HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-23, Page 28Q.(4:1E1110.1 SI.GNAi,-STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1971
rem the Distaff Sidi
Sotutionpromised soon?
Have YOU tried lo find a new family
doctor in the °3own of Goderich in the
last two or three weeks? If you have, you
will know .the problem many, many
people are facing these days. .
It really , isn't true, of course, that
Goderich is short of doctbrs. It just seems
that .way when you begin- a search for a
family physician...a doctor who will check
over, your baby or listen to a personal
problem or prescribe something. for a
cough or simply be available when you
want a doctor, not necessarily in an
emergency situation.
Two.Goderich faniihy physicians — Dr.
Frank Mills and Dr." C.F. Doorly — have
recently given up their private practices to
gointo more specialized fields. ,.That
leaves a slight shortage of. family doctors,
we suspect, when ' you are looking _for
someone to fill that need in your home.
We understand from fairly reliable
sources, however,, that the outlook for the
future is brighter �INordAhas it that at least
one and probably two or three more new
doctors are contemplating. Goderich as a
place ' to set up their private practices.
That's ,good news, and we hope this time
the rumors:are correct.
In the meantime; we have no magical
formula to offer Persons without a family,
physician. 'The emergency departffent at
the hospital is a fine place to'go if you are
sick and in need of immediate medical
attention; You will have no trouble to get
a °'doctor to .see"you there. But that's not
any solution for, someone looking for a
.friendly and competent family physician, •
We would urge you to be
understanding and to • trust that the
medical profession is making every effort •
to increase the.r numbers " jn this=
municipality. And when you get right
down to it, the doctor -patient ratio,.here its
much better than in many communities
not far from Goderich. So cheer up!'
Things could be worse.
* b
Well ' ladies (and the
occasional gentleman who
sneaks a look at this column)
we're settled into another
election battle...and this one
promises to be a lulu.,
At the outset of .this contest,
I would sincerer' appeal to all
women of Goderich and district
to 'be informed and to keep
.up-to-date. on the happenings
from day to day and week to
Of course, The Signal -Star
will make every effort to keep
.you informed locally...but there
a.is_much more to an election than
the local scene and I would urge
all of, you to keep yourselves
knowl gable on all scores.
I ce airily do not imply that
many o you' have failed to be
informed during past election.
campaigns...,..but I think it is a
general bell f that women are
not as intere ted in pre-election
banter as their. menfolk.
'Normally, fe •r women than .
men get i volved with
politics....but this 's c anging.
* *'•
In the past few weeks, we've
seen some delightful political
maneouvering going on.
In the first place, Prime
Minister Bill Davis ( how come it
is Prime _.moister Davis and
Premier J'oe Smallwood?) has
offered two very 'juicy plums to
the populous which some people
feel has assured• the conservative
Party of another win in Ontario_
Those two plums, -of, course,
are the lowering, of the age of
majority from '21 years to 18
years and the new medicare
plans. Something' for everybody
wouldn't you say?
* *
One of the most controversial
issues right, across the provh ce,
of course, is the extension of
grants to Separate Schools.
Whenever you get into a public
hassle involving- religious matters
you open a can of worms.
I think Bill Davis knows this
as X11 as anyone, but I also
believe -tris decision ' not to
increase the aid to Separate
Schools in ' the province of
Ontario was hasty, and aimed at
vote -catching.
Now don't get me wrong,
friends.: I am not pro Roman
Catholic. In fact, I'm not really
in favor of Separate Schools at
I believe Christian education
IS an important part of a child's
upbringing, but unless all
children from all .homes of all
beliefs can have the -. same
advantages, d aese I do not believe it is
fair' to -extend privileges .to one
group of • people....and that's.
what we're doing in the Rorpan
Catholic Separate Schools.
For instance, in this county
at Clinton there 'is Calvin
Christian School built" and
maintained 'by mostly the butch
people who are members of the
Christian Reformed Church.
There may be some other'
people involved, but for the
most part, the supporters of the
Ci rlstian Reformed Church at
Clifton and elsewhere .4 in the.
count r .are"batch descent.
„� ''These people, must support,
through their t 'es, the public.
, 6011 sy tern and. in order' to
have their sehoil at Clinton,
With Shirley J. Keller
they must fork over extra dollars
from their own pocketbooks to
keep it • going, to pay the
teachers, transport the children,
etc. etc. etc. etc.
On the ..other hand, the
Roman Catholics of this county
enjoy the same benefits -as the
rest of the Roman Catholics in b
the province - their school taxes.
are turned over to their own
schools and the government
provides them with grants •
comparable to those in the
public school- •'system as well.
