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'Home baked Chr
unmistakenly sa
made from reeip
ist ns breads• fill the air with an aroma 'that is
v.ored...Here, Holiday Cranberry -Orange ,Bread
e below. Courtesy R. T. French Company's Test
IIOmLe flaked BreCis---
11 l'sty
Fragrant home baked
Christmas breads, crunchy
with nuts and bejeweled with
candied fruits, are a unique
and delicious way to send
greetings of the season. And
,this recipe for Holiday Cran-
berry -Orange Bread is espe.-,
daily welcome at. this busy
time of year
An easy -to-make quick
bread, it has the added plus
of a wonderfully trioist ter- Sift together flour, sugar,
ture and good keeping qual- potato granules, baking pow-
ities; that, come from 'the . der, soda and salt. Combine
addition -.,.of... instant xna�kxed --eggs,, • • - nater. --oranges: j�ticez
rn les _ D!crt_elopi �'""t'I.e1 bittmetl7
"in' the R. T. French Com- peel; ' add to flour. inixtdre,
pany's ,Test 'Ki'tchens, 'the beating just until blended.
bread combines the comple- Fold in pecans nd.cranber-
mentary„flavors of tart cran- ries by hand. Pour to a well
berries and pungent oranges, greased bundt pan or 10 -inch
Also, it can be frozen, so bake- angel food cake pan; 'bake in
up a batch and keep some to° 350 -degree oven 11/2 hours or
serve to guests too:. until cake tester comes out
4 cups. sifted all-purpose
2 .teaspoons soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 eggs
1 cup water
2/3 cup orange juice
6 tablespoons melted butter
or margarine
2 tablespoons French's
Orange Pel
2 cups chopped pecans
2 cups raw cranberries
2!/2 cup
1 env
4 tea
s sugar
elope (5 servings)
eneh's Instant Mashed
otato Granules
spoons' baking powder
Gifts Can
'Say Thanks
At Christmas it is custom-
ary to gift people who have
been of service throughout
the year -.- the" mailman,
garbageman, milkman, news -
p i ui1ding .> bp.
ndent� cleaning lady aid
delivery b43r:"
Cigarettes, cigars, tobaccos
for the smokers could elim,ir
nate the "what to get" for
some of these persons.
Cordials, liqueurs, cakes
and candies are,also season's
,,specialties for thoughtful
Gloves and Mufflers are
appreciated gifts by the out-
.of^.do_oxa' wPatAg,. nfi.;. .ud,...
thermos jugs and insulated
food keepers can make the
routes early in the morning
a little more comfortable.
Housekeepers appreciate
gifts of toiletries, clothing
and accessories like gloves
and scarves.
Gift certifl re a
perfect for t e "not sure
what to get anybody." It does
.away with the burden of
more holiday shopping.
Shop'Early! Lay -away a Gift
each day.
.7rasty Tree .',Decorations
"Candy'.' „nrnanaent.. theme is .designed to make .Christmas trees
look fuller. Candy canes, lollipops, gingerbread houses, Santas
and reindeer are proportioned for trees with larger spaces he-
tween branches. Available at Sears stores and through the cont-
Red Nosed Center piece
For the hostess, and for
every woman who likes to
r-anging•- from party aprons.
to at-home culottes, paja-
' mas and robes.
THURSDAY, Novalgn 8,
ComfSlippers 1:474,
Home is the one plate
where ' the whole family is
comfortable and relaxed, and,
it's only natural to wear the
-, k,in } of clothes that Iook and
feel right for the Part. That's
why L§lippers for. everyone
from grandparents to pre-
schoolers make • appreciated
gifts for°family giving.
' pp f� er, s° ty 1e
s .acre no IeSnger
1 mi_te:dr, to -merely bedroom:-
edr,00n -ser' types; many are de-
srned to serve as multi-pur-
pose .at-home shoes, reports
Leather Industries of Amer-
If she enjoys dressing up
at home with beautiful robes
and hostess gowns, slipper
gifts to coordinate with her
at-home wardrobe are'in or-
der. Sarldals,;mules and pret-
eaar rfeadainty
, u
ribbon trirxi give this season's
leather slippers added glam
Neat tailored types in dur-
able leathers make practical
gifts because of the constant
'u, a,ge they receive. Newest
slippers in. durable glover,
brushed, smooth and em-
bossed leathers sport•iiard-
ware or stitching themes.
In styling, they may be
slip-on. or moccasin types,
sandal or boot with "V" inset •
Ar , Gat. at sides. Many of
-these styles are ava'il'able
with the winter "plus" of
warm shearling lining.
Slipper news for men cep-
!. 4,, uP-d,
slipparoers, boots and Bross -over
sarnici1 : Opera slippers -:sport
contrasting band Or braid'
Win and high -cut fronts.
More casual slipper_ favor-
for men ;are Indian mor-
casins, with tassels and hand
sewn leather lacings, chuk-
kas, backless mules, and
For the cookies -and -milk
contingent, s 1ppe s deeOrat- •
ed with ducks, bunnies u'
other aniznaierWraii.fringe
or beading, or 1e3 ,they Irtl.
printed a -la -leopard' or zebra
make....'ooz .-earhp.4aro► ndo".,
and happ ,,Christmas stock-
ing stuffers. Shea,lri'ing lines
these. slippers.
