HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-25, Page 17Rc booid gives approval for YEVK experiment to continue The Youth Environmen recreational courses. It was well o n other occasions Workshop project, operated :under this third division that ,the anyway. jointly by the town of Goderich Department of Education feels , A motion was passed tn" pay and the Department of Recreation Boards could help $1' 5 as the town's portion of Education ' through its Youth out by, helping base the costs for a swimming' pool, and Recreation Branch and the Recreation Board, will remain in *operation on a trial basis -until the end of September following a decision to , that effect by the hderich • Recreation Ggtnmittee. The Y.E.W. was originally scheduled to close tomorrow. I. The move to keep the workshop open •came ' after recreation authorities studied a final report submitted by Y.E.W. director Barb Picket in which the_. first. re.:.ommendatiop .. was that the 'project remain in • operation, if at all possible. The committee reviewed the financial situation of the project and found that of the $1500 set aside in town' funds nearly all was still available since the project to date had operated on the grant funds from the • provincial government. In the report it was noted that at first, popularity of the workshop was limited with only between five and 10 young people ' making use ..; of _ the Facilities each 'day. During the • Finan week of operation this had increased to about 40 per day. The Y.E.W. director indicated she felt, with the, program just beginning to catch on and grow, it would be beneficial to keep it ope"ration. 444110.t— , h e•p•;e s n t a t i ves '- "of„ -1,0 t re 4 p" . Recreation Committee agreed to were Peter's Nursery Race, won Obstacle Barrel 411ace Jr., meet with the Y.E.W. leaders by W i.l l i a m Sacks and Paul Zippel, Jamie Zippel, Kim and discuss the .,, necessary Jean. `Dinsmore both from :Gross, Bill Scott. a r r -a n.g e m e n t s and ,staff Listowel; the Loose Saddle Race requirements AO continue the , won by Roy Beureman of workshop operation. Since both Listowel; _ and Bareback • the, present directors— are Wrestling won by Doug Riley, returning' 'tro University in a few president of H.T.R. and Charles weeks, they placed before' the East. • committee staff reccimmenda- Burton Bean, vice-president tions which 'the board is to, look. of H.T.R. took the Hiriam into. Walker trophy in the Parade The report heard at the Class. ' ' • recreation meeting on Thursday Paul Zippel of Walkerton won evening was the same report the both the Junior Equilation of a leaders had submitted to class. of 17 juniors; and the 1 R Obstacle Barre ace. Other trophies won were. for the three gaited saddle class, programs on local needs. A letter playground bus trip , to the. was' sent from the board offering, Detroit Zoo. In their .budget the their assistance if requires. town had set'aside $300 for bus Although , a plan had trips and this was to be the first originally been • discussed to expenditure in this "area. The'; • continue . operation of the local children ,involved in the trip will , swimming pool past the normal pay. part of the costa....and the closing date, it was decided on town s'$175 will make lip the the recommendation of the pool . difference. director to .close on the date of September 5 since there would not be enough staff available to continue, operations after that date. It was also pointed gut ?that an attempt to keep it open after school and on weekends until poor weather had not worked In other,years the pool closed on bus trip days so that pool and playgrour>t staff could go on the trip as supervisors, but it is hoped this _year enough adults wi11 volunteer to. supervise so. that 'the swimming pool can stay open. List'gymkana results after successful event. The Huron.Trail Riders held a very successful Gymkhana Rodeo and Horse Show at DtanFifty-five oon Sunday, Aug. -15-. contestants from Maitland Valley Saddle Club, Walkerton and District Saddle. Club; Arthur Rope and Saddle Club and I-L,I,R, Saddle Club Sack , Race Jr.,, Kim Gross, Jim Straughan, Bill Scott, Kim- Rileyhree-Gaited Sa - Saddle •Glass; Sandralee Baker, Lyn Flowers, Burt Bean, Gwen McNair Reining Class Sr., Bob -Whitfield, Jean ,I insrnore, Brian Sacs, Doug Riley. took part in the fourteen events. Flag Race Sr. '"(Huron - Pretty Anne DeKroon Expositor Trophy), Doug Riley, ptil presented trophies and rosettes. Linda Graff, Brian Sacs, Bruce �•4 N' y Open, Quarter Mile Race, Don• Migh.tor,, Doug Riley, John. DeKroon, Roy Byerman. Western ' Pleasure Class Sr., Ross Leonhardt, Jean Dinsmore, Linda Graff, Owen McNair. Peter's Nursery Race Sr.,. William Sacks and Jean Dinsmore; John DeKroon• and • Sue Gardiner; Cecil and Marybelle Cranston; Roy Byertaif and•Kay Avery. 