HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-11, Page 14R I SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1971 14. "Distaff Side What. about foam tras disposal, .why e1,000 pulp cartons lett 3.1 • What do you think of those foam -type t.ri l"'s. which are being used -in supermarkets these days to package,lneats • and fruity and vegeta _ ,les? " o In the May/June issue of Canadian Consumer, there was an article ?bout these containers as well as the ordinary°'" cardboard plates ()some stores use. The subject was -discussed in an anti -pollution x` ,.w.wP artirele-CiT ti-t4i ts-'Peekagipie-elt a1i .41-i GJft.? — The item pointed up the fact that the foam (polystyrene) made from oil and cardboard' trays are probably as anti -polluting as anything you wiL use to package ,foods with these days. The greatest problem, in favi appears, to be the additional space they require in sanitary land -fill operations. Polystyrene, for instance; can be partiilly comp, ed r es s ,, but it tends to spring back slowly. Burning'x as , a method of disposal, doesn't seem all that satisfactory, either. Tests show that after burning, 1,000 foam artons left,se'ven lbs: of residue requiring 441. .We wonder whether trays are necessary at all in "packaging meats, fruits "i -fid vegetables. In fact, we•nd;r ,whether half the •pack•ing materials u� ed by today's manufacturers are necessary... and • apparently the CAC �•... ... vYood,ers.. the same,.. thing. They write: . ..- '._F.-.-.+p,'�...r. i..1.. NO:.r .y _.y..w.�0...y s....'1r.�rr-r `1r.•dr.•r'„�.,yµ•..o. J`..;�• "Are we really solazy that we can no longer wash, clean or sanitize anything?` Can we afford to waste our oil reserves, a limited non-renewable „ resource, on throw -away packagirtg when a satisfactory alternative is ayailable from renewable resources? Are we sb•-affluent that we can afford to spend millions on the disposal of unnecessary .(Metro jQLonto. 'alone spends $24 million annually on collection and disposal, and in the US, at 45 -billion, per year, solid waste disposal is the third largest service activity, exceeded in cost only by schools and highways.)" LETTERS Dear Mrs. Keller: Thank• you very much for your letter re the forming of a `"' local branch of : the Consumers' Association of Canada. We very much appreciate your interest an understand your dilemma of determining just how to start. I am- sending, under separate cover, •some information on the Consumers' Association of With Shirley J. Keller First off this week, I want to welfare? How do YOU explain -comment on ' the touching our part in the senseless bigotry Remembrance Day Service and greed and hatred and lust which was held Sunday morning which threatens to destroy us in connection with the regular .all? . 'worship service 1 'at Knox I haven't `-found - aa - Presbyterian Church.' way....unless it is by loving.i The congregation was loving and loving and loving as augmented by Anenibers of the ' Lockie Royal suggested; But 'Royal Canadian Legion Branch loving • is difficult ' especially 109 Goderich; the Legion Ladies when the object for that love •is' Auxiliary; • and the , Imperial sufficiently different from Order Daughters of the Empire yourself and completely members of the Ahmeek . and disassociated from the_ things Maple Leaf Chapters. you hold dear. Legioq.President George Low Remembrance Day? Sure, we 'recited In Flanders Fields along should give honor and respect to with the placing of the memorial the dead of • two , world wreaths in the church and the wars.,•.but the crowd,at the presentation of the colors was cenotaph is getting smller and also witnessed. It was a sober older every year. How are we and thought-provoking service going to keep Remembrance which left ' many •,,Af the r Day alive and meaningful for the congregation with dampened youth of this country ,who just eyes and a grateful heart. don't want to have any. part of Rev. , Lockhart . Royal's ' war....ever:...no matter what the sermon was the final touch. He price? , pounded home the terrible truth * * * , that after two devastating global . I've had a sheaf of elsewhere the weeklynewspape wars in which hundreds " and information back from the:-- thousands of lives were lost and Consumers in full, "How to Live Consumers Association of With a Credit Card and Stay thousands more men and women Canada. ,I haven't had time to `Solvent," and also, later, an were crippled and maimed, read ail f it .and digest it fully entire three -column article from mankind still does not ..J.nve the but I want to fill you in on what CAC's Special ' Report on way it should. Mankind ..still, I consider to be an important, Phosphate Detergents. Many permits war to happen. . • facet of a local branch of the weekly newspaper -_ ' editors . War, said, Mr. Royal, is om CA -C arid -That- is a Consumer .welcome material of this, type, in the hearts of men who f rget Action Committee. to love. - especially when , personally I will include the information approached by