HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-02, Page 11„ • " • rt- ' 01. l'ke, • LASSIFIEO ,T,11 8. HELP WANTED CAP• ABLE baby sitter required to care for one infant and one, prq-schooler, in my own home. Must live in west end of tOwn. Call 524-605& a5 . ARE WE TOO "CHOOSY" " ABOUT THE PEOPLE WE HIRE?' , Maybe, so. We are looking for Very special people. Are you mature and genuinely willing to spend at least 12 hours a week to start? egin part-time, graduate to full-time. We supply • everything but the ambition. No experience or investment required. Use of a car is a big help. It will take 1 hour of your time to learn about this opportunity. If you have the 'time .contact: Ed Bauer, Wingham, phone '357-3805. .-33;34,35 A 13. AUCTION SALE -44AERVICE, AVAILABLE 8. HELP WANTED RELIABLE, rnature pers'On required to baby sit in my home: while mother works part-time,' mostly mornings. Phone 524 -9310 -after 12 noon. - 35,36 • MAKE EASY 4$ $ Easy to.sell pantyhos\e, Also socks, for the entire family, briefs or bikini panties, tights, etc. Free instruc- tions and color catalogue. Write today: „ Due To A Barn Fire A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of - livestock and " milking equipment will be held" for Vincent Austin, Lot 3, Con. 6,, Ashfield Twp., .11/2 miles east off High way ,2). , oti Tuesday Evening, September 7 Commencing at 7 p.m. ' • 20 holstein . cows milking and rebred; 6 holstein heifers bred; 1 registered hereford cow with bullcalf; 6 can milk cooler; 2 surge milker units, — -- • • - Terms of sale - cash. Owner or auctioneer not responsible -for accidents. Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer, 357-2'349. 35 • BULLVOZING HAR LES- BRUINSMA RR 2, Goderich .524-9804 SANDBLASTING JACK HAMMER ,WORK BREAK UP CONCRETE,. , . BACKHOEING, • -SPRAY PAIN-T:11W" ARNOLD . STOTHERS Phone 529-7403 for estimates 14. 'SERVICES—AVAILABLE 10,30 Hebert Street Montreat North 459, Quebec • • LEADING NATIONAL FROZEN FOOD COMPANY , HAS. A POSITION OPEN, M. AN INSTITUTIONAL —.1 • to work from Owen Soun"N>d o Sarnia. This position offers an excellent future for advancement, as this • company is young and is'piesently increasing its sales persopnel. Company car supplied, plti expenses, as well as excellent' remuneration, Only a person with two to, three ' -yeari experience selling the retail or institutional trade need apply.All replies strictly, confidential.,Reply to Box 1, Signal -Star. • TRANSPORTATION MANAGER Reporting to the Superintendent of B,Usiness Affair, the transportation manager will be responsible for the efficient operation of the school bus system, both Board owned and contracted systems involved. - This position will invo vp a continuing ei systematic review of al existing routes, contracts, student concent ..tions and facilities with a view to minimizing costs and improving service. . • , This is a senior position and salary paid will be . fullrcompetitive. , Replies indicating education and experience to' be directed by -Sept, 8, 1971 to Mr. R. B. Dunlop • , Superintend' ent cif Business Affairs, • The Huron County Boarclof Education, „ - 97 Shipley St., Clinton, Ont. 1 0. WANTED (General) 12. TENDERS WANTED COMPLETE or small lots E. Furniture', TENDER household effects • DRAINAGE SYSTEM wanted. Call C. & VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD 524-7231. - tf JOLLY Jumper, baby III good • condition. . 524-7151.-35 crib in Phone, 11, EMPLOYMENT WANTED • Tenders are invited for the 'installation of a Concrete Tile Drainage System in part of the Village of Bayfield. The work consists of the installationof approximately 4000 feet of concrete tile 'and eleven (11) catch basins plus outfall works. • Sealed * Venders, clearly marked as to contents will be WILL do sewing, new dresses received until 7:30p.m. and al t eraticrns. Phone September 8th, 1971, at the 524-6246. -35,36 • office of the Clerk-Treastirer, Mr. Gordon ,J. Graham, • WILL do baby sitting in my Mnnicipat Building, Bayfield,• home. Phone 524-8360. - 35x Ontario. f 113. AUCTION. SALE' FUND RAISING AUCTION Tender docements- may be - studied from •2 to 5 p.m., Monday khrough Friday, of each week up to 5 p.m. September 8th, 1971, at the Municipal Building,, Bayfield, without payment, but may not be FOR THE NEW removed from the building. BRUCE,FIELD UNITED CHURCH A 'limited number of Saturday, Septerriber 4th, at