HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-16, Page 14• \ CODE:314/-0i SP1AL-STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1071 from the Distaff 11110 Jove the rough stuff Despite k our avowed aversi?n ' to • Violence in all its forms, the facts Of lifq tend to make a great many 'of us into "), Hears. The • type ,of sport and entertainment i'rve support would seem tO. prove tkiat, .in fact, we like our diversions rough and tough, and we are shelling out,, millidhs ordpliars a year, to keepit that , way. , Take • a„loOk at week's movie billings: Support Your Local „Gunfighter, 1Hell Boats, The Brute and The Beast, ScreT,L and .'scream Again, Horrors of The Black MUseuni, Circus of Horrors, Savage Pampas, The Mini -Skirt Mob, Godzilla vs. The Thing, Theatre of ',Death, That is a selection of titles advertised in local papers last week. " Theatre owners are nbt to blame. The.y are reacting to public demand. Television screens carry" another diet of the same. thing. The hockey teams with the roughest playersdraw the best' crowds. The public wants violence and they are getting it., • There has been a great tendency in recent years for the peace people to decry war movies. In our opinion authentic • 4,0 ....... .. representations of the battles of WorldWar 11 are vastly more acceptable than the cooked -up violence of the movie and television. • producers. Today's , children should understand that their fathers arid grandfathers loved freedom'enough to ri k and lose_thqwlives tar it, ife itselt ;is .often 'a Violent process. Illness and accident are always „with us and it -would be folly to suggest otherwise., What we do find objectionable, however, is,the glorification of violence' tor its own sake - the motorcycle gang armed with knives archains. In too many cases these pictures have made idols of ignorance and cruelty. Men from time immemorial have found it necessary at frequent intervals to defend their homes and families. On most occasions violence had to be opposed by force - but at. least there Was an understandable excuse. As long as we are prepared to pay the price of admission - or .the. ptice of toleration - senseless violence is here -to stay.. • ..... -.Wingham Advance -Times First off this week, I have received a letter from Mrs. Jim Taman of 197 Picton Street East here in Coderich. .Mrs. Taman is presently confined to hospital in Rochester, Misinisota. She writes that she is very lonesome f r news from home and would 'ke to •hear from. some of • h -friends* and neighbors. • • I co n t a. c t\e d h e r mother-in-lEiw, Mrs. s Taman , in Blyth, who told me iat Mrs. Taman (the former S inore Carrick) is expected to \have surgery shortly and so, will be in • h.ospital for awhile. It would be wonderful if' the ladies of Goderich (even those who ° don't know Mrs. Taman) would drop her a cheery line even a greeting card. I'm sure it 'would be greatly appreciated. • ,Her address ,is Mrs. Elinore Taman,Methodist Hospital. Rochester, Minnesota. • 55901. USA --'Sixth floor, Room 627. I had a'telephone call last week. from Miss Lilly Blanchard. the, one-wo an missionary mailing service 1;1 e in Goderich. Miss Blanchard ad Sed me that. the; Signal Star had en much to6 kind to •her in, t e article which was printed .tw weeks ago. She reminded me again of. all -the wonderful people who help her out.' She also told me that since the article appeared in the paper, she has had some response from people who want to assist in some way. It is plain to see that she is truly grateful to all, I'm still wondering if some of the women's groups in .town wouI4, like to look into the situation a little more and perhaps make some joint .offer of assistance to this wonderful little lady. Sometimes if we all get together, it is possible to do so much withso .very little, Please give it some thought, ladies„ * * * I've also been in touch with Mrs. Aileen McGregor on S. Davi.".,. who advises- me ,that* Ole has girls registered for the new Goderich 4-H Club. 'Besides that,* Mrs. McGregor has turned down five girls and very likely, there will be more young ladies interested in 4-11 once the Club gets swinging. For anyone who is interested in homemaking, 4-H for -girls is just wonderful. The training the girls get is tremendous and I: "know that Mrs. McGregor was 'zsorry to turn dpwn some of the girls who wanted to join her Club. I -also know that for a Club to really be effective,. the secret is to keep it smell 10 girls is plenty. Actually, it is about four too Many when you have only one leader and a. more difficult omen to Woman h Shirley J. 'Keller • .• February'or March of -1972. 1 hope t t some of the motivrs of, th girls who are enrolled in this f l's course will get involved enoug to consider taking 6n the leatle hip of a Club in the Spring, b maybe there is another, interes like Aileen McGregor .who like to hive something like to fill,her spare t•ime. TI4re is a real - Reed for 4- Homemaking •Clubs'in Goderich. If you think you would like to • know more about becoming. a, leader, please telephone Miss Catherine Hunt t. the, Ontirio Department. of A culture and Food in Clinton. The telephone nimber is 482-3428. You will find Miss Huh approachable.