HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-18, Page 6I,
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Repairs to all Makes
Round cmci About With Martha
',4 -------Today I felt as though I was With the terrine blackness.. ttial success of the parade by entering
takinglhat Sentimental Journey has built- up gives me doubts floats are ,asked to -- get "busy!
"...to .. renew old memories." about the Weather. .2/. The kinsmen ace,. sponsors
Remember the words to that old Last night for7the first time again this year and that energetic
familiar song? since we moved to the roup of Keystone Kops do a
Well - my sentimental "country" I heard tie fire siren, wonderful job. .,
journey- ai'vv.aYs-..takes me to ,the , and of course ellidn't - resist , , "The prizes are very good we
waterfront "- just so long as I dashing back to town: Qnite a just pray for a nice day - an•-•,-..„
can lookottroltirolit tie -al' Itla7`4e"etaile. "Anolfier b ui la iiig-offe-vv-e. arr-e-a-ay-have. slrgands line& '„;,
and THINK. There 'are different from the Airport, which is up.
st ges of THINK - and' this was beginning to look pretty ragged - . Mrs.' H. Blue has Santa in ling
t e a THINK ABEAD.session. since the hangar (main one) was and has great plans again for the
drove along Essex, Street burned not too long ago. kiddies to shake his hand ind
towards an old favorite.lookout This building which was Ilist say a few words to a real live
spot at the end of the street. , •Monday nite was being used (in Santa. Blue's Groceteria has the
Suddenly .1 felt as thotigh 'I had.. the west end) by young men largest and finest float irr the
been out of town for months,- I making a lot of handsome iron area and we „owe them a great
couldn',t believe all the building railings. . big THANK YOU for the way
up and tearing down that was Goderich was glad of this the whole staff has:pitehed MI°
• - 'beforg-tne:— ' -- --' --- "'"---- ---little-industry-witittrvy as turning make ' the ' G'oderith -parade one '
The old Sunset .Hotel has just out some great work - and they of the.finest - and their Santa
about had 'it It is denuded -- were -really busy, too. - one to be remembered.
well undressed right down to its I was sorry to see them lose If - some of the other
wide good looking boards an their'business, but hope they can businesses in town would
two by four's. The nice light . soon re -build -- and stay in contribute even in a small way
colored brick, what was left of Goderich - that is most towards this great day -
it, was neatly piled up and those important, we don'.,t, want to lose EVER0,0,DY who understands
big old boards looked like the these gifted artisans!' , what is happening would be very
answer to some carpenter's I , hope you all saw the happy', As it is; there are a few
prayer. At least they will never Toronto Santa Parade and- now merchant's who sit back and'
, warp - even if they are full of have a lot of great ideas for claim -they get :the business
nails, , . . floats and walkers, how about whether they contribute or not
The ' Curry cottage has that , one who. walks on his - and I think THAT is a very
,disappeared and a great pile of *_ hands! Many of these are fairly poor attitude to take and I'm '
sand and a large foundation, simple to construct - and if you afraid more people are beginning
(new) stand in its place. The . need help with your project, to .notice that some are
house which has appeared on the then call- ine,'Doug ruickshank conspicuous by their absence. ‘,
old Sunset Hotel tennis court or Don Ruetz. We glow people , There are some - like F. W.
looks,veg mu.elylike the 'Curry , who woutd like lo'hpas these Wootwoilis. ,..who....lielp.7...with .
ab,11010.1001,•••• ....1,144,•••••••••••~•••••••• • • 4111.....b41.1,11. gor• • • 0 • •
A two car collision on West Street last Thursday evening resulted in a total of $350 damage to the
cars involved but no injuries were sustained by the drivers. Tw6 hundred dollars damage was
sustained to a vehicle driven by Marjory Emerson of 136 St. Patricks Street in- Goderich when it
was in collision with a second car driven by Carolyn J. Adams Qf 27 A Kingston Street, Apartment
three in Goderich. The Adams car suffered damages amounting to $150. Goderich police are still
cottage and the- "'Crews-Nest:1'4:- 4-hints.---iiiid--i-nInr, an s Mir4ObIffns etc.., for "the
now nestles between it and the . light *ork - if you. could call it on Sunday When the Children
Pair. - WORK! . come to the 'arena to speak to
Not OWN is there one- those The 'parade, for the tlyst.;_...Santa. ' ' .'
