HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-8, Page 5NERV BEANS 1131tv-rPBAINN are a new ate eOVtry that euro t110 ease eases of Nervous. Debility Lost Vigor and Biuhtll, ltrauhoud restores rho weakness of body or wuid c,auscd by oierwork, or the errors orex. tessesef ypt.ih. This itamedyab- sohttely sues the most obstinate eased when all other lItv,rrM> it'ra ,haye railed event() relieve, Liiotd by drug' ists at $1 per pat/Rage, or six or t)5, or sent by mail on receipt of price by addressing TFIF JAMES MEDIOINII', 4x).. 'reroute, Ont. .1.1 rite for pamphlet. Sold in,^ Lb or bale iu Exeter by J. W. If.rewiting eeteeteeesvete Nicaragua,and t e Peace is restored in h new Government went into operation Wed- nesday. TIMELY WVISDOM. Great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It has ono equal for cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysen- tery, colic,; cramps and all summer com- plaints or looseness of the bowels. The Capital National I3ank of Indianapo- lis will be reopened this week. NO CHILD is safe from worms unless Dr Low's Worm Syrup is at hand. 'It is a coni plete remedy both to destroy and remove worms of all kinds. The Plankington Bank at Milwaukee has failed. Women with pale colorless faces,who feel weak and discouraged, will received both mentaland bodily yigor by rising Carter's Iron Pills which are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. Eight carloads of. Meaford cattle was ship ped at Toronto for. England Wednesday. GUARD AGAINST CHOLERA. Keep the blood pure, the stomach in good working order, and the entire system free from, morbid effete matter by using Burdock Blood Bitters, which cleanses, strengthens and tones the whole system, Cholera can- not atttack the healthy. A cyclone killed several people rn south- western I{ansas last Wednesday. HEADACHE and CONSTIPATION vanisn when Burdock Pills are used. They curewhere others fail. It is reported that President Sacazr of Nicaragua, has resigned. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The body of Jefferson Davis. has arrived at Richmond for burial, Smart Weed and . Belladonna combined with the other ingredients used is the best Porous plasters, make Carter's 8 W & B Backache Plasters the best in the market. Price a5 cents, The total amount of gold shipped for New York for Europe Wednesdoy was i135o,000 land the gold total for the week, $4,5oo,000. A CLOSE RESEMBLANCE. Many symptoms of Canadian cholera are similiar to those of the real Asiatic cholera, such as vomiting, pnrging, intense pain, etc'. For all those;svmptoms Dr. Fow ler's Extract of Wild Strawoerry is a safe and sure specific. Price 35 cts at druggists The British ship Lucanio, Captain Gibson from Calcutta March r3 for New York, has put into Cape Town with her cargo on fire. CHILLS and FEVER MALARIA, etc., are promptly driven off by Milburn's Aro- matic Quinine Wine, the potent lnvigora- tang tonic. Fully 4,000 have been discharged by the Chicags, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway dur- ing the last few days. APROMPT SURE. Gentlemen,—Having suffered over two years with constipation, and the doctors not having helped me, I concluded to try `B- B.'Br and before I used one bottle I was cured I can also recommend itfor headache Ethel D Haines,Lakeview, On Dr. •W asburp, of Ithaca, N. Y, committed suicide at the College hill saniterium, in Cincinnati Wednesday. , Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Littre Nerve Pills, aided by:Carter's Little Liver Pills, They not only relieve present distress but strengthens the stomach and digestion appratus. Peaee is restored; in Nicaragua, and the new Covernment went into operation Fri- day - The Government of Holland has sent out a denial of the report that Queen Wilhel; mina's`health is failing. TAI E A PLEBISCITE.< Should a plebiscite be taken it'vould be found that Burdock Blood Bitters is by long odds the most successful and popular cures dspepsia headache, constipation, bias eal I iousness, bad blood, etc. It is purely vege- table. The Earl and Countess of Craven sailed Wednesday from New York on the Teutonic for Europe. TIIE CHOLERA. SCARE, Fear kills more than cholera. Severe diar- rheea,:purging., torte, cramps, etc., are: of- ten mistaken -for choleraic troubles. A few doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry will remove both the disease and the terror it inepires. The chances of the recovery of Bond, of Montreal are now considered •' ood. WHY bUrFER front Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,' Asthma or Bronchitis when perfect cure is so easy with Dr, Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup. New quarters for Court Ivanhoe, L O. F. were dedicated with a banquet and other ceremonies- at Millbrook Wednesday. Piac's