complete tender documents and .0 maps may be obtained from the 1:00 p.m. in the Brucefielcl Ball Park, consisting\ of furniture, Village Clerk -Treasurer upon payment of a deposit of $25.00 appliances and a large number of per set. Deposits will he antiques, pump organ; New refunded oti-ferarn of all tender Haven th'irty hour clock; Seth documents and maps in good Thomas Ship clock; •oil lamps; telephone; trunks; blanket condition up to 10 days after * boxes; lamps; picture frames; the receiving of tenders. , A certified cheque in the odd chairs; rocking thairs; tables; part toilet sets; wash amount of 10% of the bid and p stands; dishes; glassware andayable to The Treasurer, The many more articles. Village of Bayfield, Must Remember it's for a good cause. accompany each tender and the • Consignment aid,clonations still successful bidder will be reqdired to furnish a 100% appreciated. Free pickup, Rattyriell's Auction Service Performance Bond. erncefield, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not 482-3120 necessarily accepted. .44,/sd,satne.:time„,sarne place. GOrtion.A. Jarah amp -Bake tt spot tor4.& Ate', • ,RIerkgretasurer Brucefield UCW. The Corporation of the •Village of Hayfield 86 Bayfield, Ontario. 4 MOVING Local and long distance packing and storage if required.' Free estimates. 524-9283. - 31tf SAW BRECKLES Lawn & Garden Equipment Authorized Simplicity Sales & Service * Garden Tractors * 'Snow Blowers • * Povver Mowers Service To All Makes & Models R. R. 2, Goderidh • (4th Coricesston,lieside IlustartgkOrive-14; Sewing Machine PROBLEMS? Servicing All makes New & Used Sales, Alex Reed, 1,97 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-8465 4$0 CALL FRANK TUTT For all your flooripg needs. Buy your carpet anywhere. 20 years' installation experielice. ' Free.measu'rements. 524-6804 Goderich 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS D., IN MENkORIAM GODERICUSIONiy A!1•?,"0.11JRDAY,.sgrp*Rig - , ALL persons having claims r JOHNSTONE: In ' loving a g a i n s t the Estate of remembrance of our beloved M A 11 G A E T 0 R A H A M son: Emmerson Densmore Willis, PELLOW, Widow, late of the called hoine from his "work Town of Goderich, in' the apternbor 2, 1965. -7- Mr. and, 'County of Huron, who died On” Mrs, J. H. Johnstone. -,- 35 or about the 9th day of Auguist, 1971, are required to filethe, -FISHER: In [Ovine memory of a same with full particulars with' dear mother, Lettie Jane, who the undersigned by the 18th day passed away, August 30, 1964, of SepteinE6r, '1971, as after, and our dear father, Aaron, wha that date the assets, of the estate passed aWaY 4 December, 20, broocthwerb,,erRoil, will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, wrro4 '4; paa sl ssoe da,14,ewa;Y• Ontario, this 2'3rd da Y , of PREST:land EGEK4R, Th1 9.6errelem-ernb.is rana ce,")a, c.1: weio: ecIl. August, 1971. ' . Barristers,.et‘c:, 'Where our thoughts and Wishes -,, 33MGoderich,ont rea 1 Street, Ontariomeet, We take that road in thought ., ' • Solicitors for the Estate. today, -34,35,3.6 For those we cannot greet. . • - . • - Ever remenkliOed by the. • IN THE ESTATE OF EDRIE . family: - 35 BEATRICE PUDDICOMBE ALL persomi having -E. CARDS Of -THANKS claims TYE CAREY against th Estate of Edrie Beatrice Piddicomb-e Tye Carey, late of the 'Town of Goderich, in the County ofHuron, who died on or eabout the 15th day of June, 1970, are hereby notified to send in -to the undersigned personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 1 1 th day of SepternbRr, 1971, 4 , WEDLOCK full particulars' of their claims. : • The family the Of, ImMediately after the said date, late Robert Stirling 'Wedlock the .said Personal Representative wish to express thanks to their -'vtrill distribute the -assets of the:-- many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown said deceased, having regard only • - % - 7' , them in the loss of a' beloved. - have notice. . to claims of which 'it shall then husband and dear father. We DATED' at Goderich, especially wish to thank the Rev. Ontario, this 13th day of . Robt. L. Raymont, for.; his August, 1971. ., consoling words, Dr. J. W. VICTORIA & GREY TRUST CO Wallace, nurses on' second floor, . 1 Ontario Street, ' . Alexandra Hospital, the donors Stratford, Ontario. (Executor) of the lovely 'flowers, donations ' - By Prest and Egeneti to The Ontario, Heart Foundation and the Canadian 33 Montreal Street, • Goderich, Ontario. Cancer Society; also the • • Their Solicitors herein. 