HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-16, Page 1010°GrODER1CH SIGNAL''STAR,, THURSDAY, SEPI'EMBE,R''16, 19%j 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE fOR 'SALE • k {- 1" "N"' "1.1'aminP""*"'r"'"""-.r""rte r .. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL E STATE 'OR SALE, 5. TQ RENT 52 WEST ST., GO.DERICH, PHONE 524-6991 "GJ1RpEN HOMES'" BY EASTBANK BUILPINGS LTD. This home is only five years old, situated on targelot, one block ,from school, consisting of three bedrooms, •living room, large family kitchen, and recreation room. Act to -day. FOUR BEDROOM BRiCK HOME Situated on Oxford Street, only three blocks from school, recreation room, large lot 66' x 135'. This 1' story hcirne is only 8 years old with good mortgage terms .t4'ailable. THREE BEDROOM COMPT HOME Only three blocks from the Square;, full basement; lai'`;e recreation room. ,This home is priced to sell, Act today, SUBURBAN LIVING AT A PR•IC YOU CAN AFFORD •,This home" is 'only -two yedrs old, three bedrooms,' full basement, large lot, only tWo blocks from the'schoc?Is, with good mortgage terms available.. Three-,Wedreac}rit Home - panf,Iled walls — garage---- large lot and priced at $10,8110.00. Hot' water heating' throughout. A real family borne, four bedrooms, large kitchen, dining .and living room, on a large corner lot near schools. This is an older. insul brick home, yet priced so you can afford to spend a few dollars. iNOME PROPERTY -_ • , . Four ( 4 ) bachelor apartments, situated on a large lot, near the Square. This property has all been 'renovated. A' real investment and priced to..seIl. NEW LISTINGS JUST RECEIVED THIS WEEK Beautiful 'retirement home located two block, from the Square in a good residential , area, Large living room with fireplace and 'plush rug. Kitchen with modern..5 cupboards' and a dining area. Full basement plus a brand new furnace.' Priced well below $14,500.00. If you want an excellent four-bedroom brick home with fireplace, rec room, 'full basement, large , shaded backyard for privacy and ,located on a quiet street, please contact us for an appointment. Best buy in Goderich. Large frame home located' close to uptown, three bedrooms, kitchen, living: room, garage.,,,This ,home'needs a little work fora handyman but is priced right. Come in' and Make us an offer: 34 acres. with good home, barn; 20 acres well -treed' as the Maitland River, passes through the length of this property, you would control both sides of ,the River, making this an ideal camp, site or just as nice quiet place tt3 live near Auburn. Priced at only $16,000,00 A building lot with a, beautiful view on Maitland River. Purchaser will own river flats ,as well. Full asking price is $4,500.00 • - JUST LISTED 100 acres with barn,, located in the Dungannon area, now pasturing 70 head of cattle. Full price is $14,000.00. :45 acres of excellent farm land right on -the highway, all cleared for productive farming'wtth a good building area for a home. Y COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES n, " Two excellent stores right 'here, in Goderich. Immediate possessiori. ,«One motel, .highway' location, "Good home included. Excellent terms, BUILDING LOTS ,Good building site available in the south end of town. Leat 158' frontage by 134' depth. Lake front property in quiet district; This lot is 128' frontage by 310' depth. Priced for quick sale, ° NOTICE Due to increased sales we are low on select property and need your listing no matter what you have. Lots, farms, houses; cottages, please phone us. BRUCE RYAN -- Res. 524-7762 B. R. ROBINS6N — Res. 5Z4-6905 WARREN ZINN , RR 2, LUCKNOW — Res. 529.7350 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5. 