HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 17• w • ' How to Wrap Up J?resentswjt/7 Pleasure COFFEE CANS, YARN AND YARN POMPONS, colorful paper and ..gumdrops add up to ,a decorative snowman for gift wrappers to make. One coffee can' becomes a tophat, covered with shiny blackpaper; two others make head and body. Paper is quickly adhered with Spra-Ment adhesive; ,Scotch Super ,Strength adhesive glues together the cans. • half the fun of getting a present is looking ' at,, and opening, the gaily -wrapped package. -But wr.aj ping up all those packages, in a frantic scram ble the day before Christmas, is no fun at all. - " To -'make gift wrapping pleasurable for giver as -well _.a,s,.,_r.ecer r, here e some 1. Start •early. Wrap gifts as they are purchased Yearly, too!), then hide them till- • Christmas. ill.-Christmas. 2. Set. up a gift -wrapping station—anywhere there's a flat surface — and equip it. Basics include scissors, glue or rubber cement, transparent' sealing tape aid wrapping tape, string and heavier cord, • nailing labels, outer -wrap. ping paper., • 3. Select attractive .gift wraps, No problem here — choice of designs and colors is wide. Add name. tags,,xib.- bolls and bows. • Yarns tell a package adorn- • ing. story—ready-made. yarn' • ,uu E GOD.EII.ICF SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NQI'FMIt Do's, Don'ts GuidShoppers Col r uies o St '.ls Now-Possi o_sier C *stmas It For :Anyone . ,ice :Existing .,� 9 ".I promise my (wife, hus- an one. Leave space by each Do be practical. Don't try band, best friend.) to hoe all e, for jotting down gift,aw.-to `impress with "show-off" my shopping done and all p ssibilities. . gifts: Whether . simple and gifts wrapped at leash two To be sure noo qhe gets left - - basic on lavish add luxurious, weeks before Christmas." out, make the list early. Then giftsyshould be, - above all, Good resolutions at C'hr•ibt. names that might at first be really useful. mas usually start something matted, man be added Later, u5 t .• - -~iiice..,,it1i`is: ., u too -Men. .. .il ' ' :ea„,more., tl an,•e'Vdr, when memory nudges. , it's important t'- ,A _end wisel - Do ,take a' •h.irnt==-o-r *trite— . and get -the most 'Don't j ust please %your'self. budget. Please the people on the gifts. -- list. Do fallow this plan. Don't - -What may seem like a mar -get off course. A shopping ' velour idea to the giver may plan with all the —do's' and be received .with something no ''don'ts leads to happy .less than enthusiasm. Hints giving and receiving. ` 'about what they really want So Christmas .-will -be are usually easy to come by, wrapped up, early and but if not, ask.. successfully. Do shop early,,, Doa'Lw.ait ., _ Do use all shopping helps. till the minute. Better r Don't miss out on gift in- ;I'here's a bonus, too. By selections, plenty of., time to spirations. Check the pages •getting big projects out of browse around, the oppor- of this Special Gifts Section the way,eariy, gift givers have tunity Jo' pick up -savings and study ads from local more chance to share in the through/sales and specials stores. Visit stores—early!— • holiday fun—and to take care • �are just some of the reasons to see what's available. Then of those last minute things �shopping early pays. 'make final decisions. that, inevitably, do come up.. Do make a list. Don'tforget i3 3 511t5A :n 35 ` 5 A'.1S✓,.i 5wPk` :�9.E5 /WA Stf;AT5Anfiut 5zr 5 i3 i " fi3✓ +"r g .irkiisg-.-,.g99(1,-:,,44j441194s.. g.o:.. 'astray. Then comes the fran- tic; last-minute rush: How to keep the resolution, and make Christmas shop- ping. pleasant and carefree, Christmas giving bright and right? Some ,do's and d,on'ts point out the pitfalls of delay and bolster good intentions. The most obvious pompons; yarn for tie-ups,— make-it-yourself decorations. '' 4. Allow plenty of time to do a good wrapping job. Some - Santa's helpers think they're all thumbs (when. it, comes ,to gift wrapping. They'll be sur- prised what a difference a slow, unhuried approach makes. • [��se.