HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-16, Page 1•
I acquired banners picked up
• that the projeet would probably of the Ontario Department of is estimated that the total cost
. .,..... .,,.. , • zinvolve,41-1-drora=ounty.i.A'gaiero,-..--IL--et-A, 1...t.h. '4 h c - -,e,oktiml, 7 ..--*0 fluravirod•tx ctton .,,..ftk r- t h e---.11-0rAsezi3,680,1*,..misChievious
next year with more young clerkkreasurer-rePorted. Thisbas ''eommertlikHgtlifciflasts-Otll'rT2'tr7ztltihgs? "'""*"."''''''''",'`,"*" ----
I,people travelling to and from been done before in Other parts seconds could run between The plot thickens!
1 this area.
1/I' i
124th YEAR - 37
'' • z7.,"
She strucksuddenly
• 42.'rd?',1:"*'".4'7,./H
A path of destruction
Pat Patterson was upset, Saturday evening to:find that the.
black -berried elder tree which has stood in Octogenarian'Park
for an estimated 100 year had been uprooted when the car
driven by Bonnie Lynn Mowery sped. througtohe little park at
the junction of Arthur and St. Patrick's Streets. Mr. Patterson
had erected a heavy post in irOlit of the tree to prevent just
such -an occurance but the post lies prone with the tree as seen
in the photo at the left. -Above is hown the gaping hole in the-.
' 'foundation of .the 'front porch recently constructed on, his
hOrne by J. T. Eedy, Arthur Street. It was this solid structure
which' finally halted the wild ride of Bonnie ,Lynn through
Goderich streets. (staff photos)
Id town zonin
still has priority
Correspondence formed the
largest -part of the business at
last Thursday's meeting of
Goderich Town Councii with
letters from the new town,
solicitors, Donnelly and Murphy,
being the most controversial.
A letter dated September 7
and addressed to the Goderich
.. Area Planning. Board stated that
although a proposed town plan
• has been filed at the Registry
Office, here, no bylaw has ever
been passed in connection with
this plan and no public hearings
have been held. There has also
been no approval given by the
'Ontario Municipal Board.
"The plan has absolutely °no •
legal effect and I suppose one
wonders why it -was filed at the
•Registry Office," wrote ; Dan
Murphy, "unless ..the -Planning
Board and/or the Town 'were.
Princess .Anne.
Nursery opens
. The Princess, Anne' Nursery_
School for _Retarded Children
opened its doors for this year
Tuesday at 'itheadquarters in
Victoria Street United Ch,ureh-
- The supervisor, Mrs. 'Betty'
h , Reid, advises there are four new
Bonnie. Lynn-. Go eric s own torna o-
,c,hri,nidgriering thaett.etnodta,,,ge„rtohiims enyte.atro,
A wild - ride through the ' car and a badly damaged porch.
streets of . Goderich early Bonnie Lynn" Mowery,
Saturday_of Parry _Sctund_w ho
complete sham bjes. in gave her present address as Hotel
'OnPk, a eri-pled- was `'7" obServecr • by
Go derin Police Consta
NDP - Mervin Witter as she drove
Victoria Street North. The
.7 appeared to be moving in
the. north side of -the street,• then the dwelling of J. T. Eedy, 108
onto the sidewalk on the south Arthur Street
the-toad,before crashing The driver of the 'car was
through ,Loctog±narip Part, _taken, iso Alextvrira Marin
P a,nri.
knocking over a post and
ble upfOoting a tree.
on The car and driver then
car continued on their way, entering
a the yard of James Marlette at 98
the St. Patrick Street, where they
cle, pushed the Marletti. car into a
rally Monday
at Brucefield an
somewhat erratic fashion so
• constable followed. the vehi •
d attempted to.stop it. fence,. crashed through' the
General Hospital suffering from
minor cuts and -bruises but she
'was release1l the following day.
'Neighbors in the area of
Octogenarian Park and hundreds
of curioys witnesses. viewed the
damage and shook.their heads•in
Please turn to page 12.
Instead of pulling over, ,the Marlette patio, knocked down a
car sped away. through the two tree made a complete cirCle on
In the wake of Monday
sets of Stop lights on Victoria the Marlette lawn and. exitednthe `Mk ia
St., turned d,own Britannia property by squeezing between a in
Ontario Premier Bill Davis that
• an M
evening's announcement by
be Road, across Wellington
the provincial election is to
onto Arthur gereek• A total
held on October 21 the Huron •
eight,Stop signs were ignOred.
Riding Association for the New
and pole and its supporting wire.