a local citizen. We should honor- our war I'have received concerning this ' According to our Terms of dead, stated Mr... Royal. Of, area sof the work in this week's Reference, an Action Committee course we should. But we should edition of Woman to Woman. is a committee of the Provincial also, everyone ,of us, work to You may find it long and Association and shall limit its preserve the peace...and that involved but I hope you will activities to the local area. (a) ' means loving, loving, loving, take' the time to read it and to - An Action Committee requires a loving, think it over. minimum of 3 CAC members in I expect' to be 'at .the Next, I wish that some of you good standing who are willing to Remembrance Day service this who have expressed an interest act as Chairman, Secretary- morning, ' November 11 in the Jta� cAC _ fin octeric_l would ,, s errnd-•Cs.iavene... These,„3._ town square. It is fitting and telephoner me to give me your core members could function- right that I attend. I happen to opinions of the possibilities of successfully, fulfilling the be a member of" that generation forifiing such a committee in co b j e c t i'v e s `"bf , Action which was children when the Goderich. Is anyone willing to Committees. On the other hand, °Second World War Was on and . help form that minimum the Local Association must elect finally ended. About all 'thatcommittee of threb " core a minimum of 6 table officers remember of the conflict was members?.. I await your -. plus, probably 4 standing the,concerned look my parents comments. wore from time .to time, the CONSUMER ration coupons and the big V -E ACTION N day parade when it was all over. COMMITTEES I'•ve not known war since that General Information' time: My }husband did not. have The ' concept of consumer to march away to protect our action committees was formed home and country. My. children / for the purpose of getting have never known what it means consumer information and to get behind a war effort ' and action into communities where I pray to God that my sons will there is a need for organized never have to wallow in the mud consumer awareness. and the blood the way so many Each committee consists of at young men in the two world least three active'` Members, a wars of this century did before, chairman land two others. These them. I'm grateful for `hthe people receive information from freedoms I enjoy which were so national -or provincial, collect 'expensively won by some. memberships, help with But tell me, friends: Is consumer problems and increase standing at a Memorial Service, consumer awareness in their really the sensible way to show gratitude?' Is that solemnity at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of every year much more than an outward show of feelings for men and women who did what they felt they must? What circumstances Canada that might be usel ul to u�y..4te, .eSle9llx.» a. ,1.� �F'hirtan, whcwill b 1.tp, `Consumer Action Committees, give you direct support. Whether General Information" which you form a local branch ora clarifies the role and consumer, committee, you will- be illbe within the jurisdiction of the • Ontario Pr faviticial Association, Onward I look ward to hearing of your progress. Yours truly, Mrs. G. Brown, National Development Co-chairman, "' 'GbnsuiteW-Als- Fiff id Of Canada. October 1971 Board meeting, too consumer committee. It was felt . the name consumer committee better described the. purpose intended; rathethan consumer action commit e, which was often interpreted as being activist:1, . I am sending a copy of this letter to the Ontario president as well as to the Ontario vice-president and• Aevelopment responsibilities% of both a local branch and a consumer committee (action). It would be wise to decide early which type of organization would best suit the needs of your area. Perhaps a word of explanation is necessary, as consuirie"r action cainmittee - underwent a •name change at our are cleared through the provincial association in order to avoid duplication' and to benefit from additional information that • ,research or direction from the provincial association can offer. ,Fund's for Action- Committees are available through ' the provincial association as resources " permit; this -varies from province to province. Action cgrnmittees can serve their community usefully by (1) initiating local projects, with the approval of the' provincial association. (2) contributing to out, increasingly significant national surveys programme. (3) committees not in close. proxl'mity to a large city can act: as a lie the local news ick between media and the National Office to disseminate:desperately needed consumer information to rural areas. Action Committee members in Vernon and Chilliwack - report co-operation from local radio stations, and demanded? How do YOU explain itemembrance Day to the youth of this 'nation `who say they `wouldn't have fought Hitler no matter what he would have done to the world? How, do YOU MCpla jn# Wb