer ae the Pencil b' oUleYn. The little pelmet problem` which 1 ---- lif 1Eel`SLLN4l ?4, �'L'Q (� li1GiL�OYY, j `w. I ew ( TL gent, olio goat, rile boarded cab ! The hornd,, t1iP llocifecl, ihc, hairy gpat; ,rind ['111;a silddxer a?'spru.e not(,• f1'hIs.xiiglxtIrode theM sonleFont, is was n be es I . (t o • wondrous •sue, 1engtl,Pnacl limbs and glassy eyes, A...ncl board tldat stun It the car ,c t Char.i Ancillorns that tenches the Clliaiutelier, a goctsl if there's a time teP i 3e1 irzxa xvdn = tdlran h o �, i s ,Tis a a, re 1 Odd o• tool, w1 ix we through rile 111ystodios fla.tit U'poutho dark Frao Alason':gnat, Threo limos was 1 coin polled •to ride '1.'hebeast around the'ami]ne wide, Arid when I tried the yeari'al mount, lad, heart a ,uls{itions call could count. v 1 LlpJl JJ 1.111.1.x. G, B,emehr ai d. othershave graded e add the side -road between this line and 19th b„ eon,, making a fine job of it,^ -Mr, J., Latta disposed of a handsome driver to W, Gamble, --The Misses Diary and Martha .Pel odic `ar l ,. , e cixpec tqd genic from Detroit this tyeek,—P: Farrell has t liUiehaaed lire $sty's" right of the pa- tent axle reprtlrer for Bre County` and will start the work soon. .. .. ________1. Gr'ana..13 CUNTICF,CT 1111,- T th new•b1'id e gq llas,bu ees ful to lc , te ' .e. $ 1 ]er 1 f r 1 ing Air. F. Guttgiielue $,i1.C�0 e.1 cull., v a� P superstructure Messrs. of Belleyllle, at tuff lar, Wilt be a very fine bi'i lgted and 80 far as P ' t least, is concelrned, `1.(� O e appeared in our last issue has been l successfull = worked out Norman y by - Twi,4P axil make the alralxit fair, Wittia,olct an horns, on tail:lnci hair: Til on the thud attempt and last, Farquhar. been e11tI ttatUd t0 bell' Gutteridgic� has'd Creech and is correct. The following Generali caused b ex osure to col it - Y y p is the result',- Ile received 3 of the wet feet, sitting in a draught, coming • 4 cent pencils; 15 of the 2 for 1 cent, from hot and crowded, places, in thin and 2 o£Ithe 4 for a cent" dress, or vicearina damp clothes, steels- Tse o IRSQ►iio£linucttRiier,,s. roes, o;e any other cause tending to When completed Exeter can boast of Wien 1 nurstimod all danger past, a, He pitched mo clear oft l,nrns ane head And left me far below, for sand. ' Bet when I rose withcourage'f ail The goat had vanised hed 'frail AnaIwasst,lpdbyone�ndallg The liveliest Mason do the hall, - - The Tense betel here p , e e on the 22nd lest in Hunkin s grove was a sueeess; The weather was unfavorable in_the fore part of the day, but it cleared up 'steely in the afternoon, Interesting bridge gQ work in the c always given the best and the Messrs, Brow reputation for ••cod line of the .Bell Tole 11 Dashwood and our •vii chock suddenithe perspiration, Thetwo of the finest buildings in Huron p p n. sObserver.-,,Our result produces' inflammation of the county -We refer to rhe i;ohiil's WilliamsGrist Mill and the Bobigr Pro- hningmembrane oftlie ungsorthroat,s and this causes hie mor matter, anhnch duce Cos Elevator and packipe• house P g The i v umli 1 lino in full mllt r 5 is ere putt bty natere tries to throw off by expecte/a, time .ileicine the dnflereitt machines tion. In many cases she is unable to I ° ,, Honsall OUseave�.- Our tlianlcs are due Ml, David e ss, for t11e first straw berries of the season. Jud0in • from their immense •!tee, it •will be •necessary to slice this. delicious fruit in order to get outside of them without gettin games of baseball. and football were played, The tug-of•war was a tie. There was a steady pull of six minutes the ro e searcel movie un that rim P y g e, .