HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 40• •• t • , •• •••• • • el` The Signal-Ste;r, November t8, 1971 -Car Care Supptement-Page LOC Why-Ch#,ng.i.-7HS,14. ark: Plugs:- at 1-0- 0-00, Advised Not Because; They Wear Qut, But Rather .- . line -isn't ignited properly and incomplete burning of the fuel charge can result. - A new spark plug with the How can a spark be pro- correct gap setting needs • duced. antrtht ,phig,..stin.mis,, . .abbut 5000 volts to fire 11Q_W- ,ever, as the plug remains in fire? -Because "spark track, service; constant heat: and ing" (or high-tension cur- ' . chemical attack plus electri- rent leakage) through car- cal erosion cause the gap to bon deposits -on the spark become wider, thus increa,s- plug's firing end can result - ing the amount of voltage to in a weak spark, which in fire the plug. turn causes incomplete burn- - Spark plug gap growth oc- ing of the fuel mixture, and • curs at a rate of about .001 ' t - as a Safety Factor Against Misfirings Ever wonder, why you should change .the Spark _ plugs in,your ear after every .10,000 Miles of driving? There's a good reason. The 10,000 -mile plug change rec- ommendation is not actually based on the fact that spark plugs are "worn out," in the strictest sense, after .10,000 miles. represents the point at which gas economybegins to, Amp_ and starting becomes more difficult: - A Champion Spark Plug Company engineers consider a spark plug worn out when it reaches the Writ where it is likely to misfire - regard- less of its appearance. And, contrary to popular opinion, _Thiiligure--='selected after rhisfiring--doesn't necessarily '1117;;;;Aes--431W=147.qViMiglasm?S4 ,tests merely repr.esents safety factor beyond which -s---"plugsi are likely -to -misfire under \the sudden demands of peakacceleration or ex- tremely heavy, ioad. It ,,also 00, "-.1Here's Another . . - :ate. a Spark.:It means that the :plug failed to ignite the gasoline properly, wheth- eroa spark was produced -or. • not. CARE FOR YOUR CAR CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 2 10 III 12 '' . 16 13 • is. . •1''' ' '. 14 , ' . •• ,. . . . . . . . . . . ,, ,.„... . 1/ . . .. . . .. ., . ... , "- 19 . .., . • , . 4 , :_, ' ' 20 21 • • 25 32 26 27 22, . • . . . 23 • . 24 • . , . . . 28 . 29 / 30 • 31 ... , '34 . 11 39 '36 "" , ---- 40.. 41' 37 _ , . 42 43 ' 44 1111 • 4 cl 47 , 48, 49 — . 50 51 52 ... . • • will, immi ..- .56 III' , 57 • El 59 ACROSS • 36 & 5 These services help reduce air • -131 pollution 38 8 Cooling system 40 part that needs replacement when '42 spongy. 12 Common engine block metal. 13 To be or — Jo be. 14 Fender (French). 49 15 This should be 51 drained and flushed every year 53. for better cooling. 54 17 With 39 down, key , ingredient in tune-up which 55 should be replaced , every 10,000 miles. '50' .18 Chicago transit units. ' 57 19 To be sick. --58 20 British Legislator., (Abbrev.) 21 Manuscript (Abbrev.) 22 Silent U.S. President. 23 It to take care of your car. 25 Sacred church council. •tA, 28 Member'of U.S. 6 House (Abbrev.) 29 MIer part of 7 steering system to. check yearly. 8 32 Number of cylin- 9 ders in most . ported cars. 33 Vital service for 16 points. ' 34 Flking saucers. • 11 35 Polka ----. 44 • 45 46 2 3 4 5 Another part of the /Cooling systern. E ploys. Dpatched. W, at fresh wiper. blades help you.to do better. Behold. Stamped on a receipt (Abbrev.) Accountant - Laotian' temple Pianist Geza Result of worn treads. Golda. .Cleaner helps keep dirt out of -engine. Sources of 12 across, A utohratic. trans- mission gear, • .To imitate. Mae. 16 Who to call for 51,across. M 20 otorisrs guide. 22 Care' fdr your 23, Kind of rally. 24 What good brakes make your car. 25 Country mail system (Init.) , • , 26 Totals of a perfect ba I [garde. 27 Ballerina's garb. 28 Also —. . • 30 Outfielder ' Swoboda. 31 Time in Salt Lake City. 33 A tuneup saves ' • this. 34 Erriploy 36 Nourished. 39 See 17 across. 40 What you need when you have 51 across. Consume. Head , some- thing to adjust for better visibility. Fit for military service. Paper This cdnnects dis- tributor and spark rplug. • 47 God of War (Greek). 48 Good mechanics give your car a good road 50 Opposite of alt. current. 51 U.S. aviation body.' What 16 down will do to a dis- abled car. • DOWN • , 41 What to check for '42 air pressure each ° time you get gas. Asian Mountain. 