The Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-25, Page 54 EANS• Int anvfarri Nti pr¢ iU rt,n1<,t•: covert' that ewe theword 1 1 t. Nervus iei11yt Lost Zi'1r tea nonino hfunhoot rtstorir t! ryeulrnes of body or meat mutt .1 by eY4o-work cn `rho errors o. ax c.>aao�aaam,l mein of youth, This, )3:pa4tty air ePlutoly cures the most obstinate unties whim ell orbit 'PazaThicatte harefoiledavento ream. Nol4bydln, Pas et ;r1 per paeknge, orsix for k$o or sent b3, r4'rr. o! et1.4 of price b, eddiix'nsing TkjL' JAMES bI1 D1g11i !e•R•, Toronto, Ont. tYrit'• r,,r bnnrrhtot. Sold 4%— , For i- For Sale in Exeter by .T, ?'[ IDrolvatiner r It isno effort will be made said er a tpresent to enforce the Chinese exclusion law, ow- ing to the fact that no money was appropri- ated for the purpose. D WITH A BAsP. Sirs: -I had such a severe cough that my throat felt as If scraped with a rasp. On taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose grave me relief, and the second bottle completely cured. Miss A A Downey. Manotic Ont. Sir Oliver Mowat's wage earners' bill was discussed, but not wholly considered, in Committee of the whole by the Legislature last, week. Some important amendments were made. HOAST is the old Scotch ' name for a cough. The English name for the best cure for coughs is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. ru . Mr. Tait's amendment to Mr, Clarlee's motion regarding the representation of To- ronto was carried in, the assembly Wednes- day by 49 to 29. Do not suffer from sick headache a mo- ment Loner. It is not necessary. ' Carter's Little Liver PILLS wilt, cure you iDose one little piLL. Small price. Small close. Small pill. Prominent residents of Montreal are urg- ing the establishment of a botanical garden in that city. A COMPLICATED CASE. Dear Sirs,—I was troubled with bilious- ness, headache and loss of appcute. I could not rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of B B B my ap petite is good and i am better than for years past. I would not uow be without B B B, and am also giving it to my children. Mrs Walter Burns, Maitland, N S. The date of Mr. D'Aiton McCarthy's'visit to Woodstock has been fixed for May 3,xst. Mrs Chas `Smith of Jimes Ohio, writes. I have used every remedy for sick headache 1` could hear or for the past fifteen years, but Garter's LittLe Liver PILLS did me more good than al: the rest. The board of review of the National Trot- ting associatiug Wedm:0day recused an ap- plication for the reinstateennost of the fam- ous stallion:Alcryone._ MY LITTLE BOY Gentlemen,—My little boy had a severe hacking .cough and could not sleep at night I tried Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam and it cured him very quickly Mrs J Hackett, Lincwood, Ont Frank 0 Almy was hanged at Concord, ?i H' Friday for the murder of Christie War- den. WEAKNEss, DEBILITY,'PALLNHss,. ANAEMIA, etc., are cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine, Geo. E:liott of Maeonville, near London .v Sdiied very suddenly Waduesdday loth aged '� FOR FROSTBITES Sirs—For chaped hands, sore throat and frost bites I find nothing excels Hagyard's Yellow 011. I had my feet frozen three years ago and obtained no relief *Oil I used Hagyard's Yellow Oil, whisk Won healed: up thefrozen. part. Chas Loegmeir, • Alameda N W T rThe international biernsial conference of ]ie Y M 0 A began of Indianapolis roil' inst, When Baby wee ai.k, we gave her Cgs'iortat.. When she was a Child, she.rIed for Caatoria. When she became Nine, she elitng to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria. It is now feared that .theasteamship'Wand rabani, aground below Quebec, Will prove a total loss. PERFECT sA.TIsPACTIOhT' Gentlemen—I have }tiond B B B an .,. excel lent remedy, both as a bi.00d purifier . and general- family medicine I was fora Long time troubled with sick headache and heart burn, and tried' a ,bottle, whieh pve me such perfect'satisfaction *bat baa*i '(thee then used it as our.famiLy mediate* E BaiLey,'North, Hay Ont. A Gascoigne,a middle aged Montreal man committed suicide by swallowing a qc ,ntity of vitriol CHAPPED HANDS AND LIPS,crit eked skin, sores, cuts, wounds and bruises' are promptly cured by Victoria Carbolic two. The annual meeting of the Cada,. ae a•: oific Railway Company Wee held dirt Ide sae. al Wednesday. IT HAs BEEN PROVED It has been proved over and over again that Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia constipation, bitiousness, headache, ecrofu- La, and ar . disesases of the stained', Liver rand bowste Try it, :l eery bathe is guar. anteed to benefit or cure when Laken accord ing to direction The grand council of the Royal Arcanum for Ontario bean its eight carrel egxeoia4 in London last week. