HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-04, Page 12QU 1 UCI-I SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBFR 4 19'U r Bridge 'SCOFeS ULLETIN BOARD 'ANNUAL Christmas Fai'r,'• §aturday, NtAember 27th, '2:00 , knitting, country kitchen, nearly new . used. books. St. Peter's Parish Hall, sponsored -by.-CWL. • IT'So COMING! UCW ,Victoria Street United Church welcome you to their November Fair and Bake Sale, Wednesday, 44,45 • RESERVE December Ilth for Kinette Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale at McGee's Showroom, :37 lia,milton Street, ,TURKEY SUPPER - At Victoria Street United Church, Wednesday, NOvember 10th, 1971, 6:30 p.m. Adults $2.00, 43,44x CAN-ADIAN Bible Society Banctliet at Victoria Street Uniteq Church, 6 p.m., from England. 7 44 eit:01)o nor -Clinic, Wednesdayt- :November 17th, Goderich Collegiate Gymnasium, WOMEN OF KNOX Fowl Supper in Kno,x Church Auditr'iurn, Wednesday, $2.00, c.hildren under twelve SNOWFLAKE Bazaar, on Thursday, December 9th, 1:30 Room, t,he Legion, sponsored by Curtain . Up! for the signal -Star's DANCE to the music of Don and the Westernairevat Saltford Valley Hall on Saturday, - November 6th. 1114ancing from 10:00 till 1.00. Lunch Provided. AdmiSsion restricted to 15 years and over. Adrnission $8.00 per BUS to Royar Winter Fair, Monday, Nove,mber 15th Contact John Williams it 524:77,94 for reservations. -- 44 ST. GEORGE'S 'ACW presents "An Evening of Song" with Marjorie Hays Dunlop, A.R.C.T. and Paul Baker, F.R.C.O., 1971. Adults $1,50, students 75c. Tickets can be obtained from ACW members or office of There were six .tables in play at the Goderich Duplicitte Bridge Club on Tuesday, October 26. Winners and their scores were' as follows; Mrs. B. Erskine and Wm. Cochrane, 67; Mrs, A. Galbraith and A. J. Weerasooriya, 60; Mrs. J. Cook and Mrs. J. Chisholm, -591T; ICI s. D" D. -Worthy-Tufa Mrs. R. L. McDonald, 5$' E TERTAINME NT GUIDE 0.: Support: Your A id 14 14 41:40, PROMOTE YOUR EVENTS THROUGH THE ENTERTAINMENT PAGES. GET RESULTS - HE SUREST WAY NAlcEs Salvation Army; Goderich. - Round and Abobt VVith Wiartha B I NG 0 EVery Saturday Night LEGION .HALL immommulons ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT soirm Weli,.. after - my. wonderful right --,- ha, ha! I have alwaYs may nave it marked now - but vacation - I need a good rest 7 enjoyed travelling -' even just here is a reminder December 1 *shows how .good the. 'vacation' back and forth on our country • at 8, p,m.:, our' talented and roads__has :always given •-me.,, lovely Marjorie Hays Dunlop, ‘, One thing I brought hothe was something to think about. _Only with . that fill4 Organist_ Paul '-'7"titifiiirtiTfeteititriqtailfeifedfitfreitatiltPRWiltiiiiii:"081ft-ifthWelis.'- ii- i'." waiting -for our plane trip home. easily, in our own countrythan I concert at ,St. George's Parish ', London, ' that day, .., was can in.S..pain. Hall. Mis will be of music we alr furious. Guess it didn't want Us love and enjoy and -these , nice My Son will probably blow a to leave or it juSt Wanted to give people know how to pur-it fuse on this, as .I gave him a us a taste of .how miserable it across. . rough time in his little section of 4 the country: "Just don't crciss Another item -7 December 9 checking and, hearin.g..„0,f, .many any bridges, ' 'Mother" Was hi.s. - the ladies of the Legion fellow .. traveliers' since .arriving warning every day: It to6k-me Auxiliary plan their "Snowflake' home, they, too, --were ALL Araons and demons and witches and hin0s, musical, thinos. turned out! "'contact T,he Zenith Hearing Ajd RHARMACY 524-7241, 14 ne 'Square. FREE TESTING. NO DANCE WEDNESDAY MORNINGTON DRIVE' KINCARDINE _ PAVILION Goderich • Harbouraires will sing The 18 member., Harnur • Aires; male chorus from Goderich will be on the road this George Buchanan. At 11;00 a.m. the group is "'scheduled to sing at a Royal Canadian Legion Service being held at the Wesley - Wills United Church in Clinton. Later the same day the.y w,W,„ sing 'at the Stratfoid Ontario' Stceet Baptist Church in an 'evening service beginning 4,,t, 7: 0 0 • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 '.Dungannon Agricultural Hall Lunch Will Be Served stricken with -real bad colds - so quite a lot of travelling - and a Bazaar7,71This will be a timely . I was not the only one to 1. map before I realized he was on . : special gifts as they have invited tired and run down or run o an "island". So I did turn back ' , . ' So it brings I -he -back trying to -at the briOgerSitttbis; too,-w-as— pretend I'm feeling fine, but I'm ° enjoyable and you meet the Those special gifts for TITO "hard a very, poor liar. I have been very nicest people that w'gry, and afso to buy for" people will be-ticiere h`appy knowing now, that go see -lots of the country.. So, I get for you, as will be the goodies / many enjoyed travelling along by. on the bake ,tables; Plan on it with.me and sharing my views of . I want tC; give you a date or and enjoy yourself. these overseas countries. two -for your calendar „__,-:.,.