HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-6-8, Page 1VOL. I EXETER, ONT ,. I0, TtI LTRSD X, JUTE 8, 18913.. The o Otis `Bank. (Chartered byP;orliapientk 055,) Paid Capital ; $2,000,000 Ret Irna,,Y,100,000, Head oifiee''1llafi'treal + PV LFE1%STAN THOMAS, Esq., .tiQ GENERAL' MAINA(41113. Money' t„ sued ya?uier'5 on their lyan own notes with one Cr mere endorsers at 7 por cent per aainttim. Exeter Branch. ,tO3 p. Upon every lawful dq;r•frP�>i?�:1 . mt u d l ace .,. O ft @ m•,Stz v A genera 1 banking;buSiness'transacted CURRENT RATES allowed 'for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. SSviees Dank at 3 per dent. N. DYER HITRDON Jan 2S, 'SS, ' Sub•Manage'r Exeter, w.... eltteter ,e • Is published every Thursday ALor>?ing, at the office, MAIN-STR1;ET, EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. • TERMS OF SiTBSCRIi'TION"'•" One Dollar per annum i£spaid in Advance. SI,a30 if not paid. 23..d-ireet3.013ag lutes ors 131e1213oa tiors No paper discontinued until all arreaents without ggrages are maid, Awill be published till forbidcific and directions wird be published. discount made for tri accordingly for transoient advortisemen is inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, Ste, fornt do ng, subsoriptions, etc. to bemade -papa Sanders & Dyer PROPRIETORS Church Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCf,--Rev. , . H Fitt, Rector. Sunday Services, m and 7 p.m, Sabbath School, 3 p•• m . oly Comm union. 1st Sunday of each month at Morningafter Eveningand Se Service months h h Sunday of Sun- days, the m oath. Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday of each month at morning service. ME'rHOriisT CHURen--Jamoe-st., Rev, A. L. Russell,m. Sabbath School, 2,30 p. m Z4' m, a,nd6.30 p.,Pas- tor. W30M m,Dona 8,as- ac- tor. Sunday Services, Sabbath School 2.30 p, m. PastorB1S PRESBYTERIAN p Sere Services, uRa. m and Martin, 31) p. ra, Sabbath School, 0.45 a. in t d'rogeeinonal Cards. H,E.INSD1AN,L,D•S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Darling Store MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth' without pain. Away at Hansa). on 1st Friday; Axles, Craig on 2nd and th Tuesdmod y and Zurich on last Thursday ems. IL INGRAM, DENTIST, ,AlembrRoya Ce College Dental Surgeons, successor t H. L. Billings, Office over Post Ofiep Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic ?gine i ven fd the painless extraction of teeth, Fillings as required. Medical Drs; 3. A. ROLLIINTS & T A. AMOS. Residences, same as forme rl°. OFFICES, Spackenah,, building, Main. 5 t. Dr, Rollins' office• same as form y th door, Dr. Amos' office, same building-southMay s door. T. A, Amos, 2d. D 1895 J A .Rollins, M. D. IF YOU Tin. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians awl Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- ur. Office Dashwood, Ont. =- " Legal. 1 U. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- • O$., Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money tc Zoan. ..- j I).DICE`SON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR L. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- peyancer, Comm lock r,, &cExeMoney to lean: t t LIOT & ELL OT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC X1 4' itors, 0onveyaiacer8.: &c• 13. V. ELLIOT. 'FREDERICK ELLIO Auctioneers gg77BEOWNtWinchelsea. Licensed Aini 1i. t ioneorfor the Counties of Perth Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and term sreason ab' o Sales arranged at Post office, Winehelsa A J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens .,>ed Auctioneer, for the counties o± Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders yetailoroother. wise promptly attended le -prices. ANT TO TRAVEL r R mit ![, _ through life by the rough stages of coughs, colds and consump- tion, be careless of yourself during the damp, cold weather and DON'T use s Alien's Lungm for that nasty cough of yours. But if you'd like to live to a green old age in