HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-11-04, Page 7or A • ti4• 1 41+6. . r: A a 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS 19. LOST AND FOUND,' TO WHOM 'I • _ y loaned my I N, THE ESTATE ' OF autobiography a cou,ple of CLARA MASKELL, LATE OF' months ago. Please return soon" THE TOWN OF•GOD.ERICH,�IN' lo Mrs.' Agnes. Foster, RR 3, THE: "COUNTY OF HURON, Goderich, Ont. - 44' WIDOW. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full partico lal•• .of their claims to the undersignedon or_ before the 15th day of November, ,1171, after which 'late uthe assets will be distributed', DONNELLY &' MURPHY, ' 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 43,44,45 FOUND -- Steel tired wagon. Phone 529.7203 after 6 p.m. nc 20. MISCELLANEOUS E, CARDS OF THANKS" BOGIE: I wish to 'express my' -sincere thanks and a,,ppreciatipn to relatives, ` \neighbors and friends for ''the lovely,'card.s, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London; also to Rev. Rayrnont, Dr. Sales, nurses and staff on third floor. - Robert Bogie. - 44x RUDDOCK: I wish to --thank "'relatives, friends and' neighbors Wedo all types for cards and visits while 1 w,as'in ' of hospital: - Mrs. Bertha JEWELLERY REPAIR Ruddock. - 44x ' * Ring Sizing - r 4 * Claw Retippin'g Mc!ASTOKER.: I wish to express * Wateli Repair my thanks to all who sent me * Acutron Repair ' cards;' gifts, flowers and looked ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. •', after John so. my parents could ALL persons' having claims visit me while I was in St. against the_ Esta cd..-.-L.li.'tan.,...Seatosath-•a-rr•!-•Wca+k'efiton.••-.._...J•ooe•pla•'s V-Hasp+b; lrs DOUGHERTY, Retired Farmer, 12tfn Special thanks to Patsy Shore. - late of the Town of Goderich, in imeeemaireeens Wendy McAstoker. - 44x the County of. Huron, who died on or about thes'26th day of October, 1970, are required to file the same with full particulars. with the undersigned by the, 27th day of Nove•rnber, 1971, as after th it date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED. at. Goderich, Ontario., this 213th day of October, 1971. • PREST and EGENER, Barristers, eta., R3 Montreal•Street, GODERIGH,,, Ontario.. Solicitors for the Estate. 44,45,46 21. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RETIRING u _ FROM - BUSINESS 'How would you like to own your own business? Here's everytHing you need to start your o'Wq general store. If you want to be. your own boss - • apply to :Box 17„ Signal -Star; Auburn B\ MRS. WES. BRADNOCK Mark 60 years Y.10#ii/0r11ll�. X101111 fir P, 57 • �M�i•wowrtiemAnim! ..,•;w...m..ln.ewwral1Yyn!inw��M/w ir4!MM!rl., MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM STRAUGHAN ..... SC:(�.T�T,;.✓'1 wish to express han have Straughan and .. Mrs. William piano solos of old favorite songs. sincere thanks to friends, raw han were honored last Mr. and Mrs'. Staw relatives and neighbors for gifts, �. g g cards and visits while a patient in week by a family dinner on the nine grandchildren (five' were Alexandra Marine and General occasion of their 60th wedding present) 'a n d four Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. anniversary in the Auburn great-grandchildren, (two were N. C. Jackson, nurses and staff CQmniunity Memorial hall. present). Mr. Straughan's only - • - '' Over 50 relatives sat down to ----living sist-er,'Mrs..Mabel,Will-i:ams .can ,first 'floes,Robert �Ic:ott 44x a delicious dinner served by Unit of Clinton was unable to be rrAMAN: I wish to thank the Three of the U.C.W. of Knox present due to ill health. United Church. A three-storey many friends, neighbors and r, and Mrs. Straughan were • wedding cake, decorated with . relatives for remembering mei married at the Auburn while 1 was a patient in silver 60's centred ""t -he, head Presbyterian Chtreh manse by Methodist . Hospital ''(Mayo table. Mr. Donald Jardin of, the late Rev, r 1;. "Mann. Clinic), Rochester, Minn., and Kitchener, their eldest grandson Victoria Hospital, .London, with was master of_ceremonies. Pastor Following their marriage they ALL ersons .havatng claims g' , cards and letters.. ' Alfred F Qr000twce he_ f �r y; �, �stce$ visits, t f us t left °on the 'P 3i 'trin 'Y g n C.b 7I'.