'TO RENT "GOOD three-bedroom 'house, witlllovi down payment. Owner will.. carry mortgage. Ph ine 524-8`909 or "'call at t26 Trafalgar Street, Goderich. — 37x ,Grp • CQMFORTABLE bedroom ' in new home, centrally , located, business • wcintan' preferred, kitchen privileges. Phone 524-7564.--35tfn FOR RENT — •• 4 One •modern bachelor apartment, furnished or unfurnished, carpeted, electric 5. TO RENT heat, at The Old Store, Saltford. " Phone 524.6960. -- 34tfn 7`'Vf3-Bl✓bROOM. " apartmentpnd , — if decor CONSTRUCTION MEN Off �1" ble. season accommodation, large di el Located self-contained units, showers, $75.06, Phone , frig and gas range. Maple . Leaf J6'43 -- -*-4- —� 'Motet, 54-Pt+ji'ia,St ,N�86: M u"k, ia • - h AV tt N L •Y $16,900 -FULL PRICE $1,250 DOWN PAYMENT $'150:00 MONTHLY PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND.TAXES Each 'Garden Home contains three._ -large bedrooms, bright, airy, broadloomed Irving room, ' dinette,ltpbdard Tined kitchen, full basement and laundry tubs. ---1 Only one unit available at this price ' For complete'information call 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HAROLD W. REAL E'•TATE CfROKER 524,-7272 55 NEWGATE ST . GODE ICH $22,900 Buysthis beau.tifu "PRESTIGE HOME" Located only one- block from the schools, this brand new brick and aluminum exteriored home features a large broadloomed living. room and dining room; eat -in sized kitchen;, with beautiful furniture, finished Cupboards and arbarite post 'form counters; ceramic -tiled, four -piece, privacy designed, '•ba'throom; three Large bedroojns, each with clothes Closets; full,`•dry basement; forced -air, gas furnace; and laundry facilities., NHA mortgage for $19,800 arranged. Seethis home, which is easily worth $26,000, rto-day' and make your offer by calling • •HAROLD W REAL ESTATE .BROKER 524.7272 55 NEWGATE ST GODERICH GO.DERICI-L.. EXCELLENT room and btxard �>pa..r.talJlc . in.. , crourrtay hc)me,,�,ir) Ick' car_ couples. rii.il;ht rr)itiute; .from (,odc'rich, E'lici'ne l 6ti� 1. :36 :39 '11..11REE-BI 1M O0114 unfurnished home i) the country, Benmiller fired .Phone 521-9849 after 5 rap 6 :37 'I'IlhEE-BEDROOM ,enti•detached home with living rc,,oan, dinette, kitchen, "rec" room trail 1 pc, bath." ,Rent. • 10.00 monthly, Apply. Harold • Shone, R.E. Broker, 55 ,eWt;ate Street, dial 524-=7272. ,37t 1' j FOHNIAl. RENTALS for= all ,)Cessions. Pickett & Campbel.l ,Ltd.,,, Clinton and Goderich.,. 7 t I'll .. 8, HELP WANTED GET IN ON SOMETHING'BIGI Full or part-time, business it goodl We have to eXpand• to Meet. the demand! We need' honest, sincere salesmen to juin us now and stay a long time. Don't worry about .experience as 1 ,will train you to be successful and receive rapid, promotion., You, will earn while you, learn and receive substantia.' commissions weekly, plus cash bo,huses.` fc r extra participation. This is pleasant, dignified work contact Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred St., Wingham, phone :357-1383. — 36,37,38 BABY SITTER wante for two pre-schoolers. in m home. Phone 524-6154. --- 37' 8. HELP WANTED COMFORTABLE room, close to, ,111 conveniences, suitable for two. Phone 52.1.7454. -- 37x "'. POINT Clark, modern winterized cottage for lease, now througl'r May. Open road, ill channel.,,., antenna. $125,00 E' Ca'responsible , month responsible party. Fall Detroit, :31:3.563.6415. — :37x "—TWO. rooms 'for rent, partly furnishced. Phone 524-8609. or ,St. Andrew Street. — :37 • ROOMERS 'wanted, breakfast it' desired, gentlemen.. preferred. 41'h.one 5.21-62691. _..,-. • FI.TR,NI•SHED ,two-bedrooml• .apartment, centrally located. :Available immediately. Phone .521.9.121.'