HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-04, Page 182B aoritmcn SIGNAL.STAR. THURSDAY, NQVEM.$ER 4, 1971 N.r. the' Distaff Side the season Wt+ . be wary 4 'Tis the season to be wary, • That's right — wary not merry. Christmas just jsn't what it used to be -- yule—Ibis, electric lights on the tree, holly, mistletoe, 'carols, Santa Claus and_. all that sort of seasonal stuff. Joy, innocence, a comfortable meal. Take Christmas tree lights for instance. They're a 1V -No! on all artificial trees. T fire department would' rather yot b d' n't use, them at all. As for the frees, keep them out of the house if possible -- they„s,e,,,;? big enough -hazard outthere.in the woods. • Vie yule Jog used to be so comfy and cheery, but today it only adds to the pollution problem. As for the, unguided mistletoe, it could- . have serious implications for the populatiap explosion. 4. n The flowing bowl is definitely out. If you drink, don't drive. Better stW'hF; 'if you drive — don't drive. That leaves us with the Christmas dinner. Wait! Drop that fork! Don't take a chance. With' all those additives, cyclamates, calories and mercury the good Autumn flowers were , tastefully used to decorate the old Christmas dinner becomes -meet of morn and each lady, received a death. Besides somebody somewhere liar rose corsae. likely got a cranberry boycott on the go. After - the dinner, a short _Well, you wouldn't' be able to wash the, business meeting was held. The dishes because detergent is a dirty word. Scripture was given, by Mr. Helping. �Hanc�s' now 21 years old Mr. and Mfs. J. H. Johnstone welcomed guests as they arrived last 'lyhursdn to celebrate with members of The Helping Hands, their 21st annual dinner. Of course, can always to to church. On secorl,l. thought, better cheek with your psychiatrist. See what he can; do about your guilt complex when you know you're not 8oi ng to be around again until Easter. r1 y,....••n.. •..wq jltn, u 1= Woman to Woman With Shirley J. Keller I.,..had lunch..tke•-other, .d.ay� .,..f..a.._.ga.l...is at.._iorne aLthe time with a friend who was willing tow and -does her own cooking and discuss the Consumers' baking, It costs money to work Association pf Canada with me. away from 'home because of the That person '(not a Goderich additional convenience foods resident) felt that a Goderich one purchases, and a woman has branch of the CAC would not be to decide for , herself whether as' helpful as a Huron County working ais really economical for. branch. • her or not. "I' thunk we really need a This, of course,. is just one consumers' association here,” aspect of shopping but it does said my friend, point up that KNOWING the "Why'?" 'I asked, hoping to reason for prices is 'a great help ,get another opinion,about the in UNDEI3.STANDING about matter. - the cost of living and shopping • "People are spending a lot of in general. money in .Huron, County," * * * • answered my friend. "If This b u s i n e s s, o f • everyone knew exactly,, what -understanding things of interest they were buying and how much to all consumers is, worth the - 'it• was really worth we would effort. . - certainly be,better off." This week aeras in contact It . was .a tremendously with a woman who. had interesting theory. If all purchased some gingerale for -her shoppers 'were really aware of children while they were ill. their consuming rights - if they When she opened one bottle and really had a working knowledge poured th.e. first• glassful of of the best products for the least gingerale, she discovered a small amot rt c riney - surely it fly floating in t.he. glass. Upon would help everyone, the investigating -the remains in the consumers as well as the bottle, she discovered several merchants. more flies. dead and floating ,in Let's take the weekly grocery the contents of the bottle. shopping for instance. I knoyv of The gingerale had , been very few women who don't, bottled by what. is considered to complain bitterly about the ever be a most reputable firm. So the increasing price of foods on the lady telephoned the company market today and yet I and after a few "days, a really -wonder about .that. Are representative of that company • we always comparing the prices presented himself at her door. 'of staple .foods or are we usually He ex,plais ed' to„ her the extreme comparing the price -. of -care which is taken fn washing ',coriven1ence o - -e.r less and sterilizing bottles before the convenience.