HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 28•
i• • ..
Wom a n t o lAtv o rn a n .
coutinues from Page 2B the majority of Canaddris in the
future. That's why there is
made a ruling on this matter and improved - unemployment
through the eyes of the first benefits and pension plans and ,
titer, Don McGee, it became family allowance arrangements
' apparent that the school's ruling , Trudeau warned the kids they
is not, out of line with the, are going to have to work
thinking,. of the MAJORITY of and compete hard to get the job
students at GDCI.' of, their dreams and then
If you were watching they're going to have to work
television the other da ; when
just as hard ta keep it, from
Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott falling into the hands of
in Landon, for . .a, 0 ..youngerand_, jos „an
t;-•---"iiistairce;* •-:-P'cnOvilt-see'• -that ti-f.if ' •-•'',4
little more, ear:If is a tough
4...— ,PM.,• • thinks- that -kg*. ,hair, is-dog'.eeat2dog ''sten-i-we'rt.-' living.- .,•=.
l' " ,fashionable (although there are in is
and the young people of
many who would argue that the ti ,
ns country might just as well
PM looks like an old man trying
to appear youngi.,„ ,
And there seems to be the
crux of the matter. Thelnkas
long hair which many people do
know it.
So take a look around you.
What do you see'? Young people,
so of them in their ear( N and
late • •teens, bored with life,
not adthire, but because he is
'shoulders „slumped; about AS
who he is there is very little
eager for the future as 'a bunch
difficulty about it, Another
of crippledmisfits might be it'
yo wag Ina (1..could_Lia.„v4411e4Affig.----" -the ge to the twAVIto
long hair and be severely
to blame? Well, I„'m silly
hampered b it t1/4,4,the point that
he would have to get it, cut to,
keep a job! It:Makes the kids
wonder.; I imagine, just what
kind of,justice we have in this
count ry
If it is any consolation to the
kids 1 am sure it will not be) it
has eve? been thus. It has always
been that there are different
rules fur different.. people
and there just doesn't seem tO be
a way around it. r"
Speaking . of the Prime
Minister. I was most impressed
with the speech he made to 'the
young people at Petrolia last
;r_Tta.N16,40'44'.; .)41c14•11;1,-,414.4.
enough to think that we're to
blame .you and 1, the idiots
who have let this -nation get into
such a state by our den -lands for
just about everything including.
top wages for a job just half
done. Think about it, If you
disagree, let me know. It is time
-we got ",a controversy goingin
this newspaper anyway.
IODE contest
winner named
won the first award of 8200.00
, The pM was talking. about his OP
the $hort
behef,, that
The_fpoRtictis IS as
much "to oiylitne Stor'i Con}petJton of the
,Provincial Chapter of Ontario.
finan,cial trouble this nation is
experiencing as is the
Her story "They must all be
, -
government of Canada. very killed" is timely with an
. I cou-Idn't agree more. In fact, ecological connotation.
I've been saying -that for years
and I've•had:people tell the it is
the_government who must look.
after things. It does my heart
good to hear Che'Primu Minister
of this country finally tell it like
I think it' really is the
. government IS the people and
fr unless CanALian employers settle
for a smaller margin of profit
and. Canadian -workers settle for
less wages, we're going -to price
ourselves right off the World
market and into a sl'rious
economic slump,
But', Trudeau • didn't • stop
.there. .1Ie also -told the • young
people that. the •government .of
this count6 cannot assure them
of a bright ruture in a highly
paid job of titeif'OlTn.-chooSing.
About the best the government
can do, he said, is to ensure t•
things will not be too rou
• • •
John (left) and Gary Prouse, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Prouse, 181 Huron Road, have got toebe
' two of the luckiest or best fishermen in Gciderich. OroSunday they landed these three whoppers,
two Rainbow Trout and a 10 pound Salmon. Fishing in the Maitland River behind the Golf Course
the boys took about 30 pounds ofAish over the weekend alone. For those who would like to try
and catch a similar strinfthe bbys don't Ininthletting you know they were using .a Mepps and a
William's Wobbler. - staff photo .