On Arthur Street, the
Democratic Tarty in Ontario
rated up onto the sidewalk
announced that their first"
She predicted, more
"in-depth" training this , year'
• With speech therapy on the
program. ?I
"The volunteerworkers," Afe
said,• were eager and
contributing a great deal to the
.success of,--the-venture--which is
-designed to give the mothers of
retarded pre-schoolers a break
each week from the rigors
• involved in mothering mentally
handicapped -'youngsters.'
trying to indicate that it had
some legal significance,"
"We would point out," the
' letter continued,, "that the only
plan at he present time is the
.nylitpawn zoning plan."
Mernbeis of council shook
their heads as an indication of
their surprise, and councillors
Bob Nixon here
enroute to CKNX
looked from one to the other for
an answer.
"1 certainly Wasn't_ aware of
that,"- adinitted Ed Giesbrecht. .
However", Mayor Harry
Worsk as well as Councillor Deb
Shewfelt believed there had been
a public meeting and that a story
had appeared in the Signal -Star
about it.
The matter is receiving
council's attention.
Another letter from Donnelly
and Murphy outlined the
responsibilities of a building
Robert Nixon, leader of the inspector for the • town of
Liberal party in Ontario is Ooderich if .such a person was
expected to land at Sky -Harbour . appointed.
about 2:00 p.m. today en route "In ordinary circumkances,
to C.K.N.:X. television studios at there would be no connection
Wingham ,forsome T.V. taping. between a building inspector
The stop locally is part of a that thetown.niig t appoint and
provincial tour the party-, leader mortgage inspectors," . wrote
is making as part of his election Murphy. "The -building inspector
camPaign. It is expected that Mr.
Nixon will return to Huron at a„.
later date to show' supPort for a B
Liberal Candidate yet, to be
. u ny dog famoUs; -
chosen. - " `
. • , • .
• Although a number, of
discussed with regard to carrying• ,
many seek to aid
--lairgested persons °have been
the Liberal/ -icolorS -in the' The case involing Rex,. the
upcoming October 21- election, German Shepherd dog owned by
the party will not announce Mr., and • Mrs.Kaz Budny,
their candidate until their Gibbons St -Wel, and the family -
nominating convention, which is of Jim Murray, of the same
scheduled on Monday everOg in duplex on Gibbons Street, has
would be required to check on ,
all new buildings and would have
authority to put a stop=wo,rk- --
order on construction when the
contractor is not adhering to the
National Building Code and local
bylaWs. The building inspector
of course, would only have the
authority and * responsibilities 4,
that you (council) would give
him by bylaw." --
Murphy included copies °of
bylaws from the. . City of
Toronto, both of which had
been amended and up -dated in
1968, to serve as'guides in the
event that Goderich Town
Council would want,- to draft a
building bylaw.
The ; special • , committee
chaired by Councillor Frank
W.alltom will consider the
• .
caught the eye of hundreds of
• people` many . miles !Yam
local drivers- ,G1DA pair Of London women are
on sta
present,ly gathering signatures on,
nitc _a_pctition t,o•ye Rex from. the
Goderich Town Police
investigated two traffic accidents
during the past, week „„involving
town and area residents.
Wednesday, September 8 a
car driven' -bY PatrickMelady
. went out 'Of control on North
Harbor Road and left the street.
The car, police report, was
e — at totally demolished. '•
• In the second rheshaP'; cars
of The pair then crossed Arther C,
Street 'again and finally came -to • •
Conservative nomination. .
car , a .stop underneath closed -in
on porch recently constructed at •
Huron ,PCs are :expected to
campaign rally is to be held this
stage a lively Show for their
Monday evening in the' Huron •_d h
Central School at 8i0 pm.
night at the party's, nomination
provincial candidate this Friday
The school is located south of meeting in Goderich.
Brucefjeld on Highway No. 4. ,.• - Many af the,new 18 -year-old
for the meeting will be the,,first clarification' on dumping
• Among 'the :items scheduled voters are. planning to' join the
o ern council wants
party faithful in a demonstration
public screening ' of a film. of strength for the Hon. Charles*
featuring Stephen LeWis and ' The freighter "Ferndale was member of - the Blue Water MacNaughton, who has.
among the matters discussed in the topic for some discussion at Sailing Club which first indicated, lie will _stand for the
this feature will be the Maitland last Thursday evening's meeting investigated the situation, he °nominatio.
