HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-25, Page 12• '4:GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, °AUGUST 26;1971 ;, A do-it.yourself ptan. AA, hdt to do when a „. stream needs revitalizing . The. Goderich .Signal -Star has chain 4, reaction' downstream, been utilizing great amounts of forcing property owners" to space M the last week or two to protect themselves. put fortV the story of the —"Industrial, agricultural and .pollution" Of the Maitland River, domestic water consumption . .While the newspaper has been generally peaks during droughts • -most critical, it has' not offered . which are critical periods for fish any . solutions.n This' week, a survival. Worst. of all has "been. booklet put out by the Ontario- --the use of .strearnsas'isewers. Pepatt-meri4.--- of Lands a_nq WHAT ROLEDO PISH-F1LAY Vorests entitled, • IN THE ECOLOGY . Improvement has come across, OF A ST -REAM? the editor's desk. In t he , publie interest, portions of that booklet' are being published thi'S week to encourage. more 'and more people to become concerned about ollutioh....and to know, w a o do about It, • STREAM IMPROVEMENT "Although no actual - , "Fish that "Ip"end a considerable portion of,, their life span in strearris form in important part of the energy and nutrient cycle. Almost all stream dwellers are carnivorous (flesh . They form systems uf natural can be used to provide shelter. ' from the erosive forces of wind water ". reseriroirs maintaining and water. Similarly, Small ground water supplies, sustaining summer stream floW, and watercourses and ditches may be treated in the same way. absorbing flood waters. Wetlands .. ar,id their .borders provide a "c ontrol Cattle. The grazitig home for many plant. and animal ai-id waterjng of cattle . often .CALISPS $evere daMage . to the jommunities; in some counties _the' y _arc .. the_las.t. _refuge 0( _the banks and beds and lowers the e quality of water-in-streams:1'w whitetail deer. Hence, drainag prevent thisr—ideall of .wetlands is generally a bad. Yr -Pile -water investment. Most of its, should be taken to the cattle. If advocates ignore the -costs: this is not possible; IIU.t.„ cattle lowered water tables, flash access to a portion of the stream --C,-Vith .ii shallow slope and a gravel floods, reduced summer stream flow, dried out soils, and loss of bottom. . fish and wildlife. , • "Use chemicals,with care. No "Give the Stieam room to , chemical may be applied to, any live. Through time the stream w a tercourSe (4rai-4414-._,_area), PatPr:, ) inriii fling t he srnailler species and young fry which -'feed on zodplanktem and -ieseet. larvae. , , measurement has .been made, ' ‘"Predatory fish such as the there are well over 100,000 ' _,_bz1.0..--,e-: and brown trout in cold miles of stream in Ontario. 'Fhey waters, and the largemouth and 'represent a vast potential for fish smallmouth bass inwarm waters, p ro d u ction and recreation. eat, a wide variety of aquatic Native brook trout stilt 'thrive in ' animals. In turn" the fish are several' thousand miles of, preyed upon te,• birds such as the - almost imme,diately 'obliged to kingfisher and herionns. , an ' protect, themselves.,again...stlaster -south,eru Ontario ,streams that have survived the blunders of mainals such as the ink anda water t:nd high flood levels. The _man. otter, as well as man " banks of. a„stream,- the wetlands', STREAM IMPROVEMENT,-,-- ' and .their immediate vicinity, are ''Eargemouth b.ass-, , , . , smallmouth bass, yellow pickerel . ' HAS IT ANY CHANCE - hazarsl sites— for bnitding, ..plouoghing, grazing, .parking, and _ twalle.ye), pike and reaskinonge , 0 E_SD_CCESS? ' dumping. rt is ,better , to, bleep 'are also fotind in many rivers.