-The Rev, Sir, Wilson, of India preached here on Sunday last:Elliott coni toted. -Lary P . +,cum ers, both' old and �.oun ou'o - the cool ray • lleslti ori the lake and the it 1 around our beautif E lett returned from do so without assistance, and this is and conductors un position. All of the machines aro of the Goldie & DTect►1- `rhe y our jaws out of joint," Why Sihere what has happened that. once big Johnsons Mills.Mill she has been r +' > �O L past. -The fired lough make. betiutifui plate and 717 '( �r stained gltlss front in the latter build- Y 111 i�'c:s it the most imposing apt pearanee of any other building in town you use , We will give a more minute descrip., J tion of the above named buildings when Allen's C' completed. li'elsonat. Mention. iRlr, E. tl,, Scott, of London spent �____g s Sunday with friends in town: -W. M,; R, H Collins, the lArardens and other Balsam officers and brethren of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F, & A. M., Ex- mouth that 5sou would have to slice this �. del►etousfruit,even11theywere turnip size, Masonic. , The members of Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133, A. F. & A. M., will at- tend divine service in Main street Methodist church on Sunday, July 16, -when the Rey. James Livingstone, of Kincardine, will deliver an appropriate sermon: Mr. S: Jacob has disposed of his farm for a good figure. Mrs, House has again put in her appearance here and is now looking for the council to support her. -At a recent game of football which took place in Mr. C, Treffry s field a John L Sullivan and Corbett scene was enacted by two who should have had more sense. We hope that the like will not occur a p gain, as, to say the least, it is a disgrace to both parties, work in the bed of th the river and lake. -- has purchased a. beau Mr. Burfett, of Pe 1-111 the Godei•iclt matte. Sheritt, has been sp week yisitino' with fric James Cronin had a " •hauling bailed hey succeeded in drawing of his crop. -The con decided improver ant road `between the 21st �...��._. �._--� eter, visited their Masonic brethren at Three Size Bottles, BIRTHS. `s' Brewster in the way of gravellin Clinton. on Sunday, and joined the procession to St. Paul's church, where 2 5C., SOC., 1.00wife a'most interesting sermon was deliver- ed by the Grand Chaplin of Canada, the Rev. Mr • Fairlie: -Mr. Josiah R.,,r..=,m •.._-^-'•-•- Gould, of London, Eng., is spendinga OAR FOR SER'VIOE.-The undersigned fen days Mrs. Gidley St.-' RAr'z,-At Khiva, on the 25th inst., the of John Betz, of a Son. COI2NSSl3.-In Exeter, on the 23rd inat„ the wife of Thomas Cornish, of a :son. �' Farmers in there parts are busy pre- Paring for haying which au excep- tionaily heavy ea from here attended the council meetingheld at Zurich on Saturday last. -H0. for the contract calls for 4( -The Ladies' Aid of t church intend having' le •dinner on July 1st, in The committee is mak tions for the Cr1tOPtai who intend being with has for service, on lot `.1, Con. 8, Stephen, J'Snell, (Providence Corners) a thoroughbred York- Mrs Frank Case, of Seaforth, visited ® MEATUS Gralld Bend on the 1St of July.—The prese shire Boar,with a registered pedigree. TERMS: $1.00 payable at time of service, friends in town Sunday.—Messrs. A. A. with privelege of returning if necessary, C. Denovan, of Norwich, and` H. -0. Joni CooliS0N, Proprietor NEWTON, -In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., daughter statute labor is all completed in these P Parts and will make a crest improve- meet in the roads -The Schede broth Around Abo' �_� Brewer, of Clinton, were in town last T� EBENTURES FOR SAL$, week on business in connection with .A-1 the Molsous.Bank.