HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-09-02, Page 54
of seven finaiseries
D.R.M.C.0. "carne , up with
one run. in the bottom of the..
seventh inning to defeat Gord's
Sports 2-1 and even their best of
five final series at one game
apiece, Gord's one the first game
last Thursday 6-0.
.1h the first game, Stan
Doherty' struck out 13 and
only once hit. The only
hit off Doherty was a leadoff
single by Wayne Draper in the
' second 'innin•g, Denny
,Brian Rumrg and
Brian Srnitti had three hits each
accounting for 9 'of Cord's 11
' hits. Cord's scd'red two runs in,
the firs and fourth innings and a "^ D-R.,M,G,p. winning run carni In
single in third and sixth inning., the bottom of the seventh with,
In_ the second game Stan one out, Wayne Doak reached -
Doher�t<y nd Don McWhinney third when his fly _ ball' was
locked hoops in apitching duet. misjudged and raced home on
MLWhinney struck out two and Larry McCabe's single -
- scattered four hits while '
Doherty struck out 6 and The trext game .in the final is
allowed 5 hits, tonight at 8:00 p.m. with the.
D .11. M . C.O. opened the fourth set for one. -,week �f ram .1
scoring in ' the bottom of tiie tonight at 8:00 p.m.
fourth' inning when Mitch Miller. - he' Industrial Leagues
doubled and Don McWhinney Labour Tournament starts
ngled hirn home, tomorrow night and ,continues
Cord's tied. the scdre in the through until Monday' night
next inning on Keith Good's accounting for the weeks layoff
double and an ' outfield error." in the Leag'r,ie final.
CHAMPION GRATTAN,p,4,2409.0, wins for the first time in his life at Goderich Raceway
Wednesday night with Ken Hardy driving. The chestnut gelding establishedhis 'magnificent mark
with quarter times of 31.1; 1:04.4 and 1:37.1, leading the field all the,way, He is owned in Exeter
by William C. Edwards. (photo by Don McGee) •t
Bluewater saIinTg1 :clue
The Summer series ot'sailboat Sunday and depending ' on Robertson sixth, Roy Dunlop
races sponsored -by the rich weather a' second race will seventh, John Wray and l?aeeship
Bluewater Sailing Club waundr follow that afternoon or two 19 Stiffed for eighths Bert Corbett
races will be held on Monday.
All sailboats are welcome to
enter and -there will be ,.a small
entry fee to cover, costs of
awards - and\ ,coffee and
doughnuts- which will be served
following the events. A skippers
meeting is sehedule'd_ for 9: OD
�a.m. previous to the 'opening
race. .
.,Third place for the. year went
to Harold Jeffery followed by J.
''Kane and Roy Dunlop who tied
for fourth, Paul Carroll fifth,, G.
up this week with Dr. Mike. Watt
emerging thewinner with.a score
of 35 _points. He was followed
by Peter Collier with 32 and '
.points for the season. ,
Th4e, final race on Sunday
started with 11 boats corn eting
in moderately strong south winds
but., like the'previous week ,the
wind died -and the fleet motored
infealling the race off. •
Thisweekend a series of three
races is planned with the first
race -starting ' at ' 11,:00 a.m.
Contry Club
The second,,-.arri'itial, Molson
Maitland' Mixed Couples
Tournament, held Saturday,
August 28, was a huge success.
The rain held off„and 34 couples:
e c f
Mrs. 0. Nwt �n o
.Strathxo.y:,. were first with. low .
gross; while Stan Paquette, who
was in excellent ',form,. and his
wife Doris, bf C.oderiZht wo ,:.;.
silver tray and glasses, the Prize
for first low. net. Haf61d~--Walls
and Maxine Martin, Goderich,
- • had second low gross; and_John
Kane . and Verna Kane • had the
second.low net score.
Other Goderich winners
included 'Pony and 'Stella
” Bedard, ' fourth low' gross; Stu
and Effie Gilbert, fourth low
net; , Dan Worthy and Jean•
Knight, sixth low ne't; and,,.Bill
and Marie Huff, eighth,.,le.W net.
Congratulations to you all! ,
Mrs. Bruce, whose partner
was Jack Price, was presented
• with., a prize 'by Vic Longbleen,
for being the youngest golfer in
H the event. Fanny Sheardown and
Jean - Longbleen provided a
superb smorgasbord dinner and
man* other members, arrived for
. the dance which followed.