`''�r1"�'"'r �;ou 'with 41i(Nzhitt *f� �^ do «('OC� fii`ft �"�T4ia° �t t with ll the1Vlariy thanks to •the ` Grace contact ROBERT LOWERY, you wt • a former Elva .Slim Stoneham, particulars. Homemakers Club, Mrs, Jewell, Mr Douglas 1 Robertson, f 4 Gentleman, late of the Town of oug as. o daughter Brenda GI f helping g ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Goderich, in 'the County of;•. , much at home. Special tansto toneham ,of Clinton. Mr. thanked the ladies for the Huron, who died on or about those who made it all possible - Straughan is' the son of the late„ • A. BIRTHS Dr, Cauchi' Tim Elliot,' Mr. delicious dinner. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Straughan. the pith day of October, .197.1, , ire required to file 'the same Walls, Mr. Dave Gower, Mr. Ed were brought from relatives by Following their wedding trip with, full pti1ticulars with ,•th9 DIRKSEN: Mr: and Mrs. Pacll H. Stiles, The Lions Club, Mr, their eldest nephew present, Mr. they ,took up residence on the undersigned by the 27th day, of Dirksen (.nee Sandra McLean) Markson,, the Rotary�C�1ub, etc. Harry, Williams of Holmesvi.11e. family homestead ori the second November, 1971, as after that announce the birth 'of, .a - for their assistance and Mr..Oliver Anderson presented line of East Wawanosh Township date the assets of the estate will daughter Iieidi on October 19, reassurance. Thank you again. - Mr, and Mrs; Straughan with a They where moved residedto Goderich '38- ears. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, YTaman. 44yy be distribtatcd.� purse of money from the erich where ctober, 1971, Winnt e General Hos ital. FESTER. Ay ' • 1971 at Women's- Pavilion, Elinore Winnipeg p sincere 'thank u community..Mr. _Donald' Jardin Mr. Straughanwas employed at this 29th day of OyGi._ Al.St. Josephs .Hospital, .g read . an interesting pgaper Flour . Mill. PREST and EGENER„.• LOW: to neighbors and friends' for the Western . ' flowers treats and visits while I composed byMr, Straughan- Barrister5, etc., London -On October 25, .1971, � � Twenty-three:.'- .years -ago � � 'ago they.._. .• to Mr. Mrs. George Low;' was a patient 'in Al.exandr -reminiscing past events during. • bought the Lutheran Church in 33 Montrc.al'Street a p p hank you to his lifetime. Goderich, Ontario: , Hos tial. S c�c�aL44iElulrurn�which they remodelled Goderich; �► daughter, Katherine r Solicitors for the Estate. .- D►• Lambert,' Dr. Watts and 'Dr. During.•the evening over 158--" s Anne. intol ' --ry d home • 44,15,46 . • ri ren a atter or . so Hamilton another grandson t' •i 1 h k. John S Leitch and staff of second floor friends and neighbours called to DENOMME: At Alexandra --- IN THE ESTATE OF '..1-fospital; . Goderich, on ROBERT BRUCE LAMB. November 2, 1971, to Mr. and All persons having claims 'Mrs, Gerard Denomme, against the "estate of ROBERT Goderich, a son,.. Jeremy John. • BRUCE LAMB, late of RR 4, • • - 'at Goderich Ont., deceased :.who `'McKENZIE:' At Alexandra died on or about the 25th day of Hospital, Goderich, on October 'June, 1971, are hereby notified 26, 1971, .to Mr. and Mrs. to 'send in to. the undersigned Murray McKenzie, Goderich, a Personal, Representative of the daughter, Laura Anne,, said deceased on or before 'thea 13th day of November,. 