health, and consequently in happiness, use Alien'sLung Balsam as a preventive and cure of all Throat and Lung diseases. —PRICES — 25o, 50e & $1.00 Per Bottle. Our 'local cotcm sent up a lonely growl last week because they dhd not get the The Teachers' Convention re- port more(?) than "a few hours before. going to press", The more plausible reason being; that the ADvoQt1T.0 was handed the copy first. A copy - of the proceeding's ems given otu ootoin on Wednesday morning about 730 o'clock which would at least give 10 hours to prepare it for the press: Miller inform• cd us that he 'sets' type at the rate of 4 columns per data the article in ques• r re , • tion contained1;r columns of mat yet inferring; from his own statement he could have set the report by noon. As for space the `fames is never wants ing, as two or three columns of stereo typed matter could be thrown out to their credit, as every other week much of this matter is about two weeks old The following i;, a sample of our totem's consistancy—The report of the Usborne Council rninutes was kept in the Times office for more than one day and just as we were going to press Wednesday evening May llth, (about 6.30) the Times' 'devil' rushtd into our office with the report for publication. Of course we did not publish it that week, (we do not buy foreign stereotyped matter for our columns—if our news Should happen to be 0 or 8 days old, it is 'set up' in. this office) and therefore could not make room, but as hundreds of the ADVOCATE readers never see the Times we published the report for their benefit. We hope our totem will not worry because all their subscribers diel not see the Convention report in their last issue. We were only asked for. 2 extra copies of the ADVOCATE, So it IS evident that all who desired, read the report. LJ(")AB FOR SERVICE= The undersigned has for service, ou lot 21, Con. 3. Stephen (Providence Corners) a thoroughbred York- shire Boar, with a registered pedigree, TERMS: 51.00 payable at time of service, with privolege of returning if necessary. 7otix Cooxsox, Proprietor, DtBENT'UBES FOR SALE, The Village of Exeter has 510,000 ofdebent- ures for sale -20 years --under Bill No. 7, 1893, L. A, Ont. Tenders invited, For particulars address at once the Peeve or Clerk, Exeter, Ontario Buy your dress goods at the Big Bankrupt Store. Many special lines closing out. cheap. The Ladies Aid Society of James:St. Church, intend having a Strawberry • val toward the last of June. At the London Conference Meeting held at Sarnia on Tuesday, the follow ing final list of changes from the first draft were made with a number of others:—Londou West --B. Clement. Exeter (James street)—Geo Jackson. Elimvilie-L.Bartlett. Centralia -W. H. Butt Grand Bend.—J. H. Chant. Another Cheap Sale 1 :iaore.htoctes J. W. Broderick has just received from Toronto a Bankrupt Stock of Books, Stationery, etc. A Mee, clean stock. The books "are well assorted arid will be offered at half price. No mis- take—half price takes them. The sub- scriber has also purchased at a rate in the dollar a stock 0± Dry goods, Grocer- ies, Boots and Shoes. This is a brand new stock, having all been purchased .within the last three months. This great sale will commence today (Thursday). 'Bargains! Big bargains, may be expected. We sell eheap all the timo. Remember the store—four doors north of, the post -office. N.B,-A choice lot of fresh garden seed for sale cheap. Grand Bend, Sa1Ioon Burma —The following is the report of `�• S. No. 8, Stephen for the mouth of Mayr The. names are in or- der for regular attendance and merit, 5•rf;I —Lena Robinson, +klt•—Lillie Brenner, Walter MacDougall, Sarah itiavilie. 51z. . 3itn.—Lily Robinson, Bruce Bossenberry, Louisa Zapfe. JR, 3R1).-Essery 13rcune1:, Herbert Sherritt Annie Disjsirdine,' Sa, 2Nn,—Eva Gravello, Nelson Raville, Alma Bossen-- itie — r B au 2 , rnTappe, Nll l� m Uer J. ry TIolt, Wesley Sherritt. Sit i e. 2ND.