HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-15, Page 5• Itlilritfd'13DANe are p new cos covert' that euro the werst•oases of Nervous Debility, Lost 'Vigor. and lling Manhood; restores the, weaknusa of body or mind caused by over-work,or the errors or cx.. ceases of youh, This Iteuicdy ab., eolutely cures the most obstinate cases wbun ail other gas tellKENIls have failed oven to relieve. - old by drug., ists at V. per p elca„e, or six for $w or sent 1.7mai on receipt of price by addressing TunJAMES MIDI CO., Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold iu Meer Salo in Exeter by J, W. ILr(Wnineg Gov. McKinley has been renominated by acclamation by the republicans of Ohio. NO CHILD, is safe from worms unless Dr Low's Worrn Syrup is at hand. It is a corn plete remedy both to destroy and remove worms of all kinds. The Orangeville Sun, in its report of the recent meeting of the Cardwell Conservative association says—•'After all the business was completed the newly elected. president, Mr. Johnston, called upon R S White for a speesin Mr. White casae forward and ,re- turned thanks to his constituents for the kind and eorteous treatment he had always received at their hands. He briefly reviewed his relation with the electors of Cardwell, which were of the most `pleasing kind. Dur- ing the close of Mr White's speech he stat- ed definitely that he would not seek their suffrage any more and that another stand• and bearer would have to be chosen.". This seems to make it clear that Cardwell 18 to be opened shortly. STICK TO TUE BIGHT. Fear kills rnore than cholera. Seve.e diar- Theca, purging, coltc, cramps, etc., are ot- ten mistaken for choleraic troubles. A few doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry will remove both the disease and the terror it inepires. The Duke of York, Princess May and the Tecks dined with Mr. Gladstone on Wed- nesday evening. Women with pale colorless faces,who feel weak and discouraged, will received both mentaland bodily yigor byusing Carter' i Iron Pills which are made for the blood' nerves and complexion. A ten-year old son of Michael Dombrow- ski was drowned while bathing at Guelph Thursday evening. HEADACHE and CONSTIPATION wanisn when Burdock Pills are used. They Cure where others fail. The extension of the domestic postal rate to Newfoundland does not go into effect un- til July r. A COMPLICATED CASE. Dear Sirs.—I was troubled with bilous- ness, headache and loss of appetite. I cou I d not rest at night and was very weak. but after using three bottles of B. B. 13. my appitite is good and 1 am better than for years past. -1 wbuld not be without B 13 B and am also giving it to my children. Mrs Walter Burns, Maitland N S. The pacing horse Johnson reduced the Canadian track record to 5.15 at Stratford Thursday. Smart Weed and Belladonna combined with the other ingredients used is the best porous plasters, make Carter's S VV & B Backache Plasters the best in the market. Price 25 cents. The Canadian Baukin' association elected �-officers Thursday and adjourued until next ear. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Hermonn VVoodland, aged 15, had his clothes caught by a chain in Booth's mils at Ottawa Thursday and before he could extricst: himself he was' drawn against a circular saw and killed. FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Many symptoms of Canadian cholera are similiar to those ofthe real Asiatic cholera, such as vomiting, purging, intense pain, etc. For alt those symptoms Dr. Pow ler's,Extract of Wild.Strawoerry is a safe and sure specific. Price 35 cts at druggists Theibethrothai will shortly be announced of the czarwitch of Russia to the youngest. sister of the grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt. and grrnddaughtsr of Queen Victoria, CHILLS and FEVER MALARIA, etc., are promptly driven off by Milburn's Aro- matic Quinine Wine, the potent invigora- ttng tonic..' The Russian government has lowered the. tnport duties on 6o, French articles in ie - turn for the admission of Russian petroleum into France on a favored footing. BAD BLOOD CURED. Gentlemen,—I have used your Burdock. Blood Bitters, for bad blood and ' find it without:exceptisn, the hest purifying tonic n use. A short time ago two very large and painful boils came on the back of my neck, bet B ,B B completely drove them away- Samuel 'Blain Toronto Junction The Congregational union of Ontario and Quebec continued in session at London Fri- day. The annual missionary meeting was held in the evening. Dyspepsiain its worst forms will yiel i td the use of Carter's Littr,e.Nerve Pills, aidet by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They nos only relieve present distress but strengthen an stomach and digestion appratus. Mr. D'Alton McCarthy spoke at St Thorn as Thursday night, A CANADIAN FAVORITE. The season of green fruit and 'summer drinks is the time when the worst kinds of cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and bowel com- plaints prevail.' As a safeguard Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept in the house. For 35 years it has been the most reliable remedy" The world's vegeterian congress is in ses- sion at Chicago.' 