in the tennis cowt property "--:- Saturday in December is shaping 'Let's all get behind the Santa
but THREE. So there is progress up very well. „ ' , Parade in some way, shape or
for you.in only one small corner Organizations and businesses form. Have fun.
of Goderich. willing to contribute _ to the
The "Crows Nest" sign .
disappeared many year's ago and
that nice little house has been'
updated so that you' would , Ma itlaiid
hardly know it.. That end of
Goderich has so many lovely
homes, many -large, some small, Country Club
that it is a pleasure ' to drive
/ I .
down there.
Renew old memories - the ., q, -
little park in front of the Sunset news
Horel has-been very, very nice
for some years now - at one , * BY BERYL HARPER'
time you wouldn't 'think of '
The Maitland Country Club members. Contact theselgirls for
walking across the-niee-lawn..
. now has the ice in, and to start further information.
Many, many times I have
used the trail beside it to go Ice making is under way' for
the curling on Tuesday
afternoon Nov. 23. All those
down to the lake - and it -Was the curling season soon to start.
quite a climb back up. The trail Vic Laughleen and •hisinen have
ladies who said that they wished
„---to curl at that time, are asked to ,.:
has more or less disappeared 'but peen bus,..at it this week and it
arrive promptly at 1:15 p.m. M '
4, hi t ink) some still use the is looking pretty good, in spite
... order that the draw can be Made
not -so -steep path that is there ' of the mild weather.
and the games begin at 1:30 If Vou. have not already been
contacted by the Curling
Committee, you, wffl-be shortly.
Plans are being made for the
New Year's Dance. A limited
number of tickets will be sold,
so keep this in mind and make
up your party early. Don
Shortreed is the man to contact
in this regard. -- -
Martha. .
I have ,a very nice photo
which I took the first 'spring we
were here - I have it marked -
May , 19, 1946. 'We had abOut
two inches of fluffy snow on
everything that day and the path
down to the lake beneath those
bent old. birches was like a
fairyland. Some day - some Clay
- will get around to painting it
as that. is why rye kept the
photos all these years - (along
-With other treasures).
Sunday was a beautiful day
for driving around the country
roads,, looking at all the colorful
crooked old 'apple trees and
sampling the ones closest,' to the
road. I ate about three apples --
well, they're not se' big when
you leave the wormy parts
intact, ,and I am satisfied until
p.m., '
This will be a short draw ,aS
there are about five weeks until
ChristmaiThny who are not -able
to make the first-day, will be put
in the spare list if they contact
the draw ChairMan,,-.. Beryl
Harper or -Dorothy Worgan or
Lois Haines.
- The first ladies' Jitney will
consist of two six -end g,ames.
Phyllis Durst will need to know
definitely by Saturday,
November 20 if you are planning
to attend-, to notify the caterer
concerning the supper. She Will
be able to tell you also, the fee
for this event which 'is called for
5 p.m. Thursday, November 25.
So pleasecontact her, Mrs.
Albert Durst, even if you have
already indicated to the
next fall,
telephone committee that you,
would attend. We need '32 for a
1 am always looking for some
full draw.
rosy, pink and white apples that
' Since announcing twice that
are so juicy - and tart - that
always wish I had toffee with ie Schaefer Bonspiel is for
December 4, I have an unofficial
me. I, never seem to find more
rumour that Gerald Walters the
than one tree each year - and
Bonspiel Chairman, has it listed
never the same tree, but, boy,
t r December 11. Contact him if
are they ever the juiciest, mouth
v u plan to curl in this event,
watering apples you ever bit -
and you should be informed of
into. I never can find them on
the correct date. ,
the market so figure they are
incidentallY, Pete Graf is
wild and there are only ,a few
looking after the Saturday Night
Wild trees left. I just hope they
events. Last week's column was
laskas long as I do because they
I'darmy late-fali-treat.
like to get a basketful of various curling event chairmen. Hospital, Toronto.