-Joe Bawden, jr,, of The iVillage of Exeter has $10,000 of debent- ures for sale -20 years—under Bill N. 7, 1893, London, visited friends in town this L, A. addressatTenders invited. For particulars week -Revthe. Jackson, the uew pastor Reeve or Clerk, of James Street Methodist church, de- infant of Thomas and Lizzie Newton, aged 2 days. BnDroata-In Stephen, on the 22nd illst,, Elizabeth Bedford (relict of the late John' Bedford), aged 69 years. - ers are raising their barn and putting new sips under it, Mr. R. Jennison has the contract, (From another source) At a recent game of foot ball held at Mr, Pat Curtain, of ( ped a car of cattle from day, W. H. Geiser, of C drawing gravel last tt e Exeter, Ontario livered his initial sermon last Su ntle , ... ASTURE.- and, we understand, to the Benoist sat -Crediton. . s Johnston's Mills the middle weight of that place of conceit in him g enoughJacob to tackle our heavy weight but able horse from suustro Seebacui, the fir Professional Cards. — isfaction of the congregation. --Miss Parties desirmgg�first-class pasture for eat- tie or horses can have same at reasonable Jeanette Mutert, who visited friends terms, Apply to QuintonBros., in London the past three . weeks, re• Usborne, 5 con• It becomes out: sad duty to record the death of another of our respected in after the first rotted both he and his conceit were knocked into a cocked hat." o; Fullerton is dead, I farm on which he died period of GB years, H TiINSMAN,L.D.S, Fansoil's Block -� two doors north of Carling Store ... o• MAIN ST1dAway I•:TER,ex all oteatli.Mr. without Lain. Away at 13enss1l on 1st •Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday and Zurich on last Thursday of each month turned Saturday night. -'Mr. Benjaii in residents the person': of Elizabeth . Higgins, sr., is visiting in lAinghaut The rite of confirmation will be con- this weal:. -Wm. ,Yeo, clerk at Carling ducted by the Bishop of Huron, in the Bros.' store,who has been, su Brine• Tyivitt Memorial Church in September. - from -a severe attack of•. inflammation,: Ed Bissett had his thumb badlyis we arepleased to say sufficiently Y lacerated while working around a recovered as to be out again. -Miss Ida wagon Monday last. a Port, of Lucan, is visiting in town, the guest of Miss P. Bawden.-Mrs. E. J. Tlie Bobier Produce Co. shipped a Spackman left for Belleville Tuesday cal load of eggs to Montreal Monday.- morning where she will visit her xis- Wm, Balkwill shipped a carload of ter,sympathy Cattle CO Montreal t0 daMrs,,Harro Ion 1. -Richard Bissett y aa of London, is visiting relatives and The G. T. R. have just completed friends in town. -Mrs. Thos. Fitton was re -shingling the depot and also build- stricken down on Saturday last, with ing an addition to Cattle pens, which an acute attack and was very low for is a great convenience to shippers. several days. She is now on the mend. The tallest man in West Zorra is •-Rev. Fait and family will take np James Gibb, who resides on the 9th cottage room at the Grand Bend Park concession, nurth of Braemar. He is Thursday. -Wm. Alsworth, who hes only 21 years of age and is 6 ft. 6 in. been home fol• a few days from Chica- in height, go returned to that cityon Monday. -bridge A. Sheere4left on Tuesday evening for The Exeter football team drove to London, where he has secured a situs Bethesda Tuesday eyer•m sect play tion as bricklayer. -Miss E. Buchanan ed a match with the team there, re -acid E. Muir, Clinton, paid the town a silting in a tie -goal each, The re flying visit on Sunday. -Miss Po11y turn match will take place here Mon- Fisher and Edgar Buswell, of Eden, are evening nest. trying thr, Entrance examination, now On Sunday last while Mrs. Wm. Wil- going on in the public school• -Mrs, son, of Usborne, and Mrs, Chris Luker, John Gillespie. who has been visiting were driving on Huron St. their horse in ; for the past .three weeks, became unntanagable and backed them Bedford -(relict of the late John Bed- ford who died on Thursda , 22nd inst lJ ) Y , '- eceased- °ed been, a, 'lona' sufferer from heart rouble, but her bcase was not considered serious until Saturday last; when she was taken