- „,,,. i. I es. -Despite' the ,„ fact that such' areas natural with ttee aad Sturgeon, brook trotit,' rainbow., co-operation between trout„ brown trout, kokanee-, other plant cover. governmeet, industry and . "identify and treat erosion coho salmon, Atlantic salmon,, private landowner's is required, smelt and suckers are essentially . problems. Muddy water apd a . there are good prospects for silted bottom indicate an erosion "ffiese species' nortnally spen ae. , . stream should try to..$),eyelop:, 'dollars are b,eing spent on soil cultivated 'fields' can be reduced important developMent stage in . alternate water reserves and .the stream. hy contoUr ploughing, terracing and water conservation, flood and pollution control, lamprey " "Yellow pickerel populations eradicatioe, ,, recreational has de% e • • • -e---Vdthont--eurriplYing the marked out the room it needs to requirements of th Ontario handl? peak flows. Rechanneling Water Resources Commission. the bed, building. dykes Nand The landowner should use only putting the stream a a concrete th'e minimal quantities of the strdight jacket may give,,the locar nRcessary chemical. Clean , landowner some temporaty equipment 'well back from all advantage. • However watercourses. downstream . landowners are • `13rev,ent pollution. Garbage shbuld never be dumped on ,wetlands, stream banks or floodplains': Sewage and seepage from septic tankS and barnyards must never be allowed to drain ,into streams. Report all suspected polletion at once to. yout lOcal Departmetit office Or the Ontario Water kesources Commission. Develep alternate water reserve's. LandoWnerS, .having permission to with0aw. large yv.ator . spawn below the rapids in many &Yd. streams. Pike and `maskinonge ofren utilize the flooded ex „ vegetation • on the' banks of t streams., Pike and maskinonge ften utilize the flooded„ ,streams, A few portulations of supplied through the program, lakes treut spawn in rivers." • planning and budgeting system WHAT HAS SPOILED „(PPBS) gradually being applied THE STREAMS? in Ontario Government •"Most of the actiVities.of Man have had adverse effects. The oiiginal clearing of the forest removed the. shade and protection which iormerly- . delayed the melting of snow, reduced the heating of surface Water and preVentect Soil erosion. "Cultivation of the land led to erosion of the soil and silting • of the streams. The effects,W' ere especially injurious in light soils. ,"Ditching and tilling of . wetlands' t.has removed many natural reservoirs and increased the, amount and rate of surface „ run -Off, which in turn has increased the frequency and severity of flooding. "Agricultural chemieais and 'natural fertilizers have upset' ,eeological,.syStems-often to the detritnent of fish and wildlife. "Dams have blocked fish Migrations to spawning grounds, .exposed .a greater amount of surface water, to heating by Sunlight, flooded oet or silted' over . spawning and food produCing places, and sometimes created stagnant pools. "The staightening and paving ' of ,stream beds (channelization) "ireStroys fish and wildlife habitat, reduces aesthetic values, aecelerates the flow of water and passe.s flood .problems downstream. Quite often a single project of this nature may start a pment, aA reforestation. rOper co-ordination, most nditures on these programs n also result in the provement„ of streams. Some of this co-ordination will be Departments. "It is , anticipated that the biologists of the Departnient of Lands and Forests will effect the ne,cessary • field co-ordination with the Ontario Water Resiitirces. Commission, . the Department of Food and 'Agriculture, Conservation Authoritieg, municipalities and priyate • landownerS: '.Mbst important to succesS is the increasing concern of ,-the