• gingerale is poured into them You -know what, I mean. The but I'm afraid his explanation price of a plain whole chicken is didn't cut much ice with my ...not too hard to take. But the. informant. She is of •the abiding ., -cost is' more if you buy chicken it tpression that the cleansing plus one of those tasty coatings methods- of this particular to bake it in. The price is still company '' are not at all more if you buy chicken. ready satisfactory. What should she barbecued or ready cut into do? " serving pieces, maybe even all I suppose the first thing to do drumsticks if your family is fond would be to write to the Food of that part of the chicken. Now and Drug • Directorate witli add the cost of pre-cooking offices ,in -Toronto. After all, chicken and buying it if it has that's what Miss Stephain'e been already, seasoned and fried, Blackstone advised ' us to do just ready•to heat and eat. That's when such' things occur. Her still more money. department will ..then put a more ' We are paying for careful 'watch on the 'company convenience sand we shouldri't involved, especially if there are forget it. That convenience similar complaints ,from other comes in all kinds of ways - people about that 'particular puddings which are ready-made firrn: ' and in tins ready for serving; Secondly, one should get in salad 'dressings ready prepared touch with the CAC and smoothly creamy; prepared whoa That's one reason we cereals, macaroni and cheese need an --Association in G erioh ready to beat and eat; vegetables - or in Huron County _. so that cleaned and trimmed ; there -will be people who are ready-made salads; margarine in willing to accept telephone calfs serving dishes; and the list is from people with such endless. complaints to make. ' Next time you go food - * * * shopping, look into your basket I'm not all ''that informed and ask yourself a few about the CAC. I plan to questions:What is in this basket become informed though, and today that I wouldn't have been I'm interested that all of you able tg buy five years'agTo? What should join me in this search for is in this basket that is ready knowledge about things of prepared for me and that my interest to consumers. mother would' ' have made The first step is to become a herself? What is in this basket, member of CAC. You can do which isn't •'really "`halthy for that by sending four dollar"`to me? How much of what is in this ,'the Consumers' Association of basket isn't really a food at all? Canada, 1001a Gloucester St., Then mentally eliminate all Ottawa. You will then be put on those things in your shopping the CAC mailing list and will basket which you have receive a.. subscription to- the discovered from the above .`!Canadian Consumer" which • question:nitire. • Mentally comes out six times annually. substitute the staples ydu would Next, you should put your need to make the same amount name on our list at the Signal '}'of food. Now calculate- your Star office, You can do that by- ' food bill. Is there a difference? simply"' telephoning The office Is it really that much higher now and giving your name, address" than It wed to be/ and telephone number to the' tin a. working wortian and I girls at the front desk. `I will know that food bills ea'ti be cut keep that list on file until such a During the year, three missionary gifts were sent overseas. One cash donation was rade to the Lions Club for crippled children, ' two cash dpnatlons to Mrs. Carroll, 244 visitations, and- 7.26 deeds of kindness were reported. . After the gathering partook of a dainty 'lunch, Mrs. Carroll was presented' with . the annual donation td'assist in her work.. Johnstone.- Mrs:- -(4r-St-tykes --read - -Mention-should-6r ' made of a— speCial $5 donation by a kind and interested donor, making two of these -donations through the year. Candles on the cake were blown out 'by Mrs: Stokes, while all sang "Happy Birthday." Mrs. Baechler closed in prayer, The hostess p rase.nted bouquets -•of chrysanthemums -76' the ladies before they ,departed for home. �...,� "Just for•To-c iy." Mrs. E* BatNhler gave the report of the previous meeting, and after the daily ,reading and thought for the dy by Mrs. Johnstone, the singing of their motto, .:"Others" and their theme song, "The Love Of God," brought this portion of the meeting to a close. ' ,'ai•�_a> ..laugh; two readings were read by. Mrs.' H. F. Carroll - The Great Equalizer and The Old Iron Pump. • After contests were played, Mr. Johnstone came first, .Mrs. Johnstone second, Mrs. E. Baechler third. Then the gtrests were invited to join in to see who could win Jphnsto.ne,'s, prize; and the winner was Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Stokes receiving the consolation. time as there ,is sufficient -- interest interest to make a mo4e toward"" organization or until someone else takes the initiative ' to do so. This is Thursday, October 28 and at the present mothent"I'ffi planning to ;attend a meeting at • Kingsbridge on Monday, evening to hear Mrs. H. R. Fisher, Ontario Presidentpf the CAC, speak. You will know whether or not I've , fitted. the meeting into my schedule when you look* for an article, in this, week's Q. paper about the meeting. * * * Speaking,, of- consumers and soda, pop, I wonder how many housewives in Goderich and area lave noticed that the new .40 -dunce