HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 144A V Kf QPE UCI SI ,NAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NQVEM134R 18, 1971 mt The ' 1971 Wedgwood Christ- mas Plate is' third in a connoil's- seur's series. In pale blue •and white Jasper, it depicts a scene 'of Piccadilly Circus, To be pro- .duc•ed only this year, with the original model to be destroyed, it should' become as eatly "i,i: ugfit as the previous yers' editions. D •' • • inin� for small r ry • , A mischievous little rabbit who wigglefi his way into a patch pf trouble — then got out of it by a whisker — has charmed several generations of children and adults. Peter Rabbit, Flopsy, Mop - n cosrtcustbat= 4.:. .tul little animals -of ind iiid= uality, and,• genuineness — have_ been personal and in- timate friends of children -' all over the world. Pierre Lapin. Peterchen Mase in qermany, Putan Y Wningen Wales are just a few of the aliases of this beloved little bunny. Beatrix Potter's imagina- ^ tive Peter Rabbit stories and characters, and their minia- "lure world, have found their way into a new' garden Wedgwood's Nui eryware. For over 200 years Wedg- wood 'h'as -added prestige• and elegance to private homes, embassies and royal resi- dences around the globe. • While using the most mod- ern methods, the same exact- ing standards of quality and - craftsmanship of the founder have been scrupulously main- tained. ' ' For almost r haIf century, the delightful Bea'trix Potter " illustrations hav • a e appeared on a • children's dinner set. "'Christmas morning, with_ a,ll its delights and squeals of pleasure, is sure to be more exciting for the moppet who receives a Peter Rabbit mug, bowl and" dinner plate. Famous for their commem- . oration of 'many --historical events „n and personages: in pottery, none is more memor- able than the combination of humor and beauty of these little tales -= with their en - .,chanting illustrations. ' '— Dining, for little ones, is no an adventure into a ne- ver -to -be -forgotten wonder- Tand. IDEAL FOR THEM ' For the baby Who already has things,,.you could always give a month's diaper service. Baby won't know the differ -L ence, btit his mother will love you for it! • • ilo,e Caretnstitute's Survey Sugests what Mother Can Use: A national study of house- wives conducted in 1971, re- veals•that the average-110MR- maker spends 70 hours, walks approximately 58 mile's and .. G p]. 04.-..:60.. . Qusc40 dtasks,ach 'week. During the ,s'noliday`"a seasonr-� additional:. baking, ' cleaning, cooking and decorating chores are , added to this weekly endur- ance marathon. TQ tackle the increased work -load and still have time to enjoy the holidays, todity's homemaker needs to employ efficient organization • and creative use of her appli- ances. Y`et the sturdy, con- - duoted y. the, 4�Eureka� .�Vf/31—...,,: liams Home Care Institute, shows that 60 per cent of the homemakers interviewed had no organized schedule or planning for the care of their homes. 'Only 50 percent suc- ceeded in even keeping their - homes "top clean." Based on its studies, the Home Care Institute offers these suggestions for efficient, holiday housekeeping. Organize a daily or weekly home care schedule that will carry you through the entire holiday period. Tailor the schedule to your activities and those of your family. Select a closet or cabinet - on your Main floor and set up 11 ter for soaps, pails. mops, vacuums and, other mainte- artificial trees ale beauti 1, tree by vacuuming" it before Hance necessities. Multi-level but real dust cbllectors, dd you set it up with periodic hoines should have a ,mini- to the ,glow OF ' an ,art h sal, clean ups. u. . , center on each floor. Remem- pp ber, cleaning centers sage a �ee lida y� un�� m•� ,steps and time. With.Huse Gift For Her ttAt .w�•..-WY'W. ..::: �..:..-...�i��ii'iF.r �i y:.r.. s. ..;r. ^.. `.'