HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-8, Page 8�ut�ecick
We beg to notify the
the people of Exeter and
vicinity, that we have ap-
pointed. Mr. John Grigg;
of Exeter, to be our agent
through whom all our
publications and patterns
may be obtained at the
prices advertised by us.
Toronto, May 1893.
B. B. s.
Since we dropped the
price of American Wall
Paper, there has been a
quick move and no won-
der when you consider the
values. Come and see the
display -immense, simply
immense! Values that
speak volumes!! Prices
that are certainly in your
Special values, clearing
prices. Stock must be
cleaned out, no matter
what our loss -remember
our loss is somebody's gain.
Do you catch on?
50 Cents.
50 cent Leghorn Hats
down to 25 cents.
65 Cents,
65 cent Leghorn Hats
for 30 cents.
100 Cents.
A few $i. Leghorn Hats
for 50 cents. Do you want
a bargain? If so. come!
Ribbons, Flowers,
Laces, c.
All at closing out pric-
es. We mllht close out
ourMillinery stock. Come
and secure a bargain! A
late shipment of Irish
Point Lace just opened.
Some lovely goods at cor-
rect prices for you.
Ready-made Blouses suitable for
the warm days. A beatiful stock.
A big • assortment. 70 cents buys a
very nice Blouse ready for wear, see
our stock. Light De Lanes, also De
Lanettes-perfect beauties, prices
so low that the poorest may buy and
haye the newest. Come quick, if
you want a Cream Grenadine 82icts.
per yard is our price -25 cents used
to be the price for this class of woods.
The Big Bankrupt Store for men's,
oeys nd girls' straw hats, flare vel -
boys a
Thosevisiting the World's Fair
from. ,these parts, can zee the. A»voctTit
on file in the Canadian l'avil on..
A pig owned and fed by Mr; John
McInnis gained and averaged during
the past two months two pounds a day..
Mrs. Smith -"Your milk is getting
bluer and bluer?" Dairyman-"In-
ari, man--"In:deed! It must have discovered' how
much ; you owe me."
Thecreamery which is being erect-
ed at the backend of the old 'inatl:et
grounds is fast nearing completion and
the equipment has arrived.,
"The County' Lodge of East Middlesex
Orangenien decided on Saturday last
at their meeting here to celebrate the
Battle of the Boyne anniversary on
Wednesday the 12th of uly,at Exeter."
-.Free Press.
.ft is understood that beginning July
1 the rate on letters to Newfoundland
from Canada, and vice versa, will be
three cents, the same as on Canadian
letters. Newspapers will be given the
Canadian rates.
The amended game laws prohibit
any person shooting more than 400
ducks. The open season for deer has
been extended to 26 daye. The season
opens on October 20th' and closes on
November 15th.
The postmasters have received a
note from the P. 0. department that
the new post cards lately issued are
not for postal use, but for printing.
This order is possibly only temporary
in order that the old stock may be
werked off on the public.
Here is a tip on the latest mode of
bringing delinquent subscribers to
book A. Vermont editor who could
evoke no response to his dunning ap-
peals, judging that those written to
were dead, published their obituaries.
This brought them to life, and theyin-
variably handed in their dollars to se-
cure a correction.
The Bank- of Hamiiton has issued a
new $5 bill. The colors are the same
as the old bill -green and black. On
the left of the face of the bill is a fe-
male figure surrounded by wheat
sheaves and a sheaf in one hand and a
sickle in the other. To the right is a
good portrait of President Stuart. On
the back of the bill, is a cut of their
new bank building.
The ballots at the next general
election will be two colors, yellow and
blue, the former for men and the letter
for women who are allowed to have a
voice hi municipal affairs. It is the
intention of the government to "feel"
the people on the temperance ?question,
as a plebiscite has been granted. The
women votes will be known by their
color: and of course they don't count.
Mrs. Geo. Rowcliffe, near Elimville,
narrowly escaped severe injuries on
Monday last. It appears she drove her
horse to the front of A. J. Rollins' Sour
and feed store, got out of the rig and
was standing between the front and
hind wheels when some person from
behind cracked a whip, causing the
horse to make a jump. She was thrown
down and the wheel passed over her
leg. Luckily she escaped with a few
slight bruises.
Hon. Carter Harrison, the recently
elected Mayor of Chicago, hasrecently
showed in a political manner his cos-
mopolitan spirit in the appointment of
two young gentlemen from Clinton.
'(Ont.) to positions of responsibility.
They are Percy D. Appleton son of Dr.
Appleton, of Clinton, who is honored
with the post of chief clerk of the side-
walk department, and George Irving,
who was made chief clerk of the metre
department in the city water office. -
Mitchell Advocate.