The older kids are partial
leathei` It iers Zvi Ii -
KIM fx1-_ .z 1 —7,c xu;t ot,.too.....,.
adult. Best of ail, they like
thein to show off shiny brass,
moccasin or boot styling, and
- for girls, pretty flat bows r
The •traveler --man, wom-
an or child --- who packs a.
tight suitcase will surely ap-
preciate soft folding slippers:
CLA R A ST E'l' A► tT
'Larry- Rtieck• PHM f3- •Archie Barber,-P44Md3.
.Or bake in 2 well greased
-9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf' pans in
350 -degree - oven 60_0 -70
minutes. Let cool in pan
about 10•' minutes. Turn- out.
Garnish with confectioners
-.sugar, whole'; almonds for
candied .fruit,
ristmas Stocking Idea
ts Everyone Play Santa
Make this Chr4stmas a
"sock it to 'em" good time.
,Yu11. ,, time _stockings . and
Christmas are practically
synonymous.. The tradition
of filling 'stockings during
this most festive time of year
is really only .three centuries
younger than, Christmas it-
Over the 16 or so centu-
ries which have passed since
Saint Nicholas began the
practice for all thetood little
boys •' and girls who lived in
'Asia Minor, fillingostockings
— hung by the chimney with
care — has evolved into a
world-wide Christmas Eve
In ,many . families, each
member, in addition to larger
gilts that are piled under the
tree, also ' selects• a smaller -
"stocking gift" for the oth-
ers• Sometimes, all the names
are written on paper, indi-
vidually folded and "secret-
ly" drawn and each family
member has a chance to play
Santa for another member of
the family.
One advantage of stocking.
filling is that small, inexpen-
sive gifts can be exchanged.
Many' stores provide ready -
filled versions for Santas who
have extra -rushed gift lists.
Another advantage Of the
Christmas stocking is that
everyone can get one. Mom,
Dad, Sis, Junior and every, the
Wrapping Up Holidays
Add a Clytistmas touch to your Christmas gift with personalized
Christmas wrappings that hint of the gift inside. A -gift of food
can he cheerfully wrapped to'suggest tempting delicticies ... or a
gift for the house can be imaginativly wrapped as shown above.
Tasty --Christmas decorations might include this
yourself reindeer. See ret;ipe below. Frani .11o:te....
-Sant•a's Tasty ' Reindeer
N�wMaking Local Stops
Call him Rudolph, or call
him Blitzen, here's a rein-
deer centerpiece the children
can make as quick as a
A11 they 'need are five
creme filled .vanilla snack
cakes for body and -legs, a
donut for the head, pretzels
for antlers, a Marshmallow
tail and a cherry nose. Bam-
boo skewers and toothpicks
keep the parts together.
The "baked goods will be
too fresh to work with right
from the Hostess package.
'Heating in the oven , will
make them firmer,
You'll need:
212 packages (5 cakes) Hostess
Creme Filled Twinkles
1 large Hostess•,Donut�
Long bamboo skewers
1 Maraschino cherry ,.
2 curled "pretzels
1 large miarshmallow
Powdered sugar; optional
Bake Twinkles and donut
for 20 minutes in a 250°.=omen,
• bottom down on a baking
sheet or foil. Twenty minutes
more on their sides and
Twinkles will be firm'ennugh,
but allow another 20 for the
Cut a small diagon 1 slice
from the ends of "four Twin-
kies so they can stand. These,
will be the legs. Skewer
through the complete length,
allowing one -inch of the
skewer to come oat at the
top. Lean two Twinkies to-
gether fos front legs and
° toothpick to hold. Do the
same for the rear legs.
Cut a V4 inch slice from
rim to.center of donut. Insert'
curled pretzels for antlers'
and hold together with
toothpicks. Attach cherry
nose with- half a toothpick, .
Attach donut head to the •
fifth Twinkle (the body)
with toothpicks acid ttach
on' to • the skewer d legs.
Marshmallow is to thpicked
on as the tail. Sprinkle with -
powdered sugar for a snowy
effect., 1 reindeer.
'Mail Early' Is Rule for Sending
Packages, Carols
Late Christmas cards need
not `:te; if one rule is fol-
lowed—Mail Early!
Wrapping packages secure-
ly in sturdy boxes, with heavy
Raper and strong twine, helps
• :Ssi3' 6'ao S S"g i itg rt 1:iii RSk "3 . S aZZAw a=ss i si3 'A . R9i hili ti i.5t. " .tS" a i5 `'g. S tiASui Pg,
insure a safe arrival.
Of course, zip codes, "the•
only way to go," must be in;
eluded, if thei package, card
or letter is to arrive before
December 25, 1970.
lO% DI
7 to 1G:OO r,
""*+aX.mtTC.,wT." `�'r�'+w,• uc1'i'.L"
ssAtti youawsvo'ywm'wftwwhauutopeosAm.uw+ zgattcststkoszGmyzott�ydstzAtemywittsmo pA
Plus a full line of winter boots
Allow him to put his best foot forward this Christmas in footwear from
Sproul' Shoes. We have'the finest in shoes, casuals and a complete line of
winter ' boots in fe ether. At the moment our selection of slippers is as
complete as you will ever find. We are surewe have something to please.
If you want him to be well pleased come Christmas come in and see us!
Choose the item or get a Gift Certificate.
t fi