— Harriet Amelia Disja;rdinia, Julia Allen, Gill, - JR. PT. 2ND,—Silas Gratton, 1Nillio Tapfe, iiugh Spackman. SR. ism Annie. Dneharme, i.,i111e Gratton,. Delp kus D•isjaidine. Tu.lst -Emma Diss jardiie, Rimi,e Raville, Panay Elliott. M. A BLAIR, Teacher. Centralia. Othce-Fanson s iiddulph, Thonta,s Lewis, McGillivray and Miss Sarah Jane Atkinson, Mooresville, were netted in the bonds of wedloel:,l on Wednesday May 31st at the village'; of Alsia Craig.—Mr. R. C. Hodgins, of Clandeboye, is visiting his sister, Mrs Glen, Thames Road, Usborlie, at press.) ent.—The copious showers the past few days make crops of all kinds look flour- ishing.—Mr. David Cobbledick, Proo Line.' has purchased a cream extractors and intends starting a creamery, ii0SS1+1NBERRX HottsallOntario, Lie- ■ and eon and d rate isfaction guaretnte • ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of lin Perth.Charges moderate sat, ed. RED. W. FARNCOMB "roil Land Surveyor and. Civil Engineer. Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. E ABNI7ST ELLIOT. 9�1 AGENT FOR The "Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toren to The Phtenl%,Fire Insurance Co' y,., of London, England' The Alliance Fire Assur. Cory., Of , London, England. Offiae:-blain-street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel. , ...: $0.64 to 0,65 Barley arley......',........... 35 to 88 Qat30 to 32 Oats •.i• .r• 55 to 66 Pasts, Butter ....;. .,,...v .. ... 14 to 15 •. Lard ..... , • 12 to 13 p r� g 10& 10 to h Chiclteli r rex lU . • ' � • • ........ 9,75 to Clover Seed 10.00 .00 .. 2.75 to8, .`....,...,: Timothy . Alsike r .... r . 8.75 to 9.00 .... Y, .,.. . Pork,.,r.:.. ..... ...es 1,00 to 7.20 ?otatoos per aus . ' '50 to 3 00 to 7 G5 Hay per ton .. , . , .. . J. W. BRonxRICE. !Personal mention. Mr. Robt. Willis, of Marlette, Mich., arrived here on Wednesday evening of last week to attend the funeral of his mother.—Misses Sophia and Susie Sweet, of Detroit, are visiting under the parental roof at present.—Thos. Hill, of Alma, Mich, who was home at- tending the funeral of his father, re- turned e turned' to the above place on Thursday-. —Rev. W. Down and wife, of North- port, are visiting friends and relatives in town.. -Wm Yeo, has been on the sick list during the past few days and unable to attend to his duties. -Mr. and Mrs. Ira Spicer, of Denver, Col,, who left here about two years ago, 'ate rived in town Saturday and will visit their many friends and relatives before returning.—Miss L. Hersey left for London on Monday, where she will vis- it her cousin, Miss Smith.—Mrs. Dan. Davis left for ,Brantford yesterday where she will visit her sister Mrs, Ed, Dyer.—Mrs, James Dennis is visiting her son James at Ayr.—Mrs; John Gil les ie is visiting her; brother, Mr. Baker in nGoderich.--Mr. Fred Fisher and daughter visited friends m Palmer- ston, Listowell and Mitchell . from Sat- urday until Wednesday last,—Mrs. Ed. Brawn), who has been visiting her par- ents, returned to her home <in Brant- ford Tuesday. --Mrs: Chrs. Ross, of Nap - Nee, arrived home yesterday to .visit friends,—Miss Thompson, who was 'die guest of Miss Jones last week, returned., to her hone in Clandeboye on Monday, —Mrs. J. Senior and son Elmere leave this mornitl for a visit with friends in Toronto and Cobeurg,--Mrs. Philip Lang leaves this morning to visit friends cast of Toronto.'=Jos. Senior photographed Crediton scholars in group at the Crediton sheol house Monday; also lavera l residences in that village,- Misa,lehnie Mutart loaves this morning for a, two weeks' visit with friends in Stratford :and neighborhood. -- n pee. A large number of our young p pie'picniced at Grand Bend on the lst of June, Notwithstanding the in clernoncy of the weather they report having, had a good time.—A new post office Was started" at Devon on the lst of Jame:, This n111 greatly facili- tate the farmers of that neighborhood in ,getpg . their mail,—The Royal Temples's of this place intend, holding a grand concert in Smith's hall on the evening of July 1st.