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure fot sick heedaeh.,'biliousness, sonsti- patios, pain in the side, and all liver troub- les. Darter's Little Liver Ph t. Try, them The village of North Galveston, Ind., has been destroyed by fire, J J Jaelf s*, his wife, two;,sons and a daughter wore barn ed to deatn. • Pleo'a Remedy for Catarrh is the Rest Easiest to Use and, gite:pest.. a.. Sold by drusgists or sent by smell,, roe. 37 T. Hazeltine. Warren, PA, ,.�nx+x,ry-raw: .a.: wuw«wn'+wuu,�atm:w. Erastus Wintaulthursday made a gener- al assi'Gnnient to Lawyer David Bennett Bing of New York, Mr. Wiman would not make any statement, and merely said the assignment was without preference,. ` LOW 's WORM SYRUP is the standard of Excellence. Kethere% recommend it,. Children cry for it. Worins fly from it. But Oars blew open the safe in Thompson dC Iio'n'ell's store, Copetown, Tuesday night and stole about 0475 Miscellaneous. To Get at the .Facts. Ilegarclin ;' Heed's Sarsaparilla, ask talo peopli this medicine, or read the, testimonials often published' in this paper, They will certain ly convince you that Hoccl's Sarsaparilla possesses unequalled merit, and that HOOD'S CURES, Hood's Pills cure constipation by re. storing, the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal They are the best cathartic. y is now stated on pretty good au- thority that tato "boy" who was with Bnrke and Wilson in this city at the time of the Phair.tragedy was a wo- man dressed in boy's clothes, It is further stated that a woman (presum- ably the same` person) was seen on Kensington bridge one day while Burke and Wilson were confined in jail making signals to the prisoners. If these statements are true the young woman is at present in Chicago. "I don't feel like Eating breakfast this morzrieg, This is a common re - marl and is proof positive that the Kidneys and Liver are out of order, and nature calls out for relief. A bot- tle of ll'lembrays Kidney and LiVver Cure will remove the cause of all this trouble. Try it. Marriee in Court. Buffalo, May 15.—Two eloping coup- les from Brantford, Ontario, were mar- ried in the police°court this morning. The brides were sisters—Sylyia May and Pearl Detweller. Both of these were very pretty and modest looking. The former was married to John . Mor- rison, a brawny young laborer, who towered above his bride like au' 'oak. The disparity was so great that it was rather amueing to see John stoop down. to kiss his bride. Pearl's husband, John Reid, looked younger than she even, though she gave her age as seventeen. Just before Judge King began the ceremony the• father of the girls made his appearance, and for a time it looked as if he would for- bid the bans; but he finally consented and even promised to provide work for Ids two sons in-law. The whole party left for Brantford this afternoon.' The number of languages spoken by! mankind at present is estimated at 3,000. The bibie has been translated into 200 only, but these 200are spok- en by about two -thuds of.' the whole population of the g''iobe. The royal crown of Great Critain is composed almost entirely of diamonds,: pearlo and rubies, weighs thirty-nine ounces and five pennyweights, Troy, and is valued at $1,200,000. When the Kohinoor was first brought to Europe Pit weighed 186 carats, but by cutting has beeu reduced to 102.` A itratlebpr Doll's Long Trip. Ottawa, May 1S.—The practice of sending post cards around the world is { not au unusual one, but it is not often that a rubber doll is sent travelling all over the continent: Yesterday. there arsired from the Pacific coast one of these articles, to which all kinds of tags and badges were attached in addition to the customary female at- tire. Judging from the history writ• ten on the tags, the little one has ' un- tlere?oue considerable travelling. Last fall this doll, which bears the name of Mina Ms.ry Green, was dropped into the quail at Winchester, Mass., bearing a tag on which were the words; climate of New England is too s. for the child,. ' Please pass her Pacific coast for the winter." Th A Family Friend,—No family should be without Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer. P can be given to the in - fent for the Colic, end to the adult for Rheumatism, There le scarcely a dis- ease to which it may not be benefeally applied. It contains no.deleteriousdrug may be used for the yarious tailnient