down and gradually grew worse until death re- lieved het, She was 69 pears of age, and leaves to mourn her demise three Soils and one daughter, who has e the of the community -There also died • iu our midst uu Wednesday of last weal: one of our oldest and most respected citizens in the person of Alex Clarke: sr. after a severe illness of nine weeks. He leaves many sorrowing friends and relatives, -Mrs, Pack, oto London, and Miss Lizzie Lamport are home visiting under the at parental roof. -Mr. J. Lawson is busy building the across the Sauble miles south of Crediton: Mr, John Wilson has mov- ed 10 his new farm formerly owned by M, Patrick; and Mr. J, Lamport also moved into his own house which Mr. Wilson vacated. --Ars, Shelton' has re- turned from her visit in Exeter. -Our • viliage doctor is kept quite busy at- tending the sick. -Miss B. Treyithick has returned homy from Biinsley.-An- other of our villagers has passed awayreceived in theperson of Mrs. Gubert, Th St2ffa• The football match played here,pn Saturday evening last between the ``Rovers" of Brucefield and the "Stars" of Steti'a was one of the best ever lti P Y ed in these parts. The game was lige- ly and exciting throughout, but was Played in a decent manner by both teams. Both sides were a little weak weak - ones by not having the regular team on. During the first half time the Static team scored 2, During the second half time it seemed as if Bruce- field was not going to be in it at all; but a few minutes before time was tip they succeeded in scoring one, leaving Staffa ahead by a score of 2 to 1. This is the first time the Brucefield team were ever beaten, and St iiia boys have good reason to foci proud of their victor Mr. D. Dallas y , of Brucefield, sprained his ankle by stepping on the ball: We hope he will soon be all right. Mr. D. McDougall acted as ref- eree to th©; best of satisfaction. The Staffa boys have never been defeated. except by.'°The JnniOr Hurons," Staffs would not now object to trying the "Senior Hurons"again. Boyle also injuries from a spike. EIAs amen, has s raphic bus ness to M Mitchell; who will take ,,,,, _ the ntidd'a of July. A cow, belonging to lin ilrest Wawauosh, w > gave birth to a calf pounds, has recently another weighing 11?. On Friday Mr. Jose ill Dune•annotr was befog n 1 Garva aid Stoop J. . • •lilted by Inspector ” haying his bar open on also having two bars, were sustained and a fix costs •inflicted in each es Mar Gibson the of Y Y dawn from Brussels at t hes father on a charge money by false pretence urday sentenced by Juc `menthe in the Merce The cirenmstauceq attd History warrant the opui of proper home influent for her waywardness, ywaruness, Some time ago Const, Blyth, brought two 011112 ing the passage, of fish Maitland egaisiit'a roar pp``tt Hioi ego exs' DENTIST, Member Royal e.e. College Dental Surgeons, successor to A. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont, A safe anaesthetic _given for' the painless extraction of tenth. Fine Gold Fillies as required. �# :Medical - . ,._ Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Residences, same as formerly. OFFICES, Spackman„building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M�D. T. A, Amos, M. D n. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF D the College of Physicians anclSurgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconch- eur, Oflieo, .Uashwoocl, Ont. ®� Legal.. ARR S E , SOLICIT - R.H• COLLINS,BARRISTER,OL CI c, Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan, H,DICiiSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Le of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- nsBlock Ex ter Money toloan Office-Fsv Commissioner, -•-�- LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC iters, Conveyancers, & B. V. EnnzoT. FREDERICK ELLIOT. returnedGerich Tuesday.