HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-04, Page 19.t
-Short ribs, often advertised as a "special" at meat counters, makes tender flavourful eating. These
pieces are layered with meat and fat and contain small rib bones Cooked slowly for one to two
hours as onerwould cook a stew, the meat is so tender it leaves the bone. Vegetables may be`added
towards the end of the cooking; The home economist's at Canada Agriculture, Ottawa, suggest a
trace of oregano for a special seasoning.
Beef carcass good eating'
A carcass .'of beef can provide
excellent eating for a variety of
budgets. The aristocrat of beef
roasts is, of course, the prime or
standing rib ' roast _containing
from one to five ribs.
This cut is well marbled with
fat and• should be`-' roasted
uncovered in a 325 degrees oven.
In the trimming of this roast, the
dower part of the ribs, with its
layers . 'of dean and fat, is
1 -removed. It is usually cut into..;
. pieces called short ribs. 'or
braising ribs. These meaty pieces
are full of flavor when braisedor
6 _cooked slowly in moist heat'
until the short bones separate
+, .N from , the meat. Adding
vegetables makes it a meal in
itself. This must not, however,
be considered a meal -in -a -hurry
.unless you „ have a pressure
' Not to be confused with the
_ feces o.f,short ribj$ the cross rib
roast '(depending on the cutting
method it may be called.` `short
rib roast"). This culkOmes from
the shoulder or chuck and
next the •blade. It is thick and
meaty,'with small rib bones, and
makes •• an• excellent pot roast.
Thus the rib section of beef
provides cuts fordry ormoist
methods of cooking.
The home economists at
Canada Agriculture, Ottawa
provide their method for
cooking and .seasoning these
short rib pieces in this well
seasoned "Braised Short Rib"
3_pounds short ribs
2..tablespoons fat .
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup diced celery •
1 cup diced carrot
3 tablespoons flour
1 19 -,ounce can • tomatoes
Home Economics
Achievement Day
The Horne Economics Branch
of the Ontario Department . or
Agriculture and Food is again
holding Achievement Days in
Huron County.
The . 1000 girls who
participating in Dairy Fare have
learned the nutritive impoitance
of milk and dairy products as
well as' how to prepare 'meals
which contain milk.
'Miss geatherine HuntL .Home
Economist for . Huron, County,
will be holding the following
Achievement Days throug'houf
the county: . .
Exeter Achievement Day, ,
Exeter High School, November
6; Zurich Area Achievement'
Day, Zurich Arena, Nov.efnber
13; Clinton Achievement Day,
Clinton; High School, November
20; Goderich Area Achievement
' Day, Clinton High Scifool,
November 27; Seaforth
-Achievement Day, Seaforth High
School, December4; Wingham
Achievement Day, Wingham
High School, December 11.;
Gorrie Achievement ',Day,
Howick Central School,
-December 18; Gorrie
Achievement Day, Howick
', itral School, January 8, 1`972
Do plan to attend • the -
afternoon programs • of the
Achievement Days in your'
area", urged Miss Hunt. "Your
presence shows your support for
the young people in your
1.teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon paprika
1 bay leat ,
teaspoon oregano
1 "teaspoon sugar •
Cut ribs in serving -size pieces,
removing excess fat. Brown ribs
in fat about 10 minutes. Remove
from rpan. Saute onion, celery
and carrot until onion is
transparent. Stir in . flour, add
tornatoes:.and, .bring to a boil,
stirring constantly. Add ribs and
remaining ingredients. Cover and
simmer until meat is tender (P,s
to 2 hours). Six servings.
Food outlook
Huron -Perth UCW
hold Tenth Annual rally
The tenth annual rally of the
west Huron region of the_
Huron-Perth Presbyterial U1,-01.
was held at Donnybrook United
Church on Wednesday, October
Theme was "I • am my
brother's keeper" and Mrs. Beth
Alton of Lucknow,the Regional
President presided for this
The - opening worship__ was
condltcted by the Dungannon
U.C.W. Mrs. Hardy of the
Donnybrook U.C.W. brought
greetings and Mrs. Campbell Wey
gave a brief glimpse of the
Literature available for program,
study and ,reading. Goderich'
'North Street U.C.W. conducted
a short bible study.
Mrs. Stewart Miner of Exeter,
Presbyterial President , spoe
' briefly. Mrs. McDonald' in her
report • `urged" members to be
good stewards of time, talents,
and money. This concluded the
, morning session.
The - Donnybrook ladies
served a ' luncheon to all the
ladies present and the afternoon
sessicbegan with a hymn sing
conducted by Mrs. C. •Wittick of
the "-Blyth . U.C.W. with 'Mrs.
Grace Brown a!, the piano. This
Was followed by the roll call of
Pork: Supplies are plentiful
and • some , seasonal price,
weakness may be expected ,in
the immediate future.
Beek': Little change can be
expected in beef prices.