—Mr. A. E. Essery and i;'ife, of Palmerston, were the guestsef Mr, Thos. Essery on Sunday, —Miss Rosa Evans, of Henyall, is visit- ing her father at present. -Mr. A Knox has purchased the property of Mr. Thos Handford ouAcardemy,st, and takes. immediate possession,—Messrs Will and Tom Hill, who were called home by the death of their father, will return to` Alma, Mich., to -day (Thursday)—At the semi annual meeting' of the Royal ° empters of Centralia, Council, No. 515 the following officers were elected for 'the ensuing term: -Samuel Davis S. C. Arthur Bowslaugh P.C.; Maggie White- ford, V. C.; Chas Fairhall Chap.; An- drew-Hicks, n- drew: Hicks, Rec, See •; Susy Mitchell, Fin Sec.; Thos. Neil, Treas; Jeff Essery, Herald; Chap Sheardowne, Guard; Alf, Hodgies, Sentiuel; Sarah Neil, Organ wky�' NO 313 Brewster Mr, Robt Taylor spent part of last week in Fotest,—Mi:. 0, Gilmore and mother, of I crest, are at present visit- ing friende in these parts, -Mr, C, Tay- lor spent part of last week in. Mitchell on business. --Mr. F. Adams, who has been employed by Messrs Ross and Pol- lock for a short: time has returned to his horno in 'Emelt' City, Mich.—Mr, J. Curts has disposed of his trot -ting mare to Mr. A Starks, of 1'Iosquito town, Alf is going to have a span of trotters now - to as he had a world beater previous t a ' Wm. Jennison's cam r n 1' this one. --Mr. J h away from him on Saturday last, and now instead. of having a wagon he has a lot of kindling wood. The team' es- caped unhurt. The Schade brothers have erected a new dinner bell on the home farm;—Mrs, L Ravel is at present on the sick list.—Mr. Wm. Campbell, of the 2nd con, was visiting his son Robt• last week, --On Saturday last as Mrs. R. O'Brien was crossing over a cistern the covering suddenly away cans - ng her to fall heavily to the ground. Fortunately no bones were broken, but her foot and ankle were hruisedsevere 1v. She will either have to reduce her weight or make the boy put a new coyer on the cistern. Varna. PRESENTATIONS,—Our lively little burg is at present the scene of many pleasing events, in the shape of pres entations. A short time ago the Rev. Mn Walker and wife were lresented with a handsome dinner and bedroom. sett. A few days afterwards Miss Stinson was presented with a Bible, prayer -book and water sett on account of her departure from our midst, while Mr. James Boyce, who left a short time ago for the Southern States, was made the recipient of a handsome teacher's Bible. But the greatest nov-' eltyy of all in tho line of presentations occurred on Sunday night last, when Mrs. John Wanless presented her hus- band with two bouncing baby boys. Mr. Wanless is so elated over his suc- cess that he can scarcer contain him- self. Early next morni;'rg Ed. started for the blacksmith shoplto get his nose reset. The "teacher" wi1l now find sors.—; 1.eJ. Dhis D. Me'r owwoi3 ure honuhas been for the past four'y ears attending Toronto University, returned home re- cently, having completed his final ex- amination for a B.A. 3. D. has been very- successful, neyter having failed in an examination, an can now boast of a 13. A. at the age of nineteen.' Clinton, ths The rain on Saturday was some " Blit i'viile, OBITUARY.—Death has ` again paid. this neighborhood a visit',tnd tide time snatched from borne and friends rine g of our roost highly and, respected 'citi- zens, in the person of Thos, Heywood, who departed this life on the 2nd of Juue,180, at the age of 57 yrs., after a, lingering illness o about two years. Deceased, was a native of Devonshire} England and emigrated to this country about thirty eight years ago settling, first in Exeter; bet shortly after on the farm onwhich i a m c he died. For a llurnbes2� of years Z +, Dr Heywood H n ohi .Ys trade asframer er n a and very numerous are the barns standing throug.hortt the township to -day which testify to his shill and thoroughness as a mechani.e. Being a niau of sound juclgent.eiit: and unwayering firmness in . his