HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-22, Page 8s allthirill FiiiIishuiia (NEW' YOR-.IC..) We beg to notify the the people of Exeter and vicinity, that we have ap- pointed Mr, John Grigg of Exeter, to be our agent through whole all our publications and patterns may be obtained at the prices advertised by us. Toronto, Hay 1898. A n 3 •"+4 ? 3000. . . • Nearly 3000 pairs of man- ufacturers Samples of4 fine Gents' and Ladies' Hosiery just opened up at the .Big Bankrupt Store. Half reg- ular price is what we want for the choice of this lot. This is a lot of beautfful goods for you to select from. Come quick, if you want a Big Bargain. illi er Sacrifice. We are closing out bal- ance of Millinery Stock at a great sacrifice. Some nice goods still left. -it might pay you to take a look at some cool slimmer hats for ladies and children, at decided low prices. J. A. START, LOCAL JOTTINGS. , Are all those weeds cut around your back yard yet ? A beautiful stock of prints at closing out prices at the Big Bankrupt Store, The 1st of July will be celebrated at Bayfield, one of the most picturesque points on Lake Huron. Masters Willis Powell and Hilton Bissett entertained e number of their young friends to ice-cream, lemonade, cake, &c., at Willis' home last Satur- day afternoon. Miss Ida Newton held the lucky ticket which drew the gold watch at the Bell Carnival entertainment in Drew's Opera Hall last week. rhe talent displayed was not that of first- elass travelling concert troupes. At the meeting of the High Court of Canadian Order of Foresters, held at Ottawa last Friday, it was decided that the date of high court meeting be changed from the second to the third Tuesday in June of each year. Bro. John Taylor, of Exeter, was elected High Junior Beadle. If numbers counted anything, we. would say that the Independent Or- der of Forresters were the most num erous of any order in town, as nearly IOOattended divine worship at Trivitt Memorial Church last Sunday after- noon. The rector, Rev. F. H, Fatt, preaehed a most satisfactory sermon. from I Tim., V-8. The following is a copy of a note re- ceived by a city schoolteacher from a mother who had detained her son from seh ool: "I think things has Come to a Prutty Pass that a mother Cant keepe hair owne Sun home with out Senden you a Lose every time I havent time to sit down andri h w t you and I wont g doo it a Gaine if for have day only if you have lots of time you musent think eyery Person has," A few years ago our present Reeve and Deputyreeve were foremost among other citizens in agitating the necessity of a high school for Exeter. While in conversation with County Inspector Tom, one day this week, he made the remark, "That Exeter should have a high school and it seeiois to us there its no better town in the county more befitting a high school site than Exeter. The fact that our present staff of > teachers are overcrowded with work, and that another teacher must soon be engag- ed, is good reason why the high school haveussibn. Store. cXuestron should a fair ding Parasols and blouses at clearing prices ;et the 131g Bankrupt Store. Merchants in Owen Sottlid .complain that shoplifting has become an excess- ively frequent practice, and, the police say they are going to prosecute the est person deteetted, .A. eat owned by :Mr. Levi Trick, Clinton, is acting as foster -mother to a couple of young Ininlis,whieli seeming- ly take to her as comfortably as to their natural mother. Baron, Liebig, the German chemist, says that as much dour as will lie on the point of a table knife contains as much nutritiye constituents as eight pints of the best beer made. On the 23rd of this • month (to -mor row) forty years ago, the first railer ay in Ontario was opened for traffic. being the Ontario, Sinecoe & }3 uroi Ry., now the Northern Division of the G. T. R. The Medical Press publishes a strong article condemning the "hoop" atti nude assumed by many of the bicyclists and says that the exercise in such a posi- tion is an injury instead of a benefit, At the recent meeting of District No, 15, I.O.O.F., at Clintou, Bros. Samuel Popplestone. of Exeter, was recom- mended to the Grand Lodge as D. D. G. M., and Bro. Bert. Puke, of Exeter, was elected. Sec. Mr+ T. G. Davey, sent twelve of his best setters and pointers from the New Brighton Kennels, London, Ont., to Manitoba, to take part in the field trials which take place there in September. His canines being of superior breeding will no doubt return with high honors. A peculiar example of newspaper enterprise under difficulties is offered by the Rhoddesia Chronicle and Ad- vertiser, dvertiser, a Mashonalancl. South Africa, paper, which is a foolscap sheen of six- teen pages, not printed on type, but written by hand and •duplicated by an office stylograph process. A peculiar incident is stated to