- • .
Elizabeth Miginette, and' She graduated in the Diploma
them but can't remember which .
Maxine Martin are interested in Nursing course at' Ryerson
• road they were on! (Lost again.)
forming a league for business Polytechnical Institute,,Toronto,
So; after that lovely Sunday
girls. Sunday afternoon. is still a few weeks ago. She 'is also a
in the- country we have cloud.
available, and pay -aa -you -go graduate of, the Goderich
-but a promise of sun coming
from the' west about Thursda. curlers are eligible as 'well as club District Collegiate Institute.
Looking out over the lake?now,
Miss Jill Bennett of Toronto,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Hugh
Bennett, R. R. 6, 04„.66derich,
received word that she had been
successful in receiving her
Registered Nurse certificate and
rather confusing concerning the' is on the staff of Wellesley
Second . Instalment Of
1971 TAX
is due on
N CiVEM BER30.1. 19 71
After this date, penalty and interegt Will be charged at the
rate of 1% per month. Taxes are payable at the Royal Bank
..in„Goderich,or. Ciinto,n-ot.tatha,,tax,adlector.
44. ,0 Nalk" it .r.„;,.:174. „40:"..;:, Vitt 67,
H. B. White y,
Tax Collect
1/Vornens mission
meet at Aubkirn
The Auburn Woman's
Missionary So'ciety met at the
home of 'Mrs. Jain with
-president*,, ,Mrs-.,
Sanderson in charge: After the
,call to worship was given,- the
hymn, -41 am Trusting ,Thee, Lard
Jesus, was, read in unison.
. The devotional, period was
taken by Miss Minnie Wagner
and she read the scripture lesson
from Genesis first chapter, the
first seventeen verses. The
Meditation 'theme on' „this
•-iShe closed with prayer.
The. topic - Teach us to Pray
was given by Mrs. William Clark.
It was based on Luke II:first
verse., She closed by reading an
inspiring poem So Swift the
way -so short the day:The roll
call' was answered by a Bible
verse containing -the Word,, Light.
meeting were accepted as )(lad
by the secretary, Miss' Minnie
Plans werey made for the
-Christmas meeting which will be
held at the home of Mrs. William
Clark on December 8 at 8:00
p.m. Mrs. Clayton Edwards of
Goderich - will bring the
Christmas message. The meeting
was closed,with the hymn, Great
Mu lei .61' 1116 -Lind 'and Sea and
the benediction given by
A delicious lunch. was served
by Mrs. Hallam assisted -by Mrs.
Roy Daer.
Knox United honoys
choir and young people
ew dance reg.ulations
. Young People's Society of Knox
The Choir members and the
United Church were entertained
'01 Iow:smoking.,areci
9 at a banquet in their honour.
3-tizesday evening, November-
ft -
The new dance regulations
went into effect Wednesday,
November 10 at the third dance.
of the year. Of these ruleS-,
drawn up by the Social
Committee and approved by
school administration, the major
change- is the introduction of a
smoking area for use at dances
only. Until now smoking has not
been permitted at school dances
and students wishing to smoke
had-to/leave theschool; then- pay
to come bah"' in‘to the danee •
- • Big , splashes held
This smoking area was •
greeted with enthusiasm by -the
students 'an& Wednesday . night: _ to close, island
no one violated the smoking -
presentation with' the Goderich,
Students. This trip to. view a play,.
is .,a first for the npw Theatre Art
classes at C.D.0 11. ' , -
Mr. Redman and a dozen'Of
the. members of the Camera club
totire -GOderich last Thursday
with their cameras for a camera
field rip. ,Pictures were taken in
many" out of the way Place's.in
our town.