This tournament., included
entries fromfourteen clubs;
namely, Strath'roy, Sunningdale,
Galt, Saugeen, Ridgetown, •
,.Kitchener St.,.. Mai•"ys,•.Mitchell,_
. Stratford, Owen Sound, Exeter,
'London Nig•hland,
Clinton -Bayfield, and Goderich.
Six ladies' from ' the' Maitland
Country 'Club are playing in
Wingham in a 9 hole event .
Tuesday, August 31; in ,the'
afternoon. Good Luck!
The 'draw ' for --+-"the Men's
In vitation„a.1-. 'Tournament;
September 18, is full.
I f you require ,, further
information about this
competition, contact the Pre'
Shop at the Club,
Championship Day will be
the Saturday after the men's
tournament, probably Satu`tday,
September 25. Most --of the
inter -club tournaments should
be completed by then. Check
the Bulletin Boards for the
games still to be played.
• and Don Baxter tied 'for
John Sully placed tenth
three way tie between
Kiel, Don MacEwan and
Mulken heldthe cellar.
and a
A noisy crowd or 1.,096 ,on the race 'With payoffs of
people- ' attended Goderich t;',R0, ;2';80,(52.30,$3.10,$2:80,
.4 Raceway Wednesday ' night,, and x;,;2.80.
giving the mutuels • a record ' RACE SEVEN -the horses in
handle of $31,982.00.. Thoke this field of $800.00 claimers
present . had the pleasure of made a real race of it, being ,
'seeing ten of the best races held , hunched a•nd'fighting from the 11
.anywhere recently. . pole. Noble Will, owned by
...._RACE ONE -.Eastwood Gina William R. _Reed of ,Fullarton
went off the board as an 8-5 and driven by 'Ray Campbell
favourite, and swept- the,field in came out" on top with a time of
I.._ i m •e s , o f 2:11.1. Purdy Sam placed with
31.3;1:05.4;1:39.2.2:12.4 with Dave Wall .driving, and Miss
Ken Hardy at the controls. It ' Goldie Frisco showed third with
was the brown mare's,,.first" win John Wall. . '
of the season for its owners Ken - Noble Will went off the board
Hardy " and Gary Revington of -as:- a -19-1 longshot, paving
Lucan.'Whiz Kid came in second $11.10,$6,90 and $3.80. Other
The Goderich' Sunset -Golf
and 'Sports) Centre has a new
`course record after Dave Gower
scored,,a two under par 68 last
Monday .scoring a 39 going out
and a 29 'coming in on t -he nine
.hole course.
The, previous record, a .70,
held by Dennis Lassaline was cut
by two points with the recording
of the 68 score.
Bantam's' drop
•WOAA final
.The Goderich Bantam
.Baseball -team vas eliminated
from • the .Western Ontario
Athletic Association playoff
final on August 24 by 'a strong
Listowel team 10-3. at .Listowel.
The game was a--«'Mose match
eighth until the tl,h i g with
--Goderich boys trailing by.. a.4-3
score. Listowel then •pushed
across. 6 runs on 5 hits and/ 2
errors to put the game out of
reach for Goderich.
' Line . scores were Listowel
.with- -10" "runs' on 10, hits and 4
walks with no errors .wh.ile
Goderich,Jad :3 runs, on 13 hits%
3 walk -s and 5 errors.
Winning pitcher. :was
McKenzie with relief •help -from
Wood. Losing pitcher .was Casey
Wildgen whot wen he distance.
Leading hi s for Goderich
were • Tom O'Brien, Casey
Wildgen and Ron Sowerley all
with 3 hilts out of the 5 trips
they made to bat. •
The • teams season record
wound up showing. the -.boys to
have only lost 3 of 1 starts with
pitchers Wildgen 'wi ning • 13 of
15 and Sowerby 2 . 3.
Home Dressed Select Mecit
with Neil McRann in the sulky,
and Danny Nobe took the show
position with "Erie Pellow, .
• Eastwood •Gina paid
"(15.70,.$3.30,$3.40, Whiz Kid
$3.50 and $2.80, with Danny
Nobe paying $3•.70.
RACE TWO-lt must hive
been a good night for the
favourites', because, another 8-5
choice in the second rate, Daves •
Wee Lad, took top honours in
the second half of the. Daily
Double. He paced,, the mile in ,
2:1"'2.3 with Warner Robillard at
the Controls. Second was My
Mocky with Fred List .driving,
and third was deep Run Dolly,
with owner-trainer----W.O.
