HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-8, Page 4Oretor Abroccitt. SANDERS & DYER. Pxops, THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, 1893, PROTECTION FOR FARMERS.. Canadian cheese -makers 'will be gratified to Beare that the federal gov erameut at Ottawa has just issued ex- plicit instructions, through;the,Control. ler of 'Customs, for protectithg our farm- ers:agatust the unfair attempts oa the Tart of Ahucricau 'huauufa:;turers to Arlin alTtheir inferior cheese as, a Carla- dirn product. Most of the American cheesa shipped to Europa is passed. through Montreal; ai'►d in this way gross injustice has been done to the manufacturers of Canadian cheese who have to contend in the Eug:ish market against an inferior from the U, S. Arrangements have now been made by which all American cheese will be brauded as such by a competeut officer whose duty it will be to watch every chipmeet until it is stowed on board the vessel. As every one knows, Canad- ain cheese has taken a high place in the English market, both as to quauti- ty and quality; and, since it will be no longer possible for an inferior article awning from the united States to be 'palmed off as of Canadian make, our Farmers may safely reckon on holding their own'awithout unfair competition' This is but one out of many instances in which the federal government has protected the farmers by a wider ex- tension of the home market, and also against undue competition abroad. ART AND MORALITY. An incident has enured. in the Chic- ago Fair which raises once more the eternal question of the relation of art to morality. A picture entitled "A woman taken in adultry," has been on exhibition by an American painter, but Mr. Ives, at the head -of the art de- partment, has covered it with a veil' because of its indecency. The French artists have protested against this at - tion on the part of Mr. Ives, but the popular sentiment of the country will sustain him. The cry of "art for art's sake" has 'been used in France and elsewhere to give vogue to works in literature and painting which outrage modesty and decency. In literature the fascinating exquisitely finished, artistic but poison- ous balk, typified by Theophile GGau- thier's "Mademoiselle de liaupin," has given place to the coarse, filthy and disgusting works of Zola. In painting an abundant tribute has been paid to the national goddess, Lubricity. The scrofulous French novel has become a 'byword, but the libidinous spirit which breathes through it has spread to other /ands and other spears of work. The proscribed painting at Chicago is by an American, and much has been writ tenlin the periodical literature of both the United States and England in just- ification of the theory that arkhas the right to ignore morality iu the produc- tion of beautiful objects. Such a theory would, if allowed free play, tend to the corporation of society. The representation of the human form in the nude is not necessarily immoral, Such an idea would occur to no heal- thymind din connection entice with a work of the quality of Hirman Power's "Greek Slave." On the other hand it is the duty of the state to suppress indecent exhibitions, and under this head all those may be classed which appeal to sur lower nature tend to inflame the imagination, and excite the passions, .5.11E CARD WELL DEMONSTRA- TION. diction to all his former policy, because of; the plants are worth 65 cents each, 1e formation he ~,n or silt iu the wa,� GtG a l,t d r of the present Cabinet.. Bub the tell, ing speech of the oeeassion, at Orange- ville, was that given by the 'Aliliister of Finance. Mr. Foster has, by his elo- quent addresses both in Parliament' and oa the public • platform, proved him self the worthy successor of such hien. as Sir.I.,eonarcl Tilley and SriCharles Tupper. Ho has proi''od as successful in rolling; up surpluses of revenue,even while relieving the people of millions of dollars of taxation on neeessaries, as Sir Richard Cartwright was noted for his deficits. Mr. Foster went into an exhaustive treatment .of the govern. $58,000,000—while that with the Unit- ed States had shrunk to $5,000,000! Mr. Wallace also at some length dealt with the political tergiversations of Dalton McCarthy, stating that lie was playing a double game; and that while posing as the Protestant loader in the House of Commons, Mr, McCarthy had with. characteristic inconsistency gone back on his own political record -and allow- ing the dual language bill for the N. W. territories to pass unchallenged, while he was now making it one of his ment's fiscal policy. In the course of the Finance Minister's remarks he ad yerted to the false position assumed by Dalton McCarthy -who was now