River situation. of Goderich Town- Council, and could have remained in the Guest 'speaker will be the
A policy address and members decided to seek background. • Hon. Darcy 'McKeough, •
• clarification on ..:legislation However, Reeve Carroll said
summary will be presented by Treasurer of Ontario and
N.D.P. candidate Paul Carroll covering ships dumping bilge that while dumping bilge water ;,..-
minister of Economics, who was
and • a surprise speaker is, water In public and coMmercial •is not quite the same g throwing one of the top contenders for
expected from London harbors. . •. garbage into the harbor, he and the party leadership earlier this
According to the organizers: Reeve Paul , Carroll told - Others wanted to be absolutely, year.
, -
A light lunch is to be served council he regretted that he had certain what' regulations there- _. With both MacNughton and
at the end of the 6/ening and a become- involved in this Matter are ' to control this. sort Of McKeough Sharing the. sanie
Ali raffle is also being planned. as a private citizen • and . a activity.
. . stage, the nomination will recall
. ,z, The BlUe Water Sailing Club the "M and M Road Show" two
has petitioned ; the federal summers ago when the mini§ters
Local cloctor closes of ice• department of transport and the toured Ontario to explain the
/ Ontario Water Resources province's tax reform program.
„ •- Commission, .urging , new
McNaughton, the former
hygiene school -legislation' , to .prohibit bilge
. Councillor. Frank Walkom
dumping in harbors. treasurer introduced the reform
plan, which' , has included
• atten ds -i -
rioted that. he had received gssmissoroosssisssmssogss
• Dr. Frank .Mills former Goderich for a Post _in complaints regarding
Mayorof the Town of Gdderich,, Kitchenr-Waterloo. the grain elevators which had Flag -snatcher
has given up -his private practice , . .John Berry, Huron County •
been llegdly dumped into the*
arid is presently attending the •clerk -treasurer, said in a harbor. grabs
University of Toronto_School of telephone interview , Tuesday,
Hygiene to obtain his degree as a the matter of Dr. Mills' knowledge, this was not a
fully qualified Medical Officer of appointment as the Hpron problem and Mayor Harry,
Health. • County Medical Officer - of , Worsell said this practice has
Dr. Mills has 'been acting Health following his graduitiOn been discontinued since , the
MOH for Huron County since in the spring will be considered. installation of theflust catchers
the early part of March, 1971', at the Septemtker session of at the eleglitors.
',when . Dr. , C.P.A. Evans left • Huron County Cohncil.
Young Voyageur; • Health has advertised steadily
Berry said the Board of Television crew
makes Commeritai
for a medical officer Of health__
Reeve Carroll said that to his •
program -assured . for the county in all
kul and Mary Carroll have the medical profession but Company had a television crew
received word from H. A. without -positive result's% He said in town early this week at
Griffith assistant tegional there were some applieations but Dominion Roads Machinery
direddr, of education for the they "did not meet regulations." Company. Their job was to
Western Ontario Region, While Dr. Mills is at school in Make a twnute, commercial
L'ond oil—, that the Young Toronto, he Vrill retain hi g to be presented .on The CBC
Voyageur program in Huron was position as Acting MOH for later this year. •
a success. Huron and wilt be in the office According to L.B. "Sticky"
• Mr. Griffith indicated in his on a part-ime basis. This Grahm, the cameramen were at
4 correspondence with the Carnils arrangment has the full approval the plant for a day -and -a -half. It
publications normally read by, The London Life Insurance
The fag -snatcher may be
at it again this wek,
A telephone call from
...Harold Jeffery of the Blue
Water Sailing Club explained
that Sunday's races hark to be
cancelled because the fittings
for the starting flag had been
removed from th, -flag .pole.
Jeffery s5idthe.flag wasn't
gtop the flag pole bectiuse it
is removed at the end of each
race day. But the flag pole
had been cut down and the
fittings removed from it:
Could—it -be that the
flag -snatcher needs the
hardware to fly his newly
,01 ijP
of the provine, he added, $40,000 anill $50,600.
, •
.1 I 1 11'11 11.
••1 I
property tax reduction grants,
farm tax rebates and increasing
financial aid to local ,school
board. , •
MCKeough , the . former
minister of municipal affairs,
continues to develop the reforms
as the tew treasurer in the Davis
• administration.
.,, The Huron PC nomination
culminates a series of municipal
reorganization Meetings
throughotirthe-riding, at which
poll committees have • been
strengthened and enlarged, -The
final municipal i meeting will be
held' in Clinton Monday. night,
Sept. 20.
Another feature of Friday
night's nomination meeting will
be the election of officers for
the Huron pc Association. The
president, Douglas Freeman of
Clinton, has Stated he will not
seek re-election.