'WkHY'r,UFFER from Coughs;. Colds, Hoarseness, Aslhtna Or Bronchitis when perfect Cure.'is so easy with Li'. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup. The Earl at Derby donated V.ioo to the Kingston memorial fund TAl1IF1� REFORM Tariff reform is to the air. The praises of B. B. 13 are also heard everywhere. No other medicine cures all diseasesof the stomach, liver bowels and blood so rapidly and se surely as Burdock BLood Bitters. One hundred students are writing at the Trinity College examination. , Twit CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough o Syrup.Tastes Ciobd 1180 in tlnio Sold by druggists 2,'14', •iPgL10.,x'15 las wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for 1311lousgess and all Stomach and Liver Trouhles, such 05 Constipation,Headache, Dyspepsia, indigestion, lmpure Bleed, etc, These Lozenges we pleasant and harmless, ;and though powerful to promote a Healthy action of the bowels, do sot weaken likepilis. If your tongue is coated you need them. .AT ALL DRUG Sl'QAt1L'A. Miscellaneous. Yes, Pain in the back, Constipation Sick Headache, etc., are cured by us- iug Membrttys Kidney and Liver Cure sold by all druggists, Try it. • An Awful Death. Ottawa, June 8th.—A frightful acei. dent oceurred in Mr, J, R.13coth's large mill this morning, A young lad named Woodland fell over the chains which connect withv ting saws. Ile was carried by the chains off to the saws and fear- fully. mangled, Death was almost in- stantaneous. Many years ,ago David Campbell, then a divinity student in bcotland' faithfully promised to marry .Agnes Clark, who lives in Leith, . Now he is a Presbyterian minister, up near 1iin. carding, in Bruce county, He is a bus• band, but .Agnes is not his wife. Therefore there is a $5,000 breach of promise suit in the'air, For the pur- pose of weakening her action, the rev, erend gentleman recently asked ,that she be made to put up security for costs; but as this opened a chance for his examination by the wronged Miss Clark, she hit back by demanding his examination` To this he objected, and asked the court to set aside the necess- ity of being examined, but this the Queen's Bench Court on Saturday re. fused. Are You Nervous, Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sick headache? You can bo relieved of all these symp- toms by tailing Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives nerve, mental and bodily strength and thoroughly purifies the blind. It also ereates a good appetite, cures indigestion, heartburn and dys- pensta. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effect, 25 cents a box, Found Dead with her Read in a Pail Brantford June 9th.—About seyeu o'clock this morning Mrs. Donovan was found dead at the residence of Mrs. Her - row, Colborne street east. Deceased was leaning over a box with her head fast in a pail. The coroner will hold an inquest. Dente by Fire. Toronto June 10. -Early Thursday morning neighbors of Alexander Rog ers aged 70, and Mrs• Mary .Aral •Lep- pington, aged 68, brother and sister, who lived in a hovel at Flvnntown, on the third concession, two and a' half miles east. of Lansing. York township, discovered that the shanty was on tire. Ongoing to the scene they found the old man crouched in front of the burn- ing building, which was totally enve- loped in flames. Rogers told them that when he went to bed he left the light burning on the tableand that he was awakened in the night by the heat and smoke. He tried to awaken his sister, but could not, and only escaped by crawling out on his hands and knees An examination of the ruins was made and the spinal column, shoulder -blade and a portion of the arm of Mrs. Lep- piugton was found, For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED Rin'esiDy.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of m others for their children while teething, with per- fe8t success. It soothes the child, softens file gums, allay,: all pain; cures wind collo, and is the best rumedy for .Diarrlicea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twonty-hvo cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. _Be sure and asst for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Four Men Drowned, Lion's head, Ont., June 8th—Four. men were drowned at Pine Tree Har- bor'last night. Twelve men were en engateed loading telegraph poles on a crib -for the Cleveland Cedar Company, and at six o'clock as the men were com- ing shore. ,he boat sprang a leak and went down. Alt of its occupants but fairy succeeded in getting ashore. The names of the drowned are as follows: John Smith, Lindsay; Mat Norris, Stol-e's Bay; Rohit, Mowat, Hepworth; Henry Whitfield, Meaford. Membrav''s Kidney arid Liver Cure has been dispensed by a prominent chemist and druggist for Years and hundreds of his customers