re- pudiatinet every plank in the political platform which for fifteen or twenty years he had helped to build up. The present government, said' the Hon. Mr. Foster was doing all in its power in the direction of tariff reform meeting with deputations, holding public meetings, consulting with manufacturers and producers, giving audience to patrons of Industry, and in every legitimate way coming into touch with the great body of the electorate so as to effect the the largest amount of prosperity for the greatest number of the people. One statement of the Finance Minister is deserving of public • consideration, --and tbat is, that since 1587 every revision of the tariff by the Conservative gov- ernment has been to strike off duties rather than to impose additional bur- dens, During this present year alone, the people had been relieved of no less a sum than $5,250,000 of taxes on an equal consumption. Other addresses were given at the Cardwell demonstra- tions, but it is enough to say that pub- lic sentimens throughout that district of country was such as to .give an em- phatic endorsem=ent to the miacterial policy. One of those magnificent demonstra- trona so frequently accorded to the Con- servative government came off last week at Orangeville, the County town of Cardwell. There were present on behalf of the Cabinet the Hon. G. E, Foster, Minister of Finance Controllers Wallace and Wood, R. S. White, M. P. for the County, beside many leading Conservatives from different parts of. Ontario. The Town Hall was inade- quate to give accomodation to all who came The speeches were received by the vast multitude assembled with tiff bounded enthusiasm, shoving that the present administration is in touch with she great body of the people. Mr, Wood dealt mainly with tariff reform and the National Policy. Mr, Walla handled the subject of trade ; returns, from which he showed by statistics that Ca» i,adian trade with the mother country was increasing by lefts and bottndp s s, While the; trade with United tate the U cd S s (which was our greatest competitor in the very articles that Canada produces) had materially deereaSed. Ottly last zrear the trade with Britain had reached oliticaI planks.So with the tarrff � p s Y Mr. McCarthy had giiyen a flat contra THE woRE.O•-s FAIR. The following entraets from a letter just received from a daughter of Rev. Mr. Steele, Kirkton, addressed to a member of the family, and dated Chic- ago, May 31st 1898, will be interesting to some of our readers:— "Yesterday was decoration day, so we bad a holiday. We went down to the fair grounds, and took the Elevat- ed railroad. It was a much faster means of travel than the cable. The view is by no means enlivening. You see, as you go through the city, all the back doors of dirty tenement houses, and have your eyes feasted on squalor, &c, But when you get down to the "White City" you are really astonished Some of the buildings are of the finest architecture proportries and the groups of statuary, though only in stucco work, are fine specimens of Flue Arts. The charges for luncheon at the grounds are exorbitant -10c. for a cup of coffee, and 10c. for a piece of pie. The lunch counters are crowded with people purchasing lunches prior to go- ing into. the Fair. Well ! we made our way right over to the Art gallery. Af- ter glancing at the building, and some of, its contents, we went oyer to the Manufactureisland`Fine Art buildings we merely strolled through, as 'want- ed especially to exaniit,e more leisurely some things on the exhibit. e. g. the English and. French, China and Bohe- mian glass. There is a splendid vase by Dore worth $20,000. I will tell you exhibit more minutely about the in this building when I write again. 'l' * * Canada came out grandly in the Agricultural building—so did all the Colonies. The Australian department was "frescoed" all over in wool. Cana- da made a good exhibit in steel in the manufacturing building. -I was al- most forgetting that our friend, Mr. Towler, of Kingston has fourteen pic- tures in water colors; but I will give you details of the Aat gallery again. We saw silk weaving in the machinery hall. There is what they call the Mid way Plaisance. In it there is an ex- act representation of a street in Cairo, Egypt, and one in Vuima. In the for- mer are camels, donkeys, boys, temples and quarrelling nubians.