„you ... . , .,.i Martha. trip, but I felt I should brush ''; Figure Skating , CIA I could have written about the . • lightly on the subject for fear • . you were 'bored with my,tales of . . . will enterlOarade float I know,, seeing -the great _ . . , great many of you are just trying Club held its' monthly meeting skaters going from this club. to get up„.enough nerve to go' to Novernber•1 at Mrs. W. Craven's, Ellen. - Jeffrey, publicity see these places for yourgelves. 1., president. , ' chairman, has arranged for:a' film am glad that I filially made it - It was decided that the club of ,, the 1971 Canadian and now. I'm r ring to go to see . JWould enter a float again this _Championships to be.shown at year in the Santa Claus Parade 8t. Mary's School November 8 at other parts of t e World. I'm so thrill d to See how th'e world has shrunIcen - that IS A record, player will be A Silver Coljection will be taken. , bought for the club's tiSe. Social It was decided to sell pencils the word, because not too many years ago six hours -to- England.' Convener, Mrs. Marj Kotyk, has ,' to help the Western Ontario/ was unthought of and hopping, ,,had surge -i y . and is a p-atient-in Bursary Fund. back and forth -by -plane to see Victoria Hospital,' London. -She —Mrs. Roddy-, menthership - - has always made the soup and -°11airman; reported that the ':' ,, coffee for the skaters every group have 9vs 20,0 skaters ' But you see this and interesting life: I just hope I The meeting was very proud collvener, reported on a carnival . can convince;You that "it's later tO . learn that • Inter -Club' _meeting •held , in ,„_.° Goderich than you' think" - and you Competitions are to. be held -in October 21., with all clubs in the should make that trip• you've Goderich on MarCli 5, 1972, Maitland GrOup well been segretly_areatning about. with the 16 clubs in the groups represented,* and that everyone - No, Ilm not working Tor any taking part. .` ., . was enthused. Carnival dates, are travel bureau - and serves them , A Coaches' Clinic Will be held set for February 4 and 5. _ aXach,,,ctub will make costumes r and the Goderich club will make all costumes for the' 'Senior It was, agreed that ehe club's , room at. the arena woUld get a , ' fres-h-coat of paint, in the near "TAKE WI-kGS DT0_,THE SUN" WITH HOWARD AITKEN TO THE CANARY ISLANDS Howard Aitlan. Ytiur Tour Leader $5230° d:ONLY DEPARTURE FtB. 3 — RETURN FEB. 17 kERE'S WHAT IS INCLUDED.:_ *Tteturn Jet Flight from Toronto to Las Palmas *, Accommodations with private bathlarl3-nig4344--,4-, * 39 Meal's including continental breakfast, lunch and dinner daily * Welcome Cocktail Party *-All return aipport-transfers- includin7The handling .and tipping for one piece of baggage per person ; * All Rotel service charge's, local taxeseand gratuities • '''''' ' '''''' * Services of Tour Leader plus resident " Sunflight The PIZZA PATIO 524-7711 .:DINING--ekN-D DANCING EVERY'FRIDAY AND SATUR‘DAY NIGHT FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE NEW JESTERS * 01 representative ,'*-Sunflight overnight bag • Clip the coupon and ask for more information: To: J. Howard Aitken, c/o Clinton News -Record, Clinton; Ont. Yes Howard I am interested in going with -your. group to the Ca,nary Islands. Send me more inforrnatibn. Name Address Telephone jusipmelmempii maim .J 50 WEST STREET, G00E14'161-I (Nea:r The -Laundromat) Pi CHANNEL MAST Color Crossfire Antenna Winier can send chills thrbugli your celor TV reception, what with wind /and ice wearing and tearing the antenna! ,/ ' Well , the new Color Crossfiite fro Channel Master stancl and deliver exceptionally firle color and -15lack andwhitereadption on all channels, through . the stormiest periods. No mattpr where you live, or what charmers you watch., ' N.ow how's that for a foul weather friend 'indeed! mriarimommommin Your authorized 'CHAPPARAL Dealer, • offers complete service and repairs to all mg& s (specializing -in fibre and paint work). HULLY GULLY has in, stock a complete line of re -conditioned Machines with custom and speed 11,ULLY GULLY • SNOW, SPOkT DANCE at AUDITOR ICiM Billy Graham says: -For Pete's Sake! sOoke to me more . . . it had a greater *song impact upon me than any, other film that,. I have ever seen. It stirs the emotions and you will laugh and you may weeri. ',"Many profound 'questions about the human condition are going unansWered, particularly among young people., 1 urge you to bring everyone you know to see For Pete's Sakel and discover realistic, down-to-earth anSwertt The Color Crossfire AntenQa. TV SERVICE Mary St., Goderich 524-9089 CHISHOLM TV 311 Mary St., Gode.rich 524-9576 HARDWARE WEDNESDAY, NOVBER 10 MUSIC BY , T111 . R.R. 1, Varna WHISKEY HOWL, -262,6326 t ,.dtilly will". With Student —44b Card. , CASUAL TWO MG NIGHTS - NOVEMBER 1546 -.8:00 ppm, • CLINTON, ONTARIO -- TICKETS: $1.00 Advance — 51.25 At Door Advance Tickets may be oibtained at: MARICET, BAYFIELD; 0# BY PHONING 482-9260 or 482-9192. BLYT 523-92 HUTCH WON 308 Huron Goderich 524-7831 MAX'S TV 5 Oak St:, Grand Bend • • ISIGE „O SALE Tr, SG08ideSr'rcRh VICE 92 South St.