(This courtesy, ' exists only, in
ue ee an ntario).
Q b d0
Does that seem fair? -
, I don't want to get.into the -
"question of :whether or not the
religious education which"
children receive in Roman
Catholic Separate Schoo1�s as
well as in the Christian
Reformed Church •, school is
important or necessary: I can
- honestly telt you ' that many
people have great faith' in both
,ystems-and I lo -r -R-
Ontario's taxpayers and
* * *
The Goderich Horticulture Society held their annual -flower show last Wednesday evening at St..
George's Anglican Church. puring the judging of exhibits, executive member Edna Shaw, society
president Paul Carroll and a long time group member Mary Howell, left to right, admire some of
the..entries.on_display. (staffphoto) ' .-
,,ewe .:4r
'The NDP program is explicit ,
about this matter.
Their policy states: "The A
New 'Democratic belief that..
education must. be equally
accessible to every child must
also apply to' Roman Catholic
children. Although the existence
of two school systems is
embedded in the constitution
.and in the history of Ontario,
the , present public separate
school system suffers bitterly
from the limited . grants to
Grades 9 and 10 and the lack of
grants to Grades 11,12 and 13.
The separate school system must
be en4bled to provide equal._.
opportunity for its students with
a"minimum of cost and program
Therefore the New
Deillocratic government would
institute the "Concept ..of
Sharing" plan: Full grants for
oman ta.tholic :children
wish to discredit either one.
c: The fact of the matter
remains - why should • the
Roman Catholic people be the
only religious. group in. this
entire province who can have
day schools for their children
w hich are paid for by
gotime'ht? Why should not
the Christian Reformed Church
school have that same priyilege?
Why should not the Anglicans?
The Presbyterians? 'The
Pentecosts? The Baptists?• The
Lutherans? The United Holiness
group? The United Church
And why,, for goodness sake,
should we compound this
injustice by increasing assistance
to the Roman Catholic separate
Schools -unless we are now
willing to offer the same
privileges to .the other religious
sects? -
* * *
According to recent mailings
from Robert F. Nixon, leader of
the Ontario Liberals, Canada's
constitution commits Ontario to
a two -sector education system as
a condition of .union.
That's why, says Nixon, the
Liberal Party (and the • IADP
Party) are in ,favor_,: of. an
" extension grants to Separate
School Bodfds.
Bob Nixon says it is riot
"subsidizing private religious
education" but rather it is
simply honoring an former
agreement and updating it.
"My party's p sition"for the
extension ofg rants •the'
seconds school
system, s well
known'.', says Nixon. "It was
ektablished by myself and my
Caucus in November of 1969,
and approved by the Liberal
Party in. Ontario in February of
1970. The principle of equality
of education is the cornerstone
- f —•`yyr ' party's policy. This
principle requires that both
systems be, treated equally."
"By postponing -the
governni•ent policy
announcement until the eve of
an election," the Liberal leaders
says, "the, Premier (note he
Writes • Pretier and not Prime
Minister) may well •harie
distorts I and obscured the other
'issues whieli must be decided 'by
kindergarten through,. Grade 13
would be 'provided on, the'
condition that separate and
public school, boards together
plan shared facilities and services
to meet t -he needs of all students
in' their community. This
co-operation •can be extended to
such - areas as buildingg, provision
of special consultative
•and school buses. -
"f*mplementation ' of the
"Concept of Sharing' promises
justice to both the majority and
minority in Ontario."
* * *
SO' there you have it, friends.
Two (or was that' three) sides to
a very controversial issue. As we
can See, the agreement was'made
a long, long time ago 'that
Roman Catholic chili:ken
Ontario and 9uebec were to'
have this privilege of education
in their own schools, and that
agreement has never been--
" rescinded. It is still very much in
As much as I abhor the
ustice '' of Separate Schools
only for Roman Catholic
children, I must concur that this
unfair pact was made in, a time
when there were . only Roman
Catholics and Protestants to
consider. It was justice' in anther
time "'and another era....and
perhaps should be rewritten for
the modem day but there is
nothing to be done about it at
present moment,
It is in
that light, therefore,
that I think Bill Davis' action
was , hasty . and ' -alined at
vote -catching. He is ignoring the
whole story here and
side-stepping an issue. It may be,
a popular decision,. but is it
really and truly fair and just?
In my mind, Bill Davis'
'decision is like welching on a
Marriage contract •signed years
earlier. It is like• the husbarfd
saying to his wife, "You can't
have a . larger household budget
just- because ' the cost of living
has risen. You must get along as
you did whe>t,we•w,ere..first„wed
andBe thankful for ,the little
you do get."
' rab
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