McLean. Daves Wee Lad is a'
black, > ten-year old gelding
owned in Woodstock by William
Karnps. It was his fourth win of
the • year paying $5.-10,,$3,9Q. and
$2.40. Myr Micky paid
$5.70,82.80 and Deep Run..
Dplly paid $3.60.to show. -
The Da,,,,Lty Double combining'
Eastwod"Gina in the f'irslhd
paves Wee' 'Lad in the second
returned $24.00.
RACE THREE -Tensions, ran
high -during and after this race
because I am told.,., fight broke
out between a driver and
b oistrous member of- . the
audience. Anyways,• 't thenway
Time, awned and driven by
William Woodburn of , Parkhill
took the heat in' 2.16.2. The.
only accounting for the slow
time .is the fact that three, or
more horses, broke- during -the
>raie, I lost count after the third.
This of course never makes for
s pe'c tacular competition.
Greenway.. Time was nut •
favoured to win, Paving
$13.20,$5.40 and $4.70.. King's
Brother placed second, with,
Wm. W. McLean driving, paying
$3.30. .and $3.40. Dennis....Jewitt'
drove the show horse, Mc I Pilot,
which paid $6":20..
RACE FOUR -This race saw
the. first Life time Win of We C.
Edward's' - Champion Grattan.
Ken Hardy - drove the. four
year-old chestnut gelding to.' a
magnificent mark Of 2:09.0.
This was the big horse's third
start this season, and first time
in...the money during his entire
.career. Champion Grattan came
out of the six hole,.and overtook
_,..the„--field-early in the race..110.
lead all the way to the finish line
with no trouble -at all, winning
by, about three or four open
lengths over Margaret Ensign.
with Rick Steward; and. Carolyn
Dorf. Little, with. Frank Dam
driving. Payoffs of
and $2.50 went up on the board.
.,The' Quinella on the fourth
race paid $24.20.
RACE FIVE-W�i -ism
Robblee of VVoodstodk.-d.
_�ove his
:_fQux. year .old _bay, . C}ori Herbert
,,t her first win .of the season,
beating Billy; Royal, driven by
William Woodburn, and Man
Anne J, with Gerry Roebuck
driving. She was clocked in
2:121 for the mile. Cori I-lerhert
paid $4.90,$3.10 • and 82.30,
Billy Royal $4.50 and $2.60,
and Mary, Anne J. returned
$2.30. ' `
RACE, SIX -The most
popular race. of the night,
betting wise, had the crowd on
its feet and cheering loudly as
The Battin Boy...swept across the
finish line with its driver -trainer
Frank MacDonald holding the
reins. The bay six year old
gelding is owned in Goderich by
T. Verne Jewel., Second was
prices included $5.70,$4.20, and
'The Exactor on the seventh ,
ret armed $75.50 with 22
winning ticketi tickethaving been
RACE EIGHT --A tough
battle at the wire resulted in Ray
llather'ti 'and William Bradley's
-Sebring.ville being nosed°out of a
win by ,Sir Omaha.,. ,The bad•,
gelding is owned by Marjorie and
11e-Ifcord Lester of Forest,' and
was driven by Melford Lester.
Ile went the'mile in 2:11.4.
Third was Coalmont Cathy
with trainer -driver Ken Hardy.
Prices were `.'16.90 to . win,
$8.90 and $6.20 teff:- place, and,
$:3,30, $3.40, and 82.80 to
show. '
0 ne of the men
photographed -in the Winner's
Circla' with Sir Omaha was
overheard to say of the five year
did pacer, "He's not much, but.
the hest we got," - -
RACE NINE -The Featured
Invitational Pace fora purse of
8600.00 was won by Command
All, going the distance with
times of 31.43:04.2,1:36.2 and,
2:013.4„ the .fastest mile of ,the
night. The -brown five year old
gelding is owned bK. Robert and
Alfred Smith of Ingersoll, and
was driven. to- victory by Ernie
Pellow. Second was Lochinvar
Rex with Stan Maguire driving,
and" in the show position. Keith
Direct' Stone, .with driver Fred
Prices posted were
and $3.60. •
. Johnny Alisner was scratched
from the race, the' field being
competed by Noble Chris, Dr.
Paul, and -Steady Rhythm,
RACE TEN -John Mathers
drove Doctor Joyce to victory
over Red" . Boy -4477 -driven -by
Terry Oenema, rind Lazy Wall,
with owner -driver, Dave Wall.
'Lloyd B. 1-taskett of Lucan
owns the thirteen year old bay
elding, who:-Tegistered his first
in of the season at (3od-erich
Raceway in a tithe'cif 2:14.1.