of. mankind. Get the Big 25e, Bottle, The Rain and. the Crops. Despatches received from different parts of the, province show that the re cent heavy rains have done damage to the crops in some places, while ia oth- ers the effect has not been injurious. Cornwall reports that the outlook is not of the brightest, farming operat- ions having been i .,peded. A heavg crop of hay is, however, predieted• The news from Western Ontario, as given in a despatch from Chatham, indicates. good prosnects for fall wheat and oats, with an abundant bay crop. Southern Ontario as represented in a message from Cayuga, Haldirnand county, has benefitted by the rain, except as re- gards late sown peas, which were washed up. There also hay promises to be abundant, A report from Ux- bridge indicates some damage and backward crops, but the farmers are hopeful of a fair yield. Windsor re ports fall wheat in very find condition. Orangeville says that the rains will be beneficial in that district, Walkerton reports not much damage; and that may betaken as fairly representing north-western Ontario. Kingston re- ports great delay in seeding in the Midland section of the province, while Barrie, as representing the north, says grain has been rather benelitted than injured. Many of thereports indicate what must be generally understood, namely, that it is teo early in the _sea son to make a correct estimate. Around About Us. The Windsor_ law association has passed a resolution of regret at the. death of Mr. Alexander` Cameron of To- ronto, who was for many years a mem- ber of the bar of Essex, The stock of F. W. Lon_ &Co.,f St. ac C , Marys, consisting of dry good, clothing millinery, etc., amounting to $18.296.- 90, was bought by F. G. Ramsay, of Chesley, at 591 cents on the dollar Mr. W. A. Dent, who: is at: present teaching school at Wiarton, but who formerly taught in Usborne, has been appointed to the geological survey staff of the Dominion Government, 'Sunday night some persons cut the putty off a pane of glass in -a • back window of Mr. Thos. McGolrick's boot and shoe store, St. Marys, and took out the pane and thus effected an entrance The scamp secured about $ 5 in. mon- ey, but left some 60 cents in coppers and 85 cents in silver that evidently, escaped notice, No stock was taken. f�t7i'Mu517&511afC' i`Hi7 @ is N",rR]iW,'Ph`t Fetching the 'D actor At night is always a trouble and It i r S often an entirely unnecessary trouble if. Perry avi ILLE4 is Kept in the house. A few drops of this old remedy in a little sweet. t, ened water or mil ranprompt b s relief. Sold everywhere. g Have you seen the New E39G BOTTLE Old Price 21: Cud argains! Bargains! ! Bargains I I t The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of amboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S GI i Y'S FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING —Establishment.– Odd•Fellows Block. Opposite JGrig Stationary. le'' ;e. UN m_. �drs. 111 B. Merrick, Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of Catarrh and Neuralgia Good authority has said that "neuralgia is the cry of the nerves for pure blood.": The prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on thea. "The blood, combined with its toning and strength severe ` ening: effect upon the nerves. make this a grand medicine for neuralgia and, also for o the catarrh, etc. We commend this letter to all This be- having such troubles, and especially to dull Suffering Wornet She "For agood many years Ihavebeen suffer- ing •:fru eatarrh, neuralgia and new C,_neral Debility ... n she failed<to obtain permanent relief from, Mon medical 'advice, and my friends ``feared tiring Iwould never find anything to cure me. A. Win- Mpg in_ short time ago I was induced to try Hood's bear Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk even a short distance without feeling a s he Dea h -tike Weakness neck overtake me. '„And I had intense pains from neuralgia tin my. head, back and 'limbs, which were very exhausting. But I am glad mass to say that soon after I began ta' ing Iood's huts Sarsaparilla 1 saw that it was doin mo good. When I took 3 bottles I was entirely the' Cured of 14euraB fa l>aper �'� 3 in I gained in strength rapidly, and can y take a two-mile walk without feeling tired. and I do not suffer nearly so much from ca• iarrh, and find that as my strength increases each the catarrh decreases. I ani indeed a e changed woman, and are very grateful to The HOod's' arsapa ll la on for what it has done for me. Itis my wish that this my testimonial shall bo published in order that