HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-11, Page 221DER1CH SIGNAL, -STAR) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11; 1971..1' The 'Blue Thumb- fe-' ra Th� destruction of g M By G. MacLeod Ross, could not back awarfrom South Now that the Supreme Court E,as•L.Asia has disposed of an suggestion "The United States is that the so-called "Pentagon determined , the Republic of Papers" are a State secrt'et,'it Vietnam shall not be lost to the behoves America primarily, and Com-unists for la`ek of any • her Allies secondarily, to extract , supportwhich the . t,',S. ' and; learn the legion .of lessons' Government can render". Here°' wh�ieh' a tide" froihi:* the'''war. Inthen, :ere• all=`the press lira for a w Vietnam. A war born of political „ Crusade in the grand manner. and' military ignorance; a Meanwhile• the "Mad tog of deplorable succession of badt Asia" had had his"name changed decisions based on bad from• " C o ho n i a l ism" to judgement and compounded of ."Communism". 'One adviser inexperience of the East. The declared:. "We are the greatest conditions into which the power ,n the world if we behave ",advisers" bath civilian and like rt," and he found it "hard to military' propelled ' successive conceive of a problem that could Presidents can only be described not be solved by the resolute aaYquivk,,sands._„,...„„......,,„. „,, ,,..7„.... ,,.....-app:llc,ati•en-pi'-raw.-- Arraerirarr• The initial conditioning ,was power." Such was theeuphoria, • administered at . the t;tme of while should the President's Roosevelt and the -Atlantic nerve falter, the opinionated Charter; that . high-sounding' advisers propagated the bogey • resolve enacted m 1941. that failure to intervene would Roosevelt and his Secretary of trigger the Domino theory; that State. Cordell Hull, were Communism would spread like determined to interpret clause the . plague. to Laos. to four 'as--'sapporting the right of Cambodia, to Thailand. to the. Colonies" in thea Far Fast. ,...'Malaya, to. Burma,, to -India whether British. Dutch or • French,` to choose -their own ..,..,.,, On May 11th, 1961 the Joint form of government. As . Chiefs of Staff reported: Roosevelt . reminded Churchill: "Assuming the Governmen er "We cannot fight a war against ' policy is to hold South East Asia' fascist slavery and not free rhe-�� e- the Communist sphere, people all over �t;he world from a• then U.S:. Forces must be backward colonial policy " deployed." --There followed the aura of In November 1963, the strong and Far Eastern • Wars. so Dingh Diem, was assassinated recently I terminated in' 1945, with • the 'conni.v.ance of the followed by the accessson of.he... Kennedy , , regime, *MOUnit l ta'tes to the throne of obstinately .,believed , that Asia e•'- - • ready toexchan Super Power of the West. There was g was the unfrocking of Britaip of dictatorship for the l?allot. box. her Imperial, mantle and her President, Johnson (*1) supersession as Keeper of the considered Dietn's betrayal' a Freedom of the Seven SeasrThis. blunder. and says it caused two left the -•-panoply as.well as the Years of - "deep political responsibilities, to be assumed confusion. in Saigon". 1 by the ,United States, -despite .her By . early. . 1964, thee inexperience in dealing with the "self-determinatiof' promised strategems o'f' the East. and by. the Atlantic Charter: "the despite • -her relatively small right to choose their own 'form ;contribution towards 'her ofgovernment" was subjected:to `footing" .in a role' .which took reinterpretation. Self-determina- Britain •a century and a half to tion? 'Yes!. always provided no assume. . . , • .