1971, Y Cj U N G : At , Alexandra . :full , particulars of'their claims. Hospital, Goderich, on * Immediately after the' said .date November 2, 1971, .t -o Mr." and the said Personal'Representative -Mrs: Ronald Young, Goderich, a will distribute the assets of she.,. -"daughter, Anita Christine, said deceased having regard only to claims of which it -shall then C. BREEFS, r„~~ ~ • have notice.. • Dated at Goderich, Ont;, this 14th day of October, '1971. WHEELCHAIRS - WALKERS VICTORIA AND GREY . The Humanitarian. C.P. & . T. TRUST COMPANY, Committee of the Goderich ' 1 Ontario Street, Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges Stratford. have ,-„,,elluipmen,t for loan. Executor. Contact ' Amos Osbaldeston, By PR• EST and EGENER; 52'4-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 33 Montreal Street, 524-7217. cow Goderich, Ontario. 'D. IN MEMORIAM - w Their Solicitors herein, , 4,2,4'3,44 vbasis 16. PUBLIC' NOTICE TREASURER'S SALE OF 'LANDS IN ARR"ES OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the ♦ Court House, . Goderich, on Tuesday, December 7, 1971, at 2:00 P.M., re any unpaid axes still outstanding at ,that date as Andsecret tears still flow shown on the list published in Wha'it meant to lose you No one will ever, know. WILSON: Inlaying memory of a 'dear""" husband, . father and [pampa, who passed away , November 7, 1969.. We knew, not as we woke that morn, .„, The sorrow the day would bring; The 'call was sudden, the shock severe; To part with one we loved so dear. But God gave us ci urage, To bear the blow; But what, it meant to lose him, No one will ever know. - Ever remembered by his wife Emma, his• children Vera and s,.,„L{.e.it1a, Wm. and Marlyn, Andgrandchildren. -- 44x CONNELLY: In loving memory "of my • husband John, who passed away two years ago, November 5, 1969: My heart still aches withsadness the Ontario Gazette on September 4th. - NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if ahy * of the said lands...re.main unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 14, 1971, at 'the same hour and--pl•aee•:----•- Lists of the properties involved - , may be .secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario. • August 20,971 ° JOHN 0, BERRY, TREASURER COUNTY OF,I}URON. heart, , x 7 You slipped away without n” goodbye, t 1,7. BUSINESS NOTICE But the memories of you will never die. When I am sad and lonely And everything'goes wrong, I seem to hear ,you -whisper. Cheer up; and carry, ori. - ' Lovingly remembered and sadly, missed by wife Jo. -s 44x . .f 1* CONNELLY In loving. memory of dear" father, Joh Joseph Connelly, 'who passed away two'„ years ago, November 5, 190. Two years ago we had to part With a dad we loved with all our We mass you Dad, and always. MEDICAL , Massage; will Thermo -Therapy a n d You left a ' place no one could Ultra-Viole't, 118 Anglesea fill, • Street, phones, house 524-7617; There are other dads in the office, 524-6281; W. C. ' world Are know, Br2eckow, Reg, M.. But you were. ours and we loved you so, As- long as we live, we will always be glad That out of this world you were our dad. - Allways remembered by - Dennis, Stanley, Colleen, Marlene and families. - 44 • COOK =- Not responsible formy wife's debts after September 1,•• • 1971. -- • Leonard Cook. 43,44,46x . Al a ove m -d ern where they still reside\ east,.., „ , Margaret Fester. 44• congratulate the bride and - ----' groom of 60 years, In charge of They are botl members of PETRIE:a I would like to take the register .were ay- sons-in-law, wo Knox United- Church Where' Mr. this opportunity to thank the Straughan is an honoraryelder, Goderich Industrial League 'for sons in lily, Mr. Clayton g Voting, me .rookie of the year. 1t Robertson of Copper Cliff and He was church treasurer for over is an honor to receive the Danny ' Mr. Thomas Jardin of Wingham. 30 years and a member of the Baker Memorial trophy. - Philip The guests were welcomed by Board of Stewards. He also was Petrie. - 44 their family• - Mrs. 