43 Dozes off. East Netherland 45 Indies (Abbrev.) 46 wetmeet again. Motor or Office Opposite of crooked (Abbrev.) Elated. .filter, change it every other oil change. • Depressed'nei&- borhood. 52 Medical tests (Abbrev.) a • Poe Correct Solutions See Page . . . a - 4 Many Drivers Ask results in a loss of boh pow veldps as the spark plug elec- service for 10,000 miles gen- ' trodes become rough and erally will have gaps that are uneven and the gap between 41.1.Q.P_t_.,..010 inch wider Ulan the electrodes increases, also the.. original settings and can result in the spark being higher voltage is needed to tod weak. Here, too, the gaso-% make them. spark. This is only, for .normal driving.. Operating the engine at very .high speed can decrease -/ the amount of coil voltage available to fire the spark plugs by 30 tb.40 percent. Ac-- celerating to pass on a' high- way may practically double the voltage burden on the sPadc.P.11,1g • inch for each 1000 miles. of �f.-'p1us that hs been 'in producing -especially if the plugs are badly worn. Now, back to the 10,000 miles change recommenda- tion, Most spark plug 'engineers agree . that- safety- fadtbr needed ihthe spark. plug1-6-- ensure proper plug perform- ance under every possible operating condition. Conse- quently, they try to Jkeep the amount of voltage -necessary to spark the plugs well below the amount of voltage that the coil is capable of produc, — • • '""Efetri'artit- considePation the fact that as, the ignition system be- comes oldek its potential. - high voltage output drops off. - A new ignition system, for example,' may be able to pro - ,duce over,30,000 volts 'of elec- tricity.. The same•systern af- ter 20,000 or 30,000 miles Without replacing any, of the parts may , only be able to produce 15 to, 20,0010 volts. • University "Study . . . SaysTune-Up Is Cure for Air Pollution They came to get ' a free tune-up. They left with the realization that a neglected engine is a major contributor ---to the air pollution problem. When engineering students at the University .of Detroit :detided to help observe En- gineering Week by offering free tune-ups to the public, the students_did not antici- pate the response. ' 04 Seeking to dramatize the effects of undermaintenance on harmful emissions,. the students found 150 cars wait- ing in, line at a campus facil- ity. 'It was more than they could handle so they invited . excess numbers of car own- erS back for a tune-up the , following week. ----Add1tional-4openings-7for— -- the second week's - clinics were exhausted in 15 minutes s the public phoned ,in for pointments. What was the result of the Clinic's study? , After tune-up, the averhge hydrocarbon. emissions Were reduced 52 percent. And the average carbon monoxide emissions were re- duced 58 percent. According to -clinic organ- izers Bob Kaczorowski and John Smreker, "The goals that were set for the tune-up were 400 parts per million of hydrodarbons and 2.0% car- bon monoxide. The average HC reading coming in was 644 PPM, The, average CO count was 3.06 percent. Slow Agceleration That's why misfiring is first' noticed while acceler- ating because it's) here that the - plugs "-.actually can , re: quiremore voltage to -pro- • di.ice a spark than the, igni: \Ugh system is , capable dif-- Tit OM TANGS TWAT CIIILDREN WEAR OUT FAS,TER WAN StIOES, ARE THEIR PARENT! "After tune-up the average HC count was 312 and the average CO count was , 1.3 percent." While most of the car own- ers were More motivated to bring their vehieles in for free service rather than con- cern for pollution, the proj- ect directors were somewhat optimistic, Kaczorowski and Smreker commented,. "After seeing what a difference a tune-up can make in their car's per- formance, --mileage and,pol- lution, we feel We have won a few converts." ,Car6on Fouled Plug r JOE'S BP Service Statiorr - -and- s- • • " Coffee Shop 411 Huron -Rd., ,Goderich 524-6871 ORETRITAINNAS iffiganeiRafife Leave. Worries Behind When You Drive. Your Car! Get Peak Performance . . . Smoother Rides )111 Our mechanics-khow all about car care; each is thoroughly trained, uses the newest -equipment, has long experience. Drive in for every' car -care needy CHECK-UP1 • Electric system • Shock absorbers *Radiator, hose • Povair steering • TFaniinksion • Iraes, lining • Points and plugs JOHN B. :PROUSE SUPERTEST GARAGE SERVICE - _REPAIRS 81 Elgin Avenue - 'Phone 5246202 • - a- - .0