conscien-, tious conyiction he was selected a great., number of years' ago by the township council as assessor, and for some four teen years he performed those duties with exceptional ability, proving the wisdom of the choice. His rolls were models of neatness and his assessments rarely disputed or reversed. Some years ago by the falling' of timbers he received internal heju `les which it is supposed brought about his early de- mise, for one of his rugged constitu- tion would more likely be regarded as one to live out more than the. allotted three score and ten. The funeral took place on Sunday 4th inst. and - was largely attended. The Council Messrs. Kay, Kydd, Halls, Shier, Cameron and Messrs. Geo. W. Holman, - Clerk, -:Thos. Coats, Treas, W. Miners, Assessor, and ' Thos. Andrews, Auditor, showed their respect for their deceased friend by at tending the funeral in a body and marching at the head of the proeessioe•, Deceased leaves a widow, two sous and a daughter and -a large circle of friends 10 mourn his lose, The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of the en- tire neighboring in their affliction. The remains were interred in 'Elim- ville cemetery. Johnson's Miiis. Mr. George Deiiomyswho has been an inmate of the London insane asy- him for a number of years, is we are nleased,to.learn, about to be " returned li tho,5cbmpletely cured. --Sunday last being conference Sunday no service was held in the church here,—The boys are making ready to do some big kick- ing (at the foot ball.) Some of them are "kicking" because thele names ap- peared in the ADVOCATE,—Mrs. R. O'Brien had the misfortune on Satur day last to fall and llnrt herself rather severely. We failed to learn the par- ticulars as to how it happened. (Crowded out last week.) Mr. Joseph Spencer, of Dashwood, spent Sunday at home visiting hid par- ents.—Mr, J. Regan and family have moyed into the house lately occupied by Mr. Hey,—Mrs D. Spencer is steadily gaining in health and we hope soon to see her around again—Mrs, J. Regan is we are sorry to say in very poor health. -Mr. W. S, Wilson is at present visiting friends . at Sexsmith.—Jack takes a trip north two or three times a week.—Mr. R. Jennison, of Brewster; attended church here on Sunday last. -A football team is being organized under the able management of Mr. Fred Wells, late of Bermingham, Eng., and we expect soon to see it in a flour ishing condition.—Miss M. O'Brien was the guest of Miss Mary Taylor, of Brewster, on Sunday last. ng long needed .as the crops were suffering severely.—Mr. Alf Young _ returned from Woodstock on. Thursday after spending a few days with his parents and friends.—Miss Nellie Munroe The Presbyterians of Grand Bend, intend having a public dinner in the grove at Grand Bend on the lst of July inviting all who visit that place to patronize them and help along a good cause. We are sure they will go away well satisfied that they got the worth of their quarter. Wlnohelsea.- IN MEMORIAM,—It becomes oar pain- ful duty this week to record the death of Gladys the second daughter of Byam and Mary Spicer which sad event oc- curred on the lst inst. after a painful illness of three weeks, Deceased was a bright little girl of quick parts and. at the time of her death wad 12 yrs 5 months and 13 days old. She had been in almost constant attendence at school during the past few years and by in- dustry had: made rapid progress in her class. A little over three weeks ago she took sick and although all that medi- cal skill and careful nursing could do to relieve her sufferings, she passed peacefully away as above stated. The funeral which was largely attended took place on Saturday last and for the first half mile was an imposing cortege her scnool ntates'turning out in large numbers and marched ahead of tha procession,for thet;distance. They were marshalled by her teacher Mr. G. W. Holman, Mr W. Miners and Mr. Thos. Andrew While the hearse bearing the remains of their departed schoolmate passed through the lines the children sang beautifully, "God be with yoti till we meet again." Two beautiful wreaths of blossoms laid on the coin attested the love of her teacher and school mates. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the neighbor- hood in their sad bereavement. and Miss Grace Allen, of Goderich were guests of Mrs. John Storey last week. The former is a sister of Mrs. Storey,— The Clinton organ Co, has changed hands. The business will be Carried on in future by Mr. l7avid': Graham, of Inglewood, who was once one of our pushing business men and who at one time owned' the largess 'woollen mills here, and occupying the building now used as the organ factory. Mr. Geo, Blatchford will manage ,, thebusiness for the present.—The "dive" situated on ono of our back streets was attack ed by a gang of mon on Wedncsdap evening of last week at midnight and cleaned out. The occupants knowing there was no chance for farther "busi- ness" loft for Stratford oti Friday. ' The gang after cleaning out this filthy re- sort made an atta.11 on another in the same building,hieaking down the doors srnashieg'a number lights of glass and would leave disposed of the occupants as the former had it not been for the timely arrival of one of our town offi- cers who objected to the , proceedings, We consider the officer had little to do 'to interfere in the matter, The town ca, do without such people and more espnci,o,lly men. Our' town oar young young people have been annoyed times out of nutriber bythese filthy harlots and it is high timeto give them the run ts, However, one gang has taken their departure and we trust ere long the tither will hoed the warning and soon follow, as a simtliar mode of banish- ment will be resorted to if they do not make` their eXit Zurich, Day after day we think what she is doing, In those bright realms of air, Year after year her tender steps pur- suing, Behold bar grown more fair. Mrs. Phil Sipple, who has been con- fined to her bed for the past while, we, are glad to state is recovering gradu- ally.—Mr. Thos. Pye, who has been em- ployed as coat maker by Messrs. Apple and Zeller, loft for St. Marys, on Mon- day, where he intends to work in the future. -Mr. Henry Weber, who has been in different parts of Michigan for the past year, returned to Zurich and is again engaged by Messrs Apple & Zeller as coat maker. Henry thinks there's no place like Zurich.—J Richert of Hensel', has hired with Mr. Magel of the Zurich livery for the coming sea- son. '.Jack is a good horse man and no doubt will get along satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Becker, of Brussels, were yisiting at Mrs.'Beekers Sr. part of last week,—Mr. C Harteleib is great- ly improving the appearance of his property by erecting a neat, new fence. —Mr. J. A, Williams was in London on business part of last week.—Mrs. Fred;,ehuettler who has been confined to her room for the fast few weeks, is able to be around again. --Jake, got a little to close to the fire one day last woek, consequently he wits laid up with sore eyes a eouplo of days after- wards. Be cannie Jake and don't get quite so close next time.—Mr. P. La. moat has engaged Wm, Becker for the season fo run the butcher cart. No. doubt Will will prove a good peddler —The Sunday School' in the Evangeli- cal church will be at 9 a, tli instead of 2p. mfr as for formerly. The K. O. T. is thriving. TwoZurich new monibera' were installed last Mons day evening. Stephen Oouncil.' Council met 5te June, at Crediton, all present, minutes of last meeting read and signed. Clerk to instruct Engineer to examine and report on mud creek drain. The various gravel road contract were let. After passing the following orders, the council ad- journed to meet again Saturday 17th.. F. W Farncombe, el gineering,l 15; S. Hogarth 2 culvert $2; al. Beaver rep. sile drain, 515.70; M Eagleson relief, 88; R Penick drainage, $2: J. Edwards re),. Essery bridge, 84; Dr. Staebler certificates of insanity 