have freely testified to the beneficial eif'ectsa id wonderful cure of Kidney and Li ver complaints. Ask your druggist for it The two-year old child of Mr. Sims, who resides about four miles from Woodstock, on the lath line, had 'a narrow esciipo from death on Tuesday morning. A member_ of the fatnily the night before had .occasion to use some liquor, leaving a pint bottle of whiskey on the 1 itehen table. The li"ttle girl next morning got'up• before the other members of she family and paid a visit to the kitchen. Spying the liquor on the table she weet`ind da sn 1 very nearly all tis ,t was in the brittle, The parents on outman (e the kitchen :s short time afterwards fotttid the little girl vtreteluel out on the finer omelette ly paralysed, ,The sick child was re moved to Woodstock in all haste and plaeed udder the cart; of a physician, who pumped the liquor, out of her stomaeh. The child is still in Wood- stock, and chances for her recovery aro favorahle. The Grand Duke Alexander, nephew of the Czar of Russia, and Me, bhuticss t n official 0 the Russicmi fleet, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Jacob As• for at Fernclif'e, I'ougitkeepsie N, Ile I A IIAPPY 13ETUBN, AN INInitESrING INCIDENT INTHE LIFE Oe A "WELL-KNOWN LONDON MILK DEAL Iii.. From the London Free Press. Mr. Charles Dyer, a well-known Lon- don township farmer and city milk dealer, iesides in cosy brick dwelling beautifully situated overlooking the north branch of the Thamesa short distance east of the Adelaide Street bridge. 'Until a few years since Mr. Dyer wasa healthy, robust tnan, but latterly his e'ener'i health seemed to give way and though only about fifty years old he felt that the weal.ness of age was coming upon him. "I bniieve, however," said Mr. Dyer yesterday to a.reporter, "that 1 have completely re- coyered through the use of Eseljay' .Liver Lozenges, and I am quite .wills ing that you should give any of your, readers afflicted as I was the benefit of my expel'ienee. The old time enjoy- ment of life which I had given up as beyond me seems to he ye pernaeently returned. I had suffered for a long time from an irregular constipated hale it, frequent bilious headaches and a general sluggish and debilitated con- dition. I could hardly walk any dis- tance without suffering the greatest pain. T believe I had a chronic form of rheumatism." "How did you come to try Eseljav's Liver Lozenges?" X'1 was advised by a friend of mine who knew them to be a good medicine forbilious troubles, and thou„ 'h I had nofaith iu them I merely gave them a trial to satisfy him. When Ihad tak- en - en two or three doses I decided they were of no use, and was nearly discon- tinuing them before I began 'to get benefit. 1 used between two and three boxes altogether and ain convinced that they are the cheapest as well as the best medicine I ever used. My eldest san has been afflicted lately with stomach troubles, and found the promptest relief from Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. I would not be without them in the house on any accouut." There has been no remedy intro- duced to the people•of Canada that has made so map. friends in so' short a time as Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. They are the best •fariiily 'medicine known. They cure sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, iadigestiou, biliousness, and all diseases arising from impure blood or sluggish liver." They are a recent discovery and are different from any other preparation on the market. Don't accept the statement of anything else being just as good. They are put up in boxes bearing the Dr. Eseljay's Company's trade mark and every loz- enge is stamped Dr. E. 25 cents a box at all drug stores.. The high court of the Canadian Or- der Of Foresters suet in Ottawa Tues day. John Athens Of. St.Mary's, Ont. A Great Sufferer from Wed e: 1 3t i„'n Perfectly Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla The best stomach tonics known to medical science are so happily com- bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its severest forms, when other medicines fail. In many cases Hood's Sarsapa- rilla seems to possess a magical touch, so quick and so .gratifying the relief. Read the following from an aged and respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.: "I am very glad to give this testimonial as to what Hoodis Sarsaparilla has done for me. I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I' have been taking medicine For 25 Years and I never had anything do mo as Imen goon as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every' symp- tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap- peered and I feel that I cannot praise the medicine too highly. I Eat Better Better and feet stronger than I have for mann/ years. I have taken six bottles of IIood's Sarsaparilla bought of Mr. Sanderson, the druggist.” Jolts AnclsNs, CORDIAL ENDORSEMENT. From: r. Sanderson, the Druggist, "I know Mr. Aikens to be a strictly honest, s traightforward man, and take much pleasure in testifying to the truth of the testimonial he gives above-"' 1:0.. G. SANonnsorr, Drug- gist Queen Street, St.Mary's, Ontario. HOOD'S PILee, the best after-dinner Pills, ttaalst digestion, nrovent constipation. Vegetable Tills are pre- pared to meet a logltl ' mate demand for a mailer, efficient and reliable family physic. 