HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 20t• 10A GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, i'HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1971 • 0 • Bridge scores, , ANNUAL Christmas Fair,. SNOWFLAKE Bazaar, on Saturday, November 27th, 2:00 Thursday, December' 9th, 1:30 tilI 5:00 p.m Candy, sewing, • to 999 p.m„ at. the Green. knitting, countryskiwhen, nearly Room, the Legion, sponsored by new used books. St. Peter's Parish Hall, sponsored by CWL. -- 42,4:3,45,46,47 ST. 'GEORGE'S ACW presents "An Eve'hing of 'Song- with Marjorie Hays Dunlop, A.R.C.T ARCM, at .St. George's Perish Hall at 815 pm Wednesda, December 1st, 1971. Adult's, $1.50, students 75e Tickets (can be obtained from ACV Member.s`or office of.. R. W. Bell, Optometrist DANCE sponsored by Ashfield Comfifunity for Guides and Scouts at Saltfoi'd Valley Hall, Saturday, November 27th Dancing..., 9-1, Carruthers Orchestra Lunch' and refreshments. $8.00 per„ couple Evertione welecilme 18 .,.ears and over. -- 16,-17 the Auxiliary. 44tf Thy* wkirc' *.x. Lalliesin play. It the (1ideriTC6- Duplicate firidg', e, ; ' on Thesd-ar,,-Noventber-94--- • - - , -7- THE WEST Wawa nosh Wifine'r*‘and their scores were Fecforation of 'AgricultUre are ,' as follows: . pr. and ' Mrs. M. bolding their annual:Meeting and Smith, -89' 2; Mrs. A. Ilailbraith Banquet jn the "Nile linit''d ' and 'A. J. Weerasooriy.a, 76' .)• ' Church, un Thursday, November-, J. : ,.. — 18, 1971 There will be a Guest Mrs. B. Erskine and Mrs • ,.,, Mrs. J. , , , • Speaker and Entertainment Donnelly, 4:- d • Coo4 and. Tickets p'holie 591-9875 --: 16 Mrs. R. L. McDonald, 71. . _. . . IL - . _ . - • . - • RUMMAGE Sale at the . , -----• ,-- --,------- --,--- - --------.-- - - • Salvation Army, Goderich, BINGO 1'30 p.m. 16 ., _q_____. :. __ • , 'Every Saturday Night 19 . Tiff, HURON Unit of the LEGION HALL. . - - - R PROMOTE YOUEVENYS THROUGHXURKEY and Share -The -Wealth Cancer SoCiety will meet at 't. , , THE pm All 1 1 Augustine Hall, 8:30 p.m. 16---Nvember 2,3rd at '8v .11111111=111 111111 1111.11111111111 1110111..m. . SIGNAL-STAR. Bingo, December 10th, $t.. George's Parish Hall on Tuesday, Starting Time - 8:30 pv. , , ' . welcome. -46 ENTERTAINMENT .PAGES. - REFEREES -• Anyone wishing BENEFIT Dance for, Mr. and GET RESULTS - THE SUREST WAY Hockes School for Referees, Holmesville Public SchOol, on November 20th; 1971', at 5:30 FridaY,November,19th. Dancing -' 0 tr. „ ' • , • 4, 4!" Curtain 111,0! for the -'.igimall-Star's TERTAIIMMENT---- 611/1iDE • MR. :AND MRS. WILFREI) DENOMME ' celebrating 25th. wedding anniversary, November 20th, 1971 Dance and reception at Goderich Arena Auditorium, Friends- and-------relet-i4ets' welcome 45,46 014. • • a to attend' Goderich Minor Mrs. John De Ruy,ter, =1 age S 14 and up, .contact 9 to 1. Ladies please bring lunch. • • ' NEXT TRAVELOGUE TUESDAY, NOV. 30 RAPHAEL GREEN "INTO SIBERIA" Sponsored by Goderich Rotary Jphn Meriam, 524-8707 before 46 h&on November 20th, 1971. - 46 COME to Blyth Lions Club \ - BINGO every Saturday night.- - YOU are invited to ;t.,tend .the Lititil• "Christ:mai:1' a/ 5:30 4'1),11.1 , WOMEN OF KNOX Fowl Child Health Clinic., Court Community. 1 -hall. Admission .Supper in Knox Church, House, .Goderich, on Satiii-day, $1.00, 12 regular games,. $10,00 ,. W. ed. s:d,a,...;:.„„Noverribr ,20, 1.971 frpm 9:30 each. Two Share -The -Wealth --i.--r-ntrdiraftwertzTtTift,Attit-t-it-0--...-tve.449p4t/4-4.iaarap-m: ksr.7-1t7.tittralitm:7-g4i4e§i, .,.,-006 :., $-,25'.:09..- - $.1)..(--tlit - p.rtl,.- and 6:30 p.m. Adults S u e il I anCe 2: -' '. Anaemia $125.00 jac,k•pot, if taken in 60 '- $2.00,, children under 'twelve Screening 3. Immunization- 4, calls, if not taken, $10 00 added Heari4g.,'-Sareening 5. Fluoride each night. 506-, of take to' full brushing of children's teeth to, card if jackpot »ot• taken. - prevent cavities, for ages 3 to 5 . 16-51 years, -46 $.1,0O• :' For tickets phone -5'24-7842 or --.