A local youth band will
provide color for the nimination
and . a floor demonstration is
expected. Janes Donnelly, Q.C.;
will be chairman of the meetig,
which will be held the
itatbotnte Inn, Goderich.
'driven by Carol L.Horton, RR 2
Goderich and Robert H.
Skelton, 36 Britannia Road
West,, c011ided near the Sheaffer
Pen Company factory.
Damage was listed by police
as about $700 to .the Horton
vehitle_and $400 to the Skelton,
Six /former
Vikings gio
tO star
Sx former football players
death Sentence.- The two became
interested in the " case after
reading about,Rex's plight in the
.London Free Ptess. will be heard in Goderich court
To date, the women have and that new evidence fill be
collected over 500 signatures on presented, although there is no
their Way to 1,000. They have confirmation of either.
been going from door to door
explaining the ,situation and
superrnarkets and other W .
soliciting signatures in •kI'AMdeal
sentence was passed on the dog.
Murray also charged it would
not be difficult to get signatutes
on a petition to save a dog.
Rex remains at the Humane
Society kennels in London
where he is reported to be
enjoying • lif, totally unaware
the court has given the order for
his death at ,..the .endof this
The Budnys have lodged an
appeal but the date of that
hearing is not known at press
time. It is thought the appeal
shopping areas in the 'city of
An editorial appeared
recently in the London Free,
Press as well, leaning, somewhatl
to the dog's side and giving
eyidence that a dog is entitled to
at least one bite ina lifetime. -
Rex has also made a news
broadcast on television! -
According to Kaz Budny, The
Toronto Star has. now found the
story of -Rex to haveintereSt for
its readers. He reports that he
has had twocalls from that eity
regarding the -dog.
In the nieantime, Jim Murray
claims...ils seven:year old son
who was bitten by the dog is
suffering • • mentally and
physically because of the
with the Vikings in „incident. He says -the child has.
'recent years are carrying their been harrassed and beaten since
football -careers on at higher
Jon Ginn; Doug Keene and
Brian Sheardown are all
members of the Waterloo
Lutheran Golden Hawks.
AI• -Pirie, --last year's Viking
eaptain, is the starting centre for
for 25' yrs.
The 25th year of the
format ion of Conservation
the University of Waterloota_m) Authorities in Ontario was
• Two other members of last \ celebrated Tuesday by members
years championship Viking of 37 Authorits in the province
team, Bill Wedlocks and Warren -a8 representativWenjoyed a tour
• Watt are playing with the Sarnia of various conservation areas,
Lakers of* Junior O.R.F.U. -including- the Tails Reserve
There was a rooting section at Saturday aftwoon's PeeWeetbaspball tournament m Agricultural
Park. This lively qUartette net rely cheered its favorite, it voiced loud dsapprovalfor the other
- teas% Frorrr-thOeftAtr6Aion-Kkkcmms14dr-TatTy*SchweitteoyQL itmardiKolkmanzapadecL,Detioilg;
The crowds at Saturday's event were small but the brand Tit Oeseball played was' excellen. (staff
y 1
- • The employees at- Donimion
Road Machinery Com.pany have
ratified a new two-year contract
which has been tetined, "quite
Negotiations took place last
Elk ' but the contract was not
approved by' the workers at
DRMCO until 1st Sunday.
The ,exact terms of the
contract werenot released, but
company representative L.B.
"fBu9Ity" Graham said the
settlement involves improved
fringe benefits as well as
increased pay packets. •
Graharh clairried there has
never been a strike or a hint of -a
strike "relaUtiUonws naerree excellent. epilloeyn tee.
"We haver,inany lorgtinTe•
employees here," said Graham,
"and they know they have a'
stake in this place."
In reference to -a report on
the recent layoffs at DRMCO
, involving 30 emplinees, Graham
explained these were workers
who had been taken on this year
- some in February and some as
late as April, May and June
He said DRMCO had
experienced a heavy summ r
with several orders to.fill.
Graham also indicated that
President Richard Nixon's new
policy to fight inflatici /in the
USA could affect RMCO's
business. He said D MCO had
etpetted to sell etween 150
and 175 machines to the USA
this year and suggested this
number could , be somewhat
reduced by Nixon's actions..
Odd aster
to be sold
. ,
Mrs. Robert (Alva) Mabe, -
R. R. 4, Godeilh;---hasa,
horticultural odday in her
• garden. It is a yellow aster,
which. Mrs. McCabe claims is a
lady,Oew a ellow aster
ste says -she-will seII-the-seed
from it for a bilndsOitie, but
ndisclosed, amount lo