The Exeter Advocate, 1893-5-25, Page 410HE 1 s ' h. S,fa,NDE1t:S a DER, Props. se GRN"4eseesseseassese: FM'.r'.M,•.eesse R t;lRSDAY, MAY 25thl 1893 QUEEN'S 1318.T110.41.' este• ay rr the ty t' � t t td, - as o sa.v eel yfourth anniversary of the birth of , our Stty- el•eigst Lardy, Queen; Viewer la. She was the only daughter of the late Duke of 'Tont, brother to Ring William IV; wed en the death of her uncle which oc• eurred ou tee 20th of June 1837, Queen Victo,la succeeded to the throne of Croat 1',ri..ale n'd 3rreaud• Her corn- nation trok piece oe ,Telae 2 Sth 1838; ao that she has now reigned for about i'1fty, tile years—the longest reign on record in the his;ory of England, with thee exception of E iug0corge 3 t whose .reign eetended to sixty years. The Victorian period bas been remarkable for its comparative freedom from war the progress of cis illtation and the arts the great advance of science, and the wide spread of missionary effort. As a wife, mother and Queen, our beloyed Sovereign bas had no compeer on the throne of Britain, or indeed of the world Although called to mourn the great loss of her husband, Albert the good, to whom she was devotedly attached,- Queen Victoria has proved a model woman; and while during inany years of her widowhood she took no promin- ent part in public affairs, yet she in- wardly studied the welfare of her sub- jects and in every great political ques- tion evinced a deep interest in the Na- tion's prosperity. There are few in- deed, either in Great Britain or the Colonies, who would not cordially un- ite in rendering the words of our Na- tin U o al Anthem: God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen; God save the Queen; Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign oyer us: God save the Queen! IRISH HOME RULE. Mr. Gladstoue's Bill is finding stren- nous opposition in its passage, clause by clause, through its committee stage in the House of Commons. One of the ,t,,nost important features of the debate e °teas an amendment by Sir Henry James to the second clause of the Bill to the effect that the supremo power of Imperial Parliament shall remain sin - diminished by any proviso of the Home Rulei B 1t. This clause (as amended) passed by'a vote of 287 to 525. It is quite evident from latest exchanges that Mr. Gladstone's prestige is feet disappearing with the British public. At a reception given last week by the Prince of Wales at the imperial iusti lute, where the Premier was invited as representing the Imperial Govern- s orient, hostile demonstrations were ade by the public on Mr. Gladstone's appearance—which increased in vol- ne)le and insolence. The Premier look- ed, tired and irritated. Another signif. ;" lent Fact brought out bv" Lord Ran- dolph Churchill in a speech at Reading was, that Mr, Gladstone had given the leading Liberals to understand that he would not again contest Midlothian his present Scottish constituency. Straws show how the winds blow. We are somewhat surprised that, at a Home Rule meeting held the other ev- ening at Montreal, so many prominent citizens should have attended and tak- en part—among them a member of the Dominion Cabinet and the Solicitor General. But of course it was the Ir- ish element, chewing that blood is thicker than water, The speeches however, were moderato in tone and such as not to give needless offence to the anti -home rule party. 1111.10613121,16, IrTllCV:1211CZCCAICIV.61 BORROWING MONEYA..GAriv, Sir Oliver Mowat, as most men know, hae gone into the hinder -twine indus- try. He thinks that, with labor which. he values at 50 cents a day, with noth- ing to pay for rent and with other ad- vantages on his side, he can make twine and sell it at a lower price than that charged by the ordinary manu- facturers, and thus prove the national policy to be a burden on thep �co le. The result will be watched with some interest. Last week Mr, Gibson introduced a resolution proyiding for the opeuing,of a bank account for the Central prison industries, with power to receive ad vances and to pay interest therefor, Mr, Meredith naturally wanted to know why it was necessary to open this ac• count and takead a et to ower p g advances of Moneyfrom . the bank, i6Tinisters haye been boastingof their surplus, silt plit8; Six Oliver Mowat says, he has' at the :y present moment $1,000,000 in rash in bank. Why, then, is it necessary to borrow money, or even to provide for 1 bereaving money? A mail does not provide for drawing cheeks while his pockets aro stuffee with gold. After a wood deal of internal discus- sion, the resolution; passed; and the province which is now paying interest on money borrowed'under the form of annuities, and 18 meeting current ex- penses out .of sales of pubile property, will 10 4 short time be payiug interest on the sums needed to carry' on this business in the Central prison. The