'representatives ofthe • Pole Bending Sr., Brian Sacks, • Department of Education at an Don Mighton, Doug Riley, Keith evaluation day held last week for Eaton. • all the Youth in6 Action Sandralee Baker of the Sack programs operated in this area. Race Jr., Kim' Gross of the ,At . this time the a;Youth and. • Walkerton Club; running class Sr., Recreation Branch had indicated Bob. Whitfield, president of the. that it was very happy with the ' Maitland Valley Club; flag 'race • success .of the Goderich project Sr., Doug Riley, of. H.T.-R; open W and i ndicated they were 'quarter Mile race, Don . Mighten • interested . •in hearing howthe of the 'Walkerton• Saddle Club; local recreation people ' felt for, Western Pleasure class, Ross • about the outcome: Lenhardt of Maitland Valley • In , another matter discussed Club; and' pole 'bending Sr., Thursday evening .concerning. the Brian Sacks of the Maitland Department • of Education, the • Valley Club. .Recreation Committee agreed to For 'the day Walkerton won. lend any advisory assistance they four,, trophies; Maitland Valley. could to the” . local Board of won six;,,and hi.T;R. won six. - 'Education in thk„,,..settirlg up of The lucky winner of the night school programs. • The western' saddle is Mae Belle • move „ came after a , letter Brown of Toronto. suggesting such co-operation' Following is a complete between' ithe ' two bodies was rundown of the winners of the heard from the education day: departtnent. • Parade class, • Burton ligan, Night school programs, it Margaret Shobbrook, David 16' explained, fall under three Finnigan. categories; diploma courses, rca:wJ;:,a` Equitation, .Paul Zippel, upgrading and information Lyn Flowers, Kim Gross, Kathy courses - and cultural and Lebnhardt • 'Barrel Race Sr., Wayne Straughan, Brian Sacks, John DeKroon,, Linda Graff. Loose Saddle Race, '`Roy Byerman, Charles East, Lertnus Yoe, Bareback Wrestling,' Doug Riley and Charles East. Air showing coming bark to Centralia The skies over the former Cab ad ian Forces Base at Centralia will hum with some familiar sounds this weekend. The Canadian Aerobatic Foundation is sponsoring its annual competition and air show at Huron Park (Centralia) after last year's sric;cessful debut. North 'America's top pilots will be' flying a variety of unusual craft in the competitions, and air shows. Duane, Cole of the Cole TOWN TALI( Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glen and Donald returned last Friday afternoon after vacationing 18 days in the West with relatives and friends. They spent a week and a half with 't•eir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cris Ray and Hugh's brother, Alex at Banff. They stopped over at Eston, Regina, Regina Beach, Nanton, Dryden, Kenora and Thunder ....Bay_ .-..Danice, - who accompanied them to Banff remained there and has secured a position at 'the School of Fine Arts. Brothers • Flying Circus will highlight the shbw, along with Bob Ileuer7 Professor Bob Lyjack. henry Haigh and• --Flim I- Iollarid, Heuer, president of the International Aerobatic Club,_ flys a 20(1 horsepower Pitts Special, as does Haigh. Jim Holland, Florida, performs the breathtaking inverted ribbon pick-up in his Citabria and Professor Lyjack, Anarbour, M,ichigan,°fills the sky with noise and intricate maneouvres with his Waco 'l'aperwing. • Sky sirmg will also be an attraction again this year and the Canadian' ' Armed _ Forces -. will _ Have -a huge Buffalo cin hand�for static and flying display. The competition _-On both Saturday and Sunday will be , held hasicallv'•from 10:00. a.m. to 2:00 p, Irl. with the exciting air sho‘1' following from 2:00 until 1:30,4# , 4 , Ci,►il,lvtrtors will he vying for th'e•clulson awards. Last year's show was watched by over 10,000 thrilled people. Ground