-Mrss Wm, Daw into •the ditch, Upsetting' the buggy has returned home after yisiting; in and injuring both of them consider- Clinton for sometime. -Dr. Amos spent ably, Sunday in Clinton. ---Principal Park of j funeral took place on Thursday at the German cemetery. ,� of that village, The c Zurich, before two magistrates, reserved d until last we Zurich P. S. picnic which was held at ®� Auetionrecrs RBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct e ioneerforthe Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able,SalesarrangedatPostoffice,•G�inolielsa --.. A J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Livens- reeved. Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- en and Middlesex, Residence: i mile south of Excter; Ont. Salo Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices.' I? + Within the past six weeks sugar has Goderich, and S. J. Latta, of Zurich, advanced a cent a; pound wholesale in are conducting the entrance examine- Montreal, Another upward move in turns here,-J•.W, Lomas, of Hamilton, the local market may soon be expected. is rho west of'Mr; Thomas Fitton, his The advance is attributed to thepro- brother -in -law --Mrs. E. A. Follicle is ("idled drought in the cane growing spending a few days iii London, -E, A, countries. Bennett and wife are visiting Mr Bon_ nett's parents in • Oranoc ilIe,-Princi- If a man doom t,7 believe that his ,y churcTi fs the only true church, what Pal Brown is conducting the entrance is the use of him be] n+rinc examinations m the Zurich Public a o b ,, to he School, -bliss Annie Gregory and May Again on the other hand, of all the Gill leave for Cleveland to -morrow --- churches lead to heaven, what's the use in insisVng upon the special rules of Wm. Ross has accepted a sltuat>on_ insportsalong each church? a grist mill at Woodstock and left for there Tuesday. -W. H. Verity of Brant- Rey. Wm. McDonagh will deliver a ford who •has been seriously 'ell and not sermon in the Mani street Methodist expected to recover, is, we e leased on Sundey,evening, the 9th of to announce much uroved Olid' is Jul at 6.30 m, Subject: ''Wh we p Y' p' Y able to be out around again,• -Misses should commemorate the Battle of . the Robertson and Rodgers attended the Boyne as Protestant subjects of the Goderich •excursion on Tuesda ,-Geo• Queen of England," 1 Y _ Samwe 1 spent yesterday in • Clinton. The following unique marriage 110- Miss L. Willis, visited London Wednes fico was found in an°Ohio paper:- day.-JohnLaidlaw,spent p - who has been „day William Jones, of Malta township, aged' iting,friends in London°during the ing asses eacefttll on P peacefully away Tuesday past week, returned Monday, . Mr, last from single blessedness. to matri- McArthur, Ailsa Craig was in town menial bli s"business" e s , aftei a short but sudden on btisluesa Saturday owning, -Mrs, attack by Alice Bessan, 'a, blooming James Parkinson left for' ,Trout Creek tense, widow n w of thirty-five, last week -eRobe, Sanders' and HarrySall ,, A daringrobbery'took " lace in Sea- Gldle have been rusticatin m at the P Y r, Tuesday of last week,, when Mr. Bend. -J, Foote, of London,was the are stolen :, J. A. Clark had.a valuable mare Wiest of the Misses He%seySaturday,- from his stable by two strangers who John Hall, wife and daughter, of Dash- turned were seen lurkinground the town wood left here Friday to attend the i, • g' a i during the day. Mr. Clark had re- World's Fair, Chicago, -Mrs. Z�.tchard P crntly purchased the mare from Mr. Pickard and son left to visit friends in to Joseph nior, of this - two p Se , place; Brantford, GVednesday, Ira Spicer spent A. DHclston in Favor otJiticybles. Tuesday in Condon. -Miss Manuel,minat>on. amination. M The .law requires that a i of South Ind. is visltin Mrs. S. holding , q bicycle