Infanta Eulalie of Spain, who is just now creating such a 'commotion over the border, is a sister of the late King Alfonso VI[, an aunt of the pres- ent little king Alfonso XIi., and a daughter of the dethroned Queen Isa- bella IL, who for many years has lived in Paris, Her husband, Prince Antoine d'Orleans, is a son of that Due de Motnpensier, whose: proposed union wi tri a Spauish Princess was the nomi- nal cause of the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, The Duke of Veragua's weekly bill as a guest of the nation is $2,500. New York paid its share, but Chicago refus. es to do so, and has sant his bills to Washington for payment, The Federal Treasury is not very flush just now, and the Goverumeut rather objects to this proceeding. Meantime the papers discuss the matter with a freeness that will make the Duke wish himself back in Spain. The Republic should learn to pay for its imported noblemen and royalties if it wants them so much. To beg for titled yisitore and then insult them is very mean, News of the Week in Brief London's rate of taxation has been struck at 19 mills. The British House of Commons has adjourned until Monday, May 29. A lodge of Prentice Boys has been foemed at Marlbank, Hastings county-. There were only 19 failures report ed in Canada this week against 25 last week. A young lad named Caton fell off a wharf at Belleville Friday and was drowned. Major Le Caron, once a British Gov- ernment spy among the Irish in Amer ican is dying. Eleven men were burned to death at Saud's lumber camp, near Cadillac, Mich, on Saturday.. The nude body of, .. woman was found floating at the mouth of the Ni- agara river Friday. A.cchetae is on foot to erect a• splen- did hospital, to coat *100,000, in the west end, Toronto.' President Cleveland has appointed Michael J. Hendricks, New Hampshire, consul at Belleville. The Welland Canal will be closed on Sundays from 6 a.m. until 9 pm., the sameas last season. The by-law to'raiee $8.000 fer a fire hall in Guelph was voted upon and de- feated by 49 raajarity. Rev. H. J. Ware, Baptist pastor at Lindsay, was found drowned at Satur- goon Point on Thursday. A storm unroofed 26 houses in the eastern part of Louisville, Ky., Tues - morning, Loss, $30,000. A new ukase has been iesued expel- ling the Jews from the Asiatic provin- ces of the Russian empire. The United State. Government will pay all bills presented for the enter- tainment of the Duke of Veragua. After the grip, when you are weak and "played out" Hood's Sarsaparilla will restore your health and strength. Thedeposits in the`postoffice savings banks of Canada during April were $630,715, and the iwithdrawals-$707,- 411. j ,'It is expected that most of the 302 persons confined in the smallpox quer- tine at Winnipeg woe' released Satur- day. In spite of the embargo on Canadian cattle 6,600 head of cattle were shipped from Montreal to the Old Country last week. An order in council will be issued byBritish the B tis h Government to prohibit seoline in the Behring sea until May 1, 1894• The tug Eyelina, designed for the lake Huran fishing trade was launched Friday at Goderich, Miss Craigile doing the honors., Tlie establishment of the King. Iron Bridge Company at Cleveland was damaged to the extent of $150,000 by fire last night. Rev. E. 0. Griswick, a graduate of Montreal Theological college, was or dained'into the pastorate of Barrie Con gregational church Canadian railway shares generally flopped about two points on London stock exchange Wednesday owing to the• flatness' of, the market. The North Wellington Teachers' as- sociation concluded its meeting'. at, Draytun Friday. Mr, A. Dales of Ar- thur was elected president. Seeding reports received at Winni- peg from all points:in Manitoba and Northwest state that in most places the crops are well above &round. Andrew Hines, of''..Dunnville Ont,, went to Buffalo in seaech'of his wife and child, The police.' found them for him, but on Mis. Hines telling the su- perintendent iperintendeut of pollee that her'httsband had abused hers was given custody of the child, At St. Paul, Minn, Friday, Q, S, Rog.. e • i• ' T , s e. on o, , s t f; t td � h, . r v e t et'. No v s r o •d - h en 4t age conlpeny,jumped from the 1zie'h bridge; into the river. 