HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-16, Page 19r-
Clinton's studio'
Continued from Page 1.
patents of these students despite
injury to,heatth.
• Many ,board members rested
back in their chairs, puffing
away on cigarettes and cigars, to
discuss the matter.
"It would „keep them off the
. treet and from bothering
people," said JimTaylor,
"This smoking area would
only be in use a few nice days in
• the fall and in the spring," said
John -Henderson, MeKillop.
"Next thing they'd want to
''srriakev-irr-qhe whack in the \
Chairman Bob Elliott,
Goderich Township -,--re' ferre4 t�-
io the fact that this has been a
problem for the previous board.
at the school and said that a
sidewalk on the schdol's side of
the street was supposed to have
corrected the problem of
students 'crossing the .street and
• smoking and eating adjacent to
private property there.
"If there has to be a smoking
area, let there be no furniture
outside for them," reasoned
Dr. Alex Addison, Clint -on,
wondered why an area would
have to be established 'and
gravelled. He suggested' just
allotting a small area for
Superintendent Frank Madill
said that
a,smoking area, it just might set
a county policy. He referred to
the Goderich high school
prinicpal,'John Stringer, who
doesn't Permit smoking on any
sidewalks adjacent to the school.
"If a principal in these trying
. „
times On persuade students not
to smoke on school property,
then more power to. him," siid,
Madill also noted that' the
Clinton cafeteria is not ful, so'
that over-clowding there is not
the reasopthat a smoking and
eating area outside has been.
requested. ,
• Goderich's Cayley Hill asked
to .hear the director's comments
' on the pbjeot.
- D. J. 'Ctiichrane, a former
principal at Clinton, said he
understood the problem at
Clinton .„, ‘' "
'qtis peculiar to 'thitit school,"
said Cochrane. "We get' more
complaints about trespassing
than we do about tenagers
Vice-chairman John
Broadfoot recognized a "divided
camp" ',within the board and
suggested there 'may be "some
alternatie-way to work this out
that would be acceptable to the
Alex Corrigan agreed.
"There must be a better' vvay
of doing it," said Corrigan. 'I'm
not in favor .of some of the
'things which were requkted in
that letter."
John Henderson felt the
board. was "backing off" from
" the problem and wanted the
board to 'deny the request made
by Homuth.
However, it was decided that
Dr. Addison and chairman Bob
Elliott irneet With the principal
of CHSS to discuss alternate'
methods to handle the smoking
problem at the school.
The subjct was tabled until
the next meeting.
•41•4., •
• •••
ir' first 101* 4in big. .,..#hoot • •
School is a whole new experience, and a big one, fprthese
youngsters who .are taking the whole thing very seriously. There
are all kinds of new games to play and things to learn and each
i,T, ". ' 71"
fall meeting poolside
The September meeting' of
the Maple .Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E.
was held at the Outdoor -pool of
Mrs, , S. lirevett. Beautiful
weather provided a perfect
• Mrs. J. Stringer, Regent,
conducted •the meeting. Misses
Margaret Royal and Mary Ellen
McGill .thanked the chapter for
*the financial support given to
the band and • spoke about the
'interesting experiences at the
Ontario Youth Music Camp.
Thank you letters were read
from the .Red
Board, the 'recipients ' of
bursaries, the award winners the.
drama summer sehoOl students
and the music.camaudents.
Mrs, J. Leitch announced that
a trip to' the adopted school on
Christian Island was being
considered for fall.
There will be .an I.O.D.E.
confetence Oct. 19 in Harriscon:
Mrs. R. McCallum, citizenship
secretary, told the members
about the Citizenship Court in_
July. Mrs. Harper had generously.
opened her home to the New
Canadians for a social hour
following the court.
Mrs. 'S. Anderson, services
convener, reminded everyone
that the bale would be packed in
Mr. H. Murphy ,and Mrs. B.
Ainslie gave a few detailsLabolti,
the Wine and Claeese Fest to be
held Oct. 2. The members are
• encouraged to sell their tickets.
A wreath will' be purchased
and PliCed at the cenotaph Nov.
11. ' •
Interesting slides...of various
chapter activities were .shown at
the close of the "meeting by Mrs.
• J. Leitch'. .
New Clinton Chapter
presents gifts
to44Goderich Sorority
On Tuesday, Sept 7 a special
dinner meeting of Beta Sigma '-
Phi was held at the Bedford
Hotel. At this meeting the new
Clinton chapter Zeta Omega,
which was founded last spring
received their Ritual of Jewels.
Janet Bloch, a member of the
Goderich chapter, also received
her Ritual of Jewels pin. at, this
0 • •
- • Following' the rituals', and,
presentation -of yellow roses to'
each new Member,. Sue 'Gower,
the past president -of•-•-••••-the,-:
Goderich chapter presented the
president of the Clinton chapter
with a gavel. '
A presentation of a Sorority
vase and candle holders was then
made by Zeta Omega with ,their
thanks to Beta Theta.