-- 37tf ' WANTED -7,4,'One or two adults to occupy •an attractive, heated, - fully furnished,' ideally located, , upper apartment. Call 52.1-7586. • 37 FORTY. acres of eoi n land, Phone- 524-5157, — 37,38,39nc 6. WANTED TO RENT WANTED --- ' Reasonable, tin f u r n ished apartment for student. Phone 52.1-6520. 37 '• TIIREE or four-bedroom house wanted, 'preferaby four, quiet. • district" in :qr• near • Goderich.. -Apply Box 6, Signal Star. - 37tf 8. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED plasterer, 85.25 per hour. Apply Mr'. John Van Kooten, 1040 Huron 'Terrace ,Kincardine,` phone' 396-3198 after 6 p.m. — 36,37 SOMEONE' to clean house, one day weekly. No heavy housecleaning. -Write to 'Box. 3, Signal -Star, giving name, address, ''telephone number and ,salary expected. — tfn ' AVON CALLING • Does` an' Avon " Repress ntative call on You? If not, perhaps you -could. be -that Representative. For information Contact Mrs. Millson. 17 Hawkesbury Ave-, London ,32, 451-9541 this evening, while two areas are still available. 35,36;37,39,39 MAKE EASY $$$' Easy to sell pantyhose. Also socks, for the entire family, briefs or bikini. panties, 'tights, etc Free instiue tions and, color catalogue. Write today: 10,383 Hebert Street Montreal North 459, Quebec WANTED ept•ion,J t For DENTAL OFFt.CE Applications fpr interview will beaccepted by writing Box 7, Si9nal.Star, up until September 25th, 1971. Earns Executive Type Income, Right ;In Your Home Area Immediate _opening for representative for Huron and ,Bruce Counties. No experience necessary. Complete training program, provided in Head Office for . successful applicant. After training we provide established acco tits in a protected torr' cry, Sixty' percent of your in ome. will./ come from repeat usiness.' Contact ' las immediately ,for personal interview. Phone Mr. K. W, Taylor " Ripley 395=5443 ,r 10,: WANTED (denerat) •,/ COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. (.'all- C. & E Furniture, -,2I 73:31. - tt' WANTED .. - Apartment. size fridge, rugs, chest of drawers, in - good condition. Please write Box 8, Signal -Star. —.37 FRESH; live dew worms. Phone 5.24-609.2-'--- 37,38x WANTED ,7" ROOM and board in quiet home for elderly lady. Apply Box 9,1 Signal -Stam — :37 .PAYING);' $1.00 each for; old aluminum tokens issued for bus to and , from 'Hotel Bedford, Goderich; Fred . Davis, Prop. Write Pilgrim Coin Galleries Inc., Box 16, " Stoughton, Mass, 020,72, U.S.A. — 37-41 THE HURON , COUNTY 11" BOARD OF EDUCATION CLERK -TYPIST WANTED ' •');'his position for the school year September -to. June. requires a person having the ability to accept responsibility , with 4a • minimae of supervision. Ability in the operatio-n of various types ,of duplicating machines is essential. . Starting salary will be c--ommens'urate with qualifications and experience. A full• range of cost -shared benefits ncludes — O.H.I., 0.H.S.I.P. and 0.M.E.R.S: Pension plan. Applicants - should submit a resume by September`24 to: W. D. Kenweli, Superintendent, Student Services, Huron County Board of; Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. RfiM.'Elliott, Chairman of Board. . D.`'.'tochrane; Director of Education, ALEXAN.DER & CHAPM fi i CLOSE TO THE SQUAR E ' A red Krick two-storey home, ' spacious bedrooms, large living 'room, dining room, features an attractive modern kitchen, full basement, new furnace, . 2 sun porches,' 11/2 bathrooms, garage, early possession', 'Immediate possess' an, new three large- bedroom bungalow, home, carport, gas heating, large modern kitchen, laundry room • tiled and, panelled. 