The second award of $1`00.00
joes to Mrs. Rita Baker, Petrolia.
Honourable Mentions go to
Mrs. Ingrid Betz, Lambeth; Mrs.
rie Brown, Tecumseh, and
Mr, Ian M. -Cowan, Niagara Falls.
'Mrs. C. H. Carruth'ers,'
Chairman of the Committee for
the Short Story Competition,
announced the results today, at
a meeting of the Executive '
Committee of the Ontario
* Provincial Chapter. •
The Provincial Chapter is
indebted to Mrs. J. A. Lennox of
Orangeville -who judged the
stories. Mrs. Lerfnoxi. a well
known writer, publishes under
the name of "Adelaide Leitch".
Awards have been given by
the 1.0.D.t. in Ontario for 24
,consecutive years for creative
Short stories written by Ontario
or e
654 for church calendars
Nile UCW. meeting was held
ir the church Thursday,
November, 11. .
President Mrs. Elwin Pollock '
welcomed everyone. 'The theme -
f the „meeting was
Mrs. Russell Brindley read
poems and readings. Mrs. David
McDairmid read an article
regarding older people and
remembering and 'Closed this
part of the meeting with prayer.
Mrs. Poll'ock conducted the
business. Roll call was ansvvered,
by, 15 members. There were also
five children present. -
The secretary's report was
read by the asistant..secretary,
Mrs. Horton Talmay. -
It was decided to charge 65c
for the Church Calendars.'
The treasurer's report ,was,
• •
Bell Canada
If -you
knew my
name, you'd
' have my
After all, your new phone book has.
the latest alphabetical listing of
telephone subscribers.
Which makes names and numbers
easy to find. So look in the book.
Jot the number down in your
"Personal Directory" and there,
you'll he all set!
If you haven't already got your
pocket -sized "Personal Directory"
or would like an extra one —13lease
-.call us, and we'll send you
a copy, free.
,7••••::•?;:f..." 7 /2
• 4 • • / ,
tigiF Nr4:;.. if•ii
read. by Mrs. WilMer Rutledge
and showed -ea balance on hand
of 8276.52.
The West Waw a n osh
Federation of Agriculture
banquet November 18 or 19 was
‚discussed. Tickets will be 82.25.
0 h motion of Mrs.
McDairmid and Mrs. Dong
Young it was decided to buy one
dozen ash trays, . the buying
committee to look after this. -
Program for the. ,December
pot -luck luncheon waS discussed
and it was decided to try to get a
speaker. Each member is 'asked
to bring a guest.
Mrs. Len Christilaw moved a
note of thanks to Mrs. R.
Brindley for the lovely •flowers
she had donated to the Church
Anniversary Sunday: This was
seconcred by Mrs. L. Pollock.
Rev. C. McClenaghan
announced a young people's
meeting wasplanned for
Monday, November 15 in
The meeting • closed 'with
prayer by Mr. McClenaghan. .
Tea was served by Mrs. Robt.'
McPhee and. Mrs. Len Brindley
and'a social hour enjoyed.
For YoW,
see or call
MacEwan 8A` MacEwan
44 North St.,- 524-9531
Donald G. MacEwan-
Peter S. MacEwan
Ahmeek Chapter hears
report from first conference
The November meeting of the
Almieek" Chapter , of I.O.D.
.Ptriet.., at thehome of Mrs. 0.
Straughan, Picton St. Regent,
Mrs. R. Neville conducted the
After opening exercises and
...,Prtment:ation4oLthe-- Aug lay4ttrs to-iprovide 'the
Charles Ruffle ' re)I1 call and meal December 1 in_We Parish
Hall Mrs: '§itter was asked to
secure some program for the
afternoon' of the luncheon, After
the luncheon, the draw will be
made for the blanket, 'grefeelles
and doll on which the members
have been selling tickets.
McEwan offere her car and
with the. help of Mrs. Mills, *111
drive the car in the parade.
Social convener Mrs.*Walkpm
gave her report regarding the
Christmas luncheon, Itt was
approved- we ask the ladies of St.
reading of ° the minutes of last
meeting•was heard.