-a246k;3'4' - .44745,46 Howard Aitken Your Tour Leader 11, ".TAKE WINGS TO 'THE SUN' WITH HOWARD AITKEN TO THE CANARY ISLANDS * GRAN CANARIA * TENERIFE $52300 ONLY • DEPARTURE FEB. 3 — RETURN FEB: 17 HERE'S WHAT IS INCLUDED: * Return Jet Flight from Toronto to Las Palmas * Complimentary In-flight Meals and Bar Service * Inter -Island Jet Flights Accommbdations with private bath for 13 nights * 39 Meals including continental breakfast, lunch and dinner daily * Welcome Cocktail Party . * All return airport transfer's including the handling and tipping for one piece of baggage per person * All Hotel service charges, local taxes and gratuities *, Services of Tour Leader plus resident Sunflight • representative * Sunflight overnight bag' Clip the coupon and ask for more information: To: J. How,ard Aitken, c/o Clinton News -Record, - Clinton, Ont.\ Yes,,Howard I am interested in'going With your group to the Canary Islands. Send me more information. Name Aqdress Telephone NNW ASK FOR AN APPONTMENT Armin/ If you have a.. hearing prdblem contact The Zenith. Hearing Aid Service by calling , RIECK PHARMACY. 524,7241, 14 te ,SqUare. FREE TESTING. NO. OBLIGATION. SHOPPE Clinton * BLOUSES PULLOVERS TOPS * SKIRTS We Sell . MATERNITY WEAR , Open 2:6 Closed 'Weds. ' LARGEST STOCK OF Popular Sheet Music&Folios IN WESTERN ONTARIO AT , Henry's Harmony House SEAFORTH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES OPENING DAY -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 CMint•F RFSTAUR - AVERN Forme-* -• The •NOVEMBER 19 & 20. O m--DESJAkDINES -- PIZZA PATI BAYFIELD RD. - GODERICH 524-7711 • DINING AND DANCING _ EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT 43 EVERY TUESDAY DURING TI4E WINTER Colonel Sanders ' Recipe tic ried hie SNAK PAK 4' TUESDAY ONLY 2 PIECES DELICOUS KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN GOLDEN BROWN FRENCH FRIES REG. 85c TACY KEACH FrtYE DUNAWAy HARRISYULIN • A FILM BY FRANK PERRY • • 3.GENER9US PIECES OF bELECTABLE"ENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN CREAMY COLE SLAW • GOLDEN BROWN FRENCH FRIES GRECIAN BREAD ORCHESTRA * * * ** * *•* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 DAYS ONLY THUR., FRI., SAT., NOV. 18, 19, 20 I S Fish REG. 85' (3 PIECES FISH WITH LARGE ORDER OF FRENCH FRIES) BURGER BAR • KINGSTON 524-6152 TIRED OF SNOWMOBILE TROUBLE? - Breaking Starting Cords - Fouling Spark Plugs Breaking Cables - Wife Can't Start It - Sick Of Mixing Fuel Serious About Buying The Best And Forgetting Trouble? See Me For The Answer STEVE ARGYLE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT COLINA sr., BAYFIELD r. • REG. $l.35 , tritticky fiiied Col Sands makes it "finger lickin good' HUGH HERBERT KORIUS L OW ILL • Frank & Gus Carry -Out PIAZZA 50 WEST STREET, GODERICH , (Near The Laundromat) . -M1- 0*, • 524-7662 10 4 GODERICH SANTA CLAUS SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1 P.M 1 , FURTHER INFORMATIZ CALL 524-7854 — 524-713,4 • 524-7682 — 524-7458 ENTER A: FLOAT CASH PRIZES SANTA'S' COURT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5. GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA 1 '-• 5 P.M. Sponsored by Goderich Recreation,bnd, Community Centre Board 'Yltsva. mr4ammqsziazOmmaftwzYlstostgiezmaretitagatstsrezmacvarem,sVamsrAcyltms re:* msms rezmayszitf imv4z,m,sm ft(1.3z ec le20,5%mc ittmz Kzi mostfz r4zirts mmrAmixrsz vtmoLmaszmzsriamumcwarAmms r=tz 1m( Dammutzi-m s320•Asms ro, -11 I 2 JAPANESE, :FILMS . . (4 Flower Arranging (b) Landscape Architecture V,., iltht*hariZZ `Q.,74-1,;• 'irrrtt=t 4,vracm.tvetManittAtIcornittAttraim'SPRE74=2,tatat2te..:0011,,,tamv-----z tt,ttftirt...Wgi.it. ,..., --....1..... .....,,,, ' • Robeitsonc Memorial SChobt. 4 w .„:.., .: •.• . r / I, , . WED • y incEilicemalclr.......‹ riErap... 4 4,- .., . • • . Tret#44."' 4, • ,„ # . ' I s . It'0 CODERICH .110RVIC11LTU1 AL SOCIETY. . AUCTioq OF- CHRISTMAS CRAFTS — EVERYONE WELCOME — NO CHARGE ' w vitifttftttisftwvtxotmtreeta.iiiiimmixvtewftorekem'atowvzsrAmtmtvatuvotftiwtogr,404tiversmv4mItrwattveatfotmvolmvimsr4i(mmt*vsms5tmvsm.maftmvosiyhuft•DtrAm4mtimmy4teritmorAtmaw,f. vontzt•ttmmiuttswammrsapettisysrs • 0.w -- w • to tte1 "