-sl �;cat:>+c>s;ts � K ..:. W •:.•s,;;s age 'wrapped in solid -color r� foil. and adorned -by contrast- ing -color strips of. stick -on -,,,- tape can be most effective; with little effort. Wouldn't it be fun to cap- ture all the color and merri- ment of the holiday season exactly as you see it? As the years roll by, it's difficult to recall some of the experiences you thought were "unforgettable." .But if you capture -these secures. on filer, -yon- can enjoy themr . f a1n. and: aga i i:... - Tli1s year it might be fun to give a family, gift before the holiday preparations be- gin. A camera that's easy enough for mom, dad and the youngsters to use lets you re- cord the festivities from be- ginning to end. For the First Time .For the first time you can capture the natural 1 -like. scenes as they appear with. one of the new Kodak Insta- rnatic cameras that take pic- tures - in existing light. The pictures appear more life- like because the cameras al- low you to take movies and snapshots'by natural light: With the new movie cam- era, you simply pick up the camera and begin filming% When the children get up on Christmas morning, there's no need to set up lights, You can capture their bright eyes and smiling expressions in 'ordinary rooinlight. It's even, easier to add a ready-made bow to a decora- tive box, and the package_ looks special. , 5. Pack carefully, .wrap se- -curely those gift ,packages which must be mailed. And mail early! >- 5 3tR63>13v"" E. Y VA GIVING MOSLC.. Not all , entertainment should be electronic. Santa suggests: Consider gifts of musical .instruments, espe- cially for the youngsters. CLARA STEWART CLARA STEWART Suggests _. GIVE HER ARPEGE or AMY SIN Perfumes:& ,Colognes RIECK PHARMACY Larry._Rieck,PHM.B. Archie Barber, PHM.S. IGRAND OPENIIIN • FRIDAY. & SATURDAY v NOVEMBER 1&t. i --w,& ,19th : j W M r. .-. W . VITr W' W 1 ' pijining . .w w ' .. . 41 1 1 �'V. I I I 4 r r 1 glIf/ w ' BOUTIQUEw W 0 k 158 Beech Street o'l*"...4W11,...peor 7i s CLINTON (Just across from the . Drive -In Theatre entrance)' COME -IN FOR FREE HOME- MADE DONUT'S & COFFEE DURING OUR OPENING -- ..iNe're Sure You'll -Find Our Motif Interesting And .Our Selection Unusual. . * r * COMPLETE LINE OF KNITTING YARNS & PATTERNS * COMPLETE RUG MAKING PROGRAM * AFGLAN KITS * COMPLETE HI -STRAW * NEEDLE POINT CRAFTS AND'FELT POINT * MACRAME CORD * CUSTOM KNITTING CREATIVE CREWEL You'll probably want to tell the whole story of your faruiUY'$ holiday. celebr..at Qn;,. •+.•�+,,adlnil IMA .s For the firsttii ie, it's possible to take home movies indoors with- , out myyie lights. The new Kodak tnstainatic XL33 movie camera ..-takes indoor novies -byordirrary ht nr candlelight Ionil -,. outdoor pictures by natural sunlight or romantic firelight. • era at hand. You can film the children trimming the +s 'tree in the light you live tn, and you "can show them hanging their stockings by firelight. This new camera allows you to capture the scene as it appears in the viewfinder. ` Picture Idea* Would you like to snap, soil.e still pictures of a New Year.'s Eve dinner by candle- „ light? Or the carolers out- side your. window? The cam- era records these scenes in the soft natural „.lighting which they happen, so they : :3S r Dad's camera is ready'to capture, in a flash, the special joys_ of a family Christmas, and, the .moment when a 'little girl sues her new dolly. a little boy 'Sees . his new wheel toy, His Likes, Interests Key Ideas Shoppers Start .Now, To Make Lists, See News Santa Claus is coming to town, and right about now is the time' to make up-- that most important gifts list — insuring the right gifts for him. Selecting giftsr every Santa on the list can be real exciting fun. The early shopper usually gets the best