~-South Vietnamese leader chose George Marshall;. . when •neutrafit1 or non -alignment Secretary of State in the Truman Iwih th'e , West). President Administration, recognised the Johnson cabled his ambassador ' Vietnamese Communists as in Saigon: "Your. Mission is leaders of legitimate , precisely for the .purpose of anti-colonialism. and; -the efore, knocking down -the idea: of resenting a challenge different neutralisation wherever it rears fi`tom that Q. any other its ugly head." By September •• Communist bid for power: ' 1964. the "general`consensus'.' However, the nicety of this (*;1).of his advisers 'wasDthat the distinction was forgotten or U.S. would have to bomb North never appreciated. President Vietnam and 'o,d,,,.,Fei uary 6th. • Eisenhower reluctantly allowed - 1965 bombing , began-- Th -l -s the French to go down to proved the prelude to disaster. defeat; then set out to.supplant The hoary , belief that air them, carrying, out a variety of power alone, • albeit on , a'. off nsive acts` "',against thele restricted. scale, could changeith? recently divided North.. . ' ..will of a virile people Which had There followed several, further . fought the Chinese for centuries ischarges" which served to --for •self' -determination, faided- charge the atmosphere of those dis'rnally4 and oily served to days: In 1956 the Suez affair enrage the American fish to •was not exactly a triumph for Western ;. diplomacy. while. in 1961 the Kennedy' Administration --.-sustained a bloody nose at the Bay of .Pigs.This was to ,have,, disastrous repercussions., because it was interpreted by some to demonstrate the unreliability df the C.I.A. •to' the extent that when that body advised that the holding of South Vietnam was hopeless, they were. ignored, Their advice no longer carried.. weight. Then came• • the Soviet challenge- over West Berlin by which lime Kennedy felt he Do -Ft -yourself It's easy with'St'nworthy 'ready -pasted wallcoverings 4•. AVIA SUN OR� l fl 1 EVERY IATTERN'UNR THE SUN } —.Start today . . for your supplies sem H.EHDERS�ON'S BOOK .-5TORE The sauce �R► G06CN11.11"1111111,111,11M hook .itself 'more' firmly in the toils of jungle warfare. , Vast area were written off: then regarded..._ as eneriay " territory, er after which it seemed onl logical to bomb' them. Thu began the alienation .of th sympathy of the people the U.S had come to save, since on stray. bomb that killed ar .innocent child would make - ”thousand enemies, (,*2,) That ' if was better to poli villages- than to destroy them was well understood by the onl genuinely elite unit of the U.S Army: the Special Forces' which under the operational control � the C.I.A., policed the system o border outposts, The Specia Forces in their green berets misconception of the General comprised weapons .,experts, Staff and . contributed to the doctors and communications fimai fiasco; whereby th+e ..L1.S,- ""experts -S'oi•ri'e df'•thet.r' `:nen army 'itself became the main spoke five and six foreign casualty of the war, are pitiful to _men of the Special Forces were s ' the first to die and with' then e • died the vital source of• information - intelligence. e There followed, tgo, appalling. 3 "attrition -among the regular army a�• Units such as the ,101st -Airborne, ant, ,the- .1st,. Infantry Division, • ce With only five per eent of all officers. being West Point y graduates, nearly' 250 have novy . been killed, •and, as always, the , best . are killed or gravely f wounded, first. The ---remaining f errors which Served to 1 compound the cardinal' • H' 1.. Q Ifl; army .,y arrogt'ttce? To the extent that the p•rollessional `-think tank" gave no consideration to factors such as terrain, climate, pol,it�cs,. topography,'ihtelligence, supply, special training, and, most of all, ..to human relations? Whatever happened to cost-effectiveness''. Did anyone compute -the pitfalls 'of intert-ention in a civil -war between Asians, in jungle country, peopled by an amorphous ,population which refused to_ co-operate ,with foreign ''�"forcesv.v:_ thus handicappfpg the gathering of the intelligence ,so, essential to success'.' When. consideringthe, ,. multitudinous omissions of the U.S,. General Staff, the remark of a famous Commander in Chief comes to mind:, "Gentlemen, I do not know `what effect you. will have upon the enerhy, but by God, you frighten me!" And what is so frightening is that there appears. t. have been no one able to