others suffering as I was , may learn how to be benefitoii.' Mac. M. E. o•an her travels, and since then the la,s been continually on move. the attended a mail clerk's banqu Denver, where she got a complete of tfe in the clothing line. O went, stopping for a short time' in tdtna and California, then up to B Columbia and from thence ease to ut eg wad Ottawa Her skirts hundreds of postage marks by th dif- ferent mail clerks whose hand passed through, while around her are tags 'bee ring the efforts of budding poets. One of the Ottawa tags is to the House of Commons gallery, ata the house is not sitting it bears words "Come again." The news Midges which she carries are 1 nytuatber, and embrace Kansas cit pa- pers, Colorado, Montana, California British Columbia sheets, and on is printed a kindly greeting to th lit- tle one and a fond farewell. "mind" went. home to Winchester Tuesday. MuItitrox, 57 Eim Street, Toronto, Ont H000ee PILLS euro all Livor ills, Bilious- ness, .iaundico. Indieestlon, Sick headache. oo Vegetable Piaro gtI pared to meet et a legit'. mate detnand for a mild, efficient and reliable family physic. They are purely vegetable, containing ho del, e el ° calomel, mercury, or mineral sub -I' i S 'stance of any kind. Hood's Pills act upon the stontacir, liver, and alimentary cattalo and euro Liver Complaint,, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, Ileadache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after bating, Jaundice. A cold may be brolten tip and a fever prevented, btu promptly taking Hood's Pills. . , Pitooers Pills Are prepared try C. I. flood So bo., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. , I'riee 25 cents per box Sold by all dtuggists or sotitby mail on receipt s:A price. 5otir P$11igg Eau:. a Dogs Wanted. Dresse or Alive. li ;Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditione;-2 lbs per cwt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or gullett,.if left in. All Hogs to' be cul through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed, SHELL BROS 84 Co. PALA CEBAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie .parlor and restaurant -will serve ICE CREAM during the Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread Buns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with. George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds- in their season. 1. NV, FOSS, Rensall Exeter Musical MsIrllet EMPORIUM. PERMS & MARTINI PROPS. We carfthe •most complete stack of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS.. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BIOMES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &e, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL,. EVERVTH/NG " AWAY DOWN ERTAKING R O ERT N. R® E, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty The Pas .kora W utter and, Fitter. As 1 aa, the oalp OUT'TEI': and FITTER to town whohda itseaft:tioeGardt:63'tlto lar�*e citfos in 51 , Sttttos data Spring, :0:5. a,:• raa tht,best able to .it 'p' t `Btt, x'V p 31 lityJe, .l `d s les,, When you have bough the material for youl. Spring and Summer coa. collie to me and get fitted d C,nt � � e e� e •, Before .Sef'you buyofa , �' Spring Suit, come up t my shop and get posted on TUE STYLES, BERT "NIGHT ,i 7 The Fashionable Gutter and Fitter. l� Gil 11' A complete stock of Pure andReliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. ° ..1`pll.aaS 9t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts.., Carefully Prepared. INI4airs Congitinil the best in the market., C LTTTZ. PRbl`. CL rri A1J. ai )-Sit. EXETER- ONTARI1: ;Has now in stock htui andiiii, e ®cis., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou eringsi, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest; Style, at best Rates. • A. 3 SNELL 7 NG 17/ Never was there known such low price in Furniture before, asJ you will find at 1 FUt s�.E RE Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W, Andrews. I wish to inform theeo le of Exeter and surrounding Country that, aTrl offeringall kinds P p guaranteed of furniture at greatly reduced rates. All Goods gl a ran eed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and -finish. All kinds of ordered work and repairing receives Iny prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex- change for FURNITURL. The only Yale's place in town where you can ,.; buy the. P tent Dominion Nickle.Plated Wire at� tre s---bes tt� in the Market. 