125 feet below. Hairy English, 'le 4 -year-old boy, was; burned too deeth in, Rochester Tuesday while his permits: were ,attettdiisg a wedding, 'Tho boy played with xuatoh. es. George Harriman, convicted of mom, slaughter in having killed. Frederick Foote, was,sentenced et'Seginaw Mich: Saturday to ten years in the peuitenti• The Sarnia Bicycle :Olub, under whose auspices the C. W. A, meet Will be, field this year, has decided to give a two days' meet on June 30th and July 2nd. . The membershipof the Methodist churches in the Blleville district to- tals 2,979, of which 1,111 ' are in the city and "'601 in the Bridge street church. Anderson Veney, the Amherstburg murderer, has been taken froin Wind- sor ind sor gaol to Kingston penitentiary, where he will serve the remainder of his life, The Allan liner Hibernian with 375 cattle, the Beaver liner Lake Superior with 5(38 cattle and the Hamburg liner Stubbenbuk. with 390 cattle sailed. from Montreal Salt has taken a drop of 10 cents per barrel at Saginaw, making the price 45 cents per barrel. This is the lowest price in the history of the industry in Michigan. A terrible hailstorm visited the vi- cinity of Pittsburg, Pa.., Sat urday after- noon. A number of persons were killed and about $500,000 damage was done to property. The damage bythe flood in Cleve- land is estimated at $250.000. The wa- ter is a-ter"is now subsiding. The railroads in Pennsylvania and Ohia claim to have lost $1,000,000. The steamer Majestic , which sailed from New York for Europe Thursday carried $1,500,000 gold,and the Augus- ta Victoria, which sailed Friday, will take $1,000,000. 1 he disease from which many pigs have died in Sidney is declared to be contagious epizootic catarrh, caused by exposure to the unusally severe weath- er of the season. A by-law to authorizethe expendi- ture of $10,000 for the erection of a central public schc;l eras yoted on in Merritten Friday, and carried by a majority of 31 votes. Near Coehill Thursdays alple, on of John Vincent, aged 11 years, while• playing in a pond of water' about esn inches deep, was suddenly taken with a fit and was drowned. A cyclone struckMontrealTuesday evening. The Turkish bath institute, St. Lawrence hotel, Main street, and /several other buildings lost their roof., No loss of life is;known. The negroes of South Carolina are making a concerted movdmont to se- cure a c s at e s i` ou of ,7 ynchings, They appeal appeal to the governor and the hu- mane people of the state. During the 10 months ended ,April 30, 453,958 immigrants arrived at the purts of the United States. The num ber arriving during the corresponding period of the preceding year was 334,- 826. A woman named Jo1,es attempted to drown herself in the Red river at Win- nlpeg lasi evening, and was rescued with difficulty. This is one of the naany attempts she has made to do away with herself. The C. P. R., new Australian line of steamers will call at Honolulu,' and news comes via San Francisco that this is looked upon as a step towards the possible annexation of Hawaii by Great Britain., The 6 -year-old son of R. S. Parry, south of Schomberg, Ont., on Wodnes- day portook of some bread and butter which had been charged with strych- nine for rats. ,Death resulted before. medical aid arrived. While working at a lath machine in the 'Pearce Co ;s sawmill at Marmora, Wm. Southworth, fourteen years ' of age, was struck by a piece of tin, pro- ducing internal injuries, from which he died within 24:hours. A box containinse $10,000 was un- earthed at Des Are., Ark., on Wednes- day by Dr. George E. Petty under the house of Stiles P. Catlin, an eccentric and miserly old bachelor who died 10 years ago. The house was bought by Petty. • • The liq,uidators of the Federal Bank state that in conformity with the act of Parliament authorizing its winding up, on and after June 7 next the notes of that bank shall be valueless and all claims of any nature against it will be barred, Rev. T. DeWitt' Talmage reiterated; his statement Thursday that he wouldl resign as pastor of the Brooklyn taber- nacle on Sunday next unless the in debtedness on theoedioce was cleared, oft' by that time. He referred to the floating debt, which amounts to about $100,000. d • London, iele,y.18.-Afl the cattleer the Allan Line, steamship Numidian have been slaughtered at Liverpool. The lungs of each animal wore exam• ined by the vetrinary experts appoin- ted for that purpose, and no trace of pleuro -pneumonia or other diseases hay. ing becti found, a statemetrt has been given to that effect. The present indications are fura huge yield of fruit: and grain in, Essex county, Reports from farmers say that the.tedicetionrs are for a veryh d . heavy fall wheat crop, and that spring grain and has prof ises a<large yield. The land is in fine condition for planting. corn and fat+niers are bttsy' at it. The enol spring Weather was favorable for fruit, seri it kept the trees' from bud- ding until u til dairet fromfrost was past. � • Representative neg'roes Of South. Catolivaa heel a meeting at Columbia hand adulte a a eeriee of i- u1ul ions mu- tton -ming iyteeking and urging its pep - pression by those In authority, p)cxatks ut Cite ('eek, \grin. S. Nixon,' ° relief officer and. n�ihtinspector of;Hamilton, died yes- terday, esterday, aged 56. The schooner Pelican floundered in Lake Erie off Ashtabula, Ohio, Tues• day night, and three uteri were ;drown- ed, Jamas Muelcorrow, who had lived in. Toronto' for 