have occured the other day- near Thames - ford, at the farm of Adam Gordon It appears that a fire was starte,I in the fence through the heat contracted by the sun shining on an empty milk can, and had obtained some headway when discovered. The present dress -maker's device of baloor. shoulders was denounced as long ago as the time of Ezekiel, that prophet having uttered the solemn warning. "Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the women who sew pillows to all arm holes!". The doubting can verify this curse by turning to Ezekiel 18. It was a budding Leamington school "marm' who asked, "Why is it that two souls mated in the impenitrabie mystery of their nativity float by each other on the ocean current of existence without being instinctly drawn together,blend- ed and beautiful in the assimilated, alembic of eternal love?" Aud the bad boy replied, "Cause livin's so high" A large number of the members of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. S+. A M. Exeter, will go to Clinton on Sunday next for the pt rpose of attend- ing divine service in the English church there. The Rev. Mr. Fairlie will occupy the pulpit and deliver an appropriate sermon. The brethren are requested to meet at their lodge room at 9 o'clock a. m' sharp, when rigs will be in waiting to convey them thither. The Ridgetown Plaindealer says: "Mr, P. McPhilips, of London, son of P M leh•Il' f c fps, aformer Exeterite, has been retained by about 25 or 30 claim- ants to the Edwards estate in the cen- tre of New York, who claim property to the value of $2,000,000. Mr, Mc - Philips was in Toronto yesterday, and leaves for New York to -day. It is un- derstood that he has offered $200,000, to settle the claims. Mrs. D, Logan, Ridgetown, is one of the heirs to this estate." , We are in receipt of a publication entitled Summer Tours on the Cana. dian Pacific. Railway. This valuable book should be in the hands of all who contemplate taking a vacation trip during the summer. From ie may be learned the most attractive routes, and their many excellencies, whether to the mountains, the prairies, or the water be desired, its lines lead to the most pleasant places. Don't neglect procuring a copy if you intend making a trip, which can be, had from ,the! ag- ent, W. J. Carling, Exeter. 's The Times accuses us of acting child- ish in excusing ourselves, &c., &c, in last week's issue. What we salt in that issue is correct, every word o it, g and if we were to gage our Col sist ency by the Times publishers,. we would be taking "blinding motes out of our eyes' all the time. As to m tter re "ancient news," the Times a itor was obliged to search the ADVo,ATE ready -print pages in order to find an' item as grey -headed as some of the Times news locals. The Tinges local. column contained an item clipped from a daily paper -of which mention was made in the ADVOCATE Iocals four or. five weeks before. The Times of last week's issue contained several local news items, of which mention was made in the previous issue of the AD- VOCATE. " ocATE. Which eye is v y the mote in, Miller?. The closing of parliament proceedings, to which our coteni al- ludes, certainly did appear in our ready -print pages two weeks after first publication in the city dailies, but the same important report did not appear in the Times at all, The ready -print pages of the ADaoOATE are not regu- lated by us, neither are the Times' ready print pages regulated by its ppublic ecrgs , neither does the editor of any locahpaper regulate his ready- print eadyprint pages, but all who use stereotype hi theirpapers are careful that they do not use stereotype matter morn than a week old -except the Times, Big values in Black Dress Goods' and Henriettas at the Big Bankrupt Found -the eheapest spot in W,fsA ern Ocltarie-the Big Bankrupt Store,. `i.'ttesday was the hottest day of the season. The thermometer registered as high as 98 in the sunand 92 in the shade, Fourteen lodges from East Middle- sex, together with , three bands. from Loudon, will take part lit the 12th July'deronstration in July; hltivt� soon be !sere andThe the busy sourly:farresmer'swillfavorite hymn is "In thiswheat bye and bye." The fruit grower may not be or erly rious;' but these days his favorite senteuce is “ Let us r." The semisp-annayual meeting of L. 0. L. was held in Clinton yesterday, when matters of important in connection with the 12th of July celebration were dis- cussed. The delegates from here were James Acheson and'Robt, Richardson. The annual military camp of in- struction was inaugurated at Carliiig's Height's. London, on Monday. The Exeter No.6 Company of 33rd Battalion will not go to camp this year as an. nour ced. Preparations were being made to arrange a company but owing to Col. Aylmer, of London, failing to make the necessary transfer,of captain- ship to