Remedy for Catat.rh is the ]Boat, Easiest to T)se',and Cheapest. Sold by druggists' or Gent by mail. Ste )5 T. I3aielbine. Warren, Pa. At the Ilami:lton ,Jockey Club's races Friday Waterloo and Mars ran a dead heat in a steeplechase, a thing almost `unknown on this side of the water. Soy close was as the contest that in the run- off' off Mars won only by a good nose, A terrible triple miirder is reported at Clai'enceville, Que., a father,mother and daughter named Fdv being killed, and an attempt made to burn the hod, les, There is no elite to the murders The victims have relatiyes ia Toronto. This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver. Trani les, such as Constipation, headache, Dyspepsia Indigestion, Impute Blood, ea These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful o promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills, I your tongue' is coated you sued them. ut.ti.>?.b, AB' ,ALL ABZCUG STOI ES. Miseelianeous. Rich Red Blood. As natural results from taling, IIood's Sarsitparill i as personal clean- liness results from free use of soap and water. This great purifier thoroughly expels scrofula, salt rheum and all oth- er Impurities and builds up every; or gan of the body. Now is the time to take it, The highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills for their easy yet efficient action. Sohl by all druggist, 'Price 25 cents. A Baby Browned in a Pail 01' Water% Hamilton, Ont,, May 31, --The family of Mr. Morrow, school teacher, who live on the mountain, were yesterday after- noon thrown into great cite£ owing to the drowning of a 10 -months -old son. The little one (ono of twins) was creep• ing about the house while the mother was ironing. He crept to the open door, On the door -step stood a pail about half full of, water. The baby pat his hands out towards the water and losing his balance fell head fore- mast in. The mother knew nothing of the occurrence until the little girl dis covered the infant in the pail and gave. rhe alarm. A doctor was summoned. from the city and everything was done to restore animation, but without ayail If your druggist says he does not know anything about the cures Mem- bray's Kidney and Liver `'Cure have affected, write to Peterboro Medicine Company, Limited, Peterboro. Ont The marriage of Miss Marion Philips daughter of Mr- Wm. Walter Philips, late minister of the United States to Germany, to Dr. Von Rottenburg . was solemnized at the residence of Mr. Phi- lips in Berlin, Wednesday. D Waters, Cambellford, Ont., says that that Peterboro Medicine Co. (Lim- ited) are at liberty to use his name in the interest ofall who may be suffer- ing as he was before he used. Membray's Kidney's and Liver Cure.' Just what you want-Eseljay's Liv er Lozenges. For sick headache---Eseljav's Liver Lozenges. A. Grand Trunk official in London is reported to haye hinted that the di- Visional officers in the Forest City may be removed to Sarnia because of the tendency of London shippers tepatron, ize other roads-' The Why and Wherefore. There is nothing naryelous' ^ in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should cure so many diseases. When you remember that a majority of the dis- orders "flesh is heir to" are due to im- pure or poisonous condition of the blood and that Hood's Sarsaparilla is an ef- fective and radical blood purifier, the whole thing is explained Kicked to Death. Strathroy,.June 2. -This morning as William McGurn and David Wat- son. atson,' employes of Scott, Gillies • & Co:, produce dealers, were returning to the warehouse: with a load of empty egg boxes, one of the boxes on the wagon slipped, precipitating them between the whiffletrees and the horses, causing them to dash forward, one of them kicking the unfortunate man McGurn in the head, smashing the skull and allowing the brains to exude. Watson got off with o few bruises. McGurn diep within a coudle of hours. De ceasep was a single man, about 34 years of age Besides its blood purifying qualites, Hood's Sarsaparilla also contains the best, known vegetablFitomach tonics, diureties, kidney remedies and liver invigorants. and is thus an excellent specific for all disorders of these organs as well as for low condition of the sys tem of That Tired feeling. Nor Nausea—Eseljay's Liver Lozen ges. For Constipation--ES'eljay's Layer Lozenges.' World's Voir Notes. Inclement weather interfered with Wednesday's attendance at the World's Fair. Evangelist Dright Moody has been asked by the coni; ail of administration to preach in the World's Fair grounds next Sunday. Director of Works Burnham, of the World's Fair, has issued an order to the department chiefs instructirn, them to have their, building ready for visit ors next Sunday,--Goderich Star. The "Old Kentucky home" at the World's Fair grounds was