The Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-22, Page 5NERVE XSLiLI^pr ,A,`iy ern G new qts,. haumtatosseut erveua Deilty Le Jcovybw weakness of body or Mind caused by oror^,vork or the errors or ex, m.�.m=. oozes of youth. Whitt Romccly ak7 solutoly cures the most obstinate cases when all other gxtiA'Yiiiiir rs have failedeveuto relieve.. :,old by drug, ists at ei par peelings, oz sic for > 5 or sent by imam receipt of price by addressing T1IE JAMES,U J),ICINID 6701:, 'yoronto, Ont. Write.for uamnblet Sold;u la— For *ale iu ExoterbY S. W. ilrowning The Japanese Government has commen- ced suit against the Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Company for $6S5o,000. damages in connection with the sinking of the torpedo boat Chiohima I{en by the steamer Ravenna last year. NO CHILD is safe from worms unless Dr Low's Worth Syrup is at hand.It is a con: plete remedy both to destroy. and remove worms of all kinds. I. G. Richardson, of New Haven, Conn„ has started a suit for $5,000,000 damages and profits, for infringement of patents. The action is against nearly all the reaper and harvester manufacturers of the United Stat- es, including the combine. STICK TO THE RIGHT. Fear kills more than cholera. Seve.e diar- nccea, purging, cottc, cramps, etc,, are ot- ten mistaken for choleraic troubles. A few doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry will remove both the disease and the terxor it inepires. An earthen jug, ornamented with mytho- logical relief figure and malacia, formerly the property of Shakespeare, and by him be- queathed to his sister Joan, was sold at auction in London, Eu;., for 4e82. There are many forms of nervous dedility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills, Those who are troubled with nervsus weakness, night swets,' etc., should try them, At Port Arthur Assizee the grand jury have returned a true hill against Rowe charged with shooting his brother•in-law, Archie Cammill, last December. HEADACHE and CONSTIPATION vanisn when Burdock Pills are used. They cure where others fail. The grand lodge of the world, Indepen- dent Order of Good Templaro, in session at Des Moines, Iowa, has changed its name to supreme lodge A COMPLICATED CASE. Dear Sirf+.—I was troubled with bilous- ness, headache and loss of appetite. I could not rest at night and was very weak. but after using three bottles of 13. 13. B. my appitite is good and I am better than for years past. I would not be without 13 13 13 and am also giving it to my children. Mrs Walter Burns, Maitland N S. Rev Thos, Sedgewick, of Tatamagouche •N. S. has been elected moderator of the Presbyterian general assembly. There was no opposition. Backache is almost immediately relieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plaster. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents. Geo. W Helme, snuff manufacturer and dwner of the town of Helmetta, N. J., is ead. He was 74 years of age and worth 4,000,000. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a. Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, rho clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.. At New Orleans the river is seven feet above low water mark and stili rising. The levees in some parts were overflowed. FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Many symptoms of Canadian cholera are similiar to those of the real Asiatic cholera, such as vomiting, purging, intense pain, etc. For all those symptoms Dr. Pow ler's Extract of Wild Strawoerry is a safe and sure specific. Price 35 cts at druggists The Washington Supreme Court has dis- missed Col. Ainsworth's petition for a man- damus. CHILLS and FEVER MALARIA, etc., are promptly driven. off by Mi l burn's Aro- matic Quinine Wine, the potent invigora- ting tonic. . Controller. Wallace has consented to de. liver addresses at Iroquois, Ont., on July x, BAD BLOOD CURED. Gentlemen,—I have used your Burdock Blood Bitters, for bad blood and find it without exceptisn, the hest purifying tonic n use. .A. short time' ago two:very large and painful boils came on the back of my neck, bet B B B completely drove them away. Samuel Blain Toronto junction The -Congregational n unioof Ontario and Quebec continued in session at London Fri day. The annual missiouary meeting was' held in the evening. at For any ease of nervousness, sleepless- ness, weak stomach, indigestlou, dyspepsia try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in market. The Russian government has lowered .the export duties on 6o French '.articles in re. turn for the admission of Russian petroleum into, France on a favored footing. A CANADIAN FAVORITE. The season of green fruit and, summer drinks is the time when the worst kinds of cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and bowel com- plaints prevail. As a safeguard Dr,. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept in the house. For 35 years it has been the most, reliable remedy. The bethrothal will shortly be announced of the czarwitch of Russia to the youngest sister of the grand duke of Hesse-Darnistadt and grrnddaughtsr of Queen Victoria, WHY SIJFFER from Coughs.. Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma or Bronchitis when perfect cure is so easy with Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup. X'ngston hay dealers intend shipping a large quantity of hay to Engiand this fall. TARIFF REFORM, Tariff reform is in tha air.. The praises of 13. B. 13. are also heard everywhere. No other medicine cures all diseases of the stomach, liver bowels and blood so rapidly and so surely as Burdock li.00tl Bitters. Hcrmonn Woodland, aged 15, had his clothes caught by a chain in Booth's mills at Ottawa Thursday arid before he could extricate himself he was drawn against a circular saw and l:illeci.' I'Ipo's Itemedy for Catarrh !Slim Rost, Tastest le 'Use, and Cheapest. _ "tk:;uuyit4r Sold tw druggists or sent by nutti, gee, 33. To liateltlhe. Warren, Ya, . This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, HIeadache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,. Impure Blood, etc. These Losesges are pleasant; Ana harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, de not weaken likepilla 311' your tongue ie coated you need them. � .& it Ni 19019f.�. $T' A1LL, 115IWG STORES, M iscellaneous Remember Meuibray's Kidney; and Liver cure is the latest triumph in pharmacy, for the cure of Kidney and Liver Trouble and a positive cure for Backache, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Constipation, &e. A man named Dolson Martin, a bar- tender by tr'ac'e, has been missing from Kincardine since Sunday last. Ile had been drinking very heavily of late and his disappearance has created sus• piolons that he met with his death. Martin hailed from Petrolea and was about 30 years of ag.e. The Rome correspondent of the Lon- don, (Eng,) Daily News;—"The Pope has decided that in the diocese of St - Paul (United States) the clergy must instruct Catholic and Protestant child- ren alike, without exacting from the. Protestants: a promise to become Cath- olics. A portion of Sehneidemuehla,a man- ufacturing town of .Prussia, is sinking, in consequence of the boring of an ar- tesian well. The inhabitants of the districts, which cover several squares, are in danger, and will be compelled to leave their homes. Government en- gineers have gone to the scene to try to prevent the ruin of the town. Geo. Bearss, Glencolin, near Aylmer, while digging a diteu on his farm ono day recently unearthed what proved to be part of a very largo elk horn, which measured 25 inches in length and 16 inches in width, and is well preserved, it being almost impossible to file it. Mr. Bearss intends digging for the balance of the horn and the elk, too, if lie can get it. Don't You Know. That to have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood pur- ifier and strength builder, It expels all taint of scrofula, srilt rheum and all other humors, and at - the same time, bnilds up the whole system awl gives nerve strength. P Y Hood's Pills may be had by mail for 25c. of C. I. Hood's & Co., Lowell, Mass, The bones of an elderly person and a. child have been, unearthed during: the past two clays by workmen 1yhile digging for a fouudatiou. at an old building in rear of O'Calla han's Ter. race. Further excavations are tri be made, and other bodies may possibly be found. The skull was the only art of the first body disturbed. The skeleton remains in its rough box, with a stone wall, where its headused to rest. While working in a gravel pit on John Hughes' farm, London town- ship, recently, several diggers came .upon an Indian skeleton about four feet below the ground. The smaller bones were partially decayed, • as was also a portion of the skull. The frame was in a perfect state of preservation. ion. The teeth were especially white and sound. A large amount of flint, a stone pipe, a fanoy jar (which was soft when first uncovered, but when exposed to the air became quickly hardened), and several - other relics were also unearthed.. :For Ower Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 11±ty•yyears by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect sucoess. It soothes the child, softens the Rums, allays all pain, cures wind a olio, and is the best remedy for Diarrheas,. Is pleasant to the taste.. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A Horrible Tragedy. Parkersburg, W.Va. June 14.