public for .their environinent." WHAT THE LAN5C4-NER CAN "Get approval ,arid guidance before, building or . repairing water control stuctures. If the' '' structure is on -an established water course, Department „ approval is required. This is to 'ensure safety and . keep fish migration routes open. In many. cases it is advigable to remove old,dams. Convert ponds to bottoni draw:off. These are.' specially designed outlet struciiires which pass cold water from the bottom of a pbnd instead pf the warm water from 'the top. Technical adyice shOuld be obtained before - installing such -structures: ,:711.----Teh "Use .wklands as water reservoirs. Swamps„ marshes, bogs, stream banks and flood plains are not "worthless" lands. and levelling, or by making other 'use of the_partieular field. Small gulleys may "'be • filled in and planted with prdteetive vegetation. Larger ones may he prepared for planting by reducing the steepness of the banks. The idea is tO slow down the cutting action. of run-off 'watet and to protect the surface of the soil. Trees, shrubs and grasses in varying combinations , SPEED QUEEN. DELUXE ELECTRIC DRYER Deluxe in every sense of the word, this model incprporates every feature you would expect in a "top-of-the-line" model. Nickel stainless Steel drum --I- Rust-Proef! Chip -Proof! Corrosioe-Proof! - with a lifetime wartanty, • DiLUXE AUTOMATIC WASHER A deluxe:P=01, Which givbi you every needed, useful feature. Separate SWitclie's,"proVide a choice of wash and rinse water temperatures, spin and agitater speeds; ' Three -Cycle wpshing selection for complete flexibility,. SERVICE 110111MOMILINIARD1111All A Aft,42'4 `1, , A SulAidiary of Service Electric (Goderich) Ltd. VItTORIA ST. NORTH GODE R IC ssi , • become less dependent upon the stream -especially_ in drought periods, This can be done by digging additional wells and , creating' „large volume storage to-, be filled in-peripds of abundant water. • "Keep surplus land in- tree „cover. In circumstances where land is not going to be 'farmed, the planting of trees and shrubs . of Eers an alternative use • • 4.1114,44,41144,Itc, 44-44-4P "I 4 • ': "', a • ' "It , „ yr. • „ .• aatat ANOTHER VIEW OF HARBOR, WALL DETERIORATION Harbour wall Continued from Page 1 worn. to turn. No one Mentioned , that,......ehe_aortheigt ..Walh was in t. suck,„bad,shape.''.„ Mr. Carroll went on to suggest that if the elevator company wanted to ,get the -necegsary repairs made, -they could contact town council about it and that, body could lend their support to requests for action. It has been agreed by everybne involved -the. elevator " 'company, the mentcipal marina - and the fisheralen---rthaLif the barge could be mdVed back to the location it'oecupied last year along the North East wall, the present problems would be at .ileast alleviated in the beSt, way possible,' if not solved, to the satisfaction of all concerned. The bold up still lies, according .to the Elevator 27----,eCt-mparry--,,,-at.,---least,......4 the. D.O.T,'s reluctance to do anything about the deterioration , of the harbour wall.' Three district fires (Continua, froui Page 1), a.m. • a, fire of undetermined origin clestrOyed a 2,800 sq. ft. barn on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. David, kleCiinchey,. _ RR '1 .Aubrruhrrei. farm, located on Concession 1 of West, Wawanosh Township, is not occUpied by the McClinchey , family. Mrs. Gordon Naylor and her family reside in the .farm home latil at the time, of the blaze, Mrs. .was' confined. to hopitai 1;asserby'reriorted the' fire and the call was ansWered by the Blyth volunteer fire brigade. LoSt ,the fire was about 20 ton of grain and 30 pigs.' The McClineheys oarried 1•11111111111, providing shelter and food for Wildlife. In many situations itnproved water storage, flood control. and ,constant stream flow will be added benefits. In all cases reforeStation iecreases the value of the property.' some insurance on the barn and ' ,haven't decided yet whether or not to rebuild. , “ The third fire was, ironically, _also . the ,third.fire in ,23 years for Julian Delbergue,. -RR.