dedicated Wednesday. It is the bluegrass state building and on the most`. attractive in the 1Vhite City, ' Supplementary to the eerelnotlies 1'liss Laid Vender's Statute of Daeics Boone was uriyeilesd ONTARIO FRUIT AT CIIICA00,--P1'esi dent Jollbi Dickson, of the Horticultur- al Society, has received a reply from Commissioned. .Pettit, at the World's tFair, in enquiries as to fruit exhibits during the coining season, The only expense to be borne here will be in eel letting. and Mr. Dickson will be glad to receive specimens of all classes of fruit, Whenever ready, from anyone in the section, If volt haye anything good let him know and he will see that you have a chalice to add it to the, Cauaelian exhibit, i a vhereS' ou will be given full credit -with your na'me mai address on yout s,tna )10S, T titF �„T� 6y a .iiav V fi�V, lig ; M r F % ila y ,t 'Etegulates the Ston -each Liverartd13nwels, unlocks the Sec retio rts,Pu r ifiesth e Blood and retrieves a$11m... Purities frorn a 'Plartple to t e r h wo stc S rafUFousSore. {{gy�p�. ' .. a w �r ' �., . CURES ."-Z. DYSPEPS!A. BILIOUSNESS'. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES FII x. a vLi ;, mgr rx` :.r " 2 r itlit , zCP*" sr ie • 1Deatlas of the Week. Alex. McEwen, barber, dropr.d dead at Mount Forest Tuesday, Francis Gaother has just cried near St. Charles, Quebec, at the age of 114 years. John Watts, an M, C. R, ernnloye at Victoria Opt., was run over and killed Wedn esday, Alexander Harris, grocer, of Belle- ville, formerly of Toronto, died Friday of heart failure; Sanford Becker, only child of W, J. Becker, Stratford, was run over and killed by a wagon Friday. Walter Emerson the well-known cornetist, died suddenly in Boston on Thursday night of peritonitis. Mrs. Angdee Caplette, one of the old est residents of Manitoba, is dead in Winnipeg at the advanced age of 103 years. - The body of Miss Sheppard, who was drowned at Cambeliford, was found Wednesday about three miles below the town. At Columbus, Ind., on Thursday, Ralph Drake shot and killed' Mrs. •Ida Ward, then put a bullet into his own head, and will die. William Edwards, for 40 years a res - dent of the vicinity of Nilestown and Dorchester, Ont., died at his home on Wednesday at the advanced age of 80 y ears. Augustus Vickerson, a Board of Trade speculator, committed suicide at his room at the Metropole hotel in Chi- cago by strangling himself with the silk cord of his smoking ;jacket some time between 8 and 9.30 o'clock Satur- day night- Despondency and Br:rght's disease are supposed to haye been the cause of the suicide. Ulnas ane Huntley is the sister of Mr, W. S. Huntley of Cortland, N. Y., a well known car- penter and builder. Her frank state- ment below gives only the absolute truth concerning her illness and mar- velous recovery by the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She says: "C. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass.: " Dear Sir: , Twelve years ago I began to have hemorrhages and four years ago became so roti' that the physicians told me There %Vaas No Hope :Ina I lbouid soon die. I could not be moved from my bed. Under my face were napkins Continually reddened with blood from my merest. asdsxlkl texts raathimg and had no ',Lotion of the bowels for a week. 'The doctors tial,' the cause was ulcers in the stomach. At this time my mother said she wanted to make one marc trial, and asked if I would, take 1 ood s Sarsaparilla. I told her it would be A Waste 0 Money but finding it would comfort hor, I began tak ing 10 In a few clays the bloating began to rubside, I seemed to feel a little stronger, but thought it only fancy. I was so weak could only take ten drops of Sarsaparilla at first. In two weeks I was able to sit up a few min- ute:: every day. In a month 5 could walk across the nodosa. Ono day I asked what they were to have for. dinner, and said I wanted somethin hearty. ' My mother was so happy she cried It was the 'lu'st Time I had Feat p-81larum e`"--.-rr for Temo Yew's' t kept on with hood's Sarsaparilla and In six ro ibis wets as well as ever in my life. at now our years since I recovered, and I have not hacl allay s sickness since, nor any hemor•• Mum. If ever a human being thanked the ort t ord 011 beaded knees it was L 1 know I,'' at hood's Sarsaparilla, and that alone, 'nu in 1 � rso�mal era Ude." ,. uq dredge s• Messrs. Sager ,$ Jennings, the well known ru,l,.kts of Cortland, say that Miss Huntley "is a, ilghly respeetod lady; her statement of what m rS`M �- ae '.. oorss SaIr sa sl11llla Has Mono for her is worthy the highest coni - den " Mood's pills euro Liver Ilia, Hood" Vegetable P1118 aro pre. pared to meet a legiti mild demandfor a mate, efficient and reliable family physic. They aro purely vegetable, containing no n calomel, mercury, or mineral