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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-11, Page 16
T�,4�gy 4A, QODERICH $ZONA ,-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1971 0 LLET1N BO GLT play almost' ready. 'for audience 11 NNUAL Christmas' Fair, WOMEN "OF KNO•X ,.Fowl turday, November 27th, '2:00• Supper in Knox Ohurch 5 ;,QtJ p. av Ca :Y ,- s uing$ -. A u d:i t -or i u W e dg e sd•a y, tting, Country kitchen, nearly November 24th, two sittings — 5 • used books. St. Peter's p.rpt. ' and 6:30 p:m: Adut h Hall, sponsored, by CVVL. $2.00, children under twelve.':* ,43,45,46,47 $1.00. 44,45 tit ne Par — 4 IT'S COMING! UCW Victoria Stree United Church will welco a you to their November Fair a d Bake Sale, Wednesday, Nevem er 17th, at 2:30 p.m. — 44,45 BETE D— " H Tri rr W,-., C1'irri ', Wednesda, November 17th, Goderich Collegiate Gymnasium, 2-5 and 6:30-9 p.m. --- 44,45 ST. GEORGE'S ,•ACW presents "An Evening of Song" with Marjorie Hays Dunlop, A.R.C.T. and Paul Baker, F,R.C.O., L.R.A.M.,, A.R.C.M., at St. George's Parish Hall at 8:15 p.m, Wednesday; December 1st, 1971 Adults $1.50, students 75c. 'Tickets can be obtained bm'AC,W members or office of R. W. Bell, Optometrist. — 44-48 AUCTION SALE and 500 Card Party at Forresters Hall, Benmiller, November 19th at 8:30 p.m. Sale of furniture from old school house. Sponsored by C.O.F. L1901 and .86. Lunch 44.0.4.,priz>rs, .MR. AND MRS. W'ILFRED DENOMME celebrating 25th wedding anniversary, November 20th, 1971. Dance and reception at Goderich 'Arena Auditorium, 9 p.m. Friends and relatives welcome. •.. 45,46 RECEPTION will be' held for Mr, and Mrs. Brian Wallace,.,nee Marilyn Baer, in Auburn Hall on November 12th. Music by the Country Boy's.'Lunch counter. — 45 SNOWFLAKE Bazaar, on Thursday, December 9th, TU, to ;9:00 p. . , al, :the d'reen oom, the J..gion, sponsored by e Auxi4liary.=-44tf SEATS still"navailable on bus to Royal 'Winter Fair, Monday, November 15th. Contact John Williams 524-7794 for reservations.. -L- 41,45 CANADIAN Bible Society Banquet, Victoria Street United, N9vember 2.40,i,,,6„01_.mac P$cial speaker. pickets $2,00. Available kat Victoria and Grey. 45 BINGO Every Saturday Night LEGION HALL Starting Time -- 8:30 p.m., ASK FOR-- AN APPOINTMENT -0 Awl* rwt. nr o� ww.,.o 4d. "Yesterday The Children Were Dancing", written by Gratien Gelinas, is to be the first production of Goderich Little Theatre for this season Tickets are now on sale and going well, according to Murray MacDonald of the Goderich Little Theatre. The box office at the Reg Bell.place of business on The Square will open Monday, Nove nber '22, and remain open, daily from 1 to 5, p.m. for theatre -going patrons. ',,"Yesterday The Children Were Dancing" is a play ce•n'tering on mtilti-level conflicts, principally federeli•s•-separatist,'•- father -son -•-- generation,. and political philosophies clash, interweave and eventually stat emut e. Inteftwined with '4 these conflicts are the passions and convictions 9f one, family; 'devoted to each other, but 4orced apart by their separate integrities. The Gravels; an upper-class French family, symbolize in their hopes, endeavors, frustrations and, triumphs, ,the terrible split, but possibly eyen brighter promise, that lies behind the duality of our Anglo-French land. Andre, the son, is the chief char,tr on whom the man -.tel �'�""'°�cahavE_ as�aridra�`c�,mx '.nnsi r s_'1iove of contact The Zenith Hearing Aid Nicole, of his parents, Pierre 'Service by calling RIECK •-andLpuise,.and ultimately of his PHA'MA'CY`2 '24=7241, 14 I he SSq i ire: "-VREE TESTING-. NO hexi.ta e,,and 'prbv cey lead him, in an unending a cycle, Topicality OBLIGATION. � y Topicality is -definitely the centre _ of . interest: 'This theme applies not just in Quebec,, but perhaps even more so in the ' heart of Anglo-Saxon Ontario. Colonel,Sanders' Rec,pe k ett Fried SNAK PAK • NEXT TRAVELOGUE TUESDAY, NOV. 30 RAPHAEL GREEN "INTO SIBERIA" Sponsored by Goderich Rotary THANKS FOR THE GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH - FROM YOUR TB ASSOCIATION 4' 1 Curtain' Up! ,for the Signal -star's ENTERTAINME NT GUIDE Pv PROMOTE YOUR Sto4 EVENTS THROUGH THE SIGNAL -STAR ENTERTAINMENT PAGES. GET