- and extre easy to,talii•-to. Just'call her a havet little chat. Then see if th proj ct sounds all that Impossible. * * • co As most of you \know, I am know, writing a meeting report the county -reporr, who-eevers is not difficult. It is more the meetings of the Huron time-consuming than anything County Board of Education and else. last week, one of the subjects I'd like to\have 'some reaction which came up for discussion from the Various women's was the transportation of ive organizations abut such a deaf young people from rhi "seminar", t suspect it would ,be' . county to school in Milton. held during an hour-long coqee The two men who made a break -and would include tips on very brief presentation to the how to sort out important items board were the fathers of deaf from those which are not se) children who attended the impOrtant;. how' to begin the \ 'sch'ool in „Milton. One was from report in an interesting manner; ' Blyth, the other from how to reate reader interest; Londesboro. I understand the 6ther students from, this area at Milton are from Goclerich, Clinton and Seaforth. I had a brief chat with the two men following the board meeting and I learned that althoug b t he 0 nta rio the catchiest name) is getting ' Department of Education has underway •for another season" provision in the Act for county and according to the chairman, ,from . ‘„lid and stable this year Mona Mulhern, it looks very transportation to and school boards to provide approved schools for the deaf, to I've hear there are 36 chirdren date there Ifas not been 'one, already enrolled and that is just, sChoof board which has been the beginnipg. Apparently there a p pr o a c h e d f or this is a waiting list -of little tbts who consideration which has gra,nted want „to be included in the fun. it. The .other pre-school nursery ". As these fathers pointed out, in town, Princess Anne Nursery , their children need special School for retarded children has education and unfortunately. begun. You will remember that they have to go long distances this service began this spring and . from home to get it. The Huron is designed to give th,e mothers young people get home only of retarded pre-schoolers a free _ every other „ weekend ridw ,,,-rnorning to do their shopping or because it becomes an expensive to have their hair done or to go and a gruelling task to drive to visiting or to just it down and Milton mtich oftener to bring *put their feet up. them home for a couple of days. I haven't checked with the 'The'., men also told me that supervisor Betty Reid' to, find while the school at Milton is out the ekact•enrolment (Betty excellent, the students live a is a busy gal and hard to Batch at regimented life tiler% which is so home) but I hear trom one of unlike regular home living. They the volunteer workers that feel tleir youngsters could se v e r a 1 new children are benefit -greatly from coming expected this4year. home more often and if the, The school . makes its Huron County Board. of headquarters in Vicooria Street Education (and the taxpayers of United Church basement and the --- Huron) would see fit to assist elders of that congregation are, (mMetsuch asa sewing, course with transportation costs, it be,. copgraAticateelfor their .t±.;:•.,`A-1-rt-Tilsioui0b4° „.The,164,410atiO9 4\7 0fAn ernst''anttg •ttit,:tkIrsititettlitictlatt AeinttzPitift, - , — • Club organized for this fall deliberating over this matter. Speaking about the schools etoderieb but LOVA tooearly to They are gathetinonformation Mr the retarded'. 1 had a little beginipianning for 'h� next and making a thorough COUtSE about investigation of all aspects o1 tuns to Page 7A supplying the requesteia transportation. At first glance, it appears that the board can hardly turn down this appeal. After all. •theseeli%`4 'H u Ton students dese'rve attention as well as any of the d gal 'others, •ould How.eyer. as much as I would his very ely d like to see' this service ted to these-41ve ,t-Vnilies 1 rea v must trust the board to•Make th right -decisiOn. I'm positive that , eir timate decision will be fair rd ju. . 1.Ve_c4n't. really ..,4.ski•nuc ma than that.' * * n te, that the meeting reports rorri several wonien's groups are 'beginning to trickle into this offiCe now. Great! Keep up the ,od work. Fm thinking about having a little informal "seminar" for press reporters of the various oups in an effort . to instill fidence and enthusiasm. You • Goderich WI plans to attend conventions' The September meeting of the Gixierich W.I. was held ,in MacKay Hall with 26 -ladies present. , President 114rs4. AV.M. Porter opened the meeting• and Mrs. AltanMcTaggart t„, was ,at the piano. . ••it The roll call was answered by "naming a' building that once existed in th,e community.” Mrs: Elizabeth Sitter read the secretary,treasurer's report and corresponden,ce "Thvk You" •note S from the family of Mrs. Wm. Abel and Mrs. Stoutenburg and notice of a Sr. Leaders Sewing, Course in Clinton Oct, 6 and 7. A request from