3-bedroorin 2 -storey rt'd brick, - large living room, dining room; good' kitchen, 11/2 b<athrootrits, full basement, gas hot air furnace, 3 -bedroom brick 2 -storey home,, newly decorated, large living room, modern kitchen, spacious bedcrooms. Double. brick garage. Immediate possession. Owner ' leaving town. Nearly 'new brick - 2 -apartment • home, broadloomed, new frig r' REALTY LIMITED° REAL ESTATE. & GENERAL. INSURANCE MONEY MAKER 1 -apartment home, 1 block frog„ the Square, electric heating, good parking. Price reduced for quick stale • ESTATE SALE Ideal location; older home on ,,3 -bedroom, 2 storey, red- brick a large lot, near schools and home, in immaculate condition, shopping. Suitable to change with a modern kitchen, full to several apartments as basement, new hot water income property. ;heating. Attractive side drive 11/2 -storey wartime. home, Huron Road, newly decorated and broadloomed, neviw-"Furnace. Owner says sell. Building ' property, 5 acres Luc,cnow. PHONE 524-9662 Furnished cottage, insulated, ,new wiring, attractively panelled; electric hot water heater, shower plus bathroom, 5, iniles from Goderich. ,Possession in-mmedit;tely. • .VIadc rn -new ' home, garage- and barn located on' 4 0"•acres. 34 lots already surveyed. Price"redu'ced, owner moving. 4 new'. homes, 2 -storey, - 1 -storey bungalows, split level N.H.A. mortgage, November possession„ 6 -room home on Bayfield .Road,,, treed "lot, double garage, hot water heating. Price reduced to $13,500 vendor take a mortgage, , 6 -room new, Huron., cottage, Bircli Beach, overlooking L'a'ke A bargain at $10,500, and stove, Washer and dryer. Buying V.L.A. This is for yO11 Ideal retirement home, "Rental New modern two-bedroom income reduces --overhead. Low home, full basement, electtric down paymen,l:ti,...,, heating, attractive kitchen. Nearly new *modern brick bungalow on a large lot in first block'' from the Square, all appointrnents to suit modern In nearby village, building 30 x 60, furnace, lighting, could be converted. Now only. tastes, $2,000. A. J. ALEXANDER, 245 Catherine St., Tel., 524-7386 AMEN—OttliittlittitiirtgrtMiltrirr 'NY A,' a 3-1/3 acres, 7 miles from ,Qoderich, 11/2 -storey house, artesian well, small barn, low taxes; good -location. A steal at $8,000. 133 -acre farm, 9 miles from Godelich, 1/2 mile from paved road, all Workable and drained. 3 -bedroom house. Modern stock barn and large silo, Money maker. • 120 acres, Dungannon. area, 11/2 -storey house, bank barn, productive acres, early possession. Two-bedroom Iakrfrotnt cottage, oil t,heating, basement, fireplace, sun room; six miles south of hospital, 'fully winterized. For rentor purchase. Two 50 -acre farms in Ashfield Township, eight miles from Goderich, three miles from 50 ACRES, 25 workable, 25 Highway 21. '' • ' busit, ' Colborne' Township: Priced at'$7,000.00. Sportsmen -' This is for you --- 115 acres, of bush and rolling land with river flowing through plus creek with dam being built to give up to 7 acres of lake. This property, close to Highway No. 21, has the 'potential for a camping area. 11 Chopping mill, full line of equipment, immediate possession. Low down payment.. Owner says sell. We invite, your listings of all property — houses, farms, lots, l! ttages, etc. P..ENT M/. .,,w•��,„�� LANC1�, 182ACam�run .St..T.a), - , ;%'DW"P►'BE1'RHAR;,T,'8 Britannia""'Rd; "Tel,.;'6241 16 11 0 LY EMPLOYMENT' WANTED 1 .Y PART-TIME 'office wort., experienced in general office routine, pay oil, , receptionist, etc:"Some typing. Write Box 5, Signal Star, — 36,37 FOR all your sewing needs call Bonnie at 524'=8S'31. —'37x CARPENTER -HANDYMAN' rerjui•r4--part or full-time job, Complete tool' kit and .truck, self-starter. H. Mitchell; phone 482-7584. — 37,38x 13. AUCTION SALE SHERIFF'S SALE ' to be held by 'PUBLIC AUCTION on, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. at the premises of Maurice Robillard, carryingon business as R.C.G. DISTRIBUTORS, at BRUSSELS, ONTARIO STOCK OF - SNOWMOBILE ., PARTS AND ACCESSORIES with a ,value of approximately $2500.60. TERMS: CASH. HARRY L. STURDY, -- Sheriff, County.,of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. Auctioneer: Gordon Jackson, RR 3, Listowel, :37 ti Aw kir 13. AUCTION SALE ANTIQUE PROPERTY Atv'70 John St., Seaforth, on Wednesday, September " 22, at .