be Bend, , g half the road': At Hatnllton a Page. -Miss L, Johns, who has been thins ago fined attending Alma GolleMe t: Thomas have me ab,o a farmer was fined $25 _ _ ,, r, , S , kr failing to way running returried homelast eve: to spend. herfruit, give and , that Varna. —. Our public school prcmc held at Bay- field on Saturday last was in eyery re- ®pest a decided success. The whole section appeared to have availed them- selves of the opportunity of having a day of recreation as nearl fever,he y Y family turned out en masse, ready to share and help on the fun, The fore- noon was spent in boating and in other the shore, then all retired to the grove, where an excellent dinner consisting of cake, strawberries, 'ice cream, etc•, was spread' cut, After all had done ample justice to the rich " e- past, -they repaired to the lake shore a for the purpose of indulging in . such sports as bathing; boating and sailing until evening, when tea was partaken of. About eight o+elocic the party g started for home, feeling that they had a mostenjoyable and wish -Fair, that the day had been only twice as ton .-BRIEFL sxs.-Tho Rev, ;vlr g Walker preached his farewell sermon i on Sunday evening last to a large cud- .He and hie family left for Hen . on Wednesday, -The Misses Hauch and Mrs. Robt. Mc Coll, of Herrington, at present the guests of Mr, James Armstrong, -Mr. J. D. Morrow has re- after taking a trip through Quebec, -Five of our pupils from the ublic schools lefton Tuesday . . coo e Tuesday evening, try the Eptrance Examination; also : for the Public school Mating' ex- � t±' _ S• -The > 'steed a strawberry festival on Thursday evening. AS the committee a three ordered t r hundred goiters of . , ...Lillie (Teacloths fruit,,i, a,rare treat le in 'ed case was dismissed witI the Grand Bend on Wednesday, of last the prosecutor'. E Cair week was a grand success. A largeducted the 1. 01100. crowd left the village as early as se yen o elect: in the morning and from all ac- The Goclerch Sicca se counts they put in a pleasant day.- from Clinton : last VY e Miss Reynolds, of Serepta, is the 811011 strong indications go st of her sister Mrs. M. I(estie this the unflnence of the •a rdt week, -Mrs. Wm.'Zent, a former resi- stable Nuciiolson landly cooler to repose f. or dent of this village but now of Uncle P Sam's domain, is visiting relatives and free fiom the 801) s : ' friends in and around Zurich. -Miss lengthened sloop he wo' Rieder of Merner & Wings milliner de of the town hall for Half 'homestrop a eals for 111 pertinent, left for her in Now a t :Hamburg on friday-Ml•s3 • McI�inley, arilon�st other iecomme who had charge of Mr. D. S. Faust's his character, in strong milliner de artmeut, also left fox home cent." "I'm a Reformat last week -Mr. Henry- Deiehert of New Grit to the backbone, at Haven,Mich. is isitiug his afathor. I kept in here and atary Harry looks hearty and we are glad to wall- crookit when I bac state that he is getting along well in side. ' LET ME OUT !" his new home, -Mrs Ha 1e of Berlin A •woniaii named C PP on Saturday 1 was up attending the funeral of her StratfordS u ay c brother Mr. H. Steak of the ; 14th con. husband who deserted h last week, -Miss Mableof Hen- Cushi2, went to Mitchell sell was theguest of Miss Edith Stein- last week and was folloi - bach on Sunday last. Mi, Robt, Heide -after by his wife and th, man and son of Stratford is the. guests ren.