Presentations were also made to
the Extension Officer, 'Larraine
Baechler and her committee by
A Short business session at
which 44, the Ways and Means
chaitinan announced the fine
system for the coming year. Tie
secretary was instructed.to write
a thank you, to Bricker's
Jewellyy for the tiara donated
-for.the0crovvning of the Queen at
the Sorority Ball. •
The evening concluded with
cards'and lunch.
day is,busier than the last for these"kindergarten
Victoria Public Schdol. -staff photo
students at
t:tniaria w
. --talk last week with Mrs. tionnie service's "Qr a 140°1/5•104 an4'"
Graham at Queen Elizabeth b.hiSeco,Ime.iirltgrtni:e:opt--,11:::tee.:.
School, She tells me her selitibl-;111E°74741tP4r99renre'r'tainly''.41:.i'''"
Ci.mtinued from•Page 2A
person. ad
concereteldthionalr ?it trhaebui,:n44ti,
Miss ShirleYi.NOtkiNirr' apt 'the'
albeit expensive.
will be included tbis'year in the
special education program being
begun this month by the Huron
County Board of Educatioh.
Mrs. Graham is very excited
about this new , service and
believes it will be of great
assistance to .the students. The
program, 1 believe, .,includeS
speechtherapy with Mrs. *Verna
;--KB-Ww.lusfal6s4-,for •those
special. learning disabilities by
seen schools
sold for cash
...... . ,.,...,,,
The 'Goderich Horticulturat.''',
Society has confirmed thao/-
C.,FPL-TV producer Michael
Woodward will participatfrin the -7,
group's October 6 'meeting at'•
Robe1tson Memorial School.
The <ipopic of the sessioni„.
which ' was planned last April,
will ,be ‘ "Your Role • in
The sale. of McKillop Environmental care".
Township's seven *one -room , The' meeting will feature the
school S and contents netted renowned film "The, Erie,
$24,864.40cQuotyBoard for Education.! 'theHur.ort Report" witch yvas shown on
three half,hour shows on the
A nyeport signed, by D.J. London station dast year. The
Cochrane" D irector„orreport is a colorful documentary
Education, showed that the whic-fr" reveals the startling
schools were purchased; by the deterioration of one of our
following persons: Mr. and Mrs. ' Great Lakes.
Mr. Woodward, producer of ' •
the film, has gaineda reputation -
for accurate and informative
reports in ' his efforts . with
documentary programs, He' will_
Collier,a,650; .1vir.Scarborough Mrs,ougliW
SS. N4.117;*
participate in the session as the
RR 1 Stayner, SS No. 8 and SS
No. 9 $5,000 . and $3,900
respectively; and Ken Beattie,
RR 4 Walton,SS,No. 10„$725.
Contents totalled 1;1,939.40.
William Massey., Weston', SS No.
2, $4,400; Tom Schoonerwoerd,
RR 3 Mitchell, SS • No. 4,
$4,650; Dyke Wheatley, .RR 1
Dublin, SS No. 6, $600,, S.A
key -commentator in the
question and answer period,.
Society president, Paul
Carroll, advised that the general
public is invited to attend the0
open meeting.
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Cartridges with the
the BIG STARS...
Come and get ifarn while the
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Limited Quantity
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What a beautiful way to save $12.00!
A sound investment combining sensi.
tive AM radio and 8 -track tape player
all in one compact unit. Solid state;
— - automatic and manual channel selec-
tion; 12 -volt negative ground.
g.t.11POSW-A-,,,•.. •
CRAI,GIE'S, on The Square for 'half a
Century, is having ifs face lifted. In
addition to the wide selection of smoking
supplies, magazihes, pocket novels, etc.;
previously carried, we now have on hand
for your Colrirenience Bread, Milk, Ice.
Cream, Soft Drinks, Greeting Cards and
various other Sundry items.
Also we now have a good.Sefecticin of the !„
distinguished Olin Brown Chocolates,
Candies, etc., which have been hand made
in Stratford since before the turn of the
Century: A Real Quality Product.
$44.95 .
Save dollars on this neat
music -maker for home or on
the move! Solid stqte; man-
ual/automatic program te-
lector; power indicator light.
About 7 x 214 x 7m. 12-V
4,, •
Regular $35.95.
slide -in unit for boat 'Debar. Trim
734 x 6v4 x 21/2" trapsistorized
Titan with 2 diodes; 2 watt output;
tuned RF stage; built-in antenna.
Self -lock ,Mounting /bracket and 4.
cell batteries. 12 Volt only.
Cash and Carry
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221 Huron Road 524 - 2121
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