25 years, 'ay.pired very suddenly at his home, Queen' street. oast, Friday. A tug and a dredge were blown out into the lake at Coueeaut, 0111o, yester- day, mid se, len men and one woman were drowned, Mgr. Gonuinclard, archbishop of: Rennes, dropped ; dead Friday in the court yard of the railway station at Rennes, Prance. Near Sala Francisco the Oakland ferryboat Bay City mu clo vu a White- hall boat cout:lini.i ; five peeeous. Tho entire five were drowned. A man named Floury became en. tangled in some belting in a Bimousl i saw mill Wednesday' of last week and, was instantly killed, World's Fnir Notes, The World's Fair was net open Sun- day. Theodore Thomas has not yet sent in his 1•eslgnatiou as musical director of the World's Fair. The local directory of the World's fair have decided to open the exposit- ion on Sundays in all departments. At the World's Women's Congress at Chicago on Friday, Miss Lizzie Birk patrick, of Toronto, took part in a dis- cussiou on "Woman's War for Peace." Tho janitors and laborers on the World,s Fair grounds are growing dis• contented because they have not re- ceived their pay. The exposition au. thorities are said to be:hard up. The World's fair national commis- sion has adopted the report of the mus- ic committee, ordering ` the director- general to request the resignation, of Theodore Thom as, as director of music The Infanta Uulalie, who comes as the representative ' f Spanish royalty to the World's Fair, arrived' at New. York Friday, and proceeded to Wash- ington. There was no particular cere- mony at New York. Among the speakers at Wednesday's session of the World's Congress of We - men in Chicago were Mary MeDonell, A. M. Blake, Augusta S Gallen; Mrs.' John Harvie, Nellie Speuce, Emily Cummings and Alice Fenton Freeman all of Canada. The whselsmen's day at the Werld's Fair is set for May 31. It is, expected' that nearly 20,000 wheelmen will ;par ticipate., This will include riders of .both sexes ,and.those.front( abr.oed,. as well us local. a detached membere.'The principal movement of the parade will be wheeling into line. The Women's Congress at Chicago Tuesday developed some interesting features. Mrs., Elizabeth Cady Stanton read a paper on "The Civil and Social Evolution of Women," and Dr. Emily Howard Stowe, of Toronto, took part in the discussion ` which followed it, Jane Cobden Unwin and Miss Brown, of London, told about the women's en- franchisement struggle, in England. The Countess of Aberdeen gave an ex- tended address on "Women°as an':Act-. ual•Force in Polities." The subject of dress reform was taken up, and sever- al ladies with: "reformed" dresses were upon the' platform. It will be of interest to Canadian breeders to know that the efforts which have been made to induce the Exposi tion authorities to extend the time 'for the entry of horses and cattle from the United States and Canada from. the 15th of June until the 15th of July has proved successful The time for the entry of sheep has also been changed from July 15th to August 1st. The. present rules, which require that ani- mals should be owned. at' least 60 days before the date of application, will most likely be modified so that the time will be changed to 30 days prey - ions to the closing of entries. THE PEOPLE'S HOME -GUARD ON SENTRY DUTY It will guard you securely from disease You Have a Very Bad Cough, Are Buffering Brom Lung Troubles, Have Lost Flesh Through Illness, Are Threatened With Consumption. IT WILL Cure That Cough, Heal Your Lungs, Put Flesh On Your Bones, Prevent Consumption. SMALL & LARGE BOTTLES 501 &$1.00. IT IS VERY PLEASANT TO TAKE. Ask for and basure you get the" D. & L, Emulsion.'s Cromarty. Mr. Jas Purden, of Farquhar, spent Sunday in our midst.—Mr. Thos. Hand- ford, of Staffa, was the guest of Mr. Gil lispie on Sunday.—Mr. T. F. Boyle, clerk in Mr, Hislop's store, spent the 24th at his home in Centralia. -Quite a number of our young people spent the 24th in Exeter while others did in Mitchell. -Sunday being Sacreme nu in the Presbyterian church here and being a beautiful day. The church was crowded to the doors. Rey. Kr. ,Scott preached the sermon. His text. being Acts 19, v '17.—On. Friday even- ing the, Farquhar and Staffa foot ball teams met here to play a friendly game of foot -ball on Mr. McKellars fine lawn, The game all through was very well played but it was easily seen that Far- quhar was no match for Staffa and the game resulted 4 to 0 in:favor of Staffa. Mr, Hothivau refereed the game. •tt mot dHRmTIgs ' ColiERCIAL.). First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'Sosmcy _ ROasroxsalaLi Telephone Connection —THE --- SHAVING ...PARLOR. EXETER, -• ONTARIO. A. actings, Prop. Every attention paid to ti l Ladies and Children's Hair Cutting. A. Eastbms. ISMOInarGNMECOMPINSIMsmaramMen The WHITE AN EST THE BES° .IN THE WORLD. YOR IIIA FOLLOWING REASONS. 