HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 29eflio lad lirowole News Badges presented 4. •J „„ • 1 •• • , GODERICH SIGNAL TAR TkUBSDAY NOVEMERIA11911 4to BROWNIES . could go to work. Roberta • Pack One Wheeler had been careless and • At our meeting on November played near a camp fire and 9th, we were very proud • and must have been in very bad pain happy to be able to presentto (we could tell by ,t,he' giggles) Patty Wisser her Golden Hand from the huge burn on her atm; Badge. This is the 'final test and Carolyn.' Little had tried to 'badge'a titOWnie may earn and 'pat' a big dog that she didn't • • •'-••-------shows-that-Patty, be& WOrked keow and had 'received a great.. hard at her Varimis 'tests and has big bite on her 'neck for 'her passed them all..Needless to say, trouble.' all the Brownies joined in to give Dee to excellent treatment all Patty a very enthusiastic Grand the girls were completely Howl. - recovered in time to join in the, Other Brownies were little sing -song that ended our • presented with interest badges. --Cook, badges were given to Janet and Rita Lassaline and Linda Knox looked very happy as she • • Writer Afte • meeting. We'd like to add that our Packies were all good, sports as well as good actresses for they Housekeeper aid .. received little lectures es. some Semaphore practice and fun, we divided into various groups:A game of ball was being enjoyed by some, while a couple or Brownies worked. away on their own to pass their.' parcel -wrapping. The end of the room where the Tweenies were located was a real ceremonies'inspettion, beehive of activity as Packie was hOrseShoe forMation, and bus9 showing correct braiding we "divided into three and tieing of reef knots. groups. . We were pleased to have a The girls working with Mrs. new helper,. Mrs. Hill, come to , Reinhart on their First Aid were help some ,Tweenies paste all trying hard. to remember pictures illustrating the Brownie . everything they were told Promise. The Tweenies were also because it was the last veting showing Brown, Owl just what INfore-thefst. (Cool Luck Obeying Our Parents in line with playing the part called for by each injury. GUIDES First Goderich Girl Guides (by Marie Bolton) Our Guide Company meeting ban with the , regular and then work We _like, to thank 'When 'Weitthe'redritrikif Wow circle, we _talked about the G uides working on Grade one have .finished a .WIT1e, pretty pictures the ' Tenderfoot and Second Class booklet about what is sweet and Brownies will make next week. -The -TW'eenies--were -excited to hear that their enrolment may take place November 30th, Kelly Schweitzer brought a papier mache jack••o-lantern to show us and Lynne Cochrane sho'wed us a piece of wasp nest. We just had time then for Taps and a quick Good Night, A boys' soccer team from Colborne Central travelled to St,. Marys last School 3-0 but later defeated Downie defeated by South. Perth Kolkman scored the winning goal. Pictured here are (bac row, lett-to right) Mark Kernighan, Tim Lowey, Allan Watson, Earl Reaburn, Richard tchoemaker, Leonard Kolkman, Bruce Brindley and Kevin Cunningham; (frO:nt row) Larry Alli,Donld Bogie, Bill Durst, Fred -Schoemaker (holding ball), Ricky Baechler and Glen Linner. (Colborne Central School picture.) Saturday. They were Township -School 1-0. Leonard Chatter from Colborne School requipmelits last week too. - what is sour. Pictures of what N " Atter our period of learning . Sweet include - oranges, apple's, candy ' carke .bananas ,and was up we played Kangaroo Court ,and had lots ,of fun. peaches. Pictures of what is sour During Campfire ,' we learned include - lemons, grapes, some new songs and , Played grapefruit and liiilk.- ' The Jacob's Ladder. We closed. our children all painted good meeting by singing Guide Taps. Pietures of these items. Secant) Goderich Girl Guides (by Robin Ormandy) On Monday, November 8 we Pack Two held our Guide meeting. First we We had some very important set up our Patrol corners and, announcements at our last then held inspection. We sang - meeting. The Brownies were all„ 'our Guide Law as we went into '''' (and a little nervous nside) " when they were eminded about bringing all their Upp'et creations to the next eeting to be tested for their terest badges. Girls who tven't polished up their puppet ays yet have another week for actise, and we're all looking rward to enjoying the final r p m in pi • *Pr ,fo res Horseshoe. We hat lots of ideas for the Santa Claus parade. but the one that had. the most votes was Snow White. Peggy Sheardown and Cindy Fisher received ',,their Pioneer Badges for going to Pioneer camp last summer. ,We voted for new Patrol Leaders this week and they are ults on Friday. •,• Diana Oke, Lynn Moffet, Marva Jackson and 'Lu„cy Stinnissen. The new Seconders are Laura Morrison, Robin Campion, Patty Petrie and Lynn Hildebrand. We enjbyed ptaying. a game Marva Jackson taught us and then went into cartipfire. We sang. some songs and the Shamrock Patrol did' a skit for us.