Eggs: Wili be in plentiful
supply at relatively..., low prices.
Poultry Meat: Broiler and
roaster chickens will be in
acl quate supply at firm • prices.
Broiler turkeys will be in.
adequate supply at steady prices.
heavy turkeys, expecially 'toms
(16 lbs. and over) will be in
plentiful supply at relatively low
prices. Ducks will be in plentiful
supply and geese 'in adequate
Kipply, at steady prices.
Apples: . Eastern Canada
supplies will be ample, with
prices slightly lower. Western
Canada supplies will be adequate,,
with prices steady. -
Pears: Supply is adequate to
heavy with prices lightly. lower.
Cranberries: Adequate
supplies and lower prices.
Potaotes: Adequate supplies
and declining prices. -
Onions, Carrots, Cabbage and
Rutabagas: 1'n adequate' supply,
and lower prices.
'The Trinity U.C.W. presented
a skit (Life of a Bale).
The offering was received, and
dedicated by Mrs. Talnlay of the
Nile U.C.W.
• Sugars and- 'starches ` are
classified'as carbohydrates. Both
furnish energy, or fuel for the
body. This energy (fuel) is
needed by the body to carryout
all its activities, such as walking,
running, talking, eating. -
A solo by Mrs. Gordon
Chamney of the Auburn U.C.W.
was enjoyed by all. The
Dungannon U.C.W. invited the
rally' for 1972 and Miss Betty
Facey, 'Deaconess with the
United Church, • showed slides
and spoke on ' "My personal
experiences as a .visitor to
Tiger. Dunlop WI
meet at Twp.: Hall
The 'ladies of Tiger Dunlop
Institute met in the Township
Hall, Wed., Oct. 24, with
President Mrs. Elmer. Hunter
Members were asked for a
donation to the Huronviewcraft.,.
and bake sale, Nov. 10th. Any
wishing. transportation 'should
..contact,, Mrs. -B,. Buchanan,- Mrs..
Elmer Hunter or Mrs..W. Hardy.
It was decided—to present a
gift to„the Queen of the Furrow,
MrsIrma Price of Walton.
The topic was taken by Miss
Beatrice Campbell of Uoderich,
who has returned from a Baptist
Fellowship, tour of the world.
She travelled over 25,000 miles
visiting the Asiatic and
Europeon countries. In Hong
Kong she visited her foster child
who she has supported for years.
She' also attended the World
Church Conference in Tokyo.
Mrs. Moore thanked Miss
Campbell for her informative
talk and interesting slides.
MTh, L' .-rail,tang. arid-IV(rs: R:'
Buchanan gave a report on the
Area ” Convention. The 1972
Convention, is to be . held in.
Mrs. T. Hunter read a
Thanksgiving poem.
The meeting closed with Mrs.
D. Bean, Mrs. J. Terpestra and
Mrs. I). McNeil serving lunch.
The Impressions, a �musi�cal _._behalf of_thea.residiants,
groufrom the Exeter Reform Rev. Youmatoff of Bayfield
Church, supplied the music for a , led a lively. sing -a -long at the
Sunday Evening song service % program and tea. on Wednesday
arranged by the Christianafternoon sponsored , by the
Reform Ch.ureh of Clinton and' ' Kinette b of Clinton.
'led by Dick Rotdrda. Kinettes; = arbara Norman, Mary
The Huronia Male Chorus Helen Clifford,' Carol Bowker,
from the Exeter area along with Pat Mann, Carol Finch, and
chorus director, Mrs. Carffrey, pianist . Crystal , Jewitt were
accompanied by Mrs. Wildfong, responsible for the afternoon's
piano; provided the program for activities and ' assisted the
Family Night. residents to the auditorium. Mrs.
The choYus. of 20 men Jane 'Young expressed the
blended their voices )for a very appreciation of the residents.
enjoyable. hour of music, singing
several , request numbers. Mr.''
Charles Godbolt, a member of
the original Huronia Chorus
thanked those taking 'part. on
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For years, doing the dishes has been one
�crf li-fe-s-necessary evils.
a But now, because of automatic `electric
dishwashers, more and more people are
finding out it's an unnecessary evil.
Consider some of the things an automatic
electric dishwastier can save wives from.
Things like: the dreary routine of washing
and d.r_yin.g _pots and dishes day -after
day; the worry of dishpan he
ands, th
• "y
after-party aftermath; and the hours spent
doing dishes tftat could be 'spent in a
hundred 'happier ways.
Consider this, too, A lot of dirty dishes
come with the joys of Christmas So what
could make a more timely gift than an
automatic electric dishwasher?
See your appliance dealer soon .aboet
the new automatic ,electric dishwashers.
They're not called The Wifesaver.s for
nothing, you knbw.
your hydro
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New Canada Savings Bonds yield
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Each', $100 Bond begins with
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pays $6.75 interest for the'second
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On top of this your' can earn
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Canada Savings Bonds are good
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