• We have that also in reserve for a move leisurely view, The Mc'fonnie's fountain is very fine --the water showers and falls over stone steps running around, and in the basin, almost leaping oyer the edge, are splendid sea -horses with riders. Shoots of waters dart up all over in the htigh basin. Near it is the electric fountain, and they say at night that and the electric display on the buildings is grand --like a fairy scene. We could not stay till night, as we were tired reaming about. There were 200,000 tickets taken ie that day, in spite of the attractions of decoration day. Some of the exhibits are not coin. plated e, h• in the Horticultural hail. .A tot of orchids have to eomc .yet. Some We saw the exhibits of Wood carving. in the Swiss 1epartmenti and . as 1 want to buy some things there, we shall see them again later on. We came home weary but happy. I am going every Saturday to the Fair till I see it all, -Love to all." News of' the Week iu'Brief', The next, papal consistory will be held June 12. Crop prospects in the west are re- ported to be very eueouragiag, Chief „inhale Strong, of Canada, has received the honor, of knightliood. Efforts to find natural gas within the limits of Hamilton are being made. Bailiff English of London, brought ten prisoners to the Central prison Fri- day. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges lengthen the life. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges otlre Indi- gestion. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges euro pimp les: La Grippe has broken out in Winni- peg again and many people are down. with it. The Presbyterian General Assembly has suspended Rey, Dr. Briggs from the ministry. A London barber has been fined $2 and costs for shaving a customer on Sunday. The corner stone of a new Presby- terian church was laid at Wick, Out,, Thursday. The new pork .packing establishment near London begins active operations this week. There are 2,405 manufacturing es- tablishment iu Toronto employing 26,- 333 hands. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges pleasant as candy, Eseljay's Liver Lozenges heal the sick, Edwin Booth is much worse, and lit-. tle hope of even a partial recovery is entertained. The Reformed synod of North Amer icanhas refused to change the creed of the church. There were two deaths and numer ous prostrations from the heat at Pitts- burg on Saturday. About 150 builders' laborers at Otta- wa went out on strike Thursday for an increase in wages. A bold mail robbery was perpetatcd at the lower G. T. R. depot, Kingston, an Tuesday night. Rev. Andrew Cunningham was elect- ed president of the Guelph Methodist conference Saturday. Are you bilious? Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are 25 cents, ougue coated? Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. The Grand Trunk ,flyer ran from Kingston to Bellvilte Thursday at the rate of 60 miles an hour. In the annual Inter-Universitycrick- et match Saturday Trinity defeated 'Varsity by nine wickets. Senator Carling, of Canada, has been macre a. Knight of the Grand •Cross of St. Michael and St. George. At Fort Madison, S. C., a negro nam- ed Isaac Lincoln was lynched because he insulted a white woman, Root. T. Lincoln, ex Minister to Eng- land, pas returned to Chicago and will resume his law practice. Got a headache? Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Are you tired? Eseljay's Liver Lozenge. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges clear the skin. The insurance men who have been de- liberating at Niagara Falls have sign- ed a compromise agreement. A furious rainstorm in South Caro- lina Saturday was the cause of several washouts and railroad wrecks. Great damage has been done by ex- tensive floods in eastern Galicia, and. 18 person's have been drowned. Mr. C, H. Callan, of Halifax, leader of the Conservative Opposition in the Local Legislature, is at Ottawa. An Athens cable announces that ex- cavators at Delphi have ,unearthed_ a colossal marble statute of Apollo. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges cure Con- stipation. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges cure Sick Headache. c, Eseljay's Liver Lozenges cure Nau- sea. Frank Hislop, aged, ' 65, a laborer, was struck by an electric car and,,bad- ly injured in Hamilton Thursday. East Yorlt Conservatives meet at East Toronto on June` 15th to nomin- ate a candidate for the legislature.. The steamer Otter is ashore at Seven Islands bay, near Quebec. She was insured at Toronto`in the Western. Rev. Wm. Jackson, D. D., wag elect ted president of the Montreal Methodis- conference at Cornwall Wednesday. Cyclones, hailstorms, Water -spouts, rain -storms atad higher water are play ing havoc in Tennessee and Arkansas. Eseljays Liver Lozenges endorsed by' doctors. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges cure sal- lowneFs To failure to raise $6,500,000 on the Cherokee Strip bonds has caused a com- mercial rr'isis in the Indian territory, '1'he public debt statement just is sued at Washington shows there was anet doereaae of $739425.09 during mo,ya One thoiisstnd dollars' worth of con- traband tins was 'seized at Eastport, Me,, Saturday by e U, S, customs oti1- ter, Esei jay's Liver Lozenges tone She ,� to t, eetriplex. on,. • ©' 0' are 0 5• s l a' s 1diY L Oen GS � Lei 3 i °�' r p a ant to take, Eseljay's Liver,Lozerhges aro boater than pills.: Eseljay's Liver' Lozenges restore bey, Ivesaut, the American billiard champ ion, wen the match with the English champion, John Roberts, jun, A land agent named Moloney vas. shot from Ambuslr in the county Clare, Ireland, Wednesday, and seriously in- jured. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges tone up the health, Eseljay's Liver Lozenges will fix you up,i Rev. J. S. Ross, M, A., of the Central Methodist church, Wooclstoek, has been elected president of Niagara Confer - The Veterans of '66, accompanied by 1,200 school boys, Saturday decorated the volunteer' monument in , Queen's painTh• e travelling dairy was in Bo manville Wednesday, in charge of Messrs W. L, Carlyle, B. S. A. and J, A. McTavish. Never be without Eseljay's Liver Lozenges, No more pills! Eseljay's Litter Loz- (Ma es, Mr. J. Davey' has been chosen by the Conservatives of West Durham to con- test the riding at the next provincial election, At Oshawa Wednesday Rev. W. Johnston of Tweed was elected presi- dent of the Bay of Quiube Methodist conference. Lightning set fire to 4,000 bales of cotton stored in a shed at Utica,' N. Y. Wednesday and it was nearly all des• troyed, Eseljay's Liver Lozengee sweeten the temper Eseljay's Liver Lozenges tone up the system. Dayid G. Sheldon, a young man be- longing. to Woodstock, strangled him • self in Windsor gaol on Saturday morning, Over $10,000,000 worth of new build- ings are said to be in process of con- struction in Winnipeg, and real estate is active. The reciprocity convention, which opens at St. Paul, Minn., to day, will be attended by fifteen delegates from Winnipeg. The cure of Geo. W. Turner, of Gal- way, N. Y. of scrofula, by tHooa's Sar saparilla, was one of the most remark- able on record. Detectivem'1 in arrived last S yet e h back Saturday from Kausas City with Geo. Pike, the defaulting accountant of the Imperial• bank. Are you run down?—Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Eiseljay's Liver Lozenges keep your skin clear. •`Eseljay's layer Lozenges keep blood pure. Five persons were burned to death at a fire on Saturday at midnight in the five -storey flat house at 138 East 43rd street, New York. At St. Thomas on Saturday the paver Johnson went a mile in 216 1 2, the best performance ever done in harness on a Canadian track. A London cable says itis likely the restrictions ou.the importation of Ca- nadian cattle into Britain will last six or eight weeks. yet. State auditor Portlir says that North Dakota will have a deficiency of : from $100,000 to $150,000 before another legislature can convene. • Eseljay's Liver Lozenges 25c. At druggist s. Eseljay's Liver . Lozenges—for the stomach. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges cure Indi- gestion. D. K. McArthur's general store at Hopeville, Ont., was broken into early Wednesday morning, the safe blown open and $185 carried off. Signor Gerome Rossi;" the Italian' archaeologist, and author of-"Archiyio Storico Italiano" and other works, has been stricken with apoplexy. The New York, Chamber of Com- merce has unanimously adopted a res- olution asking Congress to repoal the Sherman silver purchase law. All the remaining charges of mur- der, etc., arising out of the. Homestead strike have been allowed to drop, in- cluding those against H. C. Frick, Better than pills—Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges sweeten the breath. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges euro old and youu;g• Evangelist Moody has received an appeal• from London, signed by .1,214 prominent persons, asking him to en-• gage in evangelistic work there. Cyrus G. Spaulding, a bookkeeper for Day, Jobson & Co, lumber dealers, of Springfield, Mass., is short in his ac- counts $12,000, and has disappeared. The Hamilton race meeting closed on Saturday. Mr. J. E. Seagram was the principal winning owner, his hors. es winning $27,000 in the three days. For Lassitude-Eseljay's Liver Los.. For .heartburn—Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Nelson Critter, of Detroit touched an electric wire Saturday. Re died. A red negro, of the same place, took hold of an incandescent lamp with the same results, C. 13. Jewell, the Rock Island rain maker, began operations in Kansas Saturday: Ile sent his apparatus up in a cloudless sky and hi six hours rain fell. For Indigestion—,Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. For'torpid Liver--Eseljay's Liver Lozenges, THE PEOPLE'S NOME -GUARD! USON ON SENTRY®I TY It will guard yon securely from disease YOU Have a Very Be Cough, Are Suffering From Lung Troubles, Have Lost Flesh Through Illness, Are Threatened With Consumption, IT WILL Cure That Cough, Heal' Your Lungs, Put Flesh On Your Bones, Prevent Consumption. SMALL & LARGE BOTTLES 50o, & $1.00. IT IS VERY PLEASANT TO TAKE. Askfor and be sure you get the " D. & L. Emulsion.