815; John Ryan. balance on salary, $25; A Disjardine stones L R E $2.50: Hay Council Hay swamp drain, 816.72; S Ireland 2 cul- vert 19th con. $470; J Williams shovel- ling snow $150 D Mawhinney shovel- ling Snow $$1.50; J Ryan rep culvert 12 con, $1; J. Ryan rep culvert S B. $1; Wm. Riely rep: culvert. S B. $1. Court Reyision. Adjourned to meet Saturday 1711 June. C Prouty, Clerk, Then do we walk with her, and keep unbroken The bond which. natuer gives, Thinking that our remembrance though unspoken May reach her where she lives. Communoiation, TOEDITOR ADVOCATE. Dear Sir,—I have been so busy this past week that I havehad no time to reply to that bueketful of slash written by "Farmer." I will just say to him that it is quite in keeping with this sort of Farmers to twist the evidence and make black white. I hope Mr. B. has been greatly elevated by his ful- some flattery, but say, what about the grand (?) celebration? If I didn't sign my name why did'nt you sign yours to be consistent with your pretensions to being. above board ? I am a coun- tryman and 'lever lived in your vil- lage and don't own a foot of land in it; but "Farmer" cannot say that he lives outside of your. town. By the cam total did nut"Farmer" have a good. deal to do with getting up that huge 24th May Celebration in honor of H. M. 74th birthday. Hay Council, Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in the townhall on Saturday May 27th, 1893. The petition from Fred Stubbs and others was laid over for further consideration. The follow- ing, appropriations for roads were made. Centre Road (1) $350, (2) $1511„ (3) $200, (4) 0100, and S. B. $500, N. B. $250, provided Stephen and Stanley grant like amounts, Wm. Klopp was appointed to oyersee the work in Gei- ger & Klopp'spit with instructions net to allow any one to go in said pit w'ht does not comply with his instructions. Wm. Zwimer was appointed pennies - ter in No, 76 instead of J. Eidt and W. J. Fee ui 18 instead of F. Deters. The clerk was instructed to notify all parties interested in the digging •o.i the little marsh drain that their por- tion must be finished by 80th of Sep- tember next. A new road beat (30 Ad consisting ofN* 9,EfS 9, W S 9, S E :11, North :I E *, 11 and E 10 in the 7th con. was formed with S. Gingerich as pathmastcr. The :i;ollaw- ing' reduction were made in the assess- ment roll, W Coldwoll from $3200 to 52660 and Frank O'Brien reduced $100 A number of other minor chanes were made and the assessment roll de- clared the revised roll of 1893. A num- ber ber of accounts were paid and the 'coun- cil adjourned to meet again on June 24th 1893 at 10 a, m. SAM J. LA:rTA. Clerk. All pathmaster's lists will be mailed to the pathrnasters immediately, COUNTRYMAN. .Around About Us. Dr, Macdonald, M. P. of Huron, is building ,$12.000 brick block in Whig - ham. It will be completed by the end of the year. 'Wm. Townsend, who was arrested on the charge of haying sent a, throat- encu letter to Mr. Gladstone, has been foundl;' uilty, but the jury decided that the man was insane, While Mr. Nixon Sturdy, Cleric of Goderich Township, was in Goderich the other day thieves entered his rest- denee and stole a quantity of clothing and other articles. Mr. Sturdy informed Constable Gundry of the fact and he traced two men to Kincardine, who answered the description given. They were brought to Goderich with the. and the other articles clothes on in their possession, They gave their 110.01 0S as Lewis Bernieuo and Wm, Weigh, and Were committed for trial. ELFORD,—In .U7sborne, in lit inst., the wife of Michael Eltord of a daugh•• ter, the 5th inst the RE1Lir.—In Stephen, on wife of W. G, Reify, of a daughte . Conn,—In Exeter on 6th inst., the wife of Robt Cole of a Sots. LANG,—In Exeter on lst inst., the wife of R. 5, Lang of a daughter. 1 the '`11;81 �In Elimville, on 13s1xwooi�, r Inst„ Thomaged SWas Heywood, ;;'`ears, l SP/ 10. , v'ifle en the 22nd s11ttte. , El Gladys Spicery aged 12years,1 Month and 13 days.