Male his Chief hear that this was a different war froin that which he had fought in Europe: that it languages. They at ' least enumerate, recognised that arms never won T h e cornp l e x a n d a guerilla war, for arms merely handicapping weaponry put a foment political instability, and premium on `'management" since the war in Vietnam was a rather than on "fighting". The ` war of political ideologies, high standard of living of the political stability was a key to soldier; the dental chairs: success. . • ,Western Union wired to enable • ' The "Pentagon Papers' deo y anyone' to call "Mom" after the not mention ,it, but as men at day's battle; entertainment not the sharp end of. this war well so much for the spirit as -for the - know•,,,, there was little, if any, body; the rotation of troops to -operation between the Army every 12 months. thus ensuring and the C.I.A. and, ,therefore, that none of the rank ,.and file, the Special Forces and, ever learned the art •' of unfortunately. the Army, threw ��a nit 1 -guerilla warfare: the up ho one in a sufficiently pernicious injection ` of the commanding post who_had...the+......"bodv' count" t t ie electronic' hit* realise- that Tire.' `hall r at -the "7--F fh paraT►ef" Fie"_ . Special Forces policy was the brainchild of 'a whizz kid; a only hope of success. , device entailing. inordinate The -yew, '1'965, therefore,.can expense, 'promoted as a saviour be regarded as a watershed. The . of bodies, it became a nebulous bombing had proved abortive. three-day wonder, not to the The policy recommended, by 'the enemy, but to the General Staff. Speciaj- Forces was tabu. In the . The demise of _leadership - result the General Blimps of the . combined with a misconceived Army finally got into thesadd.le tactical ' doctrine bred and pu,rsued their own gross . indisciplines...so that frustration misconception of ' how to of the rank and file -•set in. There combat guerillas. Instead of ''was the abbaioir at Mei Lai; using . the Army as "armed there was five per cent of the support for the .People", soldiery in Vietnam on heroin; recourse . was had ',to a' vast there were the instances of armoury of .mechanised ,refusal to obey orders. and last weapons. Units df' division. size scene.. of all which ends .this Were used, plus all the intricate ' strange eventful histOr . we, have equipment, with its long; long the hemorrhage ,of talented trail of maintainers; equipment professional soldiers, ` both possessed of a bulk and a frailty .officers and. .non' -commissioned which was quite unable, to 'officers. What is t'he result other 'compete with . the immense 'than; a . trigger-happy rabble logistical problems, imposed by ' which can no longer command the jungle. As President Nixon's • the name of'soldiery. personal adviser (*21 put it:, "Bombers, helicopters •and Are we to believe that none of tremendous "firepower; :(for the "the President's men arid none most part ynaimed) none of of 'tile President's horses" these' will eliminate ' theunderstood the implications 'of ..:Cornmjinist cell in an Hanoi' high jungle warfare?_That is manifest -sc•h•oot which" -turns out 50 nonsense. 'for there—ar-e the recruits a,. ;,ear_ for the insurgent veterans 'of the Phillipines, of army " . Korea. of Malaya. of Burma. of The ''•;U.S. .• General , Staff the French Maquis; .of Algeria. ignored vi l;,at'the French and the - and •of theFre,'tch ''failure i,:' .• kmericansc-• had - proted to Vietnam: all, professionals. ail themselves:'. that when large steeped in the essence of guerilla forces attack' small groups.' the fighting. Why were thee' not jungle is not neutral, but can be heard? Answer is there none' Vas there too much military . very friendly to those who know� • ti • how to use it. Following the expansion of intervention in 1965, , the, outposts -were overrun and tie. bonus interest Savings trnOve to Victoria and Grey ' in the period November 1 to November 15 wkll receive full interest l November 1.. This means that the savings account you open before .November 