'McCallum Funeral 'Home for all NAYLOR,: I would like, to thank relatives, friends .and neighbors, for their kindness while I Was hospitalized in Alexandra Hospital; also special thanks to Dr. W. N. Watters and nurses on second floor. -:''4Yessie 'Naylor. - 35 Signal—Star publisher Robert Shrier and son Robert Jr. discuss a sotkvertirSinadian Weekly Newspaper Association Flag while • modelling "Happi Jackets"; after their return.from the annual C.W.N.A., convention held this year in. Vancouver.,The jackets • were gifts of a Japanese delegation to the convention who were recognized on the opening night of themeetings in recognition of Canada's close trade links with that country. • RUG SHAMPOOING and repairs to all electrical appliances. • Phone. 524-8879. - 35 WILL plant fall wheat. Phone 524•:6453.' 35x CUSTOM WHITEWASHING and blowing cobweb r Satisfaction. guaranteed. Ken Weber, Brussels, • 887-6908. 35,36,37,38x HAVE your rugs -and chairs, cleaned' by Vependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone '524-8892, Goderich. - eow ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W„ Goderich, Ont Phone 521,7771. PREPARE F013 HARV-EST' TIME For custorrr-combining of. grain, beans and corn, putting beans and fall plowing, call Ed Szusz, 523-9397.' FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary StrAt, phone 524-9089.,- tf HOME remodelling, kitchens, bathrooms; recreation rooms, ceramic and floor tire; etc. Phone 524-6921. -32,33,34,35x We sharpen saws, cutlery, etc. 40 years experience. C. H. Homar, -246 Huron Rd. SIGNS ,BY WEBSTER SPECIALIZING .IN: Bulletin „boards t Plastic electric *- Truck lettering * Silk screening ,Corpmercial designing • of - company trademarks * Show cards * Window banners . , All Sizes & Types of Sighs •PHONE EXETER • . 235-0680 .ANYTIME R.U.A. CUT-UP? Will , Help You! 16. PuBuc NoTia SCHOOL „will open at Colborne Central school ,Tuesday, September .Vt,h, at' 9' a.m. Buses will leave school on the first day,... at 2 at • 3:30 p.m. thereafter. Bus routes are similar to last year,.pick up time will be about the Same, -.35 • 17. BUSINESS NOTICE FREE -TR4LNING for the right person' interested in owning and., ,' operating a slenderizing Studio. •qteas:onably p4 --iced. Interested person., only need uply, Phone. Joan, Owen Sound, 1-519-376-1698. -34,35 CARPENTRY work, small remodelling or repair jobs, hedge trimming, miscellaneous, odd jobs. Reasonable rates. Phone 524-7789. - 30tf • REGISTERED.„electrologist..To remove ,tinwanted • hair permanently. For free consultation, information, appointment - Phone 524-7695. -33,34,35,36x GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical 'Service Residential - COmmercial Industrial -- 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich,. Ontario. 27tf • DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S 'Goderich Phone 521-8391 19tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED,. MODERN EQUIPMENT. . WORK GUARANTEED ' Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 1 3 tf SCREENED TbP SOIL LANDSCAPING EXCAVATING — GRAVEL BACKHOE,WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY Clinton • PHONE 482-7644 , If No Answer' PHONE SCRUTON FUELS 482-7381'1 25tf GODERICH TAXI Taxi Stand At Bluewater Service Station 80 Victoria St. _5;4-6594', 24 Hour Service • Gui SWan, Prbp. .1 MEDICAL Massage, Thermo -Therapy and Ultra -Violet, 118 Anglesea Street, phones, house 524:761.7; office, 524-628,1. W. C: Breckow, Reg. M. • • 18. PERSONAL • Do it Yourself and son Max. - 35 SPROUL: I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards, flowers and visits while 'I was in hospital,' alSo,nurses and staff on second floor and Dr. A. B. Deathe and Dr. R. G. Lomas. - Howard Sproul. - 35x SCHWEITZER: We wish to thank all the kind friends, neighborsand relatives for the beautiful floral tributes, memorial cards and alt other acts of -kindness in the suddenioss of .6ur beloved daughter Sherry Lynn Schweitzer. Special thanks to Mr. Ed. Stiles, Dr. Lomas, Rev E Eifert, ReV7Royal and Rev.'Betikema for their words.of Comfort.' Everything was deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. - Gloria and Ray Schweitzer. - 35, , • CULBERT: The kindn*,91 the doctors, nurses and staff at Huronview,, and Clinton Public Hospital is' acknowledged with thanks by the family of the late Frederick Culbert. They express appreciation to family and .friends whosenot floral tributes and other toyens of sympathy. -35 ‘ir DIVORCE GUIDE AUSTIN: We' wish to extend As described in National thanks . to the Luckrfow and • M a g az Hies,. For further, Goderich Fire:Departments; also information write: „.