RESULTS - THE „SUREST WAY, SQA it 4' "TAKE WINGS TO THE SUN" WITH 1^ 111 tr HOWARD A,IT.KEN TO THE Thu.11 Fri.12 Sat. 13 SAT. MAT. 13 Howard Aitken Your T.our._Leader•'. CANARY I..SLANDS. IcIAR A `-TEhTER I FE - ^ . ��—/ �°° ONLY DEPARTURE FEB..3 — RETURN FEB: 17 HERE'S WHAT 'IS INCLUDED: ,* Return Jet.Flhg' t from Toronto to Las Palmas * Cornplimentary In-flight Meals and Bar Service * Inter -Island Jet Flights r *,Accommodations with private bath for 13 nights * 39 ,Meals including continental breakfast, lunch and dinner daily * Welcome Cocktail Party * All return airport'transf.ers `including the handling and tipp-ing for one piece of baggage per person * All Hotel service charges; local taxes and gratuities . * Services of Tour Leader plus resident Sunflight representative * Sunflight'overnight bag TUESDAY ONLY 2 PIECES-DELICOUS KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN GOLDEN BROWN RFNCH: FRIES'. • REG. 85c DINNER 3 GENEROUS PIECES OF DELECTABLE KENTUCKY FRt-E-B-C HtC KE N- CREAMY COLE SLAW 'GOLDEN BROWN FRENCH FRIES GRECIAN BREAD • REG. $1.35 DUE TO THE LARGE VOLUME OF REGISTRATION AND CARNIVAL WORK NOW BEING STARTED — Last Registration Date BURT LANCASTER ROBERT RYAN LEE J COBB LAWMAN.' Thu. 1,8--•fri. 19 50.20 - Jurnihe EC 5.P.1:(. \ RECKLESSLY ." , - •' • FUNNY!" o 0 Clip the coupon and ask for more, information: To:- J. Howard Aitken, c/o Clinton News—Record,. Clinton, Ont. . Yes Howard I. am interested in' oing with your group to the Canary Islands. Send me more information. for the. ntucky: rigid hiekn- CoI. Sanders m ak.es it • "finger lick -in -good'' • ode Skating Club will. be ED.,NOV. 17 YOUR Goderich [ittle 1 IS NOW READY TO PRESENT Gratien Gelinas provocative production, — -' - YESTERDAY THE CHILDREN WERE DANCING The late Nathan Cohen de3cribes its. Canadian Premiere as follows: "At last, at long last, a play that deals directly and .- forthrightly with the central fact of the Canadian conscience, a play in' which people d'rrvvn from observation face head on significant emotional and political crises, a play which disturbs, unsettles, and amuses and vaults to an extraordinary level of political insight in the scene that is raison d'etre and justification." COME AND HAVE AN ENJOYABLY STIMULATING EVENING THURSDAY, McKAY HALL ° FRIDAY or SATURDAY - NOV. 25, 26, 27 . -North Street Goderich - N CURTAIN TIME 8:30 OUR OWN V©LUNitTEE Y"KTHESPIANS HAVE PUT MANY HOURS a.uq,e7: -.. : +.x,.�t# ,w ? i-rsu,„TM•°.�rRMdyY+!�,?ik!ti•:Jh''r . R ..J" '(" T,' •.. ilirA RIEPaRa►Tr01(1' IIVT Tr� 1= I YOUR NTERTAINMENTT -vw = ':'iekete arerzm saf, bw; •the' resew viii f3oiegl'tieriki t iii -.pt Reg Bell, Optometrist, on'fl are, Goderich commencing from 1-5 p.m., Monday, , Novenber 22. 4 Bridge • scores There were six tables in play :at the Goderich DuPlicate.Bridge Club,_ on Tuesday, November 2. Winners and their scores were as follows: Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Stapleton, Mrs. A Galbraith and A. J. Weerasooriya, 78; Mrs. D. D. Worthy and Mrs. W. Duncan, 7D,' Charles Hodgins ancLOmar Haselgrove, 74: , A au10. ,C]R'../.N ,� 11� •„ `A vt,ovt Rr nt 1' '1'R( AIH CONDI1lt) L Name' Address LTelephone Wed.17 only tilk CLARK GABLE JeanEtte MacDONALO SPENCER TRACY ` ISCO GODERICH PHONE 524 7811 TIRED OF SNOWMOBILE TROUBLE? • Breaking Starting Cords Fouling Spark Plugs - Breaking Cables Wife Can't Start It - Sick Of Mixing Fuel Srriniis About Buying rIH Borst And f nrctetimg frnuhlc' N/10 1 The Answer STEVE ARGYLE OJTDOOR EQUIPMNT COI INA ST., BAYEIEI f) ti • for the best of weekend enjoyment 'w11Y "not take your family to your Church this Sunday. If you do not go to Church then join the crowds' that are going to Huron • Men's , Chapel in Aubern each Sunday night' at 8 p.m. THIS SUNDAY NOV. 14 HEAR JERRY CHAMBER'S OF THE BELL TELEPHONE PLAY HIS TRUMPET AND SING THE TJART SISTERS SING AS THEY DO IN ALL NIGHT''SINGS A JERRY HARDING SPEAK YOU WILL WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN ,BECAUSE • IT'S THE REAL THING , LEA,R...,� "'I UR.Oa N MENS NEWSCAST.. EVIL PREVAILS�WHSV GOOD 'MEN GT+V i^ , . . F, .... ��.�vbc . «��►�!" aT•��'(.c+.§. ... 1141. ^.i'A^,7yw.. -f•% a.> - ,e r�i.,. -CKN C RADIO NOTHING -q •r 0 0 0 0 h Ns., 4