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The Signal -Star, November 18, 1971—Car Care Supplement --Page 5C
TiyOff-Road Rally
While most motorists are
preparing their automobiles
for a rigorous winter, car
buffs in southwestern states
are enjoying bouncy, fun -
filled off-road racing.
Rules for an off-road race
are simple. All a competitor
has to do is drive a motorized
vehicle from one designated
point to another. "
Getting there is half the
fun, and the fun constitutes
hundreds• of miles of wash-
board roads, mushymud flats
and uninhabited ariyQn . that he would. v-� i •• trouble.
edly—against the clock,
'the _ The --tight- proved-" to be a
bedraggled, filthy drivel.'
triumphant if he manages to
cross the finish line • at
As one race driver recently
described a typical off-road
racing course: "Both the first
and last; stretches of the run
were on paved roads, so° a
vehicle with a high top speed
was required. But the middle
of the course — more than
600 miles — snapped axles,
bent frames and left many a
driver with only a cactus for
Unfortunate incidents dur-
ing these races are many and
varied, although there are
seldom any injuries.
One intrepid fellow, charg-
ing across a stretch of flat
desert at 100 miles per hour
in pre -dawn darkness, sud-
denly lost all 'electrical pow-
er. He aimed his car at what
he thought was another com-
petitor's tail light, thinking
Who $ads. ` Geaain .1"hre ._is Half. _the Fiu n.''?_
campfire, through which he
drove as lie ended his:inn in
an ,irrigatjon flitch.
Despite such diversions,
off-road races like the Baja
500 are proving' to be im-
mensely popular. So while
northern drivers brace them-
selves for wintry blasts of
air, some . southwestern mo-
torists will be avoiding that
upcoming cactus,
Dressings Belong On Salads,
Not On Your Ailing. .V -Belt
If the V -belt on your car
is squealing of appears to be
slipping, it's time to do some-
thing about it. But, the an-
swer is not to apply belt
The maker of one major V
belt line advises against belt
dressing... For one good rea-
son. All belt dressings con-
tain an oil .base penetrant ,
which ultimately softens the
belt and shortens belt life.
Their advice is to look for
the cause. If a belt -slips, for-
get the dressing and have the
belt tensioned to nianufac-
turers' specifications. The re-
sult will, be longer lasting and
the belt won't be damaged.
If the .V -belt is noisy, belt
dressing may provide some
relief but it will be short-
lived and belt damage can
result. Noise is usually caused
by dirt, dust, rusty water
and /or anti -freeze. The so-
lution is as -simple as thor-
oughly cleaning the belt and
pulleys, or realigning pulleys
and retensioning belt.
Don't use any °dressings!
Find the cause ... and have
your mechanic correct it. .
If you're,;looking for a quality
paint job on your car, the De-
Vilbiss Company offers the fol-
lowing tips on how to make cer-
tain you get one. 1. Pick a shop
that's busy. That's a sign of
customer satisfaction with the
shop's work. 2. Check the shop
area for cleanliness. A sloppy
shop will often mean a sloppy
paint job. 3, Ask for the serv-
ices of their best man. True,
you'll pay more for a top qual-
yob but Irou getwrit
you pay for.
Ed Abbott's
318 Huron Rd.
WINNING BAJA ENTRY OF Ingvar Lindqvist, in the two -wheel drive class, tackles a rocky section
in the recent "Baja 500" off-road race in Me, ico. The course is noted for extreme driving condi-
tions of intense heat, gullies, craters, washes, sharp rocks and boulders. (Photo courtesy of Sears)
CoolinSystem Problems
Soived.by Tune -Up No. 2
Take your car to your serv-
ice station and ask the at-
tendant to give your car
"Tune -Up No. 2" and he'll
probably look at you and
wonder. A tune-up he knows;
a tune-up No. 2, probably
not. _ ....
Yet, it's a needed service,
one that's longer overdue in
most cars.
Tune -Up No. 2 'is simply a
thorough inspection and
check of all the components
making up a car's cooling
system, plus replacement of
worn or malfunctioning
parts. •
Why is it important? Con-
sider this. The cooling sys-
tem of your car, performs a
vital functionc, that of keep-
ing the operating tempera-
ture of the engine at a level
at which it will perform at
top efficiency.
Maintaining It`s Cool
To accomplish this objec-
tive,' automotive • engineers
developed the pressurized
cooling system which per-
mits coolant to rise well
above the ordinary boiling
point without "boiling over."
The cooling system on the
average modern engines must
be able to withstand in ex-
cess cf 17 pounds of pressure
combined with underhood
temps ra-u-res— that rang
from 224° to 278°F.
These higher heats and
pressures put a strain on all
components of the cooling
system: hoses, V -belts, water
pump; thermostat, radiator
It takes only one defective
or nonoperative part to cause
1 the engine to overheat withr
costly internal engine darfi-
age the likely end result.
If you are driving a late
model car and iit's been over
a year since 'you've had your
cooling system checked,
you're overduefor trouble.
And you're ready for a cool-
ing system tune-up, or Tune -
Up No. ,2.
Well Worth the Cost
The cost is relatively small
compared to the potential
savings in forestalling expen-
sive emergency service or re-
pairs. " -.
A Tune -Up No. 2 normally
takes only about an hour and
a half and carries a nominal
flat rate of $12.00 plus parts.
And, if your station attend-
ant or garage mechanic still
doesn't know about Tune -Up
No. 2, .ask him to check his
flat -rate manuals, or contact
The Gates Rubber Company,
999 South Broadway, Denver,
Colorado 80217.
* * * ..
Here's What Tune- U p No. 2 Includes
1. A visual check of cool-
ant level for indication
of leaks or excessive. oil 12.
2. Check with pressure test- 13.
er for internal and ex-
. ternal leaks.
3. Visual check of oil for 14.
water content.
4. Test thermostat for 15.
proper opening and dos-
ing. 16.
5. Check of heater valves.
6. Check heat gauge for
7. Drain and back flush
cooling system. 18.
8, Clean radiator core of
bugs and check for clog- 19.
9. Clming.
ean engine if heavily 20.
covered with grease and
10. Test radiator pressure
11. Check radiator neck cap
seat for nicks or scratch -
es that could release
Check water pump bear-
Check fan blades and
pulley for alignnient and
Inspect, all hose and
clamps for deterioration.
Check" tore plugs and
drain cocks for leakage.
Refill system with cool-
ant Ihd check for air-
Recheck entire system
for leaks.
Check and adjust tension
of V -belts.
Check and reset ignition
timing to eliminate ping.
In cases where cooling
system continues to over-
heat, check .other possi-
ble causes.
Replace belts, hose,
'clamps, thermostat and
cap as necessary.
You'll Ge
a Good
from Us.,.
Just ask your friends. You can rely ort
us for fair estimates, reasonable costs,
expert work. After accident damage or
just daily wear and tear, let us restore
your car's like -new look.
Windshield Replacement at Competitve Prices
St. David St., Goderich 524-9449