A dandy lot of new shoes, just opened
at the Big Bankrupt. Store. De you
want a bargain?
Mr. George Moir who conducted the
.Deflector hero for some years but latter-
ly assistant to Mr, Birmingham, the
Conservative Organizer has been ap-
pointed Canadian customs officer at St.
Pani,. Minn, and has co'ntnenced his
new labors.
While passing Ross & Taylor's plan-
ing mill recently our attention was
particularly drawn to a new and su-
perior; class of shingle, not familiarly
known tothe people of these parts.
They are to.
in British Co-
lumbia from red cedar and are said to
be almost everlasting and have been
known to remain on a roof for over
fifty years. The price is a little in ad-
vance of the shingles formerly used
here, but the results are threefold.
goy Wanted.
A good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office.
rants ror :hale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.'
A lovely lot of ready made blouses
at the Big Bankrupt Store, Cheap!
Cheap!! Cheap!!!
A new front has been placed in Dr.
Lute's drug store and adds much to
the appearance of the store.
The Huron County Council convened
for the transaction of business at God-
erich, on Tuesday last. Our worth.
Reeve and Deputy Reeve are in attend-
The Angelican Synod for the Diocese
of .Huron, is called to meet in Loudon,
June 20th, 1Vlessis'E. Elliott and N. D.
Hurdon, are the representatives from
The well-known horse -buyer, B.
Aubry, of Montreal, will be at the Com
mercial House, ' Exeter, on Monday,
June 12th to purchase horses. Parties
having horses for sale should bring
them to Exeter on that day,
If the files will shortly be on deck
again, thls prescription for getting rid
of them is not expensive, and is worthy
of a trial: A half teaspoonful of black
pepper, finely ground, should be mixed
with double the quantity of brown
sttgar and the compound moistened
With cream. The flies will generally
Rat greedily of this mixture, if I,laced.
where they can easily reach it, but it
will be their last meal, for the least
tasteof it is, to a fly, rank poison If
watched they will often be Seen to
drop'doad within a few feet of the
i left, and.
plate• which they havejust ... � 1
Toronte Empire; -"The officers' "list
of the Salvation Army still continues
to decrease. Staff -Captains Boulton
and McCardy withdrew a few days ago;
and on Saturday Staff -Captain South-
all, editor of the War Cry, sent in his
resignation. They all express disap-
proval of Commandant Booth's plan of.
operations as the cause of their with
drawals. It is said that three more re
signations will follow shortly, and that
then .there will scarcely a Canadian in
any pssition of importance in the
A few days ago an operation that so
far as known of has not been under-
taken in Ontario before was performed
on the hand of Mr. Ed. Clay, Galt.
Last winter Mr. Clay was severely
burned by an exploding lama, and
after" the wounds had healed up he had
not the use of his hand. His physicians
decided to operate upon it and have
removed part of the flesh back of the
thunid and first finger, almost in the
shape of a triangle, grafting into its
place the bellies of two frogs. Since
the operation was performed the hared
has been progressing very 'favorably,
and Mr. Clay is now hoping ` that he
may ultimately have the full use of
his hand,
On Friday night last some ten of the
old band boys met at Gidley's furni-
ture store and from there proceeded to
the residence of Mr. Bert. Fuke, (an old
band boy.) On arriving at the gate,
the i'oys tuned up "just as Bert. was
getting into bed, but the soul stirring
music and the drum solo by J.Walters,
brought him out and his hearty invita-
tion "Come in, boys!" was readily ac
eepted; Edibles and drinkables were
placed' before "the boys" by Bert and
his 'frau' and to say justice was done
to the inner man, would be only pitt-
ing it mild. During the evening, Mr.
S. Sedley, in a few well chosen words on
behalf of the band, presented Mr. and
Mrs. Enke, with a handsome bamboo'
centre table with plush Covered top.
Although taken by surprise, Bert, on
behalf of himself and Mrs. Puke, res-
ponded in an appreciative manner.
After wishing Mi. and. Mrs: E. many
happy days of married life and that all
their troubles rnav be little ones "the
50 cents will pay for the ADve0ATE
from now until Jan '1st 1894
Subscribe now.
Rectory Social, Tuesday next.
Every one invited to attend the "At
Home and Social", at. the Trivitt Mem-
orial' Church rectory, Tuesday next,
June '20th. Every one welcome. Col-
Not Granted
The Bell Telephone Cu. tried to get
a bill passed through the Ontario Leg-
islature giving towns and cities 'the
right to grant exclusive privilege to
telephone companies, but although it
passed through the different stages in
committee. was withdrawn before the
house :prorogued.