- We sang Taps, Calatain dismissed us, arid we headed for home. Quite a few of our Brownies have come to' the end of their , time with us and will be leaving to go to Guides on November fit 23rd. Their places will be filled a few , days later, on November 26th, 0, at bur • enrolment ceremony. that will change our Tweenies into real Brownies at 0 tit surpr meeti the, Comp and te was ur senior girls received a big ise. part way through our ng. Captain Graves from First Goderich Guide any came to review, teach, st them on First Aid. She helped out' by four ient casualties. By some ence our mirii-Packies uddenly become very careless and ,disobecli-ent re all in pretty desperate Brownie First Aid for a of horrible looking (All actually gleefully in the health room with id of chalk and loured markers!) er , Brander hid' a ash in her hand due to use'of a bread knife"; rady's foot and ankle en -bones and -briOit bruises because she the driveway behind d'ignored her Father's at she move so that he conven coinci had clumsy and we need o variety injuries. acquired the . a water -co • Heath terrible g "careless o Kimmy, B had brok coloured playedon the car an request th Letter to the Editor -Dear Mrs. Keller: Mrs. 'Gerry Brown has sent me a copy of the letter she sent to you. I believP., she has explained things very well to help you decide which kind of local CAC you wish to be. When you decide, would you let me know so we can set up an organization meeting? I shallsee that key people frons Ontario' executive are able to, go, that we bring as much material as we can to help you, and also a cheque to get you started. Ware very exited about a group starting in Goderich and are most anxious to hear from •• you. Sincerely, Bernice McLean , PRAYER FOR NOON (by Robert Huff) .4 Grade Three -- We thank the Lord for all we get, We thank him for dur food, We thank him for all animals, We thank him very much. , . • • an SKIPPY (by Debbie Stothers) I have a dog named Skippy, I didn't want a dog 'named Tippy, She is six. inchesIall, And you can shake her paw, Skippy is, my pet, „ • She never wants -to bet, , he is round and Fey; Never chases a cat,' Bo'! I'm glad that I have -Skippy. WISHING (by Lisa Whitely) I wish I were a golden star, Floating around, way up far Among other .tars shining brightly And not at all fittedin tightly. . , • , • Or else -I wish I were a cat, Not toO. skinny, not too fat But a fluffy, white, fu,rry one, answer your CHRISTMAS SEAL LETTER TODAY! 1971 TAXES Notice to .Ratepayers Township of Colborne • 2nd instalment of t'axe's due November 25;1971:Payable at " any local chartered bank 9r attheTOwnship Office, 40 The Square, Goderich. Further take notice any fariii ratepayer who did not receive farm Land Tax Reduction cheque, please notify the Clerk in -writing before December 1-; . WILMER HARDY, Clerk -treasurer. Some -people say it's the all new aero-dynamie design ! Some say it's the new Salsbury automatic drives li Others claim it's the gas tank cap.with gauge. Others still maintain it's the long'erchassis on, the Mark II wide -track. There's something speciarabout Boa Ski all right and thafrtte • people who build it. We put more' inth Boa Ski so you get more out of it.- A relaxing nigh,t's sleep' -in a modern comfortable igN room , superb service to help you enjoy whit you want to do . . you're in the heart of downtown Toronto, so when you walk out the front' door you're close to every- - tning . . thedtres, entertainment, shopping. Arid you'll find the Lord Simcoe dining and lounge prices are as sensible as the room rates. •••••:$: •Single rates from 12.50 to 18.00.'. %\‘...N.N\MARCMSTA:*...NOZNAVAI4Aiiaa'Ainift Gordis Sports Brandon's zirmaiintwkBayitie‘dit o R atk , _H-ard w a re Bayfield ,,ate ioeitet• , ••• AltAtft ,• 519— 524-9061 v Bayfield, Ontario • , REMEMBRANCE DAY ASSEMBLY (by Peggy Fisher) ' We heldTRemembrarice Day assembly on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 all had a part in it. Poppies were given out and in -return money was given to the Legion. We held a minute of silence to remember those who fought and died for our country. Poems, hymns and readings also conveyed this message BY MARK JONES REMEMBRANCE DAY . ASSEMBLY On Wednesday, Nov. 10, there was an assembly in the auditorium. The senior band, directed byz•Mr.