The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 38The Signal -Star, November 18, 1971 -Car Cire Supplement -Page BC A IIDON1CF, IPO WOVICIN Freeways Cost Money, 7-44-111.611301111-% 'E.. " " - But:Yield Dividends Dear DeDe: I am the mother of three school-age children and it seems. like I spend half my 'time chauffeuring them to ' schooly-music lessons, Scouts. and a doen other plgees. My neighbor has children about the same age,and we try to share the driving when the youngsters are going to the same place. Lately, how- ever, it seeins that every time it's her turn' to drive she claims she has starting trou- - .• I ,dozi,' believ her . W e - rrirja:':Wartn ,eiTimaft S:61-7" 't,isee how she has start, ffifilscouble. 1! How vanp 011.,CTOSS'1.4.41ver that I resent *her exciies- zvithOut starting an uhwant- , -"ed neighborhood .feud? DISGUSTED DORIS Long -Beach, California DEAR DORIS: Before- t4ting to the core of your Jb1em, don't as- sume thal-becatise you live. • • have starting erns. in a. warm cli%you can't g Sta- tistics .show that 'drivers in your part of the country have just as mucor more start - Ing trouble 'Atian car owners in colder arohas. Why? People in the frigid zones tune their cars more faithfully than people in your bailiwick. Tell your neighbor that you just had your car tuned and that it really runs better, „ and that you start more eas- ily than ever. Also tell her that your tune-up is helping 'cut pollution leyels. She may -just -get the hint-atid 'you'll gain a co-pilot on your driy- ing chores: • *- * Dear DeDe. ' i'771 a -single girl, just out of college and I've bought my first car. Frankly, every time I take it in for service, I feel 1 ,am being condescended .to, .be- cause 1 am a woman. I have no 'complaints about the service, but 1 resent being - told, in so many words, "Y6U wouldn't understand'," when 1 ask exactly what was done to my car. Where can a girl learn'the basics of auto mechanics? DIANE J. Astoria, Long Island 77-7 • . - • • from DE DE BcsisqN... a woman who does derstanding of what makes a car tick and what services Are needed: • • • • .• • You may pot be able to re- pair your -brake system after the course, btit ydu should be ' able to put a stop to what's bothering you. * * Dear DeDe: Help me settle argu- ment with my husband. 4-y car's owner's manual tells me to change' oil. every 4,000 miles. 1 only put about 6:000 -41:1441saAokyear: san----„my. car: So t change -my oil'about-every .eight months. My husband s.ays, slz.,ortld _be chan0d -- every' -two iritifttits.- Does he 4„ know more than‘the owner's manual? D.E., •'4 Winnipeg, Manitoba Dear D.E.: Your husband is right. The DEAR DIANE: Check youy. local YWCA. Many YW's offer classes in Powdeypuff Mechanics. T,,,hey • are not too technical, wyet they do give you a basic un - AUTO FACTS • • owner's manualobviously is - referring to normal driving. - Your 6,000 miles a year is well below -normal and indi- cates that most of your travel is • short trips 'to the" Freeways may not be free, technically, but they are but carries-ahont half of all motor vehicle travel. among the best investments , • The 42-,5001mile later - the average citizen makes with his money. state Highway system, to lie According to the Highway completed by 1978, i s"nearly Users. Federation for. Safety twice.,as „sti_fe_as,soil)er roads - and Mobility,for every dol- and streets. In ecent years and .rUnning errands. This lar expended from the U.S. the fatality record on the 'r • In- kind of driving is tough on Highway Trust Fund on the lerstate was 2.99 deaths per the engine since it seldom Interstates system, about, 100 million vehicle miles reaches efficient operating $2.9.0 is returned in direct traveled vs. 5.62 miles for . e temperature. So, the oil sup- 'users benefit.- • - other roads. The Interstate ,,.. ply can become coritami- __Taxes raised from gasoline, ',system is saving 8,000 lives nated. Making sure your oil -.Urea and trucks are building per year. is fresh is about the cheap- the most 'efficient and safe a lavi.."..., pacy_again4.111, . a.C1 ditipp--"--- .._ .-prertia.tepginewear ure '-r:'r- - ever *- --4,—.....i'oild*41:1•41.4.121,44,„.-Trptist,,:-.--- - . . . , ten to hubby and enjoy your This , yea i the IlighWE4 Fund by - "tirscintyer- provide • * -- .Tx.u.St Fund .is observing its indirectly a longer -lived ea', -tar, - . . ..._. lab.Anersaryspine of . . , Non.:stop, -modgru-design et! , niky. the highlights of the fund's iN4iiv high‘i aY5;' elW eilitli- . CLOGGED CLEANER, benefits to the car owners are nate premature brake wear, A 9Jogged air dewier can . listed below: - , prolonged idling time, less iieli cause a 75 percent in- • The Federal -Aid Primary wear on suspension systems"' crease imhydrocarbon emis- system accounts for less than ' and shock absorbers among. Slats from a car's engine.,--- 10 percent of all U.S. roads other benefits. '1 4 4 .1. 1.1 BRAKES AT 6-5 MP1-1"-YOu'LL GO 70 FEET FR0M THE TIME. you • DISCOVER YOU HAVE TO„ STOP UNTIL YOUR FOOTHIT THE 6RAKE. PEDAL: AR• .."-V 143.- f •iiiii111:'';..5&y• . • • -., afrizi4,4•;. f.'•• • -•-.."4' I 4 4 , ,.... .... • N„.,,.......,....,_ .- • IRAKES ARE IN -GOOD • VEN 'IF YOuR TIRES AND 111 CONDITION YOU'LL. GO AN- . • ari-IER• 250 FEET BEFORE ' 11 >IOU STOP -A 'TOTALp'ISTANCE7 - -.... LONGER THAN A FOOTBALL. "*- \ FIELD. BUT AS MANY AS I/3 OF ALL CARS CHECKED IN 'ii: * INSPECTION STATIONS HAVE .::ii. * BRAKE. WORK. ......... ., ::: . ‘ CAR BRAKES HERE • • . . ................ ................... .. CAR STOP6 HERE • ....... OFTEN POTENTIAL BRAKE TROUBLE DOES NOT ANNOUNCE ITSELF BY THE FEEL OF THE PEDAL . DONT TAKE CHANCES -- BE SURE YOU MAKE A PANIC STOP IN TIME.11-4E CAR CARE COUNCIL RE - COMMENDS HAVING A BRAKE CHECK-UP TWICE A, YEAR. Z• Professional BODY GUARD Service _ PROTECT .YOUR CAR FROM RUST AND WINTER SALT Le t us UNDERCOAT Your C 3 PRICE .RANGES..4- OIL SPRAY — ONE 'SPRAY — GUARANTEED UNDERCOAT CUSTOM WASHING AND. WAXING Goderich Car Undercoating 236 HURON RD. Contact Ray Chisholm at 5248998 or 524-8152 UTH Bayfield Rd. EN We Do Bee Line. FRONT END ALIGNMENT. BODY 524-9181 4V •