The annual blue book issued by
The :Dominion Finance Department
showing the dividends remaining un-
paid and unclaimed balances lying in
the various banks of Canada for five
years prior to the close of of 1892, gives
the following amounts in the Moisons
Bank here: -Caddy & Co., 9c;; J. Brown
25c.; H. Hopkins, 600.; Robt. Woods,
$1,16; W A. Canfield, 69c. W. Sahuara
410 ; S. L. Dilling $200.
lair. WalterHillsDeath.
Your totem states in his last issue an
ungarded statement that financial
troubles caused the death of the late
Walter Hill. He died from disease of
the brain covering, caused from a blow
in his youth. It has affected his actions
for years, The case should be reversed.
Any financial difficulties of his was
more probably the result of the brain
pressure. The trouble had existed in
a chronic state for many years. -Coit,
Very Pretty Work.
Our attention was particularly at-
tracted the other day by the collection
of very beautiful photographs display
ed in Mr. Joseph Senior's window.
Among the display were some that
were executed under the new photo-
graphic process ` that resembles photo
etching; no shine on them,: but snlend•
id black and white effects that resemb-
les:steel engravings, andwhich is be-
ing largely used. They are in every
respect the .finest photographic port-
raits made at the present day.
Clinton Hews Record. -On Saturday.
afternoon at 5 o'clock the employees of
the Doherty Organ Company met in
the action department and pleasantly
surprised Mr. Wilbur N. Manning, the
popular manager of the,
works. For
sometime it has been hinted that Mr.
Manning would lead to the altar ,a
Clinton young lady and the truth of
these hints and surmisesled to the prin-
cipal being presented with a handsome
gold watch. Councillor Alex. Arm-
strong, in complimentary terms, made
the presentation on behalf of his fellow
workmen, Mr Manning acknowledged
in feeling terms the substantial and.
valued testimony ;toward him. The
proprietor, Mr. W. Doherty,' said a few
well chdsen-words complimentary on
the recipient, and was followed by
others in a similar strain. Mr. Man-
ning was married Tuesday.
Council Proceedings.
Exeter, 2nd June, 1898.,
Council met this evening per ad-
journment, ' all present. Minutes u
tes of
previous meeting read and ` confirmed.
Christie -Spackman orders for the fol
lowing sums. -P. Frayne. 750. rep:
hose; Wm. Parsons $13 50, labor; Thos.
Horn, $7.55 do; Jas Creech $4 charity
to Jas Gould and $2, do Mrs. Piper. The
clerk to ask prices for street watering
until the now cart' is procured, tenders
until Monday evening. T. H. McCal
lum-T B Carling that the thanks of
this council be tendered to Arch. Bishop
Esq., M.P.P., for his trouble and mani-
fest interest in procuring ,the • pa ding'.
of an act, of the Legislature' Aseembly.
of Ontario, authorizing . nils corpora-'
tion to issue debentures for the amount
necessary to liquidate the accruing
debt of this municipality. -Carried.
H. Spackman -T. B. Carling, that ` the
proposed hydrant and trough be
placed in such position as the Reeve
directs. -Carried. T. H. McCallum
I). Spackman that this council adjourn
until Monday night at half -past seven
o'clock. -Carried. M. EAeitnrr, Clerk.
The Council met at the Town Hall,
Exeter, 5th June, '93 All present ex-
cept Mr. Christie, Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed. Carling
-McCallum-that we advertise De-
bentures for sale in the "Empire",
"Globe", "Mail" and local papers -
Carried. Spackman -Carling -that
John A. Gillespie's tender for street,
watering, $2.874 per day, be accepted,
the work to be done to the satisfaetion
of the council -Carried. A petition
from John Willis, asking the council
to level and grade the side -walk from
Mr. Baker's to the east boundary.
Spackman -Carling --that the side-
walk be prepared for gravel, and, the
corporation pay Mr gravel . ti t the pit.
some of the heartiest eaters do late,
P not lige boss" returned to their homes, vowing petitioner to haul and put on sidewalk
tau leave the' hey had spent a very plasant evening. -Carried. M. E, Clerk;
1V1oTavish & Co.'s Old Stand.
'►0 cents
Is our price for a large
range of pantings worth
80 cents.
1.2 1-2 cents
Is our ,price for 42 -inch
double -fold dress goods
worth 30 cents. 15 new
pieces just arrived. . .
90 cents .
Is our price for ladies'
tweed rubber circulars
worth $1.75. $1.75 is our
price for best quality
'worth $2.50 . ,
10 cents
Is our price for the best
15 cent shirtings. . .
9 cents
Is our price for thebest
12 ct. print -fast colors.