` Thov rented a hot i . + of his brothers Messrs Reid and Albert and the husband went t Heideman of this villa _e. -Some of our drew Forrester. Cushin g.. fair ones Sucre to Go eruh on Tuesda. upat his wort, and ,nye fl , Y , ed the Caemel church picnic, of ed that he had skipped attending p , ll? Hensel'. report of having had a wife and faintly to shift They P b Y.. pleasant tri p. -The members of the The town authorities cal Lutherin Church, intend holding their ily for awhile and then . Pienrc at they Mr. Wilsons grove on the out to look for her recr a • g i Sauble line sen Saturday, Jul 1st. At Sabrin villa she *as Everybody is invited and an en'o able was in. Stratford alis sht 9 Y .., ,JY time e_ - i him time 1s expected, Miss Edith. Stein look for but ha had • i bath took in the excursion to Gode- at last aecoixrits, Ought rich went to Exeter on the a British pensioner: We Tuesday,. P home trip and was the guest of Miss to desert his wife IS not f r the night, Hardy o and return- i9 sul!misocl theme was sc i s i. Wednesda a�eompanied by Mies H. in Clinton that loci hem BosSENBERrtY,7ienstillontario. Ltc- �. onsed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and rabisfaetion guaranteed. RED, W FARNCIOMB Provincial Land F Surveyor and Civil Engineer. office, )ver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont, mss. RNEST ELLIOT. ERNEST AGENT FOR Me Western Fire�Assurance Company, • of Toren to The Phconix Fire Insurance Co y-, of London, England' The Alliance Eire Assur, Co' y' of London, England.P _-- . Ofeeie-cram-street, Exeter, Ont.83; . , EXETE R MARKETS. Wheat per bushel...... $0.64 to 0,65 Barley ......... , .. •...:: 35 bo 88 )ats..................... 80 to 32 forth ?este ...................... 55 to 56 3utter . a • • • • , . • • • • • • . • ... 14 to 16 Lard.. •. e ..:........ ... 12 to 13 ., +gg ......... t; 10 & 10 Thicken per Ib . , .:... , ...... 5 to 6 "'lover Seed... ....... . 9. 5 to 10.00 ., 7 _ . Crmothy.....:....... • 2:75 to 3,00 Alsilze , .. • ...........,. .8,75 to 3A0 . Pork ............. **Yr**, 7:00 10 7.20 g'iy+en P tatoes emus , ...:... , . -5J to 56 short o p Say per ton ......a.... 6:00 to '.�1 Wool .... c ...... a ... " lit over; a Member of the bicycle club. vacation. •ff4VYitl: and A. J. Mc'L•avisli. family: N Q 31 end.. he eontraet for en let, the. sue- he stonework be. of :Seaforth, at I' and for the G. & Y, Brown, ce of $1,500;. 'This clge when com- e 8tonewoek, at could not have er hands. Mr.. One coilsidel'abie aunty, and has of satisfaction, wn also. have a work. -The new ne Co, between lage will 80011 be nbersof pie -nick - • arrive daily to ng breeze from eturesque scene - 11 park -Mrs. C. Detroit last week` csiding for some ge is busily at e canal joining -Mr. John 11011, beam organ front 1. It is one of -Miss Lottie L. ending the past ei,ds in Salem.- ilee" on Monday, I Parkhill and t12e greater part Heil is making a on the Crediton and 22nd Con., g and grading, cords of gravel. he Presbyterian a tea meeting or Dalziel's grove. ing big prepares fluent of those nt.-Be there. t Ur entralia, ship - here on Tues- reditou, while' els, lost a vela Ire, st white settler Ie dived on the for the long old his photo - r. Burgess, of , possession about • Ed ward McQuil- hich last year weighing 111 given birth to Mallough, of s Messrs, Me. P.'s, Clinton, Paisley with Sunday, and Both charges e of $20 and se. ing girl sent he instance of of obtaining s was on Sat- go Tom to 18 Reformatory.' ding the girl's lion that a lack s is responsible b1e Davis, of yes ofobstruct in the river named Cook, Ise was tried and judgment ok, when the costs against pion, Q,C., con vs.-`rA visitor dnesday gave of being under nt that Con - carried him to a few hours rays. After a ico the echoes an hour with xirty, adding Mations as to Highland ac- for20 year, a d why for am rid because 1 l a pain in my ushiu was in coking for her er• in Mitchell. from Clinton ved a few days gee small child- iso in the town o work for An - failed to turn atigation show- leaving his for themselves ed for the fam- rs. Cushin set cant' husband. told that went there to riot turned zi is said to ' be at induced him known, bet nit me attraction: to leave his