1st. It , It of' the best malable wrought iron .; I�l �, and steel,- l 2n 1 t' wires no holes es to be drilled in cutter d.... 3r The outside divide y de can be raised or lowered at back or front independent of' lifters. 4th. It has no rod at back to, hold obstructions ' and cause choking. 5th, There are no springs to break oreget out of order. t hasmovable 6 , It clips and can be set in luxe with tongue of machine if' cutter bar drags back. 7th. Each lifter has a guard stay and breaking mOWeI ' guards is impossible. p 8th. Each lifter is independent of the other and can be raised or lowered at the back. so as to line in front should mow el' guards be out of line. r� 9th. �. he number of machinessold during the past season:'! enables a large number of the leading farmers of Ontario to testify to, its merits . Ev'er.y machine is warranted and iven on test, Sample machine may be seen at It E. LANG, Ezotor,ELDER, James. Whiteman, patentee and manu;Catut'er, 1 y, 7 i - S. BROWN, Ag't Seaforth. (�le erne Amite f �� f .ilf ov./ HEADACHE . ewe A'aoHlADAC . tdsocd to owe .eucrv- thew/,iv amnesty oo d- raoheu9. C4II Vow, i tem nest Haat k/i yews ea' a boa, ante they Civo oarnaless, They aro not a lathartlsr READ AND LEARN. What oar l>leuniirg Mill, Sae)). Door & 33lind Factory in fitted up with the latest improve meats. Wo are prepared to do planing and matching, band and serollsawing turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our rJultu3]iIt 'YAItD you will find a largo, and well assorted stook of all kinds of building materials. Pine and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed.. See our stook of'x X and x x Pine Shingles nanufuctured by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stool:•of.. 1 Cedar Shingles. -which are excellent value, WO, 1 Pine' Lath con- stantly in Stook We have 0 large stock; of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass.' Wo are fitted up • with mach- inery e specially adapted for making all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns .wl i � t ch we can furnish to our customers on. short notice. We show something new in this line for watering cat, tie inthe ffelcl or barnyard.. Our celebrated, Baking Oabinetis still at- tracting much attention, and giving' entire satisfaction whenever used. Oall and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter The Cheapest and per est Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MANSONS'! GFA. Just a few more pairs of those 3fen's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola Kids left. pSON, Next Door South of Postofhe Men's, Boy's and Children's Hair cut in the latest style, Ladies' K.nottl, Bangs and Switches maide to order. . H. FISH, Marber, —d(ii�NT 'L'Oi,t TIiN.42 — PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Digs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett. Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. 1Q. G. BISSETT II to - 1 Burdock Blood Bitters {. Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing perfect regulating powers over all the organa of the system, and controlling their seore- tions. I1 so purifies the blood that it ES A11 blood humors and diseases,from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence on the. secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a cure for all diseases of the SKIN From one to two bottles will cure bolls, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all. tho simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure saltrheumi or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, ab- scesses, running soros,and all skin eruptions. It is notiaeablo that duffarer8 from skin JISEASES' Aro.nearly always eagre,veted by intolerable, itching; but this quickly subsides on, the removal of the disease by B.B.B. Passing on toraver t p ro 1 g ye p va eat diseases, such as scrofulous swellings, 'humors and • CR LILA We'have undoubted proof that from three to six bottles used internally and by outward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affeetod parts, will effect a euro. The grout mission of 13.13. B. into regulate the ':ver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach,. and to open the sluice -ways of the system to carry off all clogged and impure secre- tions, Allowing nature thus to aidrecovery and remove without fail Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,siolc headache, dropsy, rheumatisin, and every species of disease arising froin disordered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B.. Should any person be dissatisfied after ming the first bottle,• we will refund the money on application personally or by Setter, 'We will also bo glad to send testimonials and itt- formation proving the a sets of B. B.13. in the Above earned diseases, on applieatioe to 7.'. MILI3U.1IN de GO., Toronto, Ott