J. N, Howard in time to make the usual preparations and procure re- cruits, it was impossible to go, Good For winehaam. In the Hose Reel race at the Galt carnival last Friday, The Winghani. Hose Heel Company was awarded 1st prize, There were five entries. No Longer In it! Narrow brimmed hats cannot be wOrIr with propriety this summer. They are no longer in it, and the wide brimmed hat has taken its place. Pencil Problem. Here is a brain twister for any per- son having a little time at their dis- posal. A boy had 20 cts+ and wished to buy 20 pencils. He did so by pay- ing for some at the rate of 4c. each, some at 4 for 1 cent and others at the rate of 2 for lc. How many of each did he buy? No fractional pencils allowed. Guarantee Against Burglars. The superintendent of insurance has issued a license to the Dominion Burg- lary Guarantee Company (limited) for the transaction in Canada of the busi- ness of guaranteeing against loss or damage by reason of burglary or house -breaking, and of guaranteeing against loss, jewellery, bullion and other movable property deposited with it for safe keeping. nried 31 Hears. Mr. Robs. Drysdale, of the Sauble line, was in town last week looking after the removal of his father's body from the Front road churchyard to the Bayfield cemetery. It is just 31. years ago since the remains were Laid to rest, and the good state of preservation in which the coffin and . rough box were found was remarkable -Bayfield Cor. Clinton Neu, Eaa. A Tribute of Respect. On Friday evening last a large num- ber of the James 'Street Methodist Church congregation asse' ibled in the church basement for the purpose of doing honor to whom honor was due. The occasion being the presentation of the following address, which speaks for itself, and a well+filled purse, to their pastor, Rey. A, L. Russell, and wife; also a book to each member of the family - REv A. L. Russnrr M. A. B. D.,-IVIRs• RUSSELL. DEAR FRIENDS: -"We, in the name of the members and Congregation of the James Street Methodist Church of. Exeter, beg to avail ourselves of this opportunity of manifesting not only our love for you and our high appreci- ation of your invaluable services ren- dered while amongst us, but also of ex pressing our deep regret that yen are so soon to leave us. During your stay here you have exemplified to us all, by your daily walk and conversation, the characteristics of devoted. Christians, your preponderating aim being to serve our Lord and Master with zeal and humility and to render all the as- sistance possible in elevating and re generating your fellow man, and we rejoice to know that. your untiring efforts hays been so amply rewarded. Sir as a pastor and religious instructor, you have shown a very great interest in all who have ead the least claim to your attention. While you have faith- fully admonished us in our duty to one another and to God, you have by your uniform kindness and sympathy; won our admiration and esteem. ' We are assured that we only express the senti- ments of both the youthful and adult portions of the Congregation in saying that all feel they are losing, by you leaving us, true and loving friends. You came to us when we had a debt of about $3,000 burdening us ` and by untiring efforts and wise administra- tion you have been able to see the en- tire debt fully paid, not by promises but by cash, you leave us with a church entirely free from debt and thus en- abling us to enter the presente celesias tical year with a clean sheet, We now beg you to accept this purse as being merely ,a Slight token of our respect for yoOf,o ; , as a tangible evidence of out, . i' iation of your services ado We tender these books as l.ee, i * dr your children, hoping thely }link of us who wish lifes the y'`r� g fess in this life and also the ,SOur earnest desire is that proV ay continue to smile up- on ,your children and that in Exeter, may ever ever orts for the Master's cause thro `"equent fife and whether or n e er. i Ell have 'theleasure of ass p 00 with ; you again a n rn this .>eld' .we look ferward With brigizflt >lll ation to that time When we s .r !let fii'eet in that eternal home when+ i a 1' Fraytte, ��capt Sale I'IF 1lctiush & Co.'s Qld Stand, Great Tweed Sale This Week 25 per cent. reduction on our former low prices. Suits to order a speciality Delainettes . .• . This is an elegant range of dress material, worth 180., 33 in. wide, reduced to 121c. 10c. shallies down to (e. 12 c. shall- ies down to 9:4c, 2 yd. dress muslins for 5c. 18c. black Grenadines for 8c. Such Bar' aihs . As these draw large crowds to our store. Come quick betore they are gone. Buying for Cash in large quantities en- ables us to buy cheap, and goods bought right are half sold 15c. Skirtings . Fast colors, 10 cents, Cottonades 10, 12i,17 and 19 cts., worth double. Ginghams . . • yd. wide, for 10 cents. 