-1:30 p.m. PROPERTY -' Lot 70, John St., frame home with kitchen, dining t room, den' and batlt, cin main floor; three bedrooms on second' floor; basement and gas furnace; and single car garage. FURNITURE, AND ANTIQUES 4 'upholstered ;army chairs; swivel rocker; love seat; fern stand; oak table; floor I•ari''p; tables; paper rack; couch; -combination writing desk and book case; captain's chair; dropleaf table; blanket box; pine kitchen cupboard; stool; odd chairs.; wash stands; new wood' extension table and 4 chrome chairs; 2 gun stock chairs; ,.rocker; foot stool; floor lamp; -oil lamp; sewing machine; dresser; bed;, continental bed; chest of drawers; 3/4 bed; copper boiler and mirror. ' APPLIANCES -- 24 inch Kelvinator electric stove; --- Frigidaire _refrigerator kind Hoover washing machine. Terms — Cash — Reserve on Property - 10% down on property, balance i,n :10 days, . . I?'rank Coleman, Proprietor, RATHWELL'S AUCTION ;�...'.-.., . SERVICE Brucefield — 4132=3120 Appraisers TV'JILI.GgT AUCTION' SA. Lt ''Of Primitives, + Aaques and Household- Effects at the Auction •Dooms, one mile south of Goderich on Highway 21 on Friday evening, September 17, at 7 p,rn, Terms.-- Cash, ' Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. ° 524-8064.. —37 ANTIQUE"AUCTION" - At- 197 Albert St. N,, Clinton, on ° Wednesday': Se'pterttber 29, 10'71. at 1:15 p.m. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES • Dominion Pump Organ and, st 'ol, , excellent condition; upholstered love seat and two matching chairs;..combination book shelf and writing desk; master writing desk;.,, three commodes; butternut dresser; nut'' --dies. r;-"" di'ning room table and six matching chairs; Matching dresser anccommode; chesterfield and 'Two matching armchairs; Victorian cherry oval table; china„ cabin,el!; walnut side•, board; spool telephone ''stand; W hall tree a,nd seat; -granny roe'ker; wicker rocker;and more rockers; bar chair; . child's bar chair; walnut highboy; kitchen table and four matching chairs; dry sink; pine kitchen -cupboard; two pine harvest tables; base of gone with the wind.. lamp; view • +y master,; books; picture frames; shadow , loop frames; clocks; lamps; lanterns; feather ticks; glass; china; 'dishes; ornaments;, souvenirs; tin ware,;., flat ware; and many, many more articles. GARDEN & HAND TOOLS ) Tecumseh lawn mower, new. Property sold — terms cash — no reserve. In_ caste of rain -.will! be ,held • at CI•inton Community Park. Estate of 'Mrs. Elizabeth Graham: Rathwell's Auction Service; Appraisers, Bruce field, 482-3120. 37,38 Deliver telephone Books FuII�r Pa,rtTjme Men or women over 18 years of age with automobile are needed in Goderich and surrounding areas. Delivery starts October 13, 1971. Send name, address,; telephone number, type of vehicle and hours available or a post card to: - �_ ,.,...,. D. D. A. Ltd., P. O. Box 220, Station T, Toronto 19, Ontario. .. Please do NOT call the telephone company WHY NOT????? * SELECTION' 'IS RIGHT * TIME IS RIGH, * PAYMENTS ARE RIGHT * PRICE IS RIGHT So What's holding 'you 'back? IZ'r5''t'"pu't""ol't�"" your purchase till next month when you can save $$$$$ now! Come out and talk tome this week;and let's make a deal -- on a select used car — a new '71 — or, before your car is another triode) year older, and worth Tess, order a''72 now before introduction date. GRAF'S 117.74.'"Q SERVICE AMX • Javelin • ,Hornet - Ambassador - Gremlin 'GC1i21.1ty1uuNROE •-PHONE 524=8411' JOHN GRA, os; K 1 Cy