.'tvr • • Ninety-eight per cent of the women studied'by the Eureka 'Wil- liams Home (:are Institute rated a .aeuiim cleaner the .most neces- sary appliance in maintaining a beautiful home. This t„wo-speed Light%eighi vacuum is an ideal. gift for any homemaker. It per- forms holiday clean-up chores like picking up loose needles dropped from the tree or removing ashes and soot that escape from_ a fire Ia e... Create menus for holiday dinner .parties now. Begin • immediately -to purchase all ingredient,, except fresh pro- duce. duce. This saves on last min- ute ute grocery shopping and spreads expenses for extra food over a long period of time, easing ,the strain on a weekly . food budget. If properly used, today's appliances can take over a major portion of your work. Carefully real! instruction booklets to determine exactly what your appliances can do for you. Over 50 per centeof the women studied by Eureka did not . read instruction ; booklets, and those same. women failed to use common appliances, like a'` vacuum • cleaner, for the chores they , were designed to perform. Rate Vacuum Necessary Ninety-eight per cent of the homemakers rated -a- vacuum as a necessity in maintaining their-home—the highest rating of .any appli- ance = but over 60 per .,cent of the women used it only for floor and carpet Care or general furniture dusting. A versatile vacuum can per- - form more than 52 cleaning functions that will save you " time and energy during the busy Christmas season. For example, before the Christmas tree comes inside,'- - giye it a gentle but thor- ough — going-over with the ' dusting brush attachment of your vacuum. This prevents the unexplained trail of needles, dirt and dust that usually accompanies a live ' tree into the house. Synthetic materials used in Holiday time is entertain- It is the only electric corn ment time. for families:. and popper offered this special friends, so a great gift idea.•-- holiday season ,with' the for Mother or anyone on your urniq�u_e self -buttering feature. priority Christmas gift list is The secret is in the lid insert in which the butter is placed. a super exclusive "Butter- As the corn cooks the btLt- Up"TM, self -buttering corn ter melts and drips down to popper from Hamilton evenly coat the mouth-•wa- Beach-Scovill. tering popcorn! Hostess ,Present. Sa}tta's been busy making more than just toys. This year he plans to deli .er•.popcorn poppers with a super self-butterzing feature. By Hamilton Beach-Scovill. ,BETTER (:HOOSE EARL\• Gifting mother with a major appliance' necessitates early choice to assure deliv- ery. . *vAvi*Ava,v=A-vevvAv 5�nzplic�#-y 54 YEARS A SPECIALIST HELPING TO MAKE MORE TIME FOR GOOD* TIMES 4 For everyone on" your list ..: every room in your home ... for the collector :.. the hard to pleAse thehome lovers ... for yourself! Our China, Crystal, Silver, Cookware and Giftware shelves are a sheer - delight in the treasures ithey offer you ... all unusually fine items - because we know . that you want the exceptional ... the out-of-the-ordinary..We welcome all our .ithful,lon -time customers ., .I.vsvoacayranxacr, at — _ � .„... ..,,..,...,,, .-. ...,*c-+•ma,�,Am,L�a�,, ..... � . `� . .a,•.,r+,�s.assoers�ux ,. nd ror showiri tEiose neWN to Squire Gifts aff The 1 vel • and ,domestic items in our colledtions. Come in and let us serve you. We'll be open every evening til 9 p.m. from now to Christmas. •� r quiie•; col M, HIGHWAY 21 _SOUTH GODERICH p Open Every Evening 'Til 9 p.m. Now To Christmas , c • •, t 'Vied . GIFT FOR MOM So'ShCan Impress The Bridge Club zawasOpsnam Come^ in and browse through our wide selection of SWAG LAMPS, or one of tie many COFFEE, OCTAGON, COMMODE pr I END TABLES or perhaps an`impressive oil painting. r - 4 • D535 DRYER • NA ed GIFT FOR DAD So He Gran Come /-tome And Relax After a Hard Day * 2 time cycle plus automatic dry settings. * High, medium and fluff for all fabrics. * Porcelain top work surface. * Large 154 sq. inch in door lint screen. • fety door. * Door swings full 180 degrees. * 2 yr.'pafi:s warranty. , * 5.yr. exchange on drum. * Available in gas. •W M.r -.. Come in and browse through our wide selection of comfortable RECLINING CHAIRS- or PLUSH ROCKERS They're covered in vinyl for extra dui-abilsty....---•- So He Can Need • A lJOE All Y@ar W535 AUTOMATIC WASHER * 3 wash, 2 rinse water selections., * 2 speeds to wash all fabrics. * 2 cycle timer, 3 cycle setting.. * Water level control. * Fabric conditioner dispenser. * 2 yr. parts warranty, 5 yr. transmission exchange. 6 SUPERTWIN 'i '!' ',; to)'tatormati lonatti tYrorobgrrwai1' '!Il'7 o vx, * Single or two speed action. • Continuous flew rinsing. �. *�{ 2y{r..''Parts warranty, 5 yr. transmissi'On Come in and browse through our wide selection of PICTURES;----.KNICK KNACKS, FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT, SMOKERS, FOOT STOOLS, ETC. � q ars XCAt vow w 6: to,psi, rads C1 "'R• 'k+ %: 400'101'4,1,K"'r , g )04% "• ,. • PPLIANCES 'owe ... n. GODE7 ICH, ONT, AV;Ai*:gtagAVNXCAVAVttVAVAVAVA'V FOR A L'ITTLDOWN — Wf l'Cl4fiV#R,@R LAY - AWAY ill CHRISTMAS <,etc;x•�ta -1 Mq WEST STREET BODER ICH a • 0