° The Columbus caravels will start from New York on their long journey up the coast to the mouth of the St. Lawrence river; thence through the lakes to Chicago. The splendidly appointed new Ma- sonic hall at Brantford was dedicated Saturday by Hon. J. M. Gibson, grand master, assisted by a large number' of local and visiting brethren. Harold Frederick cables to the New York Times that the strain on Mr. Gladstone is proving too great, and that it is doubtful if he will live to see the third reading of the home rule bill. The St. Thomas police made a raid Saturday night on a gambling house in place on Centre street back of the Grand Central Hotel, and captured twelve men, besides four tables, 492 cards, 723 poker chips, 2 cases of lager and a bottle of whiskey. Of the twelve arrested four only belong to' St. Thom as. '1 hey were each fined $40, and the city realized $480. e�� Eas,ly, Quickly, Permanently Restored. THETRIUMPyIfLOVE Weakness, Nervousness, Debility; and all the train, of evils from early errors or later excsses,'the results of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc. Tull strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Imme- diate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. :]look, explanation and pruufs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Allstatoment prepared by Gomptiol•- ler Eckies at Washington shows that since January 1 up to June 1st, 20 Na, tional banks, with a capital of $6,150,• 000, have failed, as against seven Na- tional banks, a-tionalbanks, with a capital of$625,000 for the corresponding period of 1892, There died Sunday, /near Horning's Mills, Mr. Robt, McGhee, who was for nearly 20 years a member of the Coun. ty Council of Grey, afterwards M. P. 1?. for Dufforin,; and at the time of his death reeve of Melanetlhon and a use- ful member of the Dufferin County Council. Hon. G. E. Foster and Messrs. Clarke 'Wallace and J, F. Wood addressed meetings of electros at Orangeville and Bolton, in the County of Cardwell, Thursday, and discussed the tariff and other current issues. Mr, McCarthy's present attitude received considerable adverse comment. HOFFbv AN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE powa ens cure AL.L. EA DACH•E, They are not adver- tised t, care ever. thi.np,butei7npty head- aches. Try themy it will cost b,,* ktl cents hasor a boand they eve armless. They are not a Cathartic. Men's, . Boy's .. and. Children's Hair cut in the latest style, Ladies' Knots, Bangs and Switches made to order. E. H. FISH, : arber, —AGENT FOR TAE— PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. W. G. Bissett's Livery. _First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. 0-. BISSETT HRWTIE'S CM1i) Lii) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW 'HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. T'orma Reasoaa lel Telephone ConnectIon ,�_.. 919\1/LEI:Cs '•'i; OF ILI) y Atilt WBERRI `v.. CURE ir ,a, COQ IC , CHOLERA—MORBUS DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY' NOALF A �PLA� ' Q d� C TS E0 f CHILDREN orADULTS Ors P IITATIONS gpVJARE pF IMITATION S ffati The ViTHITEMAN PEA H1. VESTER, THE INT THE �'� -fig FOR TIIE FOLLOWING : REASONS. 1St. It is built of the best malable wrought iron and steel. 2nd. It requires no holes to be drilled in cutter. r 3rd. The. outside divide can be raised or, low ered at back or front independent of lifters. 4th. It has no rod at back to hold obstructions and cause choking. 5th Thereare nospringsbreak or"et out' of order. to ;., r 61;h, It. has movable clips andcanbe set in line with tongue �' e of machine if cutter bar drags back. 7th. Each g staylifter has a guardand breaking mower guards is is impossible. raised 8th. Each lifter is indeend�ent of the other and canbe rai , or lowered at the back so as to line in front should mow- er guards be out of line. o t Jtl�..Clze number of machines sold during the pas season enables a large number of the ].eaclin:g farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits. Every machine is warranted and given on test Sample machin© may be seen at IL LANG', agetero ov Wm. ELDER, sa1L James Whiteman! patentee and manlxfaturer; THOS. BROWN, Cori Agit Seaforthi rr