sub- 1 1 1 S stance of any kind. Hood's 11115 act 1115011 the stomach, liver, and alimentary canal, and euro Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nailsea, Biliousness, headache, Indigestion, Sottr Stomach, Distress after hinting, Jaundice. ' A cold may bo broken up and afevot prevented by promptly taklhg hood's Pills. Hood's Pills Aro prepared by0. IIlaOd & 7o., A of o0ario s , Lowell, Mass. Prise Moults per box. Sold by all druggists or sent ler mail on recoiptof prier, SHAVING IIA VING ---PARLOR EXETER, tel ONTARIO. A. Hastings,Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children s Hair Cutting. A., astifRs. The Cheapest and Best Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MA.NS O S9 !. Just a few more pairs of those Men's cheap 'Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola Kids left, sm. 11111SON, Next Door South ofPoitolfioo Bargains! Bargains T.1 Bargains ! 1 ! The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S GIIDli Y9S ■ URNITURE & ri'rIBEGYIi W7Y\IfYW —Establishment.— Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. Data rikLnz }!tt. IKnigh � Hods Wanted. Dressed or Alive. J i!Dressed Iiogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per ewt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 The for either bung gut or gullott, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed, SNELL BROS 8& Co. PLAY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted tip his parlor and restaurant -Fill serve— ICE CREAM during' the Summer Season. Also a 1p,rge supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every 1Vednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. D, W, FOSS, Hensall Exetcr fl!118!oll1 Iut[umB41 EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the moat complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES;BICYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &o; The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN UN TAKING ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. I have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty The Fashionable Gutter and Fitter. r • As 1 ,ern the only QUT'TED, and PIT` 11t in town wh.chas visited the large ctities in :tit: United States this Sgring,Tani thorefere the bust able to 211 you in' lit X'rinvet' $tyle, Ladies! When you have bought the material for your Spring.: and Summer coat: came to me and get fitted.. Gentlemen, Before you buy your Spring Suit, come up to my shop and get posted on THE STYLES, BERT I T ��� T The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter. ErElla A complete stock of Pure andReliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. Paiept(ifiedioius, Smoes, Druggist's ij11s 4trightand reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family RcceiptE, r Carefully Prepared. 1Iiiii'3 COMi!!ll the best in the market. C. LUTZ. PRAT. T: ►.I Y. A.. e tiELL, mal ,l.'1 si_ EXETER - ONTARI i 1 Has now in stock IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. S1TELL Thos. O'Neill,a wood dealer on Hugh - son street, Hamilton, slipped from a load of cordwood Wednesday evening and fell on his head, breaking his neck. Another of North Oxford's pioneer settlers has passed, away in the • person of Henry Shearon, aged 84. Deceased had lived in North Oxford, at his late residence, for half a century. Mr. J bn McCarthy, head of the brewery: firm of J. McCarthy & Son, Prescot,,,,died Wednesday. Deceased left a large family of sons and 'daugh- ters, among whom is Mr. W. C. McCar- thy, barrister, Toronto. About 11 o'clock Friday a. m while three or four boys were playing near the river by Fisher's mill Paisley one, a son of Mr. Alex. Leask, fell into the stream and was drowned.: The little fellow was only abottt 4 years old, and his small comrades wore unable to save him, and before assistance could be procured he was dteWnedr A young unmarried man named Al- bert Moore, aged 24 years, committed suicide at his brother':v residence on the Loiulon road, four tulles front Wyo- ming, by yotiring,by shooting himself through the head with a revolver 00 Friday last. Depression of spirits through a fancied loss of money was the ally cause to Which the sad e' ont coiitd be attribu- ted, Atkinson's . Furniture Ware ..m cheapest Ware - rooms is s the e c e� pest aud. best place in the County to buy Fur- niture. uris tur: • . • first-class Bed -room Suite for o l every- thing s s S n y �9 and ever ' tr m , m thnnr., else in comparison, All ;.,Dods r;llilranteed to l� , be` my own make, of first-class dry material, nothilty but best hard lumber used. Lumber and Wood Taken in exchange for Furniture. Wire attres The only place in town where you can buy the Patent Dominion Nicklo-Plated Wire Mattress,—war- ranted attress=wa>-ranted not to rust, inson, rop.