'They are purely vegetable, containing no r calomel, mercury orininoralsub- If stance Of any kind. Hood's Pill$ act upon the stomaeli, liver, and alimentary canal, anis cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after• Eating, Jaundice, A cold may bo broken tip and a fever prevented by promptly taking Hood's Pills. hood's Pills Aro prepared by C.I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell; Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall on receipt of price, cod aft --TI-IE---- JL'•INT.L �II.d..D.•�..A.w w ri SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, ONTARIO. A. Hastings, •qn Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children s Hair Cutting, . . astia ws. The Cheapest and Best Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MA SON '! Just a few more pairs of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola Kids left. �gNext Door • Li �� i South (1f F05t0fflCC Bargains! Bargains! i Bargains!! I The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S GabLEYES FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING —Establishment.— Odd•Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. Bzetir ricking IIogs Wanted. Dressed or Alive. !Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or dullett, if left in, All Bogs to be eat through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed, SHELL BR®S 85 Co. PALACKBAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant -will servo— ICE CREAM during the 'Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, 'Buns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in tbeir season. D. w, FOSS, Uensall Exeter Jtliis!cI IftstrllcM EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, N, PIOPS . We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES,BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &c, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A UALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN UND RTAKING ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (One Door north Molson's Bank.) . ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. I have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould Specialty The a io a l and Cutter Fitter. .A 1 am filo' only ,CUT'1' i and 1'ETTl•llt In town wliohra,ml. visited the lare cities in 51.1 United States. this Staring, I:an therefore the best able to fi f yon in't`h.e: Proper (style. Ladies, When you have boughs the material for youm- Spring and Summer coa come to me and get fitted. Gentlemen, Before YLl O buy01,1 P S ring Suit, comup'`iat: my shop and get posted. on THE STYLES, PERT KNIGHT The Fashionable Cutter,' and Fitter.. CdN�fis6 GRCy a�C�E. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drubs ALWAYS KEPT. Ithiit JT!E!iciii, Ff1IISC !irii!st's win 4t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Ecceipt Carefully Prepared. Ga2,61113R fltigf the best in the market. C. LTTTZ. PROF.: T,7 ,,,.j `Yl. 4 .mG A. 1 SNELL 1 airs. at_ EXETER ONTARI( Has now in stock anti IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trott erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings, French and. English Worsted Cloth All made up iii the LateNt Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL Mrs. Wm. Henry Jackson, of Piston was found dead in bed at her home Monday morning; ' tet;. Hon. Samuel Locke, M. L. C., of Lock;eport, N. S, was found dead in his bed on Saturday. He was 70 years old. Nine deaths from "holci'aic disease are reported at Alais, department of Gard, Southern France. , V 1, ' ll , i Yhl't 1`41 h ' �� 7 ; "Regulates the Stomach, Liver and vowels, unlocks theSecr•etions,Pur'ifiesthe 'Blood and removes al im- ptitities from a 'Pi to theworst Scrofulous Sore. T i a A a•� y t Yee .i i � a t". t. .1 V t w i.1.' r• CURB., *::- DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS'. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA, HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH 17tZZlNE.SS. DROPSi.' RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES tr. 4 ! C. N aatEv��• 4 X. t J q S°nV* y� . Y i'' �. x a • F ea e' d '1 'w ,ti.. ''%r Atinson's Furniture Ware- rooms armroo -s is the e Cheaest and best place inthe County to buy Fur - nit l . e. • • s i A first-class Bed -room Suite for only e J al n cl` every- thing else in comparison. All goods gumranteed io be my own make, of first-class dry Material, nothing but best hard ' lumber used. LUIllber and Wood Taken in exchange for Furniture. Wire Mattresses. The only lace in town where you callbuye Patent Dominion ` Nicl�le-Plaited Wire 14Tattl`css,---wal4- ranted not to rust. titins n, Pr