selection and has a chance to see more gifts stimulating new, Christ- mas gift ideas. Shopping early also insures time for, a change in shopping strategy, a changing of .the mind. The Ideal gift is one that blends the personality of the buyer and flatters the needs of the receiver: This means the ideal gifts for him. Clothing is always an ap- propriate gift for the man. Men may not go out and buy for themselves what they will wear when it is received as a gift. A suede jacket, a wide tie (three to four inches) , casual ' hat, latest style tie - and -shirt sets — these say a "Merry Christmas" all year long, . and become an easy wa flatter and influence s wa drobe. elping Him Relax Larger items—suits, sport - coats and top coats — also make impressive gifts. An ,exciting gift for hien might be the new plush robes for after showers or after hours. If the man on the list hap- pens to be Dad or Grandad, traditional gifts of polpgne, aftershave and talc ets are always welcome in.• addition to the larger gifts. For the man who.has ev- erything, new boutiques offer some fresh ideas in gifts to cheer his Christmas. • Pictures can now be taken'indoorti ordinary roomlight with -a Kodak Instamatic X•-3() camera. The camera, with its electronic .shutter, .automatically' adjusts to record the scene as it appears in natural light. appear more life -like. Addi- tional lighting is not re- quired. Taking' movies and snap-- shots nap-shots is •fun for the entire 'family, and watching natu- ral, life -like home movies or looking ° at snapshots helps you relive these exciting ex- periences, So if .you wan3;, to 'record your Christmas mem- ories, you might consider a camera as a weekxbefore- Christmas- gift. Giga Extra Film And before the holiday ac- tivities get under way. be sure to buy some extra film. It makes a great stocking stuffer, and you're sure • td find more picture -perfect scenes than ever. For Christmas Gift' Ideas Come to Campbell's, SELECTION - VALUE DISCOUNT PRICES Kodak - Prec.i.o.us., , i» atd.....an d fi n mas of baby 's early year;; �_rnorie5. is iiYety merry_ Christ- lE stuffed toy makes him ,happy. EVERY BOY DREAMS of a =whiny new bike under the tree -like this one, with har'.l brakes, butterfly hanN dle bars and banana 'seat. ===Ngx.vmv-x<vx,vmvxvx,vxvmvx.a.mr.ii The Nicest Gifts Come In A Pickett 8 Campbell Box 1 BOB AND BARRY SUGGEST Gift Boxes Gift Certificates * SPORT SHIRTS * SWEATERS * PYJAMAS * JEWELLERY * GE'OVES * SCARVES *SLACKS * DRESS SHIRTS * SUITS * JACKETS *- CO-m,ORDINATES rtt.'.:AR;A4tf7ra.mar...ern:.'R�.F'map�mo..n•m•;rcrF'«ttiTasY,6'.m,es�.--..-•..,.a,..-�'.mv._«.,,.,..u:s:a1s9::fa,s:ro..Ae4TrdX9Nc�,tQr.€�%.9'm.�:+a+.�ura;aam+ P,ICIcEIT..:8!LcA.MPRELL :LTD. *vmvx-vsekvx.v4,:v4v.x.vgztv‘imaattvmev The Store For Men Now, movies without movie lights. With the brand new Kodak XL33 movie camera! It lets you shoot super 8 ,,color - movies by ordinary roomlight. Even by candlelight. Just drop Kodak's new super.- fast Ektachror'ne 160 film into the XL33. And shoot away. Without movie lights. With super -fast f/1.2 Ektar Tens and auto- matic electfic eye. . XL43 OUTFIT CAMERA * SUPER FAST FILM .* BATTERIES Suggested Price $165 * Unique binocular style design * Low -light signal * End of film signal * Two filming speeds * Batteryncheck * Type A filter setting .147 The Hungry Eye. It's thW new Kodak Instamatic® X-30 camera. We call it the Hungry Eye camera because It seeks out pictures in dim light, bright lights, almost any kind of ligbt! It has an electronic shutter that automatically times the picture_ From 1/125 (second; in bright light, down to 19 seconds when the fight is tow. In a complete outfit, 70 * Automatic flash contrbl * a second, to 10 or more seconds control -30 OUTFIT Suggested Price $49.50 ▪ 11. CAMPBELL'S 168 The Square , GODERItti, Photo 624:7632 "Huron County's Complete Camera Specialiste ttrd