Mrs. G. Dustow was ,ISked to
recite the poem "In Flanders
Fields"' after which two minutes
silence' in honor �f
Remembrance was
A rePort of the first
Conference for Primary Chapters
held in Harriston, October 19
v—raur given -1\17Trman
Clairmont. This confercl.nce.i was
a first given by Primary Chapters
and was well attended,
The theme for the conference
for this meeting was "The
1.O.D.E. On The Move", This
theme is to be an- incentive to
increase membership and to be
mo,re,„alert to heeded services. ,‚
tt was pointed:01-A that ec,ety
member has a talent, be it of
heart, heat or hands — Give
every member an opportunity to
serve. Six chapters were
represented at this conference.
Under head of new business,
Mrs. F. Mills was appointed
Echoe's secretary for rest of the
. •
• •
- -A•-••
Legion, Auxilinry invited the
Chapter to participate in the:
Snow P'•De'Cembe'r-9.
in the Legion Hall. • •
letter from St. John's
Ambulance corps askedfor a
donation'. It was agreed to
donate ten dollars to this
Thank you notes t were read
from Mrs. StMes and Mrs„
Everett for in
remembering them.
A letter from the Regional
School -of Nursing in Huron and
Perth. asked for provision of •a
bursary. This matter 'was, tabled
for the present as the group's
contribution • to Alexandra
Hospital of the portable X-ray
was felt to be doing more good
to: more people at the present
time. •
Mrs. A. 1 -label brought in a
.rep -ort of the Finance
rommittee's meeting. The
Ahmeek members will have a
table at the, Snow Flake Ba.zzaar.
All ladies are to donate
something to „the table. It was
discussed and approved to give
r$400 to the hospital towards the
portable X-ray machine at the
Christmas meeting,, December 1
A discussion took- -place
regarding taking part in "Santa
Claus parade December 4th, It
was decided to decorate a car.
(Loyality to. our Monarch) -and
take part in the parade. Mrs.
Shut-ins, are to be
remembered at Christmas...with
cards and mints to be sent to
hospital. •
i ttee
appointed was: Mrs. Murray,
Mrs. Habel and Mrs. Alexander.
*Miss Vicar Mr World Affairs
complimented Mrs. Dustow for
her rendering of ,"In Flanders
Fields" and made comments on
other poets.
The•meeting closed anriAfiag
was brought forward and
A cup of tea and lunch was
served by the hostess and her
Mrs. Shaver thanked ' the
hostess and a veryenjoyable
afternoon was brought to a
close. • ••-•
Members, please 'take notice
of dates, December lst,
December 4 and December 9.
Saving}'ott move to Victoria and..‘irey
' 1 •
in the perim .ovember 1 to
• fioni, Noyem.b‘ r
• This means ,that -the savings account you
before Novernber 15 earns full
interest "for as much as two weeks before
open the account! So, whethet., it's a
4% chequing account bearing interest on a
minimum semi-annual balance or a fast
growing .°, higher., interest non-chequing
account on a minimum monthly balance,
.15ring it to VictOria
bonus interest.'
, •
and Grey now and get
'77w .seitior-frttAt f'otitpattv
devoted entirely to 'l 1 ing
the people ol biturio.
oo 5:00„Monday to 'Thursday
9:00 to '6:00 Friday
Lealand Hill, Manager
'and Kingston Streets, GOderioh
hot water will
run out of this week?
In most householcfS hot water rates
preity high on the priorities list.
And yet a lot of Women find
themselves running short of'hot
water Fist when they nee' it most.
The answer? A properly sized
Natural Gas hot water heater. It'll
bounce back quickly time after time
to keeppace with all your hot
water reckethents. And a Natural
Gas hot waferheater is thoroughly
ependable, almost trouble-free.
A d because it's Natural Gas and
burns clean—you'll know you're
doing yourpart to help control
air pollution.'
Rent or buy a Natural Gas
hot water heater. If you run out and
do that, you wont run out of
hot water next week.
r',4,0*T10,040AX4 ',InkiniV40A01,7)
NaturaLG.as..Claaaup.,1,4,Itt)g.„§ky,:.,,4, . ;;,4,