• neighboi-s, friends•and relatives, who helped in any way at the LEGAL PUBLICATIONS time of oufire Many thanks also to those who organized, Box 5138, Station A, Toronto' donated to, and attended' the Leaseway TRANSPORTATION • LIGHT TRUCK , CAR LEASING. Are you 'thinking of leasing your next car or truck? If so write us for the details. P.O. Box 82 Goderich , CONCRETE, WORK All types of foundations ancl. floors, cement • barnyards. Reasonable rates -, free estimates. MALONEY BROS. • Dublin, Ontario. , 345 -2253 -Phones -345-2964. 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of ELMER BANTING FISHER, Retired Farmer, late of the Town' of Goderich, in the County of Huron', who' died on or about the 10th day of June, 1971, are required to 'file the same NO full • particulars with ' the undersigned by the 1 lth day of Septernber, 1971, as after that date the asset's of the Estate will be distributed. r DATED at Goderich, Ontario,- this 16th day, of August, 1971. PREST andIGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 41110•11, 20. MISCELLANEOUS We do alt types • 0! JEWELLERY REPAIR 1' Ring Sizing • * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton, Seatorttrand Walkerton 12tfn. Ania'iftwomiimpi"" • A. BIRTHS DALTON, At Guelph General Hospital on August 19, 1971, to .M,LF,a_qc1 Mrs. Brian Dalton, Guelph, a son, Shawn Thomas. DeWINTER:. • At Alexandra. M rine and General Hospital, G .ich, on August 30, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. • Marcel DeWinter, Goderich, a 4, son, Gregg Marcel. EVANS: To Mr. and Mrs. George ' Evans, Huntsville,' Ontario, on August 13, 1971, a chosen son, Todd Leslie. • S H A DDICK At Alexandra Mzrine and General Hospital, Goderich, on August 28, 1071, to Mr. and Mrs. John Shaddick, Goderich, a son. C. BRIEFS • - .. -33;11,35 WHEELCHAIRS - WALKERS, „ The Humanitarian Service C.P. & T, CoMmittee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact ' Anios OsbaldeSton, 552244:976221. ....,, 37o;owFred Fritiley, N ....................„, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Oskam �f forward full particulars of their p • Cloderich, Ont., are pleased to claims to the undersigned, on or Ot.,..;,.' - .Att.-, .,,„ N 'MEMORIAM announce the.forthcoming September, 1971, after which 4.--,..-.6.............„0-4,.... Mattnea Wynanda; to Mr. John before the 18th day of .l.. marriage - of their daughter, distributed. C OD: In lovirrg memory of a (War” hilldiand, .., 'frither and and Mrs, L. Hoogenbooin, date the assets • will be L. J. Hoogenboont, son of Mr. DONNELLY & MURPHY, grandfather, RoW•t, Who passed away August. 31, 1939. You will be loved and London, Ont. Thr4' wedding will ,_* take place D,V..,on Saturday, ...,,,,...L. i s T4,13casrrctisut;rres; remembered always, • .-iirni ,414, APERMil'OritArin''4. ,,ttorordook%. Solicitors for the Estate, „The „gate. of love and metTry,• .Sloete,tnabteibutt,h0e)tibetzenctasitfitihtt, R e fortned Chtrith, Clinton, - Always i 4neinbered by wife -34,35,36, Myrtle, daughter Norma and 0Ofnfitc.,iaRtieneg._ .0,3B5017of London • family. - 35x J 7 t,2 IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD CLEMENT ("TRACEY, LATE OF THE.' TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED. ALL persons claiming against the above Estate are required to Benefit Dance. All was deeply appreciated. - Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Austin and family. -7,35 F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. 