Is our price for 5 lbs of
40c Japan. T. Try a lb.
25 cents
Is our price for 5 lbs of
the best 10 cent raisons.
Is our price.for a ladies'
tipped best dongola boot
worth $2 00
$1.15 . .
Is our price for -'a man's
fine buff shoe worth $2.00
Everything in the store
25 to 50 pr. et., less than re-
gular retail prices. . . .
• . . •
McTayish's Old Stand.
Big Bankrupt Store -Drop in prices
Millinery, Blouses, &c. &c.
J. D. Atkinson -$9 Bedroom suits
wire mattresses.
C. P. Railway -Farmers excursions.
A fresh lot of curtain poles and
opaque blinds just opened at the Big
Bankrupt Store. Big values for care-
ful buyers.
J. W. Broderick, the bankrupt stock
hustler, is again in town with another
large and varied stock and is selling
at prices that will astonish you.
A new post office has been establish-
ed,in Devon at the residence of Mr.
Geo.Webber Sr.,with Mr. Webber as as-
sistant post -master and is now open
for service.
Gophers are giving considerable
trouble in some districts and the'coun-
cils of difierent municipalities are ar-
ranging for a wholesale .poisoning "-
Brandon Ssm.
Counterfeit half dollars bearing the
date of 1871 and very light in weight
are in circulation. ' As far as ring and
finish are concerned the counterfeit is
said to be a yery good imitation and
will very easily escape detection.
Do you want a print dress? Just
think of it! Nearly a thousand pieces
to select from at the Big Bankrupt
BAR td S111
200 pieces at 25c.
200p ieces of all wool
double fold Dress Goods
worth from 75 cts, to $1.,.
for 25 cents,
200 Robes at $5.
200 Robes for Dresses,
worth from S10. to 520.
Your choice for $5.
Wool Delanes.
Wool Delanes in endless
variety: .
200 pairs at halt
200 pairs of Lace Cur-
tains bought out of bond
at half price. .
SpacY�a� &Co
Our Clothing Department
is complete. Just to hand a
choice lot of f ,, 37
:D o 0 OT XN
for NEN acid DOT'S, at
prices that will sell them.
iiacle to. order stylors a
sp ' t,A,LT ' of ours, We
GU � +, T1 E fi -class
st'y'le anti good ° workmarstnship.
Our T weed Department was
never better. Iii Black rixrot.
atods we have no equal.
The Spring time is that Season of the year
when everybody should take TIME by the
forelo.;k. This is just what we have done
and now we are able fill all orders for seeds
of any kinds and in any quanty. This is
the only way to secure good, reliable seed.
While you are in do not fail to see our new
Large Stock of
Spades, Hoes, . .
• Rakes, Forks,
. . . Shovels, &c,
In fact eyerything in
way of Garden Tools.
Co bledick
Farm e,r' s Excursion!
From all Stations in Ontario. Return Rates
Deloraine 1
Binscarth 1
Reston J
Regina s3
Moosejaw 0 0
Yorkton. J 3 °
Calgary ls
Q .
Edmonton. $405E'
To leave till points in the Province of On
tsrio, on JUNE 13 -Return until July 23rd:
JUN,: `i O-1ietinrn until July 30th.
.TUN 64 ;'.T -Return until Atig. 6th.
JULY 11 --Return until Aug. 30th
Parties ticketing from other points should
arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con-
nect with the 10.16 p.m, train on above
The Winnipmc Exhibition will bo hold
from July 15 to 22, inclusive, and persons
leaving on July 11 will be in Splendid time
for this event.
Riling Co., of Exeter.
Have opened an office opposite the
Town Hall, and while build-
Will keep constantly on hand a full
stock of the VERY BEST BRAIDS OF
FLOUR; also all kinds of mill 'stuff and
FeI'edai'm townspeople
ers and towns eo le will And it
to their advantage to calland see us.
ktu Real Ett bny
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Make
Call at Kr. Jno.'Spackman's
Real Estate Agency...
Business Transactions strictly con-
fidential. Intending purchasers will
receive the best advice in _selecting
land or town Bites.
Also agent for Allan Line
and State Line Steamships. '-
Office- Main Street, Exeter. Ont.
Box 44
T h e undersigned
have opened out ti -new
Stock of fir 5 t -c 1 a s e
Spring and. Summer
suitings, in Canadian
and Imported Tweeds
Worsteds, etc., which
we sell at right prices.
Tweed Pants $3. and upwards,
Worsted do 4. do
Tweed Suits 10. do
Worsted do 16. do
Spring Over Coats
Call and examine before purehasing
elsewhere; We guiarantee a good fit.
Cch Bissett.