50c. Carpets . . down to 35c. Great Snap , • Groceries at Cost ! 110. per doz. for eggs. G. G. JOHNSTON, McTavish's Old Stand. Three 3iears in the Ground. Some three years ago while Mr. John Brown, of St. Marys was working on the farm of Mrs. A. Beattie, Blanchard he lost a silver watch which he was wearing at the time. As Mr. Benton, the present tenant of the farm was plowing last week, the watch was turn ed up, quite uninjured, and was re stored on Saturday to its owner. -St. Mary's Argus.bl Public School Board Minutes. June 7. -Meeting held in the Town Hall at 8 p.m Absent E. S. Howard. and W. Treble. The following is the order of business duly approved:- Minutes of previous meeting -per T. Fitton and Dr. Lutz, the following a/c S. Fanson, repairs, $1.50 -per Dr. Lutz, that the Chairman, T. Fitton and W. D. Weekes he a comewithpower to build the required outbuilding and make other desirable repairs -per T. Fitton and W. D. Weekes, that�as a mark of the Board's appreciation of the efforts of its pupils and encouragement to the more dif lident ones that the Board pay the Entrance Fees of all pupils front the Exeter school whom "the Principal shall see fit to try the ensuing leaving examinations -per T. Fitton and, ..Dr.• Lutz, that the sum of five dollarssebe granted the sec'y for extra service for the year 1892 -per Dr. Lutz, adjourn- ment. J. GRIGG, Sec'y. BARGAINSH 200 pieces at 25c. 200 pieces of all wool double fold Dress Goods worth from 75 cts. to $1., for 25 cents, 200 Robes at $5. 200 Robes for Dresses, worth from $10. to $20. Your choice for - $5. ln Wool Delaes. Wool Delanes in endless variety. . . , . 200 pairs at halt price. 200 pairs of Lace Cur- tains bought out of bond at half price. • '' will be no more: C, knell ch, Com. Secy. 1�1 6th 1893. Sputmllii Co. Eget 1i. •rcm�vq�ac,�r.m ti,Rill A CARLINC FIIWTHERS' o Colored, Dress Goods, For' Cheerful Ladies, Parasols that captivate, while they shelter. Underwear suitable for the var- iations in temperature. Delainettes. Choice range of Delainettes,-nothing better in the village. Gents' Summer Coats and. Vests. Full assortment of Gents' Summer Coats and Vests, Ties, Collars and Cutts, Silk Handkerchiefs, and Braces, Hats -the latest, Flannelette Shirts -beautiful goods. Newest Novelties In Window Shades. Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles. Groceries, Boots and. Shoes. The cheapest and best, other dealers not in it. Gro- cery Department -no better. Canned Goods of every description. We venture to say that we sell more Tea than all others put together. Try our 25 cent Japan. C SEEDS! SEEDS!! E The Spring time is that Season of the year when everybody should take TIME by the forelock. This is just what we have done and now we are able fill all orders for seeds of any kinds and in any quanty. This is the only way to secure good, reliable seed. While you are in do not fail to see our new Large Stock of Spades, Hoes, . • sakes, Forks, . ShVels, &c, In fact everything in way of Garden Tools. Cobble ick oil GArlpiomt . PFIGIFic Farmer's Excursion ! From all Stations in Ontario. Return Rates to- Estevau Deloraine I s28 Moosomin Binscarth I Reston J Reginaa Moosejaw � •d 0 0 Yorkton J Calgary 1, Prince N, 0 AlbertJ q.r3 'Edmonton$40 0 0 B To leave all points in the Province of On- tSrio, on JUNE 13 -Return until July 23rd. JUNE 20 -Return until July 30th. JUNE 22' -Return until Aug. 6111• JULY 31.11. --Return until Aug. 80111 Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto intime to con- nect with the 10,15 p.m. train on above dates. The Winnipeg 7Exbibition will be held from July 15 to 22, inclusive, and persons leaving on July11 will be in splendid time for this event. .Q6 T S3 c ROLLINS WILLlAS Milling Co., of Enter. Have opened an office opposite the Town Hall, and while build- ..... • ing uild-, ...•ing the NEW MILL Will keep constantly on hand a full stock of the VERY BEST BRAMDS OF FLOUR; also all kinds of mill stnff and Feed. Farmers and townspeople will find it. to their advantage to call and see us. ROLLINS & WILLIAMS ��i�rR�al E��aie A��acy IF YOU WANT,TO Buy or Sell a Farm Tee VOL' WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property 1F YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Loney IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Kr. he. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- MainStreet, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, . Box 44 • T h e undersigned have opened out a new Stock of first-class Spring and Summer suitings, in Canadian and Imported Tweeds Worsteds, etc.,', which we sell at right prices. Tweed Pants $3. and upwards, Worsted de 4. do Tweed Suits 10 do Worsted do 16. do Spring Over Coats $14,00 a d Upwards. Call and examine before ppnrehating elsewhere, We guarantee a good fit. Creech 86 Bissell.