—Mrs, Kate Kerch, living fifteen miles from here, having lost her reason, poisoned two of her young children, threw two. others into a well and then killed her- self She tried to hill' her eight child- ren, but four were saved by the des- perate struggle of her 1.4 -year-old daughter No cause is assigned for the woman's derangement. Alt five are dead. The husband was away from home at the time. A Mother's Experience. took a box of these home. The little ,girl showed a fondness for this palat- able remedy, and quite contrary to her parents' expectations, her const- -Dated condition yielded readily togtlteee wonderful lozenges, and, now, after a short treatment, she is as well and. hearty as her friends could wish. Her digestiye organs are working harmon iously and normally, "After learning what I have of the results, of the use of Esel,jay's Liver Lozenges," says Mr. Saunders, "I have no hesitation in recommending them as one of the nicest forms of laxative medicines known." There are many citizens of London. who have warm words of praise for Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Crushed Under an Engine. Windsor, Ont,, Julie 1.5,—Yesterday as G.T.R. Conductor Turnbull, of Windsor, was conversing with his en- gineer at the ferryboat slip dock, a yard engine, which Hwas pulling the east -bound train off the ferryboat, came along. Neither the engineer nor Turnbull noticed it until it was upon them. The engineer managed, how- ever, to get out of the way in time to save himself, but Tutnbull was not so fortunate. Ho wasstruck by the en- gine and knocked under the wheels, which passed over him, cutting off both legs near the body, and mutilat- ing him in a fearful manner. He died 15 minutes later. Deceased leaves a wife and four or five young children. Two Bank Clerks Arrest- ed In London. Monday, June 19. Inspector Stang- er, of the British North American, has been bore since Friday examining the books of the bank and as a result of his labors there was a thunderclap of sur- prise in the bank when the Chief of Police was called over on Saturday af- ternoon and the teller of the bank, Mr. Harvey de M. Harvey, placed under arrest. At about 10 o'clock on Sat Ur - day night Detectives Rider and Nickle arrested Mr. Richard D. Wilson, ledger - keeper of the bank, on a similar charge at his residence, Dufferin Avenue. The two spent their Sunday iu jail, al- though some efforts were made to get bail for them. The Police Magistrate has remanded Mr. Harvey till Friday next, while Mr. Wilson was taken be- fore Ald. Moule by the detectives, and by him remanded to the same day. Efforts were made to see Mr. Cumber- land or Mr. Stanger last night, but they were in vain, The only positive iu, formation given on the subject was that the. bank charged that a system of embezzlement and falsifying the books had been going on for a year or two, and the sum was a little over $2,- 000. Both of the accused are 'married and well known here, HER DAUGIITISR'S AFFLICTION AND IIOW SfII] CAME THROUGH IT.. From the London Advertiser. Mr. Henry S. Saunders, the Dundas Street druggist, states that a customer. of his, living in the vicinity of Victoria Park, narrates the following interest—ing. experience in connection with her 4•year-old daughter. The ohildalmost from her hath has suffered severely from chronic constipation Before she had reached her thud .year she sympt- oms became so obstinate that -nature did not relieve her digestive organs more than twice weekly. The parents sought medical advice without avail, Ueda the doctor's care the symptoms only botanic more alarming; the poor little sufferer was compelled to stand all the distressing results of this pain.. , 1 habit,while h fully constipated tlo w these more inlporta,nt ()Ivies wore no doubt tending toward: 111 atrophied condition ion from the lack of ire€tlthflilly per'• forming their functions, The :child's father' learnt of the hatin se and rower of Esol jay's C.,ivc,s Lozenge,: 11.ril.,l1 generally opposed to the te, t .i,,."tat tfc,dicinee and i e. Frederick Rejoice Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Rescued Theis Child from Scrofula. For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other foul humors in the blood of children or adults, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an unequalled remedy. Read this: " We are so thankful to Hood's Sarsapa- rilla for wlint it did for our little girl that we makethis statement for the benellt of other anxious parents and Suffering Children Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump and healthy. But when she was two years . old, sores broke out behind her ears and spread rapidly over her head and forehead down to her eyes, and into her neck. We consulted one of the bestphysicians in Brook- lyn, but nothing clid her any good. The doc- tors ostors said it was .caused by a scrofula 'tumor in the blood. IIerhead became One Complete Sore offensive to the smell and dreadful to look at. Dor general health waned and she would lay in a large chair, all day without anylife or en- ergy. The sores caused grant itehine and burning, so that at times we had to restrain her annuls topreventscratcliing. k;or 3 years She Suffered Fearfully witli this terrible iiunror. Being urged to try IIood's Sarsaparilla we did so. We soon noticed that slio had more life and appetite. The medicine seemed to drive out more of the humor for ashort time. but itsoon began to subside, the itching and burning conned, and in a few months her head became entirely clear oftbo sore. She is now perfectly wall, has noevidence of the humor, and her skin is clear and Healthy. She seems like an en- tirely different child, in health and general appearance, from what she was before taking S ,r E p ri Ha 1.W. FrnnieRIcic, 311 Glenmore Ave., Bast "hl OW York, I3rooklyn, N. Y. This Testimonial is an illustration of what Rood's Sarsaparilla is doing for the side and suffering every day, from Maine to California. In the light of these facts who can say that the work of alt immense concern lilco ours Is not beneficent? HOOD'S PILLS euro liver itls,constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. •Tails N RAL.