15 earns full, interest for as much as two weeks beftjre 'you open the account! So,' whether it's a 4% chequing account bearing interest on a minimum semi-annual balance or a fast growing higher interest non-chequing account on a minimum monthly balance, bring it to Victgriajand Grey noiv and get bonus interest: VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely 10 serving the people, of Ontario. WTORIA and GREY TI liST ' COMPANY SINCE 1.88-9' — to 5:00 Monday to Xtursday f00 to 6:Oo Fr'iday ealand�11,1t�laragerrW;x;-.:,n 524381 Elgin and Kingston ,Streets, Goderich Mt;Pr', 1- • would, not respond to hosepiping of the terrain with unaimed shot or even napalm; that somehow it was , essential to ingratiate yourself with the friend before„ you killed the foe.: - Suitely never has an A•rtny been debauched by such a succession of ignorant decisions . by , a succession of Presidents; Generals, whizz kids, advisers, war gamesmen, all of whom worshipped the, false god of Materialism. We, their Allies, • who look to the United States for leadership; for being the sure shield when the crash comes; we cans only hope that this monumental'-b�lunderwill result in some realistic lessons' being written in letters of fire in the text books on which succeeding generations of West Pointers are fledged. *le "The Vantage Point" by L. B. Johnson. Holt, Rhinehart Winston. $15.00. Robert" Thompson in' "The War of the Running Dogs" by Noel Barber. West Wawanosh Twp. council meeting hel The regular meeting of the West ` Wawafiosh Township Council was held on Novex.ber,2 with all . council members present. A petition ,f(fr drainage, "'-signed by two . Township residents. was presented to council. A motion by Councillors .McDonald • and Aitchison accepted the petition. from H. Gaunt •and' instructed the Clerk to contact Henry 1'nderstadt , to undertake the :rvey of the area concerned. In other business Gordon proul, appeared before council to inquire about procedures under the "Line Fences Act." The necessaryforms Were supplied to M. Sproul to obtain tne.services of fenceviewers. Reeve. Lyons :._.reported to council on -.the meetings •which ha',e been held' in Lucknow in c,•)nrlection with the proposed r.e_dical centre. and water tank muck for rural fires: A motion was also passed by. 'councillors ;':Hickey, and Aitchison that the West Wawanosh Townsrip permit the Art Gallery of Ontario to sell ottery ° -tic{ets in •'the Municipality. General accounts were passed amounting to 5.210.81 and accounts covering road. FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS EMPHYSEMA ANO OTHER RESPIRATORY DISEASES as n'soved BAINTON'S ARE CON1 INUIN i TO PRATE IN THEIR ORIGINAL OVA) MiLL,BUILDING i T $ho in tills old building, a J,ancirmirk in Huron County since 1894.' • . Wool and Leather t�rxlaal;t5 offered up to Cltdn lastuyear's Sale Prices. The name. "BAINTON" ,s u,r guarantee . Open Daily, Monday through Saturday, • 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. expenditures were passed in the amount of $2,063.75. - t wi.• Dennie A. . LO�V E v - 5 -HOP Men s 6r Ladies by BUL9VA - fan excetlent,farrc,y Xmas g,'t When you buy your '72 Moto -Ski during -.••' From Oct. 29thto Nov..2l st, 1971.. 1.4 models all packed with performance, design and safety features that make Moto -Ski YOUR Best Buy! c•ski 72 the tough one Only Moto -Ski gives you a 2 -year Track Warranty Ion an single cylinder modes, NO DOWN O'AYMENT until the snow flies! ' Over -300 Moto -Ski dealers in Ontario to serve you! • Phone -524 1132. DAY OR NIGHT Agont for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING t.EORA .d 30 STYL:E- Low Medium. and High eng'ili Et doesn't matter what sty'Ie you want or to what length you want to go,'we have it -in stock. (Remember 30 styles.) Choose the 'one (color or style) that suits ymt, selection won't always be as good-- - Don't settle for second best, shop rtiow! kap KINGSTON St (Next to Club Grill) , • M . w �,: r 3oi!Gpt 1,USt, the SJZe $799 UP GOUERICW • • • 0 • • • '4-. ms,µ.•. `{