It was provided and, served by
'Li it t f t d Ch h
o ure
e •
vv omit
Remembrance Day in the square
This was to show the
Was perhaps due to the lack of
support. and interest shown by appreciation- of Knox'
the school staff and students., group
. .this. splendid
group of Young People. who are
The students were unable to see so willing to share not only in
the necessity of showing up and
for that reason the Students'
,,Qoencil neglected to' place a
wreath. It seems 'inevitable that
within a very short time
,November 11, will no longer be'
a school holiday.
rules. There was a relatively large Over 200 boating and fishing
crowd - in attendance with enthusiasts closed -the season
"Fear" providing the mlisisal,„,:th a party sponsored. by
group was up to par with the 'Argyle Marine recently.
other well-known bands that; The arena, where the- party
,have - entertained at •e.D.C.1: was Yield, was decorated in the
-dances this year. — , ' real -outdoor theme with boats,
. The school . newspaper, . motors and a barbecue pit. •
.co -edited by Jim Daet and Mike . All the signs, used on Indian,
Gregg, should be 'off the presses' Island were used as decor along
- -sometime in ,the near- future,- .'. ,.it,h.. cartoons.. depicting 'many
Friday morning fifty studen 'events that happ.eneeduring-the'
of Mr: Robinson's Theatre , rt • season.
cla,sses travelled to London to . - .Ente--rtainment included "-Th
see the play "The Caucasian_ country. Boys" •and severa
Chalk Circle." The students amateurs who dished up a rea
arrived at Western 'University old time .tune on many a warm
about noon. After lunch they evening around the campfire.
'..re -assembled. at the Talbot . Presentations were made t
Theatre where a guide greeted several • members for ' thei
them -and explained the drama at achievements in 1971. The_big
the theatre. ' The interested event was the corn eating
drama enthusiasts then toured contest.
the light rooms, ' costume
department, . back -stage and
workshops of the theatre. They
returned, at 7:30 to Western to
see the play presented by the
U niv'ersitY Players' Guild.
Afterwards the actors discussed
Addressing the members, Mr
and Mrs. Ben Homan were
thanked for making the island
- available...to Argyle Marine who
in turn hax;e_ttrought much
, pleasure to many local and
out-of-town boaters.
Goderich Community
Credit Union Limited
1.131th Annual
SKr.,, NOV. 27
Smotgasbord at 6.30.pem.
18 Door Prizes
tickets- available -at
Due t� Sating Capatity,the Tickets
Deadline' for Tickets Nov. 24th
Sppcial thanks were given -to
all the members who help
"Sam" with the many chores
a'round- the. island' during the
summer without whose help' it
would not be possible. -
A hot .chicken 'dinner was
served to all at the close of the'
dance and the big splash was
reduced to a ripple by about
2:00•AM .
Mrs. Ralph Munro returned
on the weekend to her home
after visiting in Ottawa with her
son, len Youngblut, John and
Jennifer. They brought her
home and also visiting here on
Stinday 'was another son, Donald
Youngblut, Mrs. Youngblut,
Lorie, Barry and Bradley of
Mrs. Gertrude McIlveen and
her grandson, ,Jeff McIlveen, of,
Oshawa spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips.
Mr. Charles Scott had the
thrill of picking raspberries &Om.
his garden last weekinst belbise
the snowstorm., He also saw the
strawberries with blossoms on -
the plants,
the leadership of song, but in the
general cOndlict of the whole
Church services. Miss Shelley ,
Grange thanked the ladies and
Mrs. Stanley Ball made the
-The rets.t,
spent, in a-sing:snrig-itre-br'
RaymOnd Hildebrand with the
guitar. Aboiit 35 young people_
were present,,also Mr. and -Mrs,
Norman Wightman and Pastor'
and Mrs. Alfred -FT'.
Pastor and • Mrs. Alfred Fry
spent a few days this week
visiting their - daughter and
husband, Dr. and Mrs'. F.
Hajdenby a Oakvi,Ile. They also"
attended the Royal Winter Fair
,at Toronto.r-,,
Mr. andt,Mk Paul Johnston
of Lond-6"ii- spent the weekend
--with her ,mother, Mrs. Wilfred
r,. and Mrs. Thomas
Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips
visittid last Skinday with Mrs.
Ethel Farrow in St. Joseph's
hospital, London.
Mr. anci , Mrs. William Clark
visited last Sunday with Win and
Mrs. Jack Macintosh and family
in London.
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