displays include, antique and hone -built craft, along with Bob° Poberefny's. Warbirds cif America, - ' Radio coni�lled riiodels are also featured . throughout • the two-day Show u GQDERICH SIiGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY,' AUGUST 2$, 197i e0 . • ENTERTAPNMENT GUI!! Continived frwrn:,Eage 4FA. . INA TAG TEAM BOUT See Rachael DuBois and Bev Shade— present Canadian Women's `rag Team Champs THE FABULOUS MIDGETS IN ACTION "TERRIBLE TED" 600 ib. 7 ft. Tall 1, WRESTLING BEAR vs 2 MEN • CHIEF LITTLE BEAR vs THE 'BEAST Old Managem.eut,.a THE LUC.KYFORE, • DRIVING kANGE IS AGAIN. OPEN UNDE OUR. MANAGEMENT WE HAVE ADDED' HONDA MINI -TRAIL BIKES AND GO-KARTS • P.S.: FOR THE. GOLE..E.FI,S..,..SOM€. N:EW GOLF BALLS, ; " AB LEITCH & SONS • • Here are' two items from older times. from the Ontario""" Safety League. In '1960 a Ford - sold for- 52,500 while a Cadillac brought 5950. The ,first school safet,� patrol in the . L'si ..-was 'sponsored by A.A.A. in ,1928. PLUS ONE MORE HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT General $1.50 — Ringside $2.00 — Kids $1.00 HIGHLAND DANCING CLASSES Reopens Sat.; Sept: 11th 1 ORANGE LODGE HALL Lighthouse Street 10 4`- fi• Goderich Teacher: Mary •Lynne Telford; MEMBER: S.D.T.A., CLASS LESSONS: $1.00 per half hour $1.50 -per hour „ PRIVATE LESSONS; $3.00 per half hour Pupils prepared for medal and theory tests. N �5ti' .Anyone wishing to register please phone 524-9635 or write to M. L.. Telford, 115 Elgin Avenue W., Goderich, before September 10. •J J PDBLIC DEMAND! Because of overwhelming public demand for finer film entertainment, we proudly present from the M.G.M. library of masterpiece reprints, another seriesof all -time -great movies. Commencing Wednesday Sept. 8, at 8:00 P.M., and coritinuing on successive Wednesdays, each attraction will be presented one night only as indicated below: MUTINY"ON THE BOUNTY THE BEST P'+ CTURE OF 1935 .,t' CHARLES L1dUGHTON • CLARK GABLE THE GOOD EARTH ,PAUL MUNI LUISE RAINER SEPT. 8 SEPT. 15 SEPT. 22 SEPT. 29 ,..,,r .�• a "-_'`' . ^�; ; Y-�� i[..*.1 ,.p. ,. i A.of MGM Pr•s•nts o Kdtzo-Lo•b-Production ' • HEROESKEL�I .S1 STARRING CLINT EASTW00D - DON SUTHERLAND - DONRICKLES . in PANAVISION.ond METROCOLOR A L SOS THE PHILADELPHIA STORY KATHARINE HEPBURN • JAMESSTEWARY OCT. 6 OCT. 13 OCT. 20 OCT. 27 NOV. 3 NAUI HTY MARIETTA JEANETTE MACDONAL • NELSON EDDY MRS. MINIVER GREER GARSON • WALTER PIDGEON METRO•GOLDVVYN MAYER presents A SPECTRUM PRODUCTION starring 'JIM DIAHANN JULIE BROWN CARROLL HARRIS and ERNEST BORGNINE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SUN, MON. TUES. AUG 29 30, 31 'THE GREAT CARUSO MARIOLANZA ANN BLY7H • DdROTHY KIRSTEN NOV, 10 NOV. 17 NOT 24 GRAND HOTEL GRETA GARBO JOHN BARRYMORE'• JOAN CRAWFORD The members 'of the, Goderich Laketown 1Band wish to expresk their sincere appreciation to - the following for assistance rendered during the summer Band Concert series: a Y • — THANK YOU TO:,, Mr. Dick Cornish Of Cornish for the use of the P.A. System.. Mr`. Phil: Main and Mr. Karl Butler for assistance in various capacities. Councillor Reg. Jewell and the employees of the Town's Parks Department. The Highland Dancing Schools of Mary Lynn Telford and Brenda Harrison, as well as visiting Y. a .participating bands. The businessmen of Goderich and the Goderich; Signal—Star for fi,iancial 'assistance in advertising. Two very capable emcees, Mr. Arnold McConnell and Mr. Richard Madge: Mr. Dan Pysaniuk, Proprietor of the Park House, for his co-operation and assistance. The residents of Goderich and area for their support of the concerts through attendance and financial ; donations. BIG STORE • DAY AT THE CIRCUS THE MARX BROTHERS 7 ,4'� t GIGI' LESLIE CARON MAURiCE CHEVALIER — MATA HARI GRETA GARBO „ LIONEL BARRYMORE • RAMON NOVARRO SAN FRANCISCO CLARK GABLE JEANETTE MACDONALD • SPENCER -TRACY THE GREAT WALTZ LUISE RAINER • MILITIA KORDZA Rouse•Auto Electric J TECHNICOLOR .1969 Will Di sy Productant 58 WEST ST. 524-9311 Only Walt Diseey could tell this incredible Jules Verne's'Adventure! Walt 1)18114`VP..... JULES'^sERIV/s:s In "ran -Nadi. REGULAR PR 14.S! �IthND ll'§ rei FUTURE REFERENCE ,rn CHIVAL1:itAitJ1�i���.W+►M +.A• . r IIAIIRK� Vl SANDERS ,y„o.NntWHITE "."teFtiu.•x s� a"k3xy'ty&�y.;�i r4.ric rar. t anwwKna 624-8171