ykV.Ke. fneirt& 'Sp1,rn 0 iltill lbn o;�l� de + nce Vii- cstalYariskn to the pittance for community. A coir become a local asso it can elect the n ittee may iation once ull slate of, committee chairmen at an Annual Meeting. For these to operate effectively, they need the support of a large number of members in the area. (b) Action Committees may be provided with a small sum of money from the Provincial Association: It. . should be understood that this amount could, 'depending upon resources, vary, from province to province. On the other hand, Local Associations automatically receive a portion of each CAC membership. (c) Action Committees confine their activities to those approved by - the Provincial Development Chairman; with the approval of the Provincial Board. Local Associations are more autonomous. Point (2). Action Committee'members can play a officers required. useful role in our Association Many provincia associations and their community, not only axe actively pro moting the by collecting memberships, by formation of action coir ':;1: s-4iping with consumer problems and " the .program has successful There are currently Surveys Program but as lo n and contributing to our National eight action committees,from by increasing consumer awareness New Brunswick to British locally. Increased consumer. Columbia. - aWhreness across" 'the country Action Committees operate would significantly affect the under the guidance of the , local market place and also pro..v.i.n c i al.,,,,..tassbai<etisan ,ry , r; , - , . , ,g . �fl�etl� fG ?V�t3t�»aY' Sr�oarxit • Reasonable contact by,niail or in decisions, Pint '(1). Action Ipersu t`;' f n' maif'taf,Cl .:i 0-T ..s.L (-mmitte vai ;lata iteclr,00nt . these two groups. All projects planned by Action'Com1nittees, Please turn to Page 6A. • " 0 • RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., NOV..17th Advertisement Published By DOMTAR CHEMICALS LTD.. Sifto Salt Divison Evaporator Plant ro a 4.111.' P4eae s •a c 44;tett e > % u. 9 9I ,14te ' +ifme,c+,rt and Let us assist you with yokt plans for that all important wedding day. • � M COME IN ANO SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES - Your choice of various paper stocks, type styles and sizes. - ask for .. . I NITIONA, Select your wedding, invitations, announcements and accessories with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of form. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES �Grye -ob-uicij SIGNAL 5248331 5TAR West ' Street , ALL FLAVOURS, MARVEL BRAND Ice Cream 5 1 -pint ctns $1.00 ANN PAGE "4 (PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) 3 20 -fl -oz btls $1 00 8 10 -11 -oz fins $1• 00 Ketchup . VEGETABLE HeinziSoup CHRISTIE (PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) Onion Rings " 43.OZpkgS$1.00 !"NE PARKER "(BUY 3 PKGS. — SAVE 17c) Bran Muffins 3e9s°f61.00 APPLE JUICE• Martin's, Pure 48=f1 -oz tins ANN PAGE flEANs W�t48 fl o tinsLCe APRICOTS . w Unpitted 28 -fl -oz tins Pantry Shelf, Choice Quality, MEAT SPREAD Cordon B5 Oz D tw=illed Ham A&P TOMkTOJUICE Fancy Quality 48 -fl -oz . tins TuNAPgof�2t a fns MIX OR MATCH OUR "PREMIUM QUALITY" LOA); MADE WITH PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING, W�H.ITE, SLICED, PRICED LOWER EKER. (PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) Plain or Salted - - McCORMKKIS Ib $1.00 • P g. Save 26c CRACKERS FRESH :CHICKEN ,PART LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS MIXED QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES CHICKEN LEGSOR CUTS "fresh" BREASTS. Chicken Wings- Ib 29c Chicken Livers lb 29c SUPER:RIGHT QUALITY (Priced Lower' Than a Year Ago) Sliced Pork Livers lb 2 5 c SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF BRAND • • 1 -lb vac pac 5 g( 1 -Ib vac pac 5 9c MAPLE LEAF, HINT OF MAPLE �+ Side Bacon , 1 -Ib vac pac 6 9( (Priced Lower Than a Year Ago) BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK Sausages - BEEF & PORK FEARMANS, VISKING Bologna SHOPSY BRAND Corned Beef Ib 49c By The ''Piece' Ib 3 3c pkg of 4 2 -oz Pkgs S 9r- SX BRAND, FAMILY PACK Cooked Meat 16_0z,pkg 69c BURNS BRAND (Priced Lower Than a Year Ago) Cooked . Ham 6-ozikg 5 5 c BBBY'S ".`', KIDNEY RED BEANS PRINCE EDWARD, CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE POTATO .. HAPPY VALE, StANDARD OUJALI WH®LE KERNEL --CORN A&P BRA ND,.„CHOICLOUALI'L . 744 REENOzWAx:B • 1d-FLiOZ TINS 19 -FL -OZ TINS 12 -FL -OZ TINS 14 -FL -OZ TINS • HAN A YEAR AGO (BUY 4 - SAVE 12c) 24-0Z' - LOAVES (PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) Sliced,,crushed, Tid Bits LEE Choice Quality PINEAPPLE •19 -PI -ort tins Canada; Grade "A", Eviscerated, Frozen ILING FOWL - s-ies n ur i CALIFORNIA, LARGE GAAP WWI Black Ribiers, Red Emperors, Green Carias Ib 1 A&P YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE 6 FOR PEANUT BUTTER .31 to r•Alit.CE, i4SHOWOmtNi. iffiV 10, A1RAAlrff0., t:EC'Tt • m,. ..sol Na teV inn !7 k.nyy, 'i4Nl+OLSO4titi'1it'I1lD`1kY, t10YEMDTI� ter .11� l . X.v .0 00 'n' • R 0 M s.r