Canadian Legion Branch 109 Was received and it was decided to purchase a $10 vireath for Remembrance Day services. and Mrs., Wm. Porter will be ., p delegates. Ten cents per mile one way will be transportation Cost . to these meetings. M r s„ K P . .Wilkinson introduce Mrs. Ed Porter and Mrs. D. • Mclean from Clinton. • • Mrs,.....Aoter ,interesting display o hq,s, flOor mats„, purse, flowers and a vest of various colors made from bread wrappers, plastic garbage bags, turkey bags etc. The Huron County rally will be held in Ethel Community HallSionday, Oct. 4. , Delegates will, Mrs. Bannister and Sirs. Horton .Talmay. The area convention will.be held • in ° Ontario St. United ' Church, Clinton, Thursday, " September 30 and 'Friday OctOber„-1. Mrs,. Allan Schram how, to make' use of. other services offered by this newspaper etc. - • Do. you think\that would be worthwhile? WoUld anybody like to attend? „ TinkertoWn (isn't that jtiSt It was decided to invite Auburn and Tiger Dunlop Branches to the October meeting and each member is to bring 'a guest. There'fwere six birthdays in September, Mrs., Wilkinson and her ,committee served tea and a soOil Jour was enjoYed,.. ThiSSe wishing to go, to the Ethel convention 'should call Mrs. Alan McTaggart or Mrs. William Porter. For the other event, members ,shotuld ,contact Mrs. ,Alan" Scliram ,or Mrs. Williem Porter. Mrs, Bert Crawford read a resolution against the present regulation regarding liquor outlets in recreation areas. •••,...•••••••iL••••••,. Nile (ICW\hears about commercial ham luncheon Nile U.C.W. meeting was held at\ the ,home of Mrs. Prank Rising with 20 ladies present, including seven visitors. Mrs., Elwyn Pollock .opened the meeting, 'welcomed -everyone, "and thanked Mrs. Rising for -ner kind hospitality. " Mrs. tioug -Young --and Mrs. 'Wilmer Rtitledge were in charge of the worship service which included ' re,adingt and commentaries and prayer, closing with prayer ' Mrs. Rutledge attended the retreat.at Camp Menestung ,and told about this, ir interesting meeting and, distributed literature received., ' " Mrs. Pollock conducted the business part of the meeting. Roll call was followed by report, of Visits made and the reading of the 'secretary's report by Mrs. Alvin Kerr. Mrs. Wilmer _Rutledge' read the treaswer's report which showed a balance on hand of $476.17. The Fall gaily of ,the West Section of the U.C.W., will be held' in Downybrook Church October 27. The' thenie of this meeting will be "I must be my brothers' keeper". A ham luncheon sponsored by various food companies will be held in Nile Chu,rch. Thursday, October .15. A joint meeting with Dungannon U.C.W. will be held in the Church Thursday, October 21. Luncheon at 1 p:m. Program committee will includ Mrs. Pearl Watson, Mrs. Har Giry in --end -Gbaries, 'Johnston. 'The October meeting Of Nile U,C.W. Will be held Oct. 14 at the home of Mrs. Al.„ H, Talmay. Rev. C. McClenaghan closed the meeting with peayer. Mrs. Rising and Mrs. Pollock served tea and a social hour enjoyed. RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP r EMPFECTMARRMSEIS' of SAID Pria IMO 044,1/1/18AA/D.,.. a j0E1 BP Service Station and Coffee, Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-6871 tt „For Your • INSURANCE. see or call "o) „ ' MacEW.n MacEwan 44 North St,- 524-9531 otit,t • Donald G. MacEwan Peter S. MacEwan • • elZi° BUDGET BEATERS orianza of Value's! LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS MIXED QUARTERS '3CHICKEN HALVES WHOLE CHICKEN cuu; CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, 5 TO 10 185 , RESH TURKEYS L844 SEM1-BONELESS, SMOKED - COOKED HA PORK LOI.N QUARTERS CUT INTO 9 TO 11- CHOPS PORK..,C110 WHOLE OR r HALF, NO CENTRE "LIC'ES LB • REMOVED — QUARTERS LB 79C a .0; All priced shown in this sti guerentted effective through S'eturcley, September 18, 1971, FRESH TURKEY CUTS WHOLE LEGS BREASTS WHOLE WINGS lb 39 DELICIOUS SERVED WITH FRESH FRUIT OR ICE CREAM JANE PARKER (SAVE too Angel Cake - A alk large size cake 11 y sal JANE PARKER, MADE WITH PURE VEGETABLE 'SHORTENIN6 Bread SLICED WHITE 4 24 -oz lo. ves $1 .00 t. VARIETIES, POUCti'PAK. narch Cake Mixes io-oz 5 k 1 nn P gS -Es w w PHILL/ 40-60-100 WATT ' REAL 'VALUE! 4.? p,kg of 2 bulb! 3 •//, Light MILD & MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3.1b Bog Ib 1 -Ib Bag Ib A SUPERB BLEND OF 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE Custom Groand at Time of Purchase Minato, Bran& Vanilla, , \ Chotoiam, Butterscotth ICE CREAM ' HALF GALLON CIN . SWAN TOWELS PKG CD -2 ROLLS AYLMER CANNED GOODS biced Harvard Beets Mixed Vegetables • Cream Style Corn Cut Green or Wax Bans Choice Peas 1041-02 TINS 7/1.00 • DON'T MISS,THESE FRESH ONYARIO PRODUCE BUYS PRUNE 'PLUMS NnsTzDE BARTLETT PEARS N. 1 Grade BLUE GRAPES N: 1 Grade PEACHES FREANE No. I Grade, TOMATOES Firm,' Ripe, No. Gra:le WEALTHY APPLES Cee Grade • White, Pink, or Yellow, Flat Fold KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE $ 00 1 Boxes of IN 2 -ply sheets YOUR CHOICE *QUART BASKET 0 CEGRADE .„ VOLURIVECAPPLES:.;,04410,t6skie,ftig:1rf • Tiper,p.o4 • 0 .*. 9.,