-- HAVE G J --PARLOR EXETER, ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to }, Lathes' and Children s Hair Cutting. Hastings. A. The Cheapest and Best Place in Tow To get your. Boots . and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MAS'.! ' Vegetable !'tats are pre. Spared to meet a legiti- mate demand for a mild, bfamily physic. and reliabley They aro purely vegetable, containing no px sub- r ur armineral in c calomel, C Y, 0S stance of any kind. Rood's Fills act upon the stomaCli, liver, and alimentary canal and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, 1311tousness, Headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may be broken up ands fever prevented by promptly taking Ilood's rills. Hoods IPilis Are prepared by 0. L hood & Ote., Atiotheearies, l,oweit, Mass, x'riee SG Cents per box, Sold by all druggists er sent by matron receipt of price. Just a few more pairs of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola Kids left, EOJOHNSON,No thlot psT Souof Postoffioo argains! grains argains 111 The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S GIblI''S Enter Packing douse logs hunted. Dressed or Alive. i'rlpressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt off; lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or gullett, if left in. - All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL BROS 8c Co. PAL AW1BA KERY The undersigned having ly fitted up hie parlor and —will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, BUDS, Cakes &c. handsome,. restaurant Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. D. W. FOSS, lTehsall Exetcr J!Iusii1 IgS�I�II�B�� EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN. PROPS. The as iouabl • ,, Cutter and Fitter. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES,BICYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &c, The above instruments always on FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING hand. —Establishment.-- `ferns to suit Purchasers. GIVE USA CALL, Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN Stationary. UN ERTAKING ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. Ihaue also a complete stockof curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty As 1 am the only CUTT,E:; and k'r..P"TB.11 in town whoha visited the large cities in 't1 United Stator this Spring I arae therefore the best able co Li ,you in The t'rol>er Style. Ladies, When you have bouglit: the material for your Spring and Summer coal: come to me and get fitted. Gent1e.en., Before you buy you4. Spring Suit, come up to my shop and get posted! on THE S T YLES3 BERT Rff lGIi T 0 1 The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter. CENT09L �fi�9 TQflL A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —It— utast iriictus, Spollts, Druggist's SilDplios 9t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Rcceiptt Carefully Prepared. Cogitio Pawar the best in the market. C. L U TZ. PROF `. CL A. J. Ea ni,.v,.{oa .r1,. st_ EXETER - ONTAR1( l Has now in stock ihttom :ati Mats IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch. Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. Z. SNELL "I STITCR IN UM SAVES NINE, .: SO WILL A DOLLAR INV1ST7=✓D IN MALTOPE PSY1' Can artificial gastric juice -formula on every label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person' suffering from stomach troubles, es- peciaily, if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion,: which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes v tither a attended by slight pain, and may fellow wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and it only temcnibcred as a utile unpkrrsant, whiolt, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced, To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels, Such treatment is worse than useless; it Is positively harm- fut. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only conk through act intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach, MALTOI'EPSVN is the remedy for all stomach troubles, Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada, Send n ets, in postage for valstabis pamphlet to IIAS1iN h1OlsSh, 1N'rsatlatlOO.ir. BieDGif'ON'rartro, F O s R A Atkinson's Furniture Ware- rooms is the cheapest and best place in the County to buy Fur- niture. . . . • • X9.00. A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $0 and. every- thing &se in comparison. All ,Roods ;guaranteed to be myown make, of first-class dry material, nothing'` but best hard lumber used. Lumber and Wood Taken in exchange for Furniture. 5 WireMattresses. The only. place 1n town whereyou can buy the y,y .r.. r -, a —war- ranted -.. - - Patent Dominion Nlckle Plated. Wire l�I�-tttresN- •W�11 e not to rust, talar ,d Altp�jj .