'Clayton , Sunday School` superintendant ,Robertson, Mrs. Thomas Jardin and a teacher fo.r,'many years. and ah nephew Mr. Jack Bennett Mrs. Straughan is a life member that* COWAN;- I would• like to tha.,of Amherstburg who. had made of 'the United Church Women all my friends neighbors and relatives for their visits card, his home with the Straughan's' and, . belongs to the Auburn Mr. rand Mrs'. Herb "Arnett of flowers and treats while I was in for many. :.ears. , . Women -s Institute and they both. London spent the weekend with Alexandra Hospital. Special ,Ser=ving teato the guests were are members' of the., .Auburn�.Mrs: Sidney'Lansing. thanks to Dr. J. M. Watts, Dr. J. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs. Horticultural Society. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hembly of W. Wallace, Dr. J. R. Leitch, QR.Beth Lansing, Mrs. Earl Allison, Mr, and Mrs. Straughan enjoy Atwood visited on Sunday with staff, nurses and girls in green on Goderich, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, good health and take a-••--kee'n Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips.. second east.. for all their Mrs. Jack Bennett, Amherstburg; interest in community and ' wonderful care while .I was' a Mr r. Richard Brooks is a pati fries MILKSHAKES 5 The seventh ' meeting of the Auburn Milkshakes was held at the home of Mrs. ,William Empey. Everyo-rre' was present and- Dairy - land was- discussed, Butter, Cream Sweet and Sour Cheese and Menus. Mrs. Empey demonstrated how to matte cream puffs and everyone tasted them when cooked and all agreed they were delicious.' NEW RESIDENT We welcome Mr. Bill 'EI'rommer, Class A rnechanic to �.-•-Bi-H••- operate in the E 0 A. Trornmer Garage and we wish him success in -our village,' Bill has been at Hespeler. , Auburn Socials Miss$ Carol Rueger, RR 2, Clinton spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Donald Cartwright'? Mr- Cartwright, David, Derrick,, and Lorie. Mr:. and Mrs. Clayton '.Robertson- "of-.' Copper. Cliff parents Mrs. William Straughan., Mr-. Wilfred Sanderson is a patient in Victoria hospital'. We wish him a speedy re:overy':' Mrs. Sanderson .spent ,the weekend with her daughters, Mrs. George Robb and Mr. Robb and Mrs. Paul••Johnston and Mr. Johnston and visited her husband daily. Mr. ' and Mrs. • Donald Cartwright and family visited on Sunday with her - father, Mr. William Rueger at•RR 2 Clinton and Miss Carol returned home with them.. • Mrs. Ethel Farrow of Mitchell visited one day last week with her brother' Mr. Thomas Johnston, Mrs. Jphnston and Laura Phillips. Sympathy of this community is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Helen Hemberger"of Seaforth ansl also to her aunt, -Mrs: • Edgar Lawson and cousin Mrs. Oliver Anderson. Mrs. Hemberger was' known by several'in this community. patient, -. ViCowan. - 44k Mrs. Harold Jardin, London and' . c h u r c h d o i n g s, • T he Mrs. Ronald Pentland of North' ..congratulations .and best wishes COOK: I wish to express my "Bay. "-,• .___._,_.. ,,._...__.-..... f:rom4-atheir-"nab friends in this During • the evening Mr.: community • through local Clayton Robertson led in a ' Members of •Parliament, many • sing -song accompanied .by Mrs: ' cards and gifts makes this a veiy Mary Orr of Coppe Cliff, Mrs. happy occasion far this bride Robert J. Phillips played several and groom of 60 years. sincere thanks to all my friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely gift's, flowers• and cards sent to me', while a• patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special 'thanks to Rev, Nicolls, Dr. 'Leitch, Dr,' Flowers and all the nurses and girl's in green who waited on me. - Mrs. Joseph Cook. 44x MA11'1ES: "I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks to all staff members of the Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. for the. lovely gifts given to mer,',. on my departure from the Company as office manager. ,Special thanks to the girls•of the Goderich front office, for the surprise 'dinner given to me at the Bedford Hotel, - Ron Maines. - 44 F. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs, Donald Bissett, Clinton, is happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Patricia - Ann to Herbert H. Armstrong, son . of Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, Goderich. The wedding will take place on Saturday, December 4, 1971 at 5:00 p.m, in Wesley -Willis ` United Church, Clinton. - 44 • CHRISTMAS SEAL°.ARTI$T Heather Moore, of Toronto, graduated' from the four year design course at the Ontario al Cole a of Art in 1968. M+. �� �d,_e,'Fi'"•+V n Arae, -w 4 tl-, '„1 r • >trti - , •..' P o Moore who ttia'}tyt' ifF'' i �f graphy, is• curtcntly emploYed by Rolph-Clark-Stone, as a designer in the Paper Printing -Division, .Auburn. pair celebrate their silver �nniversary Mr, and Mrs. Ed .Davies were honoured on the occasion of their Silver Wedding anniversary by Open House last Sunday afternoon and evening when over 100 friends called to' congratulate • them. Although November 16 is their wedding date, Mr.. and Mrs. Davies leave this . Friday for Kissimme, Florida where they spend the winter months; so the Open House was held .last weekend. Mi':" -and • Mrs.' Davies were married at Belmont Presbyterian church and after residing on the groom's farm in North Yarmouth Town'ship for over a year, they moved to a farm on the 8th of Colborne Township where they farmed until retiring .'to Auburn 16 years "ago. They attend St. Mark's Anglican church, Mrs. Dailies is a member of the Auburn Women's Institute and ,, the—Horticultural Society „and St. Mark's A.C.W. Mr. Davies is a member 'of the Ontario Horse-shoe Pitching Association and' has a wonderful display of trophies and cups to which he has won . on many occasions down through the years. ' Friends and rel tives were present from orchester, Belmont, London, Clanwort.h, Wilton Grover, • Tillsonburg, Atwood, Palmerston and the neighbouring towns and villages. In charge of serving tea :were MrDonald Haines and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Serving the guests were Miss Sheron,.Collins, Miss Laura Phillip's' Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs. William Clark and Miss Minnie Wagner. Among -the many gifts prese''nted was a silver horse-shoe containing a purse of money, a gift from the communfity. The ' bride and groom ,of 25 ,years received 'long-distance lephone calls', floral arrangements and many-, cards to mark this- occasion. Knox UCW Hord Th�nk�ffertng meeting The United Church Women of Knox United Church held their annual Fall Thankoffering in the church with Mrs, Gordon Gross, in charge. Mrs. Gerald McDoWell read the scripture lesson, Mrs. Gordon Gross gave a reading on the •Pit Pilgrim Fathers, Pastor or PPRIF�' ' a.. > i• , m.�.:,Yu,�.••P-^ yam, i„.� F NIrfY5 Pa R ',;Y�. 'i/ 1�T•i�Jj” ilYana Peter Verbeck gave a reading on Thanksgiving. A solo "Thanks be to God" was sung by Miss Nancy Anderson. The offering was received by Mrs. Ben Hamilton and Mrs. Bob Turner. The guest speaker, Mr. Stewart Toll of London gave an interesting travelogue dnd showed pictute"s of this trip around the world. Mr. Ronald Hallam thanked Mr. Toll for his interesting- pictures and hymn, - 'die benec1h` lctron was pronounced by Pastor Fry. A social hour was' held in the basement with lynch 'served by members of Unit 1. t in Clinton hospital. Her ds wish her a ,speedy recovery. The - smorgasbord dinner served by the Anglican Church 'Women last Wednesday evening in the Community Memorial hall was a decided success. Misses Jennifer Grange and Joan Th oriijson "; "'bf"'' the University of Western Ontario spent the --- weekend with the'" ' Mrs. Shirley Rolston of Lobo. former's mother and sister, Mrs. Dorothy - ',Orange and Miss " Shelley' Grange. • Mrs. Edwin Cartwright of lluronview is, spending a few days with tier son, Mr. Donald 'Cartwright, Mrs. Cartwright and family. Misses' Laura and Debbie Wilds ,of Sudbury and Mr. Allan McDougall spent the weekend' with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Kenneth,Mcllougall. Mrs. Charles Scott , is' patient in Clinton hospital where she is suffering from .a fractured arm{ we wish her a speedy recovery. MILKY WHEYS 4{ r were', -read by the secretary, Trudy " M.acban. Mrs. Haggitt ' .kuburn No 2 Milky Wheys discussed the `'Gorrnent in held' their 7th meeting at the Dairyla,nd and illus. Raithby home of their leader,. Mrs. conducted the quiz and the Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Frank handout sheets were filled out. Rai-thby made .Pate A Chows and, Achievement- day was::discussed._. while ' they were --baking the and plans'were made to make. meeting was held. The president, the poster. The Pate A Chou's Lynn Turner was in charge of were tas.ted,..and the meeting was the -meeting and the minutes _..closed, Living in Woodstock Photo by Dick -Wallace,ro London MR. AND MRS. D. B. WALLACE Knox Presbyterian Church. Ont. sister of the bride was chapel wa,s the lovely setting matron of honour wearing a with baskets of mauve door -length gown of rQy„al•, bl.tte •„ chrysanthemums and white silk velvet with empire waistline gladiolii when. Marilyn E. Daer ,and short sleeves. She carried a exchanged wedding vows with basket of shasta daisies -'The best David Brian Wallace of man was Robert Sutherland of Dorcheste1 before Rev. G. , Dorchester and the. usher' was ,LockliarZ Royal. Mr. William Mr. Gordon Daer, brother of the Cameron was organist. The bride bride. is the youngest•daughter of Mr. Following the ceremony a , and Mrs. Roy Daer, R. R. 1 reception took place in the Auburn and the groom Is the son Auburn Community` Memorial of Mr., and Mrs. Squire Wallace hall where the bridal party were of Dorchester.'''' _ assisted in receiving -the guests Given in marriage by her by., the ;bride's mother wearing a . father, the bride looked stunning dress of purple,knit, black in her floor -length gown of accessories and' corsage of white polyster crepe. The bodice m iniature ' varied purple of white, wet -look "lace„ was carnations. She was assisted by accented by delicate Swiss the ,groom's mother wearing a T" guippure lace •trim. The gown of figured knit, black _,,, full-length fitted sleeves were accessories and a yellow corsage.... _also trimmed -with this lace. The For a wedding -'trip t'o-•Niagara - peasant -look .style of this Falls, the bride donned a wedding gown was accented by "two -toned white and purple :the empire waistline and the wet dress- with b1•ack accessories and look lace, bib front'. She carried a miniature purple bouquet of pink roses and white On their daisies with trailing blue ribbons. reside in Woodstock. Obituary I JOSEPH D. CARROLL .- Funeral services -Were held last week for Joseph D. Carroll at St.' Augustine Roman Catholic Church Wednesday, Oct. 27.. at 11- a.m. with Rev. Fathers Cassano, Phalen and Monaghan in charge of the service. Born in Lucknow on March 27, 1885,3 me was the son of the late dwd Carroll and Mary Foran. Following his marriage to the former Anna May I.nnedy he resided for many years 'in /West Wawanosh where he farmed untij , he retired and moved '' to Goderich and . later Stratford where he passed away on Oct. 25. He was predeceased bywhis wife. He -ii—survived by one daughter, Mrs: Walter, (Mary) Taras of Stratford and one son Frank of Kitchner; also five grandchildren. Burial took place rnt Augustine S . Au u Raman Catholic a Ca o ]c charge of the Arthur Funefal home, Auburn., Pallbearers were .Jahn Taras, Gus De•6ereaux, i dw p Leddy, Bert Moss,- Sohn. Foran and Raymond Boyle. • a ch r y retu Corsage sa rn 0 f nthatnums, they will GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET ' LEAN - 4 oz. BEEF PATTIES MINUTE STEAKS FRESH E KILLED iamb MShoulder Chops FRESH IAMB PATTIES c, ib. 69a 11,994 b.•9 Ie. 694 Ib. 494 �avEx 2x894 ALLAN'S - 48 oz. FRUIL.DRINKS DETERGENT - 24 oz. - TVI/IN PAK MIR LIQUID SUNSPUN - 11 oz. .COFFEE CREAMER BRIMFUL CHOICE -- 19 r'sz. . CUT GREEN, BEANS OR WAX 3R9 7'n d9.' 239` ` 5 0