bottle of Coca-Cola will not stand upright in most refrigerators. ' I must admit that when.' first discovered that fact, I was totally frustrated. Who etTer heard of such a thing as a pop bottle which wouldn't stand ftp . anywhere in my frig? I ende' up laying- the 'bottle on its side until it . was chilled and actually it worked quite well And it didn't in any way detract from the extra -specially nice taste. of Coke. It is still a great refresher' rio matter what! * * You. can tell it is getting nearer to Christmas by' the nprimber" of teas and bake sales and bazaars.which are'scheduled. Once. again this week, I've discovered the need for a clearing ' calendar as once suggested by Reeve Paul Carroll fpr this community. To be perfectly frank, ' though the Signal -Star staff had tried for a while to think of a simple way 'to accomplish this task rwithout toomuchwork for the girls in the front office, we've just not been able to think of a way. And I must admit that the idea was' abandoned rather reluctantly after a while, We believe that our Bulletin Board . oh the entertainment pages of . this newspaper has proved to be a big help to groups planning • 'events but unfortunately, it is not the complete ._:answer to ' our problem. You see, many, many of these• events are planned a month or more in advance of the date and since n the advertisements donot appear until much closer, to the event, it is often too late to be of help. .• There are women who telephone me from time to time concerning the dates which may or may not,be open but alas, I'm not always much help either because my calendar is not much more up=to-date than yours. * * * / I've had a problem to deal - with this week. It involves a readerwho is obviously distresseda because the names and pictures' of all the local Grade' 13 graduates were not published' in this newspaper -as has- been. the custom in years past. I know what this lady is talking about. When I went to high school, it was a big day to get the hometown paper, and read all the names and all the marks of all the Grade 13, people. It was always published separately because the G acle..�l,:3 examinations were taken later and marked well after school had ended. ' In recent years, though, it has becomt increasingly difficult to .. jease turn Ito' Page 413 • • LjJE'n a e/Gu1 /ile4ei E'6im94e til, eJ'Il eee#;t!/lld .Let us assist you with your flans for that all important wedding day. a. COME IN AND SEE OUR (COMPLETE SELECTION OF • iNVITAT,ION • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACC'ESSORiES Your choice of various paper slocAs, type sryIes a r4.31,;,er.._ ....-. — w ask for .. . I' *' �/ s, 'mAN,ITIOW Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with ,complete confidence as to gvality 4and cor.cectness.aala.form 0.,.. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDiNG NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES ' 524-8331 obericti 4 ..1 1p'iy- '. _4 • r - , SIGNAL -STAR "'West Street St FROM OUR DOUBLE EFFORT DURING DOLLAR DAYS • • • • LIBBY S BEANS HAPPY VALE PEAS WHOLE POTATOE$ Kidney 144,1 -oz tins Standard Quality 14-ir-ox tins Prince Edward 19-fl•ox tins KERNEL. CORN' J-4[313 ywVh IS2t a. fill !Ica; dt CoRN CREAM STYLE HaP" ANN PAGE BEANS YOUR CHOICE Vale., Standard Quality ,Choice Quality, 'Freren or Wax, 14 -fl -oz tins MIX or MATCH ! Pure 48-fl•ox tins Apple Juice Ann Page With Tomato Sauce 02841, x tins Beans Pantry Shelf, 'Choice Ann Page iTet`gip A&P 4841 -oz tins Fancy Quality Tuna Fish Flakes FOR $11 Quality, UnPitted tins Meat Spread Tomato Juke Pride of the Sea, Light 61/2 -oz tins .00 BARGAIN PRICED! PLAIN or SALTED — SAVE 26c McCORMICK'S CRACKERS • $ 00 3for limitwhite swan towels Ar 0 iks. ii E. B. Eddy, Plain or Printed WHITE SWAN (Assorted Colours) Paper TOWELS Fresh Baked Goods Jane Parker, Sliced, Made with Pure Vegetable Shortening Our ."Premium Quality" 24 -ox Loaf Buy 4 — Save 20c SANDWICH BREAD or Sliced Raisin.Bread .16 -oz loaf (Save 32c PKGS OF 2 ROLLS A&P BRAND APPLESAUCE CANADA FANCY 19 -FL -OZ TINS ft 0 0 J for 41 OAVES $1 00 JANE PARKER (BUY 3 — SAVE 174 Golden Loaf Cake 319.2E-aiA.00 JANE PARKER (BUY 4 — SAVE 24c) Dinner Rolls 4 pkgs 01121.00 • • PORK COIN QUARTUS CUT'INTO lb usi FLORIDA, PINK OR WHITE, SEEDLESS Grapefruit SIZE 48 9 TO 11 CHOPS IN A PKG. NO CENTRE SyCES REMOVED ORK-. LOIN ROASTS PORTION "TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 to 31/2 -LB CUT :SHOULDER- OR—BUTT— Pork Chops lb 5 8c Pork Ililtit IRoast Ib 5 8c, --SUPER-RIGHT OUA ITV, FROZEN, PORK SIDE , Spare .Ribs - lb 66c SUPER -RIGHT SUALITY1 FROZEN , Pot* Hotiks 416.i$1.00 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED SUPER -RIGHT: BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon 1-16 vac pkg 59e SWEET PICKLED, CliYOVACp HALVES .Cottage Rolls . 16.66c MAPLE LEAF BRAND • Cooked Harri P g 5 7c 11.11..1.11111111110 • • • • • • • •