- 3.- Auhurn. . Lightning is believed , to be ithe cause for "the blaze which destroyed his • barn contaiiiiing about 3,0'00 bales of hay. ' • The Delbergues arrived in Canada in 1948 and settle in the Brussels., area. Three ays later their home and all heir ..,..... .. . . . , .. .. poSsessions burned, to ' the ground; . In 1958 'they moved ;Co - Auburn and in 1965 their home i there was -destroyed by fre. „At that Ome, • the DelbergiieS managed to save those personal belongings whieh were 9n- the ground floor of , the hoine although everything on ,the second,floor was loft. • ' . When the, fire in thebarn was *discovered,- Mr. DelbergUe .had time . to save five Small calves which were 'stabled in the buildin The Blyth ,volunteer „fire brigade was summoned. Although Mr. Delbergue is 60 years old, he , is planniq*ro ',rebuild the barn on the property....and he is hoping that the old saying is true -three times and out. Humane Continued from Page 1 .,_ covered by. a,itarpaulin protect the dOgle from the weather. He was to have ample food and, water. The, Budny's say the'dog has bee,n well fed and. watered but that other. conditions at the pound are "shocking" RED CitOSS , IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP _Salary dispute Continued from Pae 1 February when Mrs, J. W. Wallace, Goderich, was chairman pf the salary committee Of the board. As negotiations contirwedeand a settlement wag still not reached, Mrs. Wallace and another • Goderieh board member', Dr. A. B. Deathe,- charged "that the *board' was attem_ pting to offset low farm , income- „ high taxes with * teachers' salaries which were not on a par with teachers in su'rrounding ' Mrs. Wallace and Deathe later xisigned from the board because they could not support the bo ard's • stand ° during negotiations. • • The Huron County Board'of Education was pink -listed by the - secondary school ••teachers .in Ontarid and in retaliation, the Huron secondary school teachers were black -fisted by every secondary school rboard. in the province of Ontario. , FOOTBALL -..COOKED DINNER HAM EPICURE ' ,.• 04 . BY THE PIECE - RINDLESS 'BACON Ib 69 FRONI THE MEAT DEPARTMENT ° EUROPEAN BONELESS BOLOGNA lb. 37' POLISH SAUS,A9E 694,7 LOIN 'PORK .ROAST . 89c, FRESH I ebV6UIZE101.1 A M „ lb. .5 94 - Ili! PORK 'CHOPS ib. 894,, WIENERS lb: 591: Bail PORK RO'AtT i94 BREA.KFAST 'SAUSAGE ..59` COLEMAN'S , 0 • \ BEST BUY!-- DOLE,— Packed in its ewn juice — Sliced, Cruehed, Tid Bit, Churiks 48 oz. 19 OZ TINS EAPPLE Frenc Fries VALLEY FARM - 31/2 lb. Bag BICK'S ‘PICKLES:7::,(7.;,'AL:694 DILLS_ 4 :14 oz. PINEAPPL-GRAPEFRUIT PINEAPPLE -ORANGE " ' " D'ELNIONTE FR:irEEc::1EcAr::, DELN.10..AsNTRATBREANDFRQIT PRINKS FEATURE] — CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES , 19 -oz. PINEAPPLE 2i494 „ KLEENEX TOWELS 4isl 60's " LIPTON 114 -BAGS - 79c 11/4 SOCKEYE SALMON VELVET FLOUR n SWIFT PICNIC SHOULDERS1.39 iioyAL JELLY POVVDERS 10i$11 iisiliTANT CHOCOLATE 794 P "ME CASE OF 24 1.99 4''' , . . SUNMAN - FRESH PROPIKE lit' PRODUCE Or CANADA FRESH 11.69 CORN ...a a BEST BUY DELSEY TISSUE oz PEAS DELMONTE WAX BEANS CREAMED CORN JEOY LIQPID DETER.GENT D TERGENT • ' • THE SCOWESTAN- THE -WEST - 48 oz. 7 'lb. 24 oz. 11,49c .0 4694 4i189 HEINZ TOMATO KETCH4p °z slaiHAFT PEANUT BUTTER 28 oz 00. '0 0 91 VICTORIA STREET *X, AI at 494 44' 79' VANsa 1"14, m t e r ,GODERICII A OPEN NITELY TILL 10' P.M. 4 - 4 a '"