A 16-1 longshot,---Doc{tor
Joyce paid $34.7Q .n,. win. Place
prices were '$9.20 and $8.80;
Show prices $3,80,. $3..00 and
T.he. Exactor on the final ra -V-
of the night returned $301.20.
Six, happy people held winning
Ken :Hardy hof Lucan was the
most suc'z,essful driver,
registering two wins` from five
TIMELY TOPiC,p,4,2:03.4,
is by Good Time,p,1:57.4, out
Peakie Hariover,p,4,2:11.Oh
He is the sire of Greenway. Time,
winner of the third -race.
Timely Topic is awned' by
Jack. Holmes of- Clinton and
stands at, Lyle Woodburn's farm
in Parkhill., He, -has had four
seasons ' now, with about.
thirty-two registered colt's* of
racing age. They" include local
horses like T6pic Time and
Midnight Topic.
The most notable of his colts
is Scotch Topic, who has so far
won eight of .ten starts this year,
with a mark of 2:08.0 in
C H A M P I O N D A L E,
n,4,2:04.3h, is the sire of
Chahpion Gratton,
Championdale is by Jimmy
Chief, who never raced due to an
injury as a c lt, out. of Bonnie,S.
Ghttan,p,2119.2h. Jimmy Chief
Excel .Mac' driven ''by, Roy,,..js by Chief Abbedale,p,3,2:00
Men'aCleverm ..and th��ddwas
Arbour. The mile Was timed in
31.1;1:04.1;1:37.4 and 2:10,1.
A total of $3,401.00 was bet
` A
has a winner with Champion
Grattan, a chestr)ut gelding out
of Betty Ann Grattan.
0000L SAYS
Monday the Bus Trip to the children who have not- received
Detroit Zoo took place with 88' their swimming badges please
children aboard. The bus left the come to the park and get their
park at 8:00, a.m. with very badges before the pool closes,.
enthusiastic -Children am 'arriver "-'r ' Instead of the -corn roast a
back .by 10:45 -,p.m. with sleepy Wiener Roast for the swirri team,
and contentestkids. synchronized swimmers,.water
Tuesday the swimming ,polo, and all the childrewho
pre-tests took -place, .Tuesday" helped with the Penny'Carnival.
night two Goderich swimmers It was 'a smart' crowd which
Gree Markson (staff) and Mary turned out but enough to have a
Ellen alcGill ''accotht lished their.
Award of Merit Badge,, the
highest Award,i'n.Roya.l Life. -
Wednesday .' 'the; Red Cross
exams took place despite the
cold rainy' weather. The corn
roast scheduled 'for that nigh,
vas cancelled due to rain and
was rescheduled, "for Saturday
Thursday night was the
Ashfield Township Water Safety which made the summer
Show Several demonstrations interesting fqn the children and
were presented with m"thehelp of the staff.
the children. i In my opinion I believe that
The Water Safety Show the summer program at the pool
.Friday night for Goderich 'was was a, success, although I also
cancelled due to -rain. The admit that some changes have to
good tiirn'e and still have the
weiner roast.
, • Closing date for the pool is
Sunday, September 5. Swimming'
this week is •still at the regular
I must• admit that it was- a
busy . b1it - _fulfilling summer I
hope for the children. This
mm et' we tried several
different types of activities
be made to improve icings -but'
an overall evaluation is that it
was a good ,summer. Parent and
children involvement was just
one of the aims of the progran}
and it turned out to be mor .
successful than was anesticipated.
I strongly believe that -this.
year's staff, ,both the arts and
crafts. and swimming staff did an
excellent job.. Because of the
extra activities several ; extra
hours of free time was given up
by the staff so that the program
would be successful. I would like'
to thank the staff for their
assistance and,. the Recreation
Committee for their interest
Alsbrwotald like to ,thank,.the,,,,--
children , especially those who
helped me throughout' the
.summer. Children like that made
everything worth it, and the ,
summer more enjoyable.
Thanks to the parents who ,
also helped me during the
summer by' their participation.
This Offer—Good to Sept. 4 Only
'All the new season's colors and
silhouettes...all our new fall stook that
has just arrived, IEhis. is what we are
offering for a limited time at a 10%
discount. A small deposit'will hold any
item until that first cool day' arrives and
.you decide you 'want it, Buy now and
save on new fall mer' handise, oft sale
h .3,befor -t, so a
s, re lly, lS •) 7 r A