• Carner.on,-played..., for the first time this year at'the assembly. The -band played Marching to Pretoria, Hesperus, 0 Canada, Sandon, 0 Valiant, Hearts, and "Toembia. Shaddick directed the glee club as it sang .Let There be Peace On 'Eafth Mr. Smith•had contected Rey, Royal, earlier to have him come to th t assembly so Rev. Royal came and spoke to us for a few minutes. Rick Hamilton read a passage from the Bible. , Stories and. poems- re read by Lori Keller,, Tammy Mc.:A-stocker,....Donna :'Cl.49Ag.74.M.AtgAtt4jP.P -Thirst, Danny Boyce, Chris Lyrovolas, Colin Brander, Randy Robinson, Jimmy Baird, lene McDougall, Heather -arshail and Vickie Powell. Some of the Boy Scouts and Cubs, and Girl Guides and Brownies wore their uniforms. Mrs. Shaddick and Mr. Currie were in charge of.the assembly, G.D.C.I. FOOTBALL On Friday, Grades 7 and 8 were dismissed at 2:30 so that they couldgo to the football game at G.b.C.I. if. they wished to. Robertson Roundup MRS. FREEMAN'S GRADE1 The students . in •Mrs. Freeman's class are learning new signs „in Arithmetic,. The', have learned ,that the* sign rmeari44,ey add and the sign means both sides are thecatne. The Minus sign is their new one. hey find that it, is fun working ith these signs. They also have made cut and pastepicture a a windy day. Some of the pictures showed sailboats, houses, trees, grass, and clothes on a line, blowing in the wind. Others showed kites flying, leaves, falling, and large waves. "ft-ShOWed' eter.theVfnci..' GRADE'TWO Some pupils in Grade, Two have learned about dinosaurs and are now discussing what happens to milk from the cow to the kitchen. They' are also learnt% a new song called November Twilight. • GRADE THRREE STORY BY BRENDA BOLTON I want to be a school teacher. I 'hop ----of all the things in the world I could do but most of all ,l, want to be a school teacher. I woUld be as kind and helpful as I could be, but sometimes I would THE TYPE OF TEACHER - 1 INOULP.RE TRACY LOUNSBURY 'I'd jike to be kind to children instead of bragging about myself ndbich. children,- lt would ten Diem . right from 'wrong.' and boast about myself and slap children, Children are elegant and warm hearted, God gave you children to love. -•••••••••••,•• GRADE FOUR The Splatter work project the grade four has now finished is displayed on" the bulletin board. WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and information about your new location. The Hostess will be have to be cross if somebody 9ian to arrang77. -----reasIT11-Wrt:n:76tMto be i-imdeTnr:buar"a41 .:CE1711 want to help instead because I_ like being a school' teachet. FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE Se* or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS 'GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT • 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 na a wor The,Federal Government is pOtting 498 militon dblrars to work, through -a series of specific programs, to help create jobs for• Canadian. This message is designed to • give you program details. • WORKING TOGETHER WITH THE INDIVIDUAL We're encouraging you to act.on your own initiative or through local government, local .organizations and service groups come up with ideas for our Local Program. For example, you.may wiSh-to develop a day care centre in your ton or any number of services that will make your community a better place. There's also a Training -on -the -Job Program that will work through business and industry to expand opportunities for those .. who' are unemployed or have little work experieno9, . • • If you have some bac experience, we've extended the Canada Manpower • Training Program to help providg you with additional learning. ' WORKING7OGETHER WITH BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY - • There's Qprogram qf„ tax incentives or So will our Special Development Loans , Program that will finance new capital works projects, We'll be speeding up mprtgage approvals through the Central Mortgage and., Housing Qorporation to get homes,student housing and sewage treatment projects under way. - We also will be making loans to exhibi---- tion commissions, boards and associations to get you working on multi-purpose fair and trade buildings WORKING, TOGETHER WITH FEDER-A-L- WORKS On 'our level,we'll be working to give you more job opportunities on maintenance and improvement °activities on Federal build- ings; transportation facilities: forest and park projects; and many others, WHERE IT,ALLVV,ORRS TOGETHER The job ,starts at yqur Canada Man- power. Centre For advice and assistance on any of the programs that you feel apply to you or your community, contact your -local Cianada Manpower Centre: Th 'Irbe7happy 'to help you with all theinformation they have. When Canadians get involved together, Canada works direct paymetits to employers to encourage them to add trainees to their staffs through * tho;Troin-inT5-47-0- ne-Job-1-2-ro,glarn".-TlitS wal_ — help the trainee get work experienc&that he can use in many jobs, WORKING TOGETHER WITH THE MUNICIPALITIES I^ The foundati6n of all municipal activity is the previously m n'tioned Local Initiatives Program.This will elp you support and spur community projecOthat will give jobs to people in your community who find them- selves unemployed, WORKING:TOGETHER WITH THE PROVINCES Obviously, the municipal Local ,Initiatives Program will tie in closely wth the Provinces. .trti' • • -• CanadaWorks 14, —Iv -- Manpower Main -d'oeuvre and Immigration et Immigration Otto l'ang Moister Otto LAnq Ministre • ••, • • ''.14'.074,1,11,,teCht;t1b • • •• . , 4 • "'"M''''1"." 5710 „