'and Mrs: E. (Jim) 'Lizmore of RR 4, Kincardine, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only •daughter, Kathleen Janet, to John Edward , Whitten, son of Mr: and Mrs. John A. Whitten of Goderich. The wedding will, take place . September ?5; 1971; at, 3:30 o'clock at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goclerich, Ontario. - 35 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cline, Goderich, Ontario, ° Wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Anita Louise, to Mr. Jerald Douglas Hayter, son of Mr:• -and Mrs. Do u g I as' • Muter; ,Thedford, Ontario. The wedding Will take place September 25, 1971, at 4:30 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church Chapel, Goderich. - 35 Mr. and Mrs. Graham Chamney, Goderich,, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage df their daughter,' Sharron Anne, to Mr. Denis Gerald LaSsaline,• son of Mr. and Mrs. •Gerlild Lassaline, Goderich. The wedding will take place ori September 18, 4971'at three o'clock at St. N'ter's Catholic Church.. -• 35x Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Pollock of G,Qae.rtich are very - happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, Anne, of Calgary, to Mr. Byron Holmes, Calgary. The wedding will take place September 10, 1971, in Calgary. -35 • 4. 1 I , Signal -Star publisher at • newspaper 'convention • • •` delegates were addressed by Harry•• m3a.:nBoltyyleme, ew1.157pewaaksers. onemorf the . Byte at One, time worked as a , writer theGoderich Signal Star. . • • Signal Star publisher Robert Shrier returned to Ooderich' on Friday from a trip to Vancouver, British Columbia where he was. among more than • 200 delegates. to the annual Canadian Weekly _Newspaper Agsociatioil convention held .at the Hotel VancouNier recently. • "The.most significant - outcome 'of the convention," Mr. Shrier explained, "was the change of the C.W.N.A. itself to the Canadian' • Community Newspaper Association, a break with the 50 year history of the 'organization." ' The move, allows publications who publish twoto five and six times a week as well as monthly to join the ranks of the weekly paper in the new association. The decision to let smaller dailies and periodical publications join the agsociatibn was unanimous, Mr. Shrier explained, since the C.W.N.A, agfeed that the smaller papers found it hard to associate themselves with the larger daily papers. New Zealand recently• ' trade the, same move in their weekly newspaper association arid eight delegates froM that country were on hand at the. convention in Vancouver -to see Canada take the same steps. ‘. • In other developments at the ,convention of local interest, the Speaking •on the, effect of community television through the advent of cable broadcasting, Mr. • Boyle urged community publishers not to fight •the introductibn of his system into their community. 0 "I think-, in fact I am sure," he said, "that you will find the operator will be co-operative, for his enterprise, like yours, is 'based on community premise, community antenna television." "You can't stop progress," he told the assembled group of Publishers and other newspaper employees, "You can only try to nianage it." Mr.. Shrier' was also on hand to see one of his. publications, The = Clinton News --Record, receive an honorable mention in the "hetowing of national new:;paper awards when it recei ved recognition in the field of Community Service. "Most of • the matters discus ;ed were mainly of interest to thot ;e within the business, and much cf that discussion resulted in valua ble information for those in "alien dance," Mr. Shrier said. 21i • A,Kusl 04"19'. Tr ALL DEALERS OF AMERICAN M"T,RS ',CANADA) LIMITED To help: 'rt a ,nty about new. car prices an. Ganadan ca,P, i by recont economic , developments! American M. t rs feels very st ritingly that bold act' tn necessarc' We know that may ; e,,y le are p s, enter the new -car marke•• 1;nless they have a good knowledge of the exis race situat ton, th oy wil.1 defer their purchase -until some later ,late We have an earnest desire tr, se 11 new t, are to these buyers immediately FT r 30 days oeginnin g • • August 2.111 1971., the ,1,1 lowirg, Ravin glit will 1 te ' passed rn directly: • }aese buyers by ,kmerican Motors (Canada) Limited, as price rebates on hew 1971 Jnodell3 delivered clurIngthls.t,etviod ‘1971 Gremlin 1971 Hornet 1971 Matador 1971 Javelin 1971 Ambassador , 5125 , • 150 175 155 185 • • ,t Through our advert s tng, we will make t„Iii; an "open let ter" to 4.11 new car buyers in Ganacta• We are encouraging ahem lo call upon you inmed-iately to take advantage of this unprecedented nritoetunity,„ ' * „Mast sinct!it•ely, / • W:.'S Pickett For More Details On REBATES On A '71, Drop Out To GRAF'S SERVICE .0 AMX - Javelin - Hqrnet • Ambassador - Gre.,mlin 4 4BMVII0YelattatIrlititt17Vta"GODERICII , ONT. GPRD• MUNROE ... PHONE 524.8411 JOHN RAF' • • • „ , •