1 T Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors ?'North ,�It Tow. Hall,' Exeter, { 66 .' Complete ,tt: f hood .A N D HOW TO ATTAIN IT." A Medical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes the Effect°, Points the Remedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most.bcautirul medical book ever pub. lished; 55 pages, every page bearing a half -tone illustration in tints. Subjects treated:— Nervoa aDebility, Tritotetep, Sterility, Development, varicocele, The 1 tiaband,. Those ]attending Marriage, etc. kvery man who would know the Grand Truths the Plain Fans, the Old Secrets and Now Discoveries of Medical Science as applied to Wind t:d Lite who would atone for past 'follies and avoid. future pitfalls, should write for this WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOR.. it will be tent free, under seal, While the edition lasts. • Address the' publishers, lel KilEDICAL CO., Buffalos N•'V'. TN.MV,eF(Vr•.PM<.MM.dC.rYt ... .. .....i ...R .... . . gemineammaseeicammassomainvemv MuItitrox, 57 Eim Street, Toronto, Ont H000ee PILLS euro all Livor ills, Bilious- ness, .iaundico. Indieestlon, Sick headache. oo Vegetable Piaro gtI pared to meet et a legit'. mate detnand for a mild, efficient and reliable family physic. They are purely vegetable, containing ho del, e el ° calomel, mercury, or mineral sub -I' i S 'stance of any kind. Hood's Pills act upon the stontacir, liver, and alimentary cattalo and euro Liver Complaint,, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, Ileadache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after bating, Jaundice. A cold may be brolten tip and a fever prevented, btu promptly taking Hood's Pills. . , Pitooers Pills Are prepared try C. I. flood So bo., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. , I'riee 25 cents per box Sold by all dtuggists or sotitby mail on receipt s:A price. 5otir P$11igg Eau:. a Dogs Wanted. Dresse or Alive. li ;Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditione;-2 lbs per cwt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or gullett,.if left in. All Hogs to' be cul through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed, SHELL BROS 84 Co. PALA CEBAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie .parlor and restaurant -will serve ICE CREAM during the Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread Buns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with. George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds- in their season. 1. NV, FOSS, Rensall Exeter Musical MsIrllet EMPORIUM. PERMS & MARTINI PROPS. We carfthe •most complete stack of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS.. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BIOMES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &e, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL,. EVERVTH/NG " AWAY DOWN ERTAKING R O ERT N. R® E, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty The Pas .kora W utter and, Fitter. As 1 aa, the oalp OUT'TEI': and FITTER to town whohda itseaft:tioeGardt:63'tlto lar�*e citfos in 51 , Sttttos data Spring, :0:5. a,:• raa tht,best able to .it 'p' t `Btt, x'V p 31 lityJe, .l `d s les,, When you have bough the material for youl. Spring and Summer coa. collie to me and get fitted d C,nt � � e e� e •, Before .Sef'you buyofa , �' Spring Suit, come up t my shop and get posted on TUE STYLES, BERT "NIGHT ,i 7 The Fashionable Gutter and Fitter. l� Gil 11' A complete stock of Pure andReliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. ° ..1`pll.aaS 9t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts.., Carefully Prepared. INI4airs Congitinil the best in the market., C LTTTZ. PRbl`. CL rri A1J. ai )-Sit. EXETER- ONTARI1: ;Has now in stock htui andiiii, e ®cis., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou eringsi, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest; Style, at best Rates. • A. 3 SNELL 7 NG 17/ Never was there known such low price in Furniture before, asJ you will find at 1 FUt s�.E RE Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W, Andrews. I wish to inform theeo le of Exeter and surrounding Country that, aTrl offeringall kinds P p guaranteed of furniture at greatly reduced rates. All Goods gl a ran eed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and -finish. All kinds of ordered work and repairing receives Iny prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex- change for FURNITURL. The only Yale's place in town where you